20. listopadu 2023



Our last interview is suited to be the finale, he is “the one who makes Taiko drums tremble,” yukihiro. During the interview, we were told about “yukkie’s adventure : the journey” and with ‘AWAKE’ he has finally been able to reach his New World.
– While interviewing the other three, I got the impression that “We would have preferred to get the album made faster, but it got drawn out,” about the creation process. What do you think, yukihiro-san?
[That’s true. It took a long time to complete because there was a lot of roughness to work out. I thought it made things more interesting. I wonder if that might be just me, because of what I’ve heard from some others. For example, with my drum part, I’d be thinking we needed to do a few more takes to get the song exactly right, but even though I wanted to do more, they wouldn’t let me.]
– Ahahahaha. For the entire album, do you still want to redo the drumming, or are you satisfied with how it turned out?
[Hmm, I’d have to take it apart, one song at a time. If I had the time, I’d probably put more into it? Like I was saying before, I had my own opinion on things, but everyone else said “This one’s good!” and I’m not the one who decides. Actually, if I were to listen to it, I’m sure I’d be saying it’s good.]
– The third song is ‘Jojoushi’. According to some listeners, of the singles released for this album, this is the one where the speed “takes off and flies into a world of its own” as if the song were coming to us from days gone by. I get the feeling that this time around, L’Arc has put effort into drawing the listeners into their world.
[I think it was a great decision to pick that song for a single. We had ‘Killing Me’ and then we had ‘New World’, so I think ‘Jojoushi’ seems unusual in that line up. There aren’t any other bands who do that. We pay attention to the balance of our songs. I played it carefully.]
– hyde had said “I’ve been wanting ken-chan to write a song like this” too.
[Yeah, we were waiting for it. hyde-kun wanted to sing this type of song. I thought “Yay! Finally!” too (laughs). The image I get for this song is of ground beat (acquired from hip-hop, soul, jazz, and alternative, it is a beat composed by mixing the savage elements of city noises). Let’s go, ground beats.]
– ……..yukihiro-san, do you always have an ideal case in mind for each song?
[Well, when it comes to songs, I’ve always got all sorts of different music floating in my mind. That’s why I get a good, nostalgic sort of feeling from those ground beats; I’ve played them before. I also liked listening to ground beats since way back.]
– I see. What are your thoughts on the upcoming tour?
[The tour.. well, first we’re going to need some practice (laughs). The recording was really long, so listening to the first stuff we did makes me think “Oh yeah, we did this too!” and so on (laughs)]
– You’re touring outside of Japan this time, too.
[Yeah. I wonder if we’re really ready to do that? I’m kind of unsure. I’m worried about what the people who’ll come see us are expecting to see. ….Well, it’ll be a first, and I don’t want to lose out to Yon-sama.]
– Hahahahahaha, it’s great how you said that.
[I won’t lose to the Korean boom! I’ll get the old ladies too! Just watch me (laughs)]
Translated by Natalie Arnold

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