25. května 2022

Kaoru likes beer, dislikes parties.


Kaoru was featured on Tattoo Tribal vol. 61 (2014).
I don't like any of the English translations I found on the web, so I got my hands on the scans and translated the thing from scratch, again. It took a while. But here it is. Enjoy the ride.
ART | What do you think about when you think about art?
薫: I sometimes visit art galleries, but I'm not that into that type of art. That's just what people think of as "art." Personally, I'm more interested in the little things that catch my eye in everyday life: it can be a flower blooming somewhere unexpected, an odd cloud...
BATTLE | Fought any battles recently?
薫: Eugh, I don't know...
TT: For instance, when you're working on a new album. Do the members fight, or are you kind of stoic about it?
薫: It depends. If we happen to disagree, we talk it out. We always try to understand where the other's coming from.
TT: So you guys don't fight?
薫: Not lately, no. A while back, we'd fight over the stupidest things (laughs.) So yes, you could say that we're no strangers to fighting. But we're a lot less hot-headed now, we don't really fight anymore.
COMPUTER | These days, computers have become a staple in music-making. Is this a bad thing?
薫: Everything's computer-based. Could we still make songs without computers? We technically could, but that would mean spending a lot of time in the studio, recording together. Like "3-2-1, go!" All of us in the same place at the same time, making music from scratch. One can make great music like that, but at this point I can't imagine having to do it all without any help from computers.
DREAM | Would you say that your band dreams have come true?
薫: Well... when I was young and I really wanted to be in a band, all I wanted was to be on stage and play the guitar. You know, putting a band together, playing our own songs, having a blast. I just wanted to play in a band. So yes, considering how long I've been playing in a band by now, I'd say my dream came true.
EUROPE | What makes Europe so charming?
薫: Old buildings and streets are cherished and preserved. They don't just randomly build sky-scrapers like we do in Japan. Instead, they preserve old buildings, even in big cities. I really like it that managed to preserve their past and traditions to this day.
FAN | What do you think about the band's current relationship with its fans?
薫: I might not be someone who's overly expressive about how much I treasure my fans, but I hope I manage to show them how I feel through our music and live performances. Be it through music or even cover art, my goal is to reach them somehow, to have them experience things. That's my way of showing appreciation.
GUITAR | What do you look for when choosing a guitar?
薫: Right now I'm not into vintage stuff, I pick guitars that produce the sound that matches what I have in mind.
HAMBURG | They say that you like hamburgers.
薫: Well, that was before! (laughs) It's not that I hate them now, but if I have the choice, when I'm at the studio or something, I won't go for a burger. These days I prefer pork and chicken over beef. What the heck was that question? (laughs.)
INSTRUMENTAL | It seems that Dir En Grey is all about instrumental stuff.
薫: We don't do instrumentals, but we do play sounds that help us achieve the atmosphere that we want, as well as a bridge between songs. Whatever works. As long as the instrumental's striking, you know it's a Dir En Grey kind of sound (laughs.)
JOY| Tell us about something you enjoyed recently.
薫: The Hanshin Tigers beating the Yomiuri Giants during the climax series (laughs.)
KARAOKE | We got wind that you like karaoke.
薫: No way! I hate it, I haven't been to a karaoke in over 20 years.
TT: What is it that you dislike about it?
薫: My voice is low, I can't hit high notes. Also, my throat is pretty weak, it gets dry after a single chorus. So yeah, I hate karaoke (laughs.)
LUXURY | Tell us about a recent splurge of yours.
薫: Using my time wisely. I'm usually very busy making music or touring. So, it makes me genuinely happy when I get to spend time without thinking about anything in particular. Wondering what to do with my free time, making plans... it really feels like a luxury.
MAGAZINE | Do you read magazines?
薫: Not quite, any least not recently. I just look up stuff to read online.
TT: What was the last magazine you read?
薫: Well... I don't remember. I don't buy magazines often. I don't really like having a bunch of mags strewn around when I get home, so I avoid buying them.
NEW ALBUM OR NUMBER | Your new album's title is Arche. Did you pick the title after you were done with the songs?
薫: No, we came up with the title Arche while we were still working on it. Around that time, we still couldn't see the full picture, how it was going to turn out. That's when Kyo suggested we call it Arche, but I wasn't having it at first. Then, the album began leaning in the direction of expressing our real-ness, the mutual feeling that some things can only come to be in the present moment. I began to think that Arche (foundation*) made sense after all.
*In Ancient Greek philosophy, arche (ἀρχή) stood for a primal element, origin, beginning, or first principle (NT)
TT: Would you say that this album is very different from your previous work? Or is it just its natural progression?
薫: I's say it's quite different. Some of our previous work was not intended for first-time listeners. With Arche, we wanted to create something with a wider reach.
TT: What's the main takeaway from this album?
薫: It's easy to see the big picture. Some songs are simple, but they have several different moments, and I think they'll become interesting the more you listen to them. So I'd advise listeners to pay close attention.
ONSTAGE | What kind of tour can we expect from By the grace of God?
薫: We've been using video in our concerts up until now, but for this tour we still haven't decided what they'll be like. We're planning on changing them as we go along. Otherwise, I don't have a specific image of how the shows will play out just yet.
PARADOX | What would you be, had you not become a guitarist?
