3. dubna 2022

Best Actor Vol.6 Interview Translation


-This time, Masahiro Inoue has released as a CD the song used as a battle theme in Kamen Rider Decade, "Ride the Wind". As a more experienced performer (lit. daisempai- of much higher rank or experience, as a mentor), Gackt, what are your honest thoughts?

Gackt (G below): That's right. He needs to practice more.

Inoue (I below): Aaargh!! (laughs)

- Should he have put more feeling into it?

G: No, I think as far as putting feeling into it goes, he's already done that. It's not that... For example, even if you think "I like this person", you can't transmit the feeling of liking them. It's not because you have the feeling of liking them so strongly, so much that you can transmit it. What's important is the presentation to the utmost of your ability. It's not just how much feeling you have, it's how much you can convey that feeling to the outside world. So it's that if you put trying to be able to convey those feelings above clarifying "What do I want to convey", you'll get your first passing grade as an artist. Maybe if you understand that, you'll be able to go on doing as you thought as an singer and actor.

I: I agree. It's like that. I tried realistically to sing, and I was cautious there. There are a lot of things you don't understand until you try it.

G: Because everything is from now on, right? What's important is what you think about when performing, in this moment now, what you think about when singing, what you think about when standing on stage. I think there are a lot of people who think, if you're good at singing, you can be a vocalist. There are a lot of people in the world who are good at singing. Acting is the same. However, it's not as simple as saying they can all be first class performers, right?

I: Right.

G: For example, it's like saying that a store that sells delicious food will definitely become popular. In the first place, if they're doing business by serving food, it should naturally be delicious, right? And if the food is good, it definetly doesn't mean that it doesn't matter what the decor is like, it doesn't matter what the music in the shop is like, it doesn't matter what the staff's attitude is like. No matter how delicious the food in a ramen shop is, if the old guy carries the soup out to you with his finger sticking in it, aren't you going to think "Give me a BREAK!"?

I: Hahahahaha.

-Being good at singing is expected. Furthermore, if you aim above that, everything connected to the song is important.

G: Naturally you should aim at being skilled, but it's no good if you don't focus on the things ahead of that. So everything is a presentation. Even this interview I'm doing now is a method of conveying my thoughts to the world. TV programs are the same. I think that becomes an approach. Inside, there are people who of the stance they don't need to appear on TV, that they don't need media coverage. But that's because it's a style they do to the utmost.

- The decision not to appear is also a method.

G: Right. As a performer, more than just appearing on stage, everything is connected in it's presentation. If media coverage is your weak point, you don't have to use that method. If that's their style, it's definitely not a wrong decision. Other performers each have their own way of doing things, like I have mine. And I think from now on, he too will go on to find his own. As he gathers different kinds of experiences. For that reason, he should try doing different things now.

I: Yes. I have the intention "I'll try it for now". Up until now, when I was trying sports, without forcing it or fixing upon anything from the beginning, I decided to try changing for the time being, and in doing that, I learned many things I grasped and came to apply them practicably. From now on I want to apply Gackt's words dilligently, and go on steadily doing anything and everything.

- You've really got to have a sense of respect for Gackt, who can talk so understandably about "presentation"

I: Yeah. He's already really my textbook. I want to read him over and over again.

G: What are you on about? (laughs)

- Do you usually consult him?

I: No, I don't consult him...it's not that I don't, but (laughs). It's a consultation but it's not a consultation.

- Meaning?

I: I don't consult him with things like "What should I do after this?", and I don't want to. It's not that, but thoughts like "I don't want to stop here, I want to run on forever", he listens to it for me

- I see. Certainly, you want to be Gackt's equal as a man?

I: Being his equal might be hard, but I think I'm going to try it without saying it's impossible! (laughs)

- There's no such thing as impossible, right?

G: Of course. Because in the first place, if he were the kind of person to say it's impossible at this point, I wouldn't be here with him for this interview. He can feel the possibilities, and he's trying harder than anything. So, he wants to quickly take what he can from me, and I want to convey what I can teach and pass on. That isn't something I can feel about just anyone.

- It's a wonderful bond, isn't it?

G: Of course, I think it's a connection. I myself, too, have had those kinds of connections before. My life up until I was 19 was a boring one of just existing, like shit. Destructive, ruining, exclusionist, truly a life like a ball of negatives. But I met a certain person when I was 19, and that became my turning point. I myself felt disgust towards my way of living at the time, and I think I wanted to find a different way of living. At that time I was told this by that person, "Going on just passing time like this, is that the life you want to live out? Or is the life you want to live out one that you can feel is interesting and fun? Which is better?" That person taught me many things, but that was the biggest. It echoed in my heart. And from that time, I think my life finally began. So, I want to push on the backs of people who are trying hard. Because I was like that.

I: And, having recieved Gackt's push on my back, I too want to become able to push on someone's back.

G: Right. It's a relay race. In the end, we both may be like that, but someday we will die. But even if my physical body perishes, I believe my beliefs and thoughts can be handed down. By handing them down like that, I think I can live forever. So I think then my life has meaning.

- Even the Kamen Rider series is a show about continuing to live in sucession.

I: Recently, childern have been sending me letters saying "I want to be strong like Tsukasa". I want those aspiring children to continue chasing their dreams. So the Kamen Rider and I, are both trying our hardest to be an existence like that.

- Those feelings are probably connected to growth, right? Gackt, do even you want to grow more?

G: Of course!

- People are hoping you'll expand worldwide from now on, aren't they.

G: I, because I have a lot of fans who believe in me, I want to keep showing them hopes and dreams. I don't want to betray them. Standing in front of people and showing my back, I think it's something like that.

I: I want to make it to where Gackt is as well. Even if my way of doing it is different, I want to do it with greatness like Gackt. Someday I'll surely catch up to him, overtake him...no, I'll be him!

G: I'm looking foward to it.


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