5. září 2021

Penicillin - the return of rock interview 2004


D.T.'s NOTE: PLEASE keep in mind that I translated this interview myself, and I certainly DO NOT appreciate stealing. If you want to post it on your own site then e-mail me to ask. Okay!??!!? This interview has been translated from a Thai magazine as indicated above. The Thai interview itself was translated from the original, Japanese interview. So you see, as being traslated many times, no doubt the interview has been altered in one way or another. Therefore, it is very liable to mistakes. If you have any comments, questions, or corrections to make, please feel free to e-mail me at destination_truth@yahoo.com. I want to make these interviews as accurate as possible, and would gladly accept any advices or whatever you care to give ^O^ Thanks, and enjoy!

By the time we got to meet them it was already the beginning of the year. They had a new album named "FLOWER CIRCUS", the tour already started since November. Today we're going to talk to them about the workings of this new album.


I:The first and last song of the album, FLOWER CIRCUS, are slow songs. You've done that before?
O-Jiro: Yes. In the album, Limelight, it started with a slow song and ended likewise. We only do that once in a while though *laughs* This time too. Before we went into the recording booth, we discussed what new things we wanted to do. Because we want to do something different everytime we release something.
I:We'll talk about the changes you made later. I want to ask you about the title of the album?
Hakuei: We chose the word "flower" first, this was going to be our distinctive point. And we were thinking about another word to add to this one. We came up with "circus" which gives off a mix of feelings. It represents our album that has a variety of songs, that's the image we're aiming for. I don't know if you understand it?
I: Yes...it's a real energetic album, the fun is not only in the singing and the rhythm, but the sound of the music is on full blast?
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O-Jiro: There were times where we wondered if we overdid it *laughs* To get the singing clearer, we had the sound level be V8 and we put in the roar of a lion.
Chisato: We really went all out in the sound.
I: Now how about the songs in the album?
Gisho: The first song, "namonaki ira" was one of the last songs we recorded. We had to redo it three times. The producer and Chisato said that it'd be good to use a piano in the song because it's kind of pop. But we used a hard chord that PENICILLIN has never used before.
I: You had to do it three times, did you think it was no good each time?
Chisato: That wasn't the case. I thought the first time we did it was okay, but the producer wasn't satisfied.
Gisho: So we had to redo it because it was vital that we fix the song as fast s possible. So I took a spot at the corner of the studio and worked there. I put my keyboard and computer ontop of a fruit crate *laughs* And I wrote the song right there.
O-Jiro: The song we wanted was the type that Gisho was good at. We (the rest of PENICILLIN) can't write it.
Chisato: We really wanted a Gisho-style song.
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Gisho: If I wrote it in the way that I was good at, there probably wouldn't have been any problemS. But I didn't do it. Because I want to be a new person. I finally broke out of my cocoon but then I got sucked back in *laughs*
Chisato: Yeah...because we didn't do it in our own style,we had to go back and do it again.
I: The lyrics, "kawano seseragie ga", haven't you used it before?
Hakuei: When I wrote the song I did feel that I had already used certain sentences and certain words. When I thought about it carefully, I remembered that I used it in our indies works. Because the main subject of the songs are the same, the sentences that I reused were a coincidence. But then I thought what it'd be like to have the sentence in our present songs, so I put it in.
I: The second song, "mind master mind", has the name of the first song in it too. Was that coincidental?
Hakuei: No, I just liked the word so I put it in.
I: The material of the song, not just this song, talks about the many bad things in the present world.
Hakuei: Yes, but we didn't mean to stipulate on that point though. Whatever we feel, whatever we think, goes into the song. Because...no matter how bad the world is, we have to live in it. It's full of that kind of feeling, so it just poured out.
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I: The song, "no control" was whose suggestion?
Hakuei: I wrote the rhythm with just the feeling that I wanted to have a pop melody. I didn't know how everyone else would touch it up.
O-Jiro: It's really a pop song, this one.
Chisato: Pop is the best. I really like it.
Gisho: My base line in this song is the softest, because we figured that in this type of song, having an insignificant base line would be better. But it's not easy to play a soft base, it's hard, you have to gently strike the chords.
I: The song, "yume no tsudzuki" has a Japanese-style sound to it. Was that your intention from the start?
Gisho: No, at first we actually wanted it to be R&B *laughs*
Chisato:We used a keyboard to make the flute sound. I like it a lot. I'm glad that we have this kind of sound in our music work.
O-Jiro: The piano was put in live, it radiates a good feeling. Speaking of live, we actually wrote the song "LION" specifically for a live concert.
Chisato: Everyone can sing the chorus.
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Gisho: We tried many different styles, but in the end we came back to what we had in the beginning. It's the simplest song.
Chisato: Yeah...
I: And the song "gramor vette"?
Chisato: I think it'd be really suitable to play this in a concert. I want everyone to go, and get the feeling "Can you really do this?" It's something that you can't find anywhere else other than in PENICILLIN. I think this song is really cool. But I don't know if everyone else agrees with us *laughs*
Gisho: Yeah...*laughs*
Chisato: It's be super if everyone did.
I: We'll see when you play it live. The most ferocious and violent song, "Justice" is Chisato's?
Chisato: Yes, this song I had Hakuei to help put in the English lyrics.
Hakuei: The rhythm of the song goes well with English lyrics.
I: The recording must've been really wild?
O-Jiro: I pounded my drums and head banged like crazy, my feet was pratically flying *laughs*
Gisho: The base in this song is really soft, I don't even know what I played *laughs* And I had to play along with the drums, so when we were recording I could barely hear the sound of my own base.
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I: It was very difficult to make, but you got a very rich album as a result (rich in the sense that it's full of many flavors/varieties -D.T.). What about the tour concert, how do you think it will turn out?
Gisho: We have new styles to present, I think our concert would change too.
O-Jiro: Listening to the CD, you only get the fun of the CD. We want to make the concerts fun like a concert. It'd be good if the concerts turn out the way we want it to be.
Chisato: It'd be really great if we could put in our maximum enery in every concert. It's a winter tour concert, so we have to be careful of catching a cold. If we're all healthy, then we would put in all our energy.
Hakuei: We want to do a concert full of flavors and full of power.


D.T.'s NOTE: Now that you've read the interview, I would love to hear your opinion about it. Was it confusing? Was it good? Please e-mail me ^O^ Also, I am accepting requests for interviews. So if there is a certain artist you want to read about, e-mail me and I'll see if I can find an interview of the requested artist. No guarantees though. But please, let it be someone within the JRock and JPop vicinity ^O^ Thanks!

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