2. května 2020

Shinya - Květen 2013

Shinya’s interview in ongaku to hito May 2013

Can you remember what you were doing this time last year?

Shinya: At that time…. I wasn’t feeling well so with the band being on a break I was taking the chance to relax.

So in other words it was good?(that the band break was at that time)

Shinya: That’s right, it was good.

How did you feel about the band stopping activity?

Shinya: Since the bands formation we haven’t had many breaks, so I thought it was a good opportunity.

You didn’t feel uneasy or anything about stopping band activity? since you come this far with hardly any breaks?

Shinya: No, I didn’t feel uneasy at all.

Did you do anything else during the break?

Shinya: I reset my drum kit personally, starting with the base, from scratch. I’ve been playing this drum kit for 10 something years and so
some parts had become weird or wrong. But we were always touring or doing other things so I never really had an opportunity to fix them. So I thought I’d use this opportunity to finally fix them.

Even though you weren’t feeling well, and taking a break you didn’t neglect your training as a drummer. That was very diligent of you.

Shinya: No, I don’t think it was. For around the first two months of the break I didn’t even touch my drum kit.

Is that right? You didn’t want to touch it or??

Shinya: I didn’t want to touch it. Or rather, I’ve always been playing the drums so I didn’t feel any particular interest in doing so. I mean, I didn’t
want to play for a little while. But I was completely fine watching other drummers play. If you’re always only playing the drums, when there’s
a break you begin to think you don’t want to play, right?

Was your feeling of not wanting to play something that came to you suddenly when the break began? Or was it something you’d always shut out somewhere inside yourself?

Shinya: Up until now I’ve had that feeling countless times. During tours

But since you can’t just stop playing…

Shinya: Yeah.

So what happened with not touching your drum kit for two months?

Shinya: I was able to refresh my body very well. So I was able to take in drumming and touring again with a truly fresh feeling. I’m still kinda in the process of trial and error though.

Going on tour for the first time in a while, did you have fun drumming?

Shinya: It wasn’t particularly fun. Doing it up till now, its not really fun……. Well, I’m not really doing this band while thinking this is fun.

If that’s the case then why are you playing in this band?

Shinya: ……..hmm. Well, There’s the feeling of continuing to express.

Express yourself do you mean??

Shinya: Yes

Do you ever think things like it would be good if I could have fun while doing it?

Shinya: As long as I’m doing this band, I don’t.

But there was a time when it was fun right? Playing the drums, being in a band.

Shinya: …..aah, well that was really when I was a high school student.

That’s too long ago!! (laughs)

Shinya: Recently during a break I went to the studio with some friends and played guitar and stuff. That sort of stuff was fun.

So you mean, this band in its self has no room for such things as the enjoyment of playing the drums and the fun of being in a band with your

Shinya: That’s right.

Isn’t that tiresome?

Shinya: Well… tiresome… Yeah it is tiresome but..

But that’s the way this band is, Its not something in which you’re aiming for enjoyment.

Shinya: That’s right.

This is something that I’ve been thinking but, I saw your concert on the last day of your comeback tour last year and for a band who is playing with that sort of connection there was something strange, or should i say it felt like there was a more soft atmosphere on stage.

Shinya: I was playing like normal….

On that tour did you feel anything about the way the band is, or about the reaction of the crowd? etc?

Shinya: After that venue, in the lives we’ve played this year i felt like we had been able to do concerts in which the crowd and us became one.

At Ageha studio coast etc?

Shinya: Yes. In last years tour we greatly valued the appearance of the show, and had an elaborate production, but the tour we did this year, there was just basic lighting and it felt like the concert was continued on only with our music. But, reversely, That kinda of simpleness gave a sense of unity.

So, you mean it was good for you too?

Shinya: Yes, I’d long forgotten that sort of thing, so I was glad to remember it again.

Is that right? Um, As you said before, I think that Dir en grey certainly isn’t a band you can do while having fun. I think that is because
the relationship the five of you have is tense, and if it was fun then it would be a band with no meaning.

Shinya: That’s right.

But in reality that doesn’t mean that each of you is a very tense person, but its a relationship in which, when facing the band
together, you have to drive yourself, and it’s a kind of implicit understanding between the 5 of you.

Shinya: aah, yeah it’s certainly that kind of feeling. An implicit understanding.

But don’t you ever think it would be nice if you could do the band with a more relaxed feeling?

Shinya: Occasionally I think that. Because in the past we were not as tense as we are now, and I prefer the feeling of the band back then.

