17. dubna 2024

Sayonara Reita - san


Co to bylo za den, kdy mi do práce přišla zpráva o Reitově smrti? Pamatuju si jenom, že mu předcházela nepříjemná noční můra… Ale nenapadlo by mě, že jedna nastane i během dne. Může to znít vtipně, dětinsky, prostě jakkoliv. Že nás tolik ovlivňuje smrt nějakého muzikanta zpoza moře, kterého jsme vlastně ani neznaly a nikdy mu nepotřásly rukou, jenže ono to má mnohem hlubší rozsah, než by se mohlo zdát.

            To dopoledne jsem si to přečetla a musela dál pracovat. Mozek mi nedovolil se v tom nějak nimrat, musela jsem se soustředit. Jenom jsem si řekla U všech kami, to ne. Ale smrtelní jsme všichni. To se stává. Je mi to líto. Po cestě domů přišla první vlna uvědomění. Chtělo se mi pořád koukat někam do nebe, měla jsem snahy pouštět si na jeho počest písničky jeho kapely a pořád jsem byla divně v klidu. Doma mě dohnala deprese, všechno se zlomilo a najednou mi stačil nepříjemný pohled a chtělo se mi brečet. Od té doby sedím na internetu, čtu všechny kondolence, spekulace, zprávy, koukám na klipy a koncerty a je mi to všechno líto. Ta krásná slova od fanoušků, co zažili, jak kvůli koncertu pracovali, aby na něj měli, jak je ovlivnil… Krásná slova od kolegů jako Miyavi, Sugizo…

            Jak se mají kluci? Co se vlastně stalo? Co s nimi bude dál? Dneska přišlo vyjádření jich všech a nemůžeme se zbavit dojmu, jako by s tím už byli chvíli smíření, jako kdyby věděli, že se to stane. Byl nemocný? Kdo ví… Co to musí znamenat pro ně?

            Jedno ale víme. On a The Gazette ovlivnili naše životy. Díky nim jsme se dostali k lásce k Japonsku. Díky nim jsme poznali opravdové přátele, někteří i lásky, díky nim máme své koníčky, někdy i vzdělání. To oni nás k tomu přivedli. Když jsme byli v pubertě a hltali každé slovo o nich. Vytvarovali nás do lidí, kterými jsme dnes. Byla to ta naše první kapela a pořád ji máme nejraději. Jako kdyby to byli nějací naši vzdálení kamarádi, protože kontakt s nimi byl vždycky takový opravdový. Videa, rádia, koncerty, legrácky, rozhovory, tweety…

            To uvědomění, že jsme ho viděli jen jednou a už ho nikdy neuvidíme je smutné. Nepříjemné. Život jde dál a Rei by nechtěl ubulené tváře kolem sebe. Jak sám říkával Usměj se, život může být mnohem těžší. A tak se tam někam, kde jsi usmějeme a usmějeme se pokaždé, když uvidíme tvou fotku, něco si přečteme, podíváme se na koncert. Tak si tě chceme pamatovat.

             Díky za všechno, Reita-san.

S úctou Tenshi a Akurai


What did he mean by eternity when he said at the end, "I want the GazettE to be forever''?

I'm sure Reita hopes that the best scenery he saw from the stage in 2023 will continue forever.

The scenery I saw with my fans, the happy faces of my fans, the scenery where we could all sing together.

That is an irreplaceable treasure.

I thought that I wished that moment could last forever.


I remember him saying he wanted to do a live show soon.

Even though we hate 22ND NIVERSA, we still get together with the band members like this.

He was a kind and passionate man who could honestly say, "I'm happiest when I can laugh.''

I loved that honesty.

This year is no different, and every year we joke about telling each other to take care of our health every birthday.

The band will never be just four people. No matter what anyone says.

You're my only bassist.

I believe that your soul is always next to me.

Everyone should feel it, even if they can't see it.

The proof of Reita's life that has been accumulated at the GazettE until now will not disappear and will definitely live on.

I believe so and will continue to sing next to you so that Reita's soul can stay right next to me.

I will never become the GazettE that Reita hates.

I don't want you to feel sad.

In this way, I believe that although all human beings live within a finite limit, their souls will never disappear.

Reita's spirit, the members, myself, and fans too.

Even if all of the people who loved me become their souls, I will continue to perform live performances that will make them want to come and see me on stage forever.


To all the fans who have supported REITA thus far.

I think he was a tremendous support to everyone, and to me as well.

Personally, he is no longer here, and we will never be able to stand on stage together.

I have not been able to accept and realize the fact that it will not come.

There may be many things that we will gradually come to understand from now on.

I strongly feel that if I continue to wallow in sadness, I won't be able to fulfill his wish for eternity, so now is the time when I need the strength to look forward and move forward.

I think the path he has walked together with everyone so far has been irreplaceable to him, and I think it will continue to live in everyone's hearts and for me.

He has given me so much, and we have been together for so long, and he will always be my best friend.

Please keep in your heart the many words, memories, and love he left behind for all of you.

REITA will continue to exist and live in everyone's hearts.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who has supported and supported the GazettE REITA.


For a long time now, the members and a small number of staff members have been working on a variety of tasks, saying things like, "Oh, no, no, no,'' but writing this sentence was the one thing I didn't want to do.

There have been moments when I felt like giving up on my dreams.

He talks with them over and over again, and sometimes he pushes them and pulls on their arms to keep them from giving up and giving up.

Because we were a band like that, the GazettE was able to keep going without stopping.

REITA, you're not someone who wishes for eternity, you're someone who connects eternity.

I can't say such a clever line to you like, "I'll shoulder your burden.''

I wanted to play more music with you and see more scenery together.

No matter what the scenery is, it's amazing to see these five people surrounded by fans.

I don't know why, but there are so many things I want to say, but it's so painful not to be able to do them.

Anyway, if I go over there, I'll start with an extra-large sermon.

I intend to. It must be sad that we're suddenly gone.

Until then, take a good rest.

I have a little more to do here.

Thank you for walking this long journey together. Please rest in peace.


For me, REITA has been an immeasurably huge presence, I have been saved by his many words and sounds, he is the mood maker for the band, my memories are filled with really happy memories, and most of all, the way he shines on stage. There is only that.

He is the best partner and the only one in the rhythm section. That has never changed and will never change.

I would like to carry his thoughts on my shoulders and continue working on the GazettE with even greater resolve.

Lastly, I would like to thank all the fans and everyone involved who have supported me for 22 years. Thank you very much.

We would like to continue to run as a group of five members, so we ask for your continued support.


Thank you for your hard work.

I will continue to protect the Ga zettE with my many friends with the same feelings... I promise.

There are many friends waiting for you who don't want to waste your 22 years.

You should definitely show your face at the live show!

Let's have some good sake again.


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