26. února 2024

Time Has Come UV vol. 34


I remember it rained at the Budoukan, but it was still raining on the day at Yokohama Arena too. I really hate the rain! It sucks.
For the people who came, you did things other than sitting in your seats and watching the concert, right? For example, the cosplayers had a picture get-together, got to know each other, and I expect developed their connection to everyone else through that. That kind of thing, I think it�s great. It was really heartwarming to watch.
At Malice Mizer�s lives, the fans are also involved in making them. And if people like that�s fun was somehow lessened it would be a sad thing.
No matter where we go, after the rehersal�s over and I�ve taken off all my make-up, I go exploring and secretly take robi with me!
How did everyone who cosplayed this time feel? Did you have enormous wings?! Was there even negligee too?! Where there more guys cosplaying me this time?! I wanna see that~. Please, by all means send photos.
These days I think I see people cosplaying, but they�re wearing white make-up at random. Somehow it�s been worrying me.
It�s because I�m using white make-up and foundation properly. The number of people wearing white robes is increasing, but all of them have white faces too! When I wear white, I use foundation, so when you�re cosplaying me� Well, anyway, I enjoy thinking about what kind of things you will be doing and seeing you all. And after the live�s over I�ve gone to observe things, and sometimes I�ve even brought Robi with me around the place (laughs). *In a magazine a letter from a fan read �After the live I saw Mana-sama with a robi, but was it the real Mana-sama?� It was me so don�t worry.*
At any rate, after the Yokohama Arena live, IEROWEIUOHR. In using Yokohama Arena there were definitely things I couldn�t express through the production I had drawn out in my head. But in the end I feel that I got to show you everything I had wanted to.
I had been thinking I didn�t want to use a screen, but maybe it�d be best if I did. I think it�s a good thing I didn�t.
About that though, it might have been hard to have everyone have to focus on the stage, but that way I felt your support above everything. I really can�t see if there are a lot of people from the stage though. But, because of the magnitude of your power, I guess I felt your presence as well.
And also because of that, I like performing in large places in front of large crowds. The ceiling at Yokohama Arena�s high too, so I made sure the stage set was in good condition. At other places, no matter what we did, it seemed like something was crammed in somewhere. This time the set had a liberated feeling, and having the sky above stretch out really suited it well.
I did the robi fan observations, but when I�m on stage I don�t like seeing fan�s faces up close. I guess it�s because when I perform I go into my own world, and then I�m standing on the stage and I return to reality. That didn�t really happen this time, but when we did the songs from the opening on, I forget which song, but during one my shoe strap came undone. It was a shame.
On reflection, at the Budoukan I thought we should do a lot of movement, but maybe it was too much. In other songs, I think maybe we were able to do the same kind of movement I thought of for Yokohama Arena. I haven�t seen the video from then yet though.
And about �de merveilles�? This is the first time we�ve run these songs through at a live. Is there a meaning to it? There should be. The meaning of the man who came out in the black clothes? He�s the feeling of the present, past, and future. There might be a hint when *ajsidoja* comes out in �Ginga Tetsudou 999� (Galaxy Express 999?!?)
Kozi and my solo is the continuation from the Budoukan. You can say it�s a continuation from last year�s year end live, but this time one form has ended.
This time the woman we made sit in the chair was alone, but did you notice she gave me and Kozi masks? From the instant she does that, something happens. Something�s changed too. It might look like an electric chair, but it�s not, and we�re not necessarily doing an execution either. We�re expressing something that lies at the depth of the human heart, but I wonder if it�s good to say anything more�nope, I can�t say anything else (laughs).
There was a silhouette of a person with the wings that came out at the end of the show, though I expect there were people who didn�t notice that. Especially the people who were in the balcony. That was something I worried about while I was planning the show, but there was a reason that it appeared under the arc right in the center of the stage, and it was something I simply couldn�t change. If you didn�t see it, it�ll be in the October video release, so please pay attention to it there.
At that time, I�m going on a trip by myself too (laughs). I feel like going somewhere for about a month. This all moved a bit too fast after all. Moving too fast is not good people.
I hope you�re anticipating the release of �le ciel� in a little while too. As the guitarist, I put a lot of emotion into my playing.
And just a cool quote from Kozi, same magazine: �Well, we�ll be releasing �Le Ciel� as a single in September. That makes 5 singles from the same album I guess.
I can hear the sound of you all going �huh?� But, there�s a reason for us doing that.
It�s alright if you�re going �huh�, but I�d like you to understand the way we do things is different from those of normal bands.
It�s okay if you don�t understand what is is we�re doing though.�

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