6. prosince 2021

The end is beginning by the new journey and a new chapter starts now (2003)


"The time of revolution"
>>What did you think last year was going to be like when you released your first solo album, "ROENTGEN" and acted in a movie?
HYDE:It was really a year full of varieties, that's what I think. The year before that I had kept myself working in my room all the time. I was also really impressed because I got to promote and go to the ski resort in Taiwan.
>>The three important things, right?
>>Mm...I understand the first two but the ski resort? *laughs*
HYDE: I really wanted to go snowboarding. The year before this I just stayed in my room and didn't go anywhere. So this year I figured that anywhere would be good. Therefore, since the break in the promotion I got to go. *laughs* But that was after all the work was finished.
>>Did staying the room only have any side effects?
HYDE: There were some, because I would drink a lot of beer. But last year if anyone ever asked me to go drinking, I would decline.
>>Eh? Why did you do that?
HYDE: Mm....I was thinking that I would write songs at home and I had intended to write all my songs within half a year. But in the end it took a whole year, so I would decline immediately. I felt bad actually. My motto used to be, "If any friends invites me for a drink, I would have to go."
>>Motto, huh? *laughs* Mm...if you got invited that is.
HYDE: I would go out as much as possible, so I ended up drinking a lot.
>>In the end, you encoutered many new things, an experience in which you recieved inspiration from those new things.
HYDE: Mm...it's not exactly like that. Ah....the new things I encountered was DA! *everyone cracks up laughing* Even if you don't understand that right? "This is pretty good." My surroundings and it's environment don't really have any effect on me making music.
>>Ah. So there's a hyde-kun that writes music, and hyde-kun that's normal right?
HYDE: I understand that it's perfect now because the lyrics I've written makes me think of the past. But I haven't witten any lyrics yet so I don't know. (errr....this part was really hard to translate, I really have no idea what he's saying T_T -D.T.)
>>You haven't written any new songs since you finished promoting your album last year?
HYDE: Aa, I've written practically nothing. But I finished composing songs ever since Autumn.
>>A piece of work of which you have no intention of doing?
HYDE: Well, I intend to do what I can *laughs* But because I have to do so many things I don't feel like I'm "stuck on one thing."
>>What you mean by not stuck on one thing is the feeling you had when you were in the movie right? Did your "chi" (balance of power) drop?
HYDE:Hmm...probably when I went there (Taiwan). Around August, I think.
>>Why did you decide to be in a movie?
HYDE: My reason? I forget. But...hmm..probably because of Gackt-kun? I call him Gacchan. Gacchan said that he wanted to eat lunch with me as acquaintances.
>>Is that so? You've had no previous contact with him?
HYDE: Yes, when he was in Malice Mizer, we met a few times in the dressing room (argh! hentai thoughts! XD -D.T.). After that when we went on the TV show, we would chat a little but never really face to face. But it was interesting. So I agreed to go eat with him. I think I heard him say, "Don't you want to try and be in a movie?"
>>Eh? He just said that out of the blue?
HYDE: Yeah, out of the blue. When he said it that time though, I didn't agree to it yet. Well, I really had no reason to. It was a normal thing that had nothing to do with me because I like designing better (clothes? -D.T.). Aside from this, I really have no interest. But at the time he said, "Why not? It'd be fun." So I thought about it *laughs* So even now, me being in the movie wasn't something I intended. but when I heard Gacchan's words, I felt "I'll try it." But I didn't say yes or no.
>>You had the thought of trying it, huh?
HYDE: Mm...even then, "What I'm going to do is to act." It seems that the acting was an idea I had hid from myself. It seemed fun, but the final reason on why I chose to do it, I don't know myself.
HYDE: Er..."It's okay if I act?" was the question I asked myself many times. "What would happen if I do it?" *everyone cracks up laughing* Many times, I asked Gacchan and all the staff members, "What will it be like? Is it really okay for me to do it?" I repeated it over and over again. Because I was afraid that I wouldn't pass the camera test. The first time I was on scene with Gacchan I had to ask everyone about everything I saw. So I felt really tense and stressed out.
>>hahaha *everyone cracks up laughing* So what advices did you give?
HYDE: I wanted to see the silence, something that was added. People seeing me and being bothered with the camera tests are something that "I don't want to face ever again." From now on that is. When I agree to something, I'm compelled to do it. But I had answered yes, so I really wanted to do it well.
>>Being in a movie with Gackt-kun must've increased your liking and fascination with acting in movies.
HYDE: Probably, he's really a smart person, any idea he comes up with are funny. That's what I know. Another thing is that he likes to quote dramas, "I want the wind to blow us away now." And he's always full of ideas, that's what I heard at least.
