17. listopadu 2020

Gackt interview from The Ichiban magazine(No.18/Nov.)

Q: What type of presents would you give to your date?
G: I won't buy any presents specially for the date....but if I saw something special in a shop before the date and I think it suits her, I probably would buy it.

Q: You'll buy "small" presents like necklace or something like that for her?
G: Yup. I don't really like "huge" presents....and I prefer to give my date presents on days that has no particular meanings.....

Q: Do you like giving your date suprises?
G: I really love surprise parties! On my last birthday, those working with me celebrated my birthday with a party. That time I just came back from abroad, and they've already celebrated with me back there...so I never thought... I'm usually very sensitive, you know. I'll notice all their moves and what they are up to. (^_^)

Q: I think they were really secretive about it, huh?
G: I found out about it after the "thing" happened. When they picked me up to home that time, I told them,"Let's have dinner before we go home." But they said,"Nope. Your sis prepared nice meal back home." I found that a little strange (^_^), because my sis don't seem like the type who would cook (^_^), and I wanted to go eat in some of the good restaurants we went past but they just insisted on "the meal my sis cooked for us." (^_^)

Q: The way they used don't seem very secretive....
G: When I reached home my friend's package was in the front of my door.

Q: You still haven't noticed?
G-Yup. I thought,"Hmm....I think I saw this package before. Ah! Could my friend have forgotten to bring it home before?"

Q: You're really slow! (^_^)
G: When I stepped into the living room, my friends took out a cake from another room. I was really shocked! But I was very very happy.

Q: Did you cry out loud?
G: Yup. I cried really very hard, because compared to just giving me a present, I really like this sort of pleasant surprise.

Q: The feeling is like asking you to shut up your eyes for a while and then open them up?
G: You mean, like, open your eyes to see a Porshe in front of you? (^_^) Or when you are in a pub someone dropped her room keys into your glass of wine? Dream on! (^_^)

Q: You're right...(^_^;)
G: If that happens, won't there be a taste of metal in your wine?

Q: SO unhygienic!(^_^)
G: But other then normal presents I also give someone "scenery" for presents. First I'll ask her to close her eyes and then bring her to somewhere with a very beautiful night scenery and then let her open her eyes.

Q: You really seem the type who loves to give people surprises. But you've let us see the sensitive and cute side of you.
G: Basically I don't like giving "normal" presents. Maybe that's because I'm the type of person whom whatever I do is successful?

Q: We're finally getting into the main point...about what you want for a date.....
G: Where I want for my date is very nice and beautiful surroundings. Like, a girl because of her work goes abroad to work, and then goes to parties there...

Q: Wow~
G: I hope I'll meet my date under these sort of circumstances.

Q: Then, won't going places like Disneyland and taking photos there do?
G: that's why I won't do things like placing a Mickey Mouse in the room. If I want to do it I want to do it all the way, the best.

Q: Well....(smiles wryly)That's going to cost a lot....
G: Nope. It's not the problem of money, but imagination. Let me give you an example. A man who often takes the same flight falls in love with an air-stewardess. How should he tell her he loves her? Not ask for her phone number directly and said,"would you be my date?" But he would know all the passengers there and when they are all unboarding the plane he would ask for their help to give her flowers when she stands at the exit of the plane one by one. And when they all finishes giving her flowers the man would propose to her.

Q: Wow! That's great!
G: SO like I said it's not the problem of money, but imagination. As long as the way you plan to make your feelings known to the girl you like is sincere, and you ask people to help you in it,I think they would gladly help if it doesn't involve money. If you think money is everything then you are wrong.

Q: That makes a lot of sense...I wish I can shout out to the world about it now.
G: A lot of guys makes this mistake. They always say,"I've done so much for her already!" This is wrong. I think it should be like, when you take her to a restaurant to celebrate her birthday you'll ask everyone at the restaurant to sing her a birthday song together. I think the diners there would gladly help you with it, don't you think?

Q: you'll feel happy too when you see others happy, right?
G: It's very nice to see other people happy, which means we should be guys who are daring and brave and goes all the way for the girls we like!

Q: How long would you wait for your date?
G: Hmmmm....I don't remember waitig for anyone before.

Q: That's cool!
G: nope. I wouldn't want the others to wait for me too. (^_^)

Q: Wei! Wei! Wei!
G: Because I don't know when to go out. So if we decide to "wait at this place at this time." It feels like I have to wait there forever, so I won't meet people this way. I'll meet them with "meet you toight" or something like this. I don't like to go out in the day anyway.

Q: Scared you'll be melted by the sun?
G: Yup yup! (^_^)

Q: But won't the way you said you want to meet sounds very vague?
G: After work, I'll call them with my handphone and say,"Let's meet now at XX."

Q: So it means there'll be no dates if you have no handphone?
G: well.....(^_^)

Q: While waiting for your date or when she appears for the first time, would your heart go "doki doki"?
G: No....why would it go "doki doki"?

Q: "Why"? How should I put it?
G: My heart goes "doki doki" under different types of circumstances, like when she's having her meal in front of me.

Q: Your heart will go "doki doki" over this?
G: I don't really know either....(^_^) Don't you think so? And it's really enchanting to see the girl drink up her beverage in a gulp! (looks far away dreamingly...)

Q: So it's not the waiting situation but these sort of actions that will make your heart go "doki doki"?
G: Pulling and playing with the phone cord when talking on the public phone is also very enchanting. But it's hard to see this sort of thing hapen in the streets nowadays. I'm enchanted with graceful motions like in a painting.

Q: If the waiting expressions are also beautiful like in a painting, you'll also go "Wow"?
G: Like in a foreign country the girl folds papers into fanciful things while waiting...

Q: Do such a person still exists?
G: She'll also lick the paper she's folding with her tongue gently. It's really beautiful!

Q: How about while waiting she spins the plate just like she is from the painting?
G: that's nice too (^_^) And something unexpected. In a restaurant a couple are quarreling and the girl stood up angrily and said loudly,"What are you saying?!?" and the next instant she just pull the whole table cloth off!

Q: And when the untensils on the table are still the same before the table cloth was puled off, THAT would be amazing!
G: Quarrels like these are what I call beautiful!

Q: Waiting impatiently is also beautiful!
G: Recently, aren't there girlfriends who wait for just a while and scolds the late boyfriends,"You let me wait, you idiot!"? Be it guys or girls, bullying acts are just so irritating! So guys shouldn't let girls wait and vice versa.

Q: And lastly, what sort of thing you won't tolerate or bear?
G: I really don't like people slamming the doors or car doors or things like that. We are not drilling holes in the concrete, so there's no need to slam the door hard, right? I really really...don't like things like this. (^_^)

Zdroj: http://www.angelfire.com/realm2/vanillagackt/Vamperic3.html?fbclid=IwAR07EEA6s5R5yfoi9Q-HdoaNb7UP5GsUW5V_-4Pcgn-aNoB366geNkl2Juo

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