薫: Before Dir En Grey, I worked several part-time jobs. I actually worked there long enough to find myself in a manager position! (laughs) So I'd say I could do pretty much anything. Except riding a packed train on a daily basis (laughs.)
QUAKE | Did your concept of Dir en grey change after the disaster?
薫: When tragedy strikes, the rug is pulled right from beneath your feet. I don't know when Dir En Grey will end, or when I'll no longer be able to play the guitar. I felt compelled to live life to the fullest, to live with no regrets. More than that, it helped me realise that not everything you see on TV is right, you should investigate and think for yourself.
RECORD | We heard that you like record stores.
薫: Lately I use the internet for everything, I don't really go to physical stores anymore. But I did in the past - I tried to assimilate all kinds of different things, so I'd scour record stores, hunting for new records. More recently, though, I can't seem to find any sounds that I like right off the bat, so I resort to listening to the same music I've been into for ages.
TT: Now that you say it, what artists do you listen to time and again?
薫: There are many, but I listen to The Beatles quite a lot.
SCHOOL | When you were in school, were you into tattoos?
薫: I knew about tattoos, some seniors had them, and the bad crowd also had them (laughs.) But back then, I didn't think about getting any myself.
TT: Do you have any advice for your fans who are still in school?
薫: I don't think I was a pro at school life (laughs.) I only went to school to be with my friends. Sometimes I'd be late, but I always went. In school one can talk, discuss different ideas with people, right? It's fine to live in your own world, but if you can go somewhere where you have things in common with others, you should make good use of it and have fun.
TATTOO | Recently we talked about you getting new tattoos, are they done now?
薫: Nope, on some of them only the lining is done, so they're not finished. But recently I haven't been able to pay my tattoo artist a visit.
TT: Oh, you haven't seen him recently?
薫: Oh, I've seen him.
TT: So you're not just his customer, you guys are friends.
薫: We are. Every now and then he tells me that we should continue working on my tattoo, but I just tell him I'll stop by later (laughs.)
TT: Have you guys worked together on any collaborations before?
薫: It's something that we talked about, if we ever have the chance. But we don't have any plans for now.
TT: Recently, tattoos were banned at establishments near the beach. So it sounds as if the way we view tattoos is changing. Have your thoughts on tattoos changed since we last interviewed you four years ago?
薫: No, I haven't changed my mind. All of my tattoos have a meaning to me, so it's not like I'm going to get tired of them. It doesn't matter how long I've had them, they become a part of me the moment I get them.
UPGRADE | Would you say the new album improved some aspects of how you work as a band?
薫: The other members and I talked about doing more than just continuing down the beaten path - we wanted to cherish the power that naturally flows from us as a band. We reconsidered our song creation process, the way we sometimes move forward without checking in with the others. So I think that's something we worked on.
VOICE | When Kyo's voice is added to the music, do the songs turn out to be how you imagined them? Considering you're the one who writes the music.
薫: They usually aren't. But that's not just Kyo's vocals, it's each member and their different parts. And yet that's what's interesting about being in a band. It's always a surprise how it'll turn out. Then I make my own suggestions, we'll talk it out a bit before we finalise things.
WORLD | Where do you want to visit again?
薫: Europe. Because there are so many different countries, and drinks in each country all taste completely different. Say, in the USA, the beer all tastes the same. But in Europe, there's a ton of different beers, and it's so fun to try them all. Even in countries that are very close to each other, they all have different kinds. I never get bored while touring.
TT: So, when you think about touring different countries, you think about drinking?
薫: Well, yeah, that's true (laughs.) That's the kind of thing I remember. Otherwise I only remember the venues and a few places here and there. I might remember the mood of a gig, but I can't recall what country we played it in (laughs.)
TT: Is there a country that you haven't been to and that you'd like to visit?
薫: South East Asia: Malaysia,Thailand... we never played there, and I'd like to go.
XMAS | How do you usually spend Christmas?
薫: The usual (laughs.) I don't anything specific.
TT: So, you don't even throw a party with your friends?
薫: I don't quite like parties. I understand that people do, but as far as I'm concerned, I'd rather just go out drinking with my people. I never liked the word "party" (laughs.)
TT: So no parties for you, you just go out for drinks with friends.
薫: That's it, that's what I'd rather do (laughs.)
YEAR | What kind of year will 2015 be for you?
薫: It's going to be all about concerts, I think. Seeing how our songs evolve from gig to gig, giving our best... that kind of year. Yet I also yearn to do something new. I don't know what it will be just yet, but I hope I'll be able to do something interesting.
ZOMBIE HEROEZ | Speaking of your first tattoo, Zombie Heroez, would you like to share any advice with people who want to get inked?
薫: First, don't lose your self-confidence when you get tattooed. People will look at you differently. One could say life changes when you're tattooed. It's no use letting your life be shaken up because you got one, or getting a piece you'll regret. Instead, embrace it.


4 komentáře:

  1. Přemýšlím, začnu dělat cz překlady i těchto článků. 🤔 Ale ještě nevím no. 🤔

    1. Ono, když to člověk překládá poctivě, tak to žere hrozně čas, no :(

    2. Já překládám z vietnamštiny přes překladač a je to hrozná piplačka.

    3. To jsi hustej, já jedu jen z angličtiny :D
