22. listopadu 2023



The third man is the leader, tetsu. tetsu has the most difficult position within L’Arc, but he still manages to leave his mark as an artist.
tetsu was the one who pulled everyone together for the revival live ‘seven days’ two years ago, and he kept them together for the creation of ‘SMILE’. In discussions with the other three members, it came to light that the resumption of activites and creation of ‘SMILE’ was an important step in their progression as a new band. Having dropped his melancholy pop work, tetsu was the driving engine behind the reformation.
– This is a particularly straightforward, gimmickless album. I’d like to start by hearing your own thoughts and feelings about it.
[ It’s a good album…….. and it’s our tenth one, too.]
– Yes (laughs).
[I had to think to remember that number (laughs). And then I thought “Wow, really the tenth one?” (laughs) Somehow, I don’t feel like we’re a band that’s already produced ten albums. ….. But it’s a really good album (laughs). The songs are all impressive. And it took a long time to make, too. The members of L’Arc, we’re all pros. We have high expectations because of that, and of course we live up to them. I don’t think we even need to bother reaffirming that. We’ve each come to reach higher levels. I don’t think we did it consciously, since we still put the same emotion into our work as we always have, but we do so at a higher level. Going back and listening to our old albums, I think “Ah, I’d put more thought into that now” or “Why did we decide to do it that way?” about various parts.]
– Is that proportionally from a sales point of view?
[No, it doesn’t amount to sales. It’s kind of tricky. I think it’s the same as with cars (laughs). I’ve always been the type to go for sports cars. Low-riding, fast cars. But these days, it’s RVs and that sort of big, huge car that’s popular, right? Though it’s mostly women buying those (laughs). Anyway, it’s the same sort of thing. Sometimes, what’s popular in the world doesn’t match up with my tastes. ……everything becomes obsolete at some point, so I have to keep evolving so I don’t end up the same way. But, that’s going to happen to what’s popular now, too (laughs). I think eventually, the time will come again for things I like, but in the meantime others are going to make fun of me. If what I like isn’t popular, I think it’s a problem for the rest of the world (laughs).]
– I think you’ve done a very good job of balancing the feelings you want to express in this album with the desire to make the album sell. Did you keep both of these aspects in mind while making it?
[No, I never focus on making an album sell well during the creation process. It’s not that I never think about it; I can’t help but be interested in what will obviously sell. I’ve never been interested in things that don’t sell. I’m completely uninterested in only appealing to the maniacs. If it has a sellable aspect, and it turns out not to sell, after thinking about the aspects I can conclude “It’s too bad for those who didn’t get it” (laughs). Things get made for the general public to buy, that applies to music, movies, cars, all sorts of things, but I think it’s definitely possible to take it too far….. After all, there aren’t many people who can tell what’s going to be the next big thing. If you aren’t with the majority, it’s because you’re ahead of them. When the majority is a step or two behind, you won’t have the numbers to make that much profit. So in order to appeal to the public, you need to be approachable and keep your design uncomplicated, if your stuff has a design. That’s how it is in music, but after all, I don’t think even the most popular music can appeal to everybody. So really, popularity isn’t linked to quality, really.]
– This album, ‘AWAKE’ showcases the band’s current fulfillment, but I think it still inherits from the previous one, ‘SMILE’. There was tension pertaining to the “Aren’t you glad L’Arc came back together?” feeling, and parts of that product felt very cut off from the rest, while others seemed somewhat unfinished. I hope ‘AWAKