27. února 2023

NeoGenesis Vol. 50, the GazettE - Kai


Kai , the one who has the dream of continuing on as the GazettE with the current five members for as long as possible, talks to us about how, compared to his days as a student, he feels most youthful in the present.

I: Have you cried lately?

K: Nope, I'm not the sympathetic type. I can't really recall crying lately.

I: What about tears of frustration?

K: I've cried tears of joy, but not tears of frustration. I think that crying won't solve anything, and even if there are times when you want to cry, it will only make you feel a little better. We should live life looking forward.

I: Well, what about a girl's tears, do they have any effect on you?

K: I think they're a little sneaky. I'm not saying that they don't feel refreshed after they've cried, but maybe it's a girl's special privilege to cry (laughs). Part of the reason why we forgive them is because they are girls.

I: Does it make things difficult if they cry?

K: It makes me think “What should I do?” In my opinion, it's much more fun talking to a girl who is strong emotionally. Instead of going “This is what happened” when she is feeling down, I'd prefer “This is what happened, but what do you think about it?”, because I feel “Ah! That's annoying” in regards to the former. Personally, I don't like gloomy thoughts, so a girl who is optimistic is much better.

I: What do you think is the difference between passion and love?

K: My impression of passion is that it's something that can happen anytime.

I: Ooh~

K: When one falls for another person, it's just at his own convenience, isn't it? It has nothing to do with having a partner, but to me when you think of things like “Oh, she's cute”, these are the kinds of feelings that fall under passion. Which is why it's something that can happen anytime, but love on the other hand is something that isn't just about yourself.

I: So since you're usually feeling like your heart is throbbing with excitement, would you say you are someone who falls for someone easily?

K: Well, it's alright for me if it doesn't actually develop into love. When you're walking along the street isn't it normal to say things like “Oh~that girl's cute”. Although I think that for someone to become your lover or even family, it's not a relationship that can be formed so easily.

I: Compared to being in love, it's definitely when you're in the earlier stages of feeling love when your heart can easily be broken.

K: Yeah, but it's only when you have a broken heart can you mature, right.

I: Oh~a wise saying! As one would expect of a guy whose heart is easily swayed. (laugh)

K: (laughs) No, no! It's just, having crushes is simply fun, but when two people are in love with each other, that's when things get interesting.

I: For you, passion leaves a stronger impression than a crush, right?

K: Yeah, but what I feel towards the fans is not affection, it's love. I don't want it to be destroyed.

I: It's an everlasting feeling right.

K: I love them the same way I love my family. Something I want to protect.

I: Are you a person who feels lonely easily?

K: I'm definitely not. I love being by myself. When we're on long tours, I don't feel homesick, and I like going places by myself.

I: Rather, having time to yourself is important.

K: Not having personal time is out of the question. During my middle school and high school years, my friends would usually say “you're horrible at socializing.” Now that I think about it, I unconsciously didn't make time for them and also rejected them too. I'm the type that's bad with group of friends.

I: So would you be alright if you were by yourself for the rest of your life?

K: That's absolutely fine (laughs). Well, that's different though. I want to get married, so I think a family would be no problem.

I: What's the band's dream?

K: When the band first started, we wanted to be known everywhere, but, of course, that has changed. There were things like wanting to perform in a certain kind of venue or wanting the band to become even bigger, but I've come to think that I only want to continue on as a band with these 5 people for as long as we can.

I: You said you want the GazettE to keep on going.

K: Yeah, that's truly what I want. It's fun being together with everyone, so of course I want to continue on like this. I want us to keep going for 10, 20 years but I don't know how things will turn out. I get anxious, but I can't—and don't even want to—think about the day where it all comes to an end.

I: You guys have been together for 8 years doing fun things together wholeheartedly, that's amazing.

K: It's not really that amazing. Compared to my middle school and high school days, I feel much more youthful now. I think it's a happy thing, everyone says that their past is filled with fun memories and how they want to go back to those days. It's been 8 years and we've already come so far, even if we became a useless band, it'll remain as something precious to me.

I: Something you want to destroy?

K: Hmm...something I want to destroy, maybe convention? It's usually like that right? I think that if I changed the way I look at things, things would be more surprising and interesting. Although, even if I wanted to change it, I wouldn't be able to. It's natural that I want to question things, whether it's about music or lifestyle. For example, there are fans that worry and complain about not finding their dreams, but if you break your own conventions and go for a different approach, maybe you can suddenly find one.

I: So take drums for example, how would you apply breaking convention to that?

K: I have my own way of thinking, so I tend to think, “If I approach it this way, things will end up like this”, when I am drumming. Compared to the other members' compositions, the drums aren't as detailed, and I can take a fresh approach. I can give them the impression that “Ah~so you can do it this way too.” If I were able to do this, wouldn't it be a power-up for me? Everyone put in their share of the work, so if the composition didn't have these 3 parts, things wouldn't work out (laughs).

I: Something you want to control at the moment?

K: The number one thing that I should control is my health. I have my mom to thank because she brought me up as a healthy kid. Therefore, it's important that I stay in control of my physical condition so I don't ruin it, because I think one's eating habits has major influences on a healthy body.

I: So you would say meals are important?

K: Absolutely. Up until now I wasn't really worried about the things that I eat. But come to think of it, I don't really eat picked stuff willingly. That's something I have to control as well. I don't think so much about calories, but lately all I've been eating is meat, so maybe I should eat some fish. Oh, and when I get into the hotel I always rinse my mouth and wash my hands.

I: As a prevention against the cold right?

K: Yeah, it's troublesome only for me, but it's alright. If I got the band members and staff sick that would be bad.

I: Please tell me a memory you can't let go of.

K: The SIX GUNS TOUR Final at Budoukan is a scene I'll never forget. I don't really remember the details of the lives we've done, but for that particular live, even up till now, the set list is engraved in my memory. I even remember things like missing steps. Every time we do a live at Budoukan, I feel refreshed.

I: Must be because it was the first live at Budoukan.

K: Somehow it feels like we took one step up the ladder. I guess you can say it was a tour where the fans, the staff and the members climbed up those steps together. That's why I think it would be nice if Tokyo Dome became in that very same way. It's kind of a weird way of putting it, but I want to implant the remaking of the scene at Budoukan within me.


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