5. června 2024

Ray 12.2019 ~ Sato Takeru


Q. Recently, what made you cry?
Something which makes people feel touched when they see it, so when I see it too, I’ll cry. Like—of course—movies, Olympics and Koshien. Oppositely, other than when I see something touching, I won’t cry. Even when I’m acting, my tears won’t really come out (laugh). Because I’m not such skillful actor.

Q. Oppositely, what was the “one night” you enjoyed?
The nights when I play games. When I play video game, card game, board game, or werewolf game with my friends. (Ray: Do you still enjoy it even if you lose?) Werewolf game isn’t about winning or losing. As for Othello… I win most of the time so I don’t know (laugh).

Q. What memories do you have about painful “one night”?
When I can’t wear clothes in winter filming set, I guess it’s definitely painful. In such times, I’d remember that there are people who look forward to watch the movie I starred in, and as their faces came in my mind, it drove me to work harder. (Ray: Are there Ray’s readers among those faces too?) Yeah, they are mainly Ray! (laugh).

Q. Who and what thing do you feel that you have emotional connections to?
The cats I have in my parent’s home, Kochirou and Buchirou. (Ray: Were you the one who named them?) I guess it’s my mother. (Ray: Her naming sense is really good!) I thought so (laugh). (Ray: Are they emotionally attached to you?) Yeah, they always remember about me.

Q. How will you become when you open up your heart?
Perhaps I’ll be totally different. (Ray: Do you probably show some expressions you never showed before?) Yeah. My friends say the things I talk about and my expressions are different. (Ray: That’s what you can’t show us, right?) But I’m opening up myself pretty much now. Today is one of the interviews when I open up my heart (laugh).

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