>>*everyone laughing their heads off*
HYDE: "mm mm mm" , "is that so?" , "this is perfect" I felt that way *laughs* Probably because I had to go to his house once due to the movie deal, "I want to layout plans here" I think I said that. Why? Because it seemed fun.
>>Even if it didn't have anything to do with music?
HYDE: Mm...to the naked eye it would seem different, but it's not weird to do it. It's just like doing music with someone else. For example, no matter who wrote the song in our band, Ken would always be the one to slowly arrange it. I feel familiar with that feeling. It may seem and sound different but, that "difference" is something new.
>>Oh, is that so? Even if you do it often, every step you take looks and sounds different. You've probably heard that many times.
HYDE: Mmm yeah *laughs* Personally, I wouldn't tolerate things that I don't like. If I really did try to do it, I think I said it before about the difference in the shape and sound, which is the same most of the time. PVs are made slowly and to the way that I like. Limits? I don't know if what I'm trying to do is similar to being in an urgent situation. Is there a difference between PVs and a movie? It just seems to me like movies are a long version of PVs. Because in PVs there are scenes that you have to act in continuously, no? Plus the scenes I have to act in doesn't seem to make much sense. In an elaborate way, I think it's close to acting. Something that I won't stand if I hate it. (mm...O_O I think what he means here is that he won't stand to do something he hates. So if he didn't like the movie or its script, he wouldn't have done it? >O< -D.T.)
>>But the fact that you don't tolerate the things you hate pushes you to "go over to the other side" which you probably have some reasons hidden within right?
HYDE: mm...but as to what it is, I don't know.
>>Last year you stayed in your room all the time, did it have any side effects (err...she just asked the exact same question beforehand, so I reworded it ^O^" -D.T.)
HYDE: Probably. I felt that finally all the work was done, and the album was completed, that's what I wanted to say. I have no strength after I finish a song. What would I do after that? That's probably the moment I'll do it.
>>Oh right, you filmed the movie in Taiwan, how did it feel to get hands-on experience on the set?
HYDE: mm...how should I say it? Probably the actors. I first thought that they'd be okay actors, nothing great but when I met them, it was nothing like that. When the camera began to roll, everyone was a professional. "It's totally different from what I had thought." *laughs* And I learned something new everyday.
>>You didn't think it was anything special, that you didn't have to follow your own rules? Including the acting that was sent to you. A feeling that could be called "do you want to try acting?"
HYDE: No, it was nothing like that. Acting and following the script is actually really hard to do.
>>Aa then is acting naturally hard to do?
HYDE: Of course it is. Most of the time I would act according to the script, but at times when there was no script, I was told to just be myself. "What?" *laughs* For example, when I go to the bathroom I would turn on the things in there and they should work normally. Even though somethings happened 10 years ago, I would still have to act it out. *everyone laughs* But the scripts that were written urgently, "Eh? How is it?" You'd feel surprised right? And "how do you turn this on? where do I press the button?" *laughs* (O_O????? -D.T.)
>>That is true, it's a feeling that is totally unnatural.
HYDE: But no matter what you have to act as natural as possible no matter how hard it is.
>>Nothing changes in a professinal actor's life, so they are able to act naturally.
HYDE: It's probably that way. They don't feel that it's not natural, whatever they do is not anything from the norm. But I see it as, when it's shown on screen then it looks natural.
>>Opposite from your role, what kind of image did you want from the people around you?
HYDE: When I went to the set, I had to be strong and not weak. I felt that it was my own point of view.
>>When you read the script, you acted it out according to the way you felt. And that's the picture that was reflected?
HYDE: mm mm yes.
>>What kind of role did you recieve?
HYDE: I was one who believed in destiny. During my eternal life I met a certain person, even though I saw him grow up, I was suffering. But while all those things were happening I met Gacchan who was a mafia. So a fight began, and I slowly became an adult.
>>Someone who believed in destiny? Even if a person's life is forordained, but don't you want to try and do something different?
HYDE: I probably wont't do anything *smiles* If I didn't want to play this role, I don't think there was any need to yell for me.
>>*everyone cracks up*

HYDE: Usually when it comes to acting, I would say "this isn't me."
>>When you were on cover last year, the topic was a vampire right? Did you already talk about the movie deal then?
HYDE: I think it was a bit afterwards.
>>Mm...it was probably just a coincidence then.
HYDE: mm...
>>This was the first time you were on the silver screen, the first time you acted for real.
HYDE: That is different from everyone else, in a good way. If it was a normal role, anyone could have done it. Maybe the reason I got the role this time was because I had reccomendation from Gacchan. But, "even if I'm a musician, it should be okay." When I talked to Gacchan, I decided to try it.
>>How did you memorize the script?
HYDE: Reading the script was jus like a live where I had to memorize all the lyrics.
>>It's the same?
