21. října 2021

Dir en grey - very interesting things! interview (2002)


J-ROCK no. 5
Dir en grey - Very Interesting Things!
Year 2002

Here we have the things that the 5 members of Dir en Grey are crazy about at the moment! It's a nice insight into their personality!

KYO: ...Probably clothes. We're using the brand Bonty Hunter in our PV shooting at the moment, other than that there's Hundred Club. They're clothes that give you a nice feeling of being a rocker.
Other than this
it has to be games. I have to play the game, "Dorakue 4" that just came out no matter what. I'm playing it right now, the last stage is a big boss that you have to beat and then he'll become your ally. After that you just keep traveling until you fight the next person. When this game came out I went out to buy it right away the next morning *laughs* It's a game I really like. If there's a day when I feel like playing games, I would go out to buy one right away.I really like watching movies that portray the bravery and love in honor of ancient/ancestric people, whether it is foreign or Japanese. I also watch movies that have to do about the royalties like "Jingi naki tatakai" ("The Yakuza Papers: Battles Without Honor and Humanity") But these movies can't be found for rent in VDO shops. I really want to watch movies that star Tsuruda Kouji or Takakura Ken! But I'm not a member of the VDO-rental shop, because it's hard to get a membership isn't it? *laughs* How many shoes do I have?...if it's Adidas and Nike, I probably have about 20 pairs. I like buying clothes, if I like something I would buy it right away. Like when it's released, I would call the store to reserve them. Or if there's a day where I have to record at the studio until morning, when I come home it'd around the sametime that the store would open, and I would go buy clothes. I would look in magazines or on websites *laughs* 
Sometimes I would get phone calls from the storeclerks and I would ask right away how many pairs do they have left. Like if it's one of those, "Selling all 100 pairs in one day!" It's okay if I don't know, but if I see other people wearing it I would be really angry (in a jeolous way), and I would want it even more, it's not good at all *laughs* When I see other people wearing the shoes, it should be "ME!" that's wearing it, there's the feeling that I don't want to be the loser. *laughs* Most of the time though, I know that it doesn't suit me (the shoes) but I still feel like if I get to wear it I would feel good *laughs* If the people want to wear it then that's okay, but I would rather it be me alone who'd want to wear it *laughs*
My memory now? Probably going to play bowling during the tour, the shoes you wear to play bowling is just like the canvas shoes. It's really cool, I was told to that I "look good with bowling shoes." So I feel that I'll be crazy about cavas shoes now. 
TOSHIYA: I'm crazy about Digi-Q right now. I went to buy it on the last day of our recording because I saw a staff member bring it into the studio, so everyone tried playing it. It turned out to be really fun so I said, "the next time we come to the studio, everyone has to have this Digi-Q." I think everyone probably bought one already *laughs*
There's usually a lot of freetime at the studio right? I would play this and that to relax. The funnest time? Probably when I was a kid, it was the time when I felt that if I had a big remote control Choro-Q it'd be great, if you're a boy that is. I'm sure everyone's had that feeling once. When I was playing Choro-Q I felt that it'd be really cool to have a huge remote controlled one. I think that's also a kid's dream at the sametime It was really a goo~od time *laughs* And this Digi-Q is selling really well, I had to call the store to get it. My car is a red volkswagon. Volkswagon seem that they can only be red or silver, I actually want a silver one but they don't have it anymore...*timid smile*
...what I want after this is the remote control airplane that costs 10,000 yen! I don't know how much it was before but right now I know that it costs 10,000 yen. I've never really rode on the airplane Styrene before but it's the price 10,000 yen that attracts me.
What makes me so crazy about it is that you can play it when you have free time, it has a cute design and it's hard to control. I have about 3 right now, all remote controlled cars!
One remote control can control 4 portals, and there would be engine 1 and engine 2. But since my remote has 4 portals, there're 4 engines total. And if you buy a new one, one engine would go into one portal and enable different cars to run. At the same time, it doesn't require too much power either. I'll be addicted to Digi-Q until I'm sick of it.

SHINYA: The hit thing right now is...Digi-Q. I just bought it recently. When we were doing mastering, the staff at the studio brought it in but it was a different model, it wasn't Digi-Q. So I went to buy Digi-Q, I've always been interested in it, but when I saw it again, I wanted to buy it*laughs* I just bought it about 2 weeks ago. My car is a blue "SKY LINE GTR" When I play it, it's pretty fun. Actually I've been looking for this Digi-Q for a very long time, it just so happened that a little toy store had it, so I got it *laughs* It's not that I like the SKY LINE model particularly, it's just that I don't know too many car models. And the Digi-Q had this car in two different colors, blue and yellow. But the yellow was a bit well...*laughs* So I decided to buy the blue one. It's not because I like the remote control or the Choro-Q particularly but this one was already good because I bought it for 50,000 yen.
Other than this...do you know the game, "MARIO CART"? It just so happened that KYO-kun brought it into the studio so I got to play it for the first time. It seems that KYO-kun, TOSHIYA, and KAORU have played it before because they're really good. If we race, I would definitely lose. Everytime I lose I would feel, "Aa~I lost again" *laughs* And everyone would criticize me. So I went hunting to buy this game so I can practice playing at home because I want to beat everyone *laughs* Among those three, KAORU gets the highest score, and the rest would follow closely. Actually I don't play games at all, but everyone else plays it, so I get addicted to it too.


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