Remembering that time, do you ever think ‘The past was good"?

Shinya: When I look back on that time…. yeah I do. Everyone was a bit less formal.

But if the band had continued with that kinda mood, it wouldn’t have continued till now.

Shinya: Yeah.

Were you aware of that back then as well?

Shinya: When I thought about it objectively, yes, I did have that feeling.

Really? So then looking objectively, do you ever have times when you think this band will continue for a long time?

Shinya: Yes, I’ve often thought that. Even longer than 15 years….

I think that you’re someone who understands how tough it is to keep on continuing to do something for a long time. Regardless, you are doing this band in a connection with the other members that has the tension of not knowing when it will end. You’ve been doing this band for over fifteen years with a tiresome participation . What do you feel about that?

Shinya: No matter when this band ends, even if it was tomorrow, it is what it is. I’ve had this way of thinking from around 2 or 3 years ago.

Is that right? What about before then?

Shinya: In the past, if the band had that kind of atmosphere we’d have the kinda feeling like 'lets do something!’ (to change that atmosphere) But these days when we get like that its like “it’s okay”.

How do you feel about continuing in a band in that state?

Shinya: Well, I feel like no matter when this band ends it’s okay and I have the feeling of living each day to the max with a “no matter when i die it’s okay” spirit.

Don’t you think its tiresome? Driving yourself with that way of thinking?

Shinya: Yes it is. But you never know whats going to happen next. For around 2 years I’ve been trying to not think much about the future. It’s
like, say, if I really were to die tomorrow it wouldn’t be strange. So, I want to live life fully now.

Was there a reason you started thinking like that?

Shinya: Well………….. Up until then there had been various things with the band, and also comparatively, the effect of the 2011 earthquake. It
started from then on.

So in other words its not just the way you think about Dir en grey, but your whole life.

Shinya: ……Yeah. Everything. Everything about how I live is with that thinking.

Nevertheless, You’re doing this band with a last minute, not knowing when it will end relationship. And yet, the five of you are bearing with it. Why
do you think that is?

Shinya: I don’t know about everyone else, but for me personally it’s because the best way I can express myself is through this band. Because I can only express myself with this band. So I have no choice but to continue to be in Dir en grey.

That’s tiresome.

Shinya: Its a band with that fate.

But I think for a band with that kind of fate, your latest release leaves a slightly different impression.

Shinya: Really?

What do you think personally?

Shinya: I think its like a replacement for a business card, or rather, if someone who didn’t know us very well listened to this then they would understand us. With that meaning, I think its became a release representative of Dir en grey.

I see. My impression is that it was very open, or rather, its been made into an honest representation of what is inside of you guys,

Shinya: That’s right.

It doesn’t feel at all like it was contrived. It’s not some kind of recoil or opposition. The rearrangement of the old songs as well. There’s no “Let’s forcibly do it this way” kinda intent.

Shinya: That’s right. In particular because the reconstruction of the songs was fun. Of course, our skills have improved since the time when we first made these songs right? While re-recording them I was thinking 'ah, its become this kind of different thing..“

During the reconstruction of the songs what left an impression on you?

Shinya: We’ve always been playing kasumi at concerts and every time I play it live I’d change the phrase, but this time I tried playing kasumi the way I originally played it. In other words with the same phrase as 10 years ago. I wanted to see how different I am now from how I was ten years ago.

Yes, I really felt that these new reconstructions were something you guys had done for yourselves. I mean, that you guys wanted to ascertain for yourselves where you are now.

Shinya: That’s right. And when we did it, we found that we had completely changed.

You said before that being tense, and having a tiresome relationship, that’s the fate of this band. But I get the feeling that you guys created this album to try and stop Dir en grey from breaking up. In other words that you made it for yourselves.

Shinya: Really?

There’s many bands that have continued for longer than Dir en grey, and reversely, bands that have broken up in less time than Dir en grey have been around for, but, what do you think is the most vital thing in order for a band to continue?

Shinya: ………Don’t be too close, but don’t be too distant. That sort of feeling. Even though you’re creating distance to a certain extent

With that, to what extent do you have something like love for the band?

Shinya: Of course I have love for Dir en grey but…………I’ve never formally thought about it before, but the other members are like parents, or brothers..I don’t have any brothers so i don’t really know, but I think they’re like parents.

If that’s so then one day you’ll be able to become more relaxed right?

Shinya: I hope so.


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