HYDE: Very close. When I see the script I'm able to remember my lines, and when I see the lyrics to a song, if I sing it, I would remember it. Over and over again, I would remember it. It's probably a "good start" right? "One two three four" is the counting for the drums during a live. So it really felt that way.
>>Did you feel like you were on stage when you were an actor?
HYDE: Yeah yeah, many times I felt "this is just like a live." Before, lives were played to see a different perspective of the world, because after that it would begin, and after that it would end the counting. And I would gradually write songs that respond to a changed world. This is probably like a movie. Before singing, there would be some conversations, and that's normal. While singing I go into that world. "It's just like it" (okay...I think he means that going on stage to perform a live is like going into a different world, and that going on the set to acting is also like going into a different world? -D.T.)
>>Changing your role seemed to be a very smooth transition, you felt that it was harmonious?
HYDE:That's what I mean, but of course I wasn't familiar with the location. Revolting by words. The "lines" I had to say even now are different. Before this it was all just songs, so this changed the conversations with its words. So it was obviously different. I think it's like that. But even then, the things I already have seemed to change *laughs* It's not a baseball batt and a ballpoint pen. I experimented but always failed. I'm a professional in singing, but when it comes to these things I'm a total newbie. (so I guess the movie caused him to think differently and act differently? It gave him more perspectives than just the musical one he used to have...-D.T.)
>>Did you talk about that with Gackt-kun?
HYDE: I did, because I was told to "laugh naturally" so I couldn't do it. It's actually really hard. The first problem was the feeling about acting. It's hard to become friends right away with people you've just met. But I didn't feel that way at all when we were filming. We would only meet for a few hours but eventually it felt like, "we've been friends for many many years." That wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.
>>Mmm...all the hassle made you grow up. The many days that you guys met and worked together was just like a live tour right?
HYDE: Ah, yeah. I felt like I was on tour in a different country.
>>The set allowed for reporters to come, so it was fun.
HYDE: Yes, it took a long time to create it. I forget which summer was it, but it was still a summer that I would definitely remember. Do you remember last year's summer?
>>Not at all.
HYDE: But it there are still memories that connect to those summers.
>>Okay then, you dedicated this movie to the summer. What did you feel the first time you saw the movie?
HYDE: My heart was racing.
HYDE: "What is he going to do?"
>>When you saw yourself on screen did you feel special?
HYDE: I didn't think I was special, I couldn't think like that at all.
>>When you did a commercial and you were on screen alone, it was unlike any other. It was really weird and no one else had done it before.
HYDE: Aa, I think it was pretty close. What? Innocence *smiles*
>>Is that so? I guess the movie deal was a pretty good idea.
HYDE: Yes, I wanted to try and do it this time. I felt the limitless greatness. I think that acting is fun, I didn't think anything else because I had no intention of acting (in the movie). But I somehow felt like it was the olympics.
>>Once every four years?
HYDE: I felt that way because the feeling to succeed had a similar goal to doing a live. Music is like a domino, it keeps falling down but more is alway added. At the time we finish we're all happy and cheerful. A movie is just like that, scene by scene, everyone is working together. When it's finished everyone says "it's finally done." We're all relieved. I don't think that will happen a second time no matter what. Even if I don't have a movie commercial everytim I'm on TV, there are probably people who think, "who is this guy?" or "what's he doing?" *laughs*
>>We want the fans to come and have fun with hyde who is in the movie.
HYDE: Ah, I think it will be really fun.
>>Fuu hahaha *laughs*
HYDE: Those who have been fans of mine beforehand will probably understand me when they see me. Like in a live, when you know it you'll understand me better. When I'm on the screen all of a sudden, "acting in that movie" wouldn't it be fun?
>>Even if this movie has a different point of view, your fans will still enjoy it.
HYDE: Yea yeah. A few days ago, Ken-chan went on the Tamori-club show. It's a normal thing even if it's going on TV, but Ken just went on, there was no difference at all. I think it's that kind of fun.
>>After the movie was completed, you're still in contact with Gackt-kun right?
HYDE: Yes.
>>Is he different when he's with you?
HYDE: Not at all, he's a leader.
>>What's do you have in common?
HYDE: We have few friends that are musicians. Other than that we're not really the same. He doesn't really sleep and likes to work, so he won't go to sleep. I would already be sleeping, I get a headache *everyone laughs* So he seems like a knowledgeable man, he knows what he's going to do today and all that. It's pretty interesting, that kind of person.

>>Is that so? Now that filming of the movie is finished, you started writing songs after Autumn?
HYDE: Yes.
>>When this year began, the vision you had for 2003, what was it?
HYDE: Mm...I'm going to release a single.
HYDE: Mm...during Spring, definitely in Spring *laughs*
>>What type of song would be on the single?
HYDE: Right now I'm thinking, "I want to make a single like that song" I'll release that song in Spring. And I want to have a live, this year I want to have many of them. I want to write new songs to play in the live too.
