26. prosince 2023



– About your first love : what kind of girl was she?
[First love……? What do you mean by first love?]
– I mean, the first time you had a crush on a girl.
[Ah…. Um, well, I don’t remember~ (laughs). I think the first time I thought a girl was cute was back around preschool or elementary school, though.]
– Did you have a crush on your teacher?
[I had no interest in my teachers. Even the youngest teachers are at least in their twenties, aren’t they? To me, at that age, a woman in her twenties was already an “old lady,” you know? (laughs) I had no interest in those old ladies.]
– Do you remember what kind of girl you found cute?
[She was a short girl. Short was cute for me.]
– Between elementary school and high school, behaviour towards crushes starts to change, right? Was it around then that a girl first confessed her feelings to you?
[I got Valentine’s Day chocolate. But, it wasn’t really a confession, more like just a gift (laughs). In year four or five of elementary school, things don’t develop beyond that, do they? (laughs) I didn’t hate getting the chocolate. Also, I kinda bragged to guy friends “Check it out! I got some.” On Valentine’s Day, I forget if it was inside my desk or something, but I found the chocolate. When I brought it up, one guy who hadn’t gotten any said “You bought that yourself, didn’t ya?” (Both laugh). I said “Nope! See, there’s a letter,” and showed it to him (laughs). At the time, a lot of kids didn’t get any chocolate. Only some of the guys did.]
– And you were one of those few.
[(Smiling and nodding) Yup!!]
– Around that age, boys and girls start to get interested in the opposite sex, right? In the lower grades, most boys absolutely refuse to hold a girl’s hand or anything like that. Were you that type of kid?
[No, I wasn’t. I was always perfectly fine with holding hands. There would be folk dances in gym class sometimes, right? Sometimes the girls would refuse to hold hands, too. If I was partnered with one of them, I’d just grab her hand and go “It don’t mean nothing!” (both laugh). To me, holding hands was normal.]
– So when you were partnered with that kind of person, you just went ahead and grabbed their hand. Boys like that are an incredible minority, but they do exist (laughs).
[Guess so. I didn’t like to just barely hold hands, where it’s only the fingertips that actually touch each other. It’s unnatural, isn’t it? Personally, I thought “I don’t feel anything special towards you. It’s just holding hands.” (both snicker)]
– I seee~. Were you the type who would discuss love and relationships with your friends? Like a relationship counselor or something (laughs).
[I played cupid sometimes. I liked doing that sort of thing. I guess I started doing that around middle school. I was a pretty good cupid, but it didn’t always work out. I’d say “I’ll go talk to her,” but then it would be me who would end up getting closer. To the girl (both laugh).]
– Then you weren’t a cupid, but more like a devil (laughs).
[Girls would come to me and say “I think OO-chan likes XX-kun,” and we’d discuss it, you know? But then, I’d gradually start becoming close to the girl who came to talk to me. There was a pattern like that. …….. Does that mean I’m evil? (laughs)]
– That could drive friends apart, eventually. (laughs)
[I was the bad guy (laughs).]
– Around middle school, guys and girls start to mix more……
[That’s true. I went out with a girl who looked like Eru-chan from [The Kabocha Wine](1). And she was taller than me.]
– What made you want to go out with her?
[It just sort of happened. That’s all (laughs).]
– Well, that doesn’t sound very mature~ (laughs).
[No, really! I’ve always been like that (laughs). That’s how it’s been for everyone I’ve dated. It just happens. Either it happened naturally, or we were set up by friends. I date people I happen to notice, that’s all. That’s why when people ask “Do you really love her?” I don’t know how to answer (laughs bitterly). It’s because of my casual approach.]
– I see. What did you do with girls when you were in middle school?
[We had an exchange diary (laughs). We’d trade it after school. I kept it in the basket on my bike, or ask my friends to hide it, or keep it in my desk and make sure everyone else left class before me. That’s how it was.]
– What kind of things did you write in the diary every day?
[Normal diary stuff (laughs). What happened today, and how it turned out. I don’t really remember. But, writing in it ended up being a pain (laughs).]
– Did you write “I love you” or any other love notes?
[No, I didn’t.]
– Did you go to the movies for your dates?
[Yeah, we did! We went to see [High Teen Boogie](2) (Both snicker). We went with another couple, though.]
– Did you date any girls that you had liked first and confessed to yourself?
[I’ve never confessed to anyone. Like I said, I just happened to date people naturally. But, I still remember everyone I’ve ever gone out with. I’m grateful to all of them. I’m where I am because of them (laughs).]
– Did you still keep exchange diaries in high school? (laughs)
[No, I didn’t (laughs).]
– Were you pretty popular in high school, since you had your band?
[I don’t really understand how being in a band makes anyone popular. Popularity had nothing to do with my wanting a band. I don’t understand people who say “I wanna be in a band so I’ll be popular.” (laughs). Specifically, I was in a Dead End cover band, so only people who knew about them would get it, right? I remember a lot of people saying “Ew, I don’t like this music.” Maybe we would have been popular doing a BOOWY cover band. I didn’t listen to BOOWY. Wanting to be in a band for the popularity, that never applied to me at all. It wasn’t until I got into the music world that I found out “guys in bands are popular.” So, I don’t think any of the girls I dated in high school wanted to go out with me just because I was in a band.]
– What did you do for fun on your dates during high school?
[We went to arcades, or to the park, or to the movies. And shopping! We’d go shopping for clothes together. And sometimes we went to concerts, too. Since we had the same interests, we could have fun together. On our dates. So, my high school girlfriend was a huge fan of Dead End, too.]
– You were together because you had the same interests, then.
[Liking Dead End was the biggest factor (laughs).]
– Of course, she must have come to your live shows, right?
[Yep. She put my stage outfits together (laughs brightly).]
– Do you remember anything about preschool? Also, did you walk to preschool from home?
[No, I got a ride. On a bike.]
– With your mom?
[By my grandma, actually.]
– How long did you go?
[One year. Most people go for two, but I only went for one. I don’t really remember, but I probably didn’t like it much. So, I only went for the year right before I started elementary school.]
– What kind of preschool was it?
[A normal one. It was next to an elementary school.]
– Was there anything from your preschool days that left an impression on you?
[I had a friend who was really good at drawing. He was constantly giving me drawings of Mazinger Z (1). But I told him “Draw for me! Draw for me!” a lot.]
– You were probably in a class play, too.
[I think I was. I kind of remember seeing pictures of something like that.]

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