>>Eh? That's the first condition you set before you performed the live?
HYDE: That's not the reason though. I didn't want to do a live when I was writing the songs.
>>Because you haven't performed a live in two years.
HYDE: Right.
>>Now you want to stand on stage again?
HYDE: I do.
>>Why didn't you tour ROENTGEN?
HYDE: At first I did ROENTGEN because I wanted to keep writing songs, but in fact, I have a lot of other songs that I had already completed. But when I was thinking of doing part 2, I couldn't do it. Why? My body couldn't move, even if I got up. And I remembered the album. What should I do? I already had so many songs, it's not the olympics. But it's been so many years I decided to release an album.
>>You didn't feel like you had to do it in order?
HYDE: Sometimes I did, but you never know 'till you try. Even if I couldn't do it everytime I wanted to.
>>Basically, this album is what your pent up emotion released?
HYDE: Yes, so in that state, I released ROENTGEN. It's probably like that. Like adding hot water to already boiled tea.
HYDE: I didn't regret it even if I couldn't do it. Even now, though, I still listen to Slash metal along with Cardigans. Duran Duran too. I feel that way, I feel that there is a balance on both side.
>>ROENTGEN is a work that has the balance of loneliness.
HYDE: Yes. Mm...I want to do the ROENTGEN tour someday. I feel that something is missing, but right now the live I want to do isn't like that.
>>You want to do a crazy live, huh? *laughs*
HYDE: Of course I do *laughs*
>>Is the song you're going to release in Spring, a rock song?
HYDE: Yeah, it will be like that *laughs* I feel that, that way I can do it standing. Because ROENTGEN is gives off the feeling of not standing. Like, "stand up" *laughs*
>>From that it's a change to, "standing up" all of a sudden. If you're doing a live, and you make a band, what kind of image would you have?
HYDE: I haven't thought about it yet but I want to do something easy, something that I can do. Can I do easy things right now? I'm thinking about that.
>> Before you told me of your vision, you're doing a tour of S.O.A.P. first. Why?
HYDE: The reason? *laughs* There's really none, I just thought that it'd be something easy and relaxing to do. *everyone laughs* There was once last year that I joined S.O.A.P.'s live too.
>> You performed at the livehouse at your house right?
HYDE: Right.
>> What did you sing?
HYDE: I sang S.O.A.P.'s songs. After that in ROENTGEN. There were sometimes where I had the chance to go drinking with S.O.A.P. We'd play really fun songs in the live. When we went drinking, Sakura asked me, "you want to join us on tour?" And said, "would you come if it's after Spring?" I agreed to it right away. I want to say that it was the feeling of friendship. Image wise, I think there were about 300 audiences. Therefore this, (tour schedule) seemed finished also. *everyone laughs* I heard the manager saying, "are you sure this is not wrong?"
>>But in your plan it said that you're going to release a new single this Fall.
HYDE: I think it'll just be one CD.
>>Then your lives will have songs in ROENTGEN, and songs that you've rearranged.
HYDE: I haven't even thought about that yet.
>>Eh? Other than the songs it'd all be new songs?
HYDE: Mmm...because I'm not looking forward to seeing my fans.
HYDE: I run and call back, "follow me!"

HYDE: I don't know what my lives will look like nor what songs will I play. Would the fans think that's it's awesome? I hear answers saying it is. I think the next album I have will be recieved very well.
>>Another thing, you've made the songs lower right?
HYDE: That's what I was thinking, but now it seems like "I gotta write a lot of songs fast" *laughs*
>>Even if you think that, L'Arc~en~Ciel hasn't been active at all. Under that circumstance, one of the reasons is because you're touring with part of the band. Is that because you can't get along with each other?
HYDE: No, that's what I think also. (err...this was a weird part. The interviewer is asking if Laruku is inactive because they can't get a long with each other but hyde's answer doesn't make sense. He answers "that's not it" and says "that's what I think" in the way that what the interviewer think is what he thinks. O_O I don't really know how to explain it....it doesn't make sense O_o can anybody speak Thai here?! help T_T -D.T.)
>>But what about you touring with the group? (I think she's referring to S.O.A.P -D.T.)
HYDE: Ah...isn't that just part of the plan? *laughs*
>>Drinking together, this tour has hyde and S.O.A.P. After you've joined together like this, do you think you will work together again?
HYDE: Of course, I've heard a lot of rumors actually.
>>Really? *laughs* Then in May we'll see hyde on the silver screen as well as on stage.
HYDE: Yeah, but it's a coincidence.
>>You'll be active again in Spring, and when will the album come out?
HYDE: Probably in the Summer, but I'm don't know yet.
>>You'll do tours after that right?
HYDE: Yes, I want it to be the year of the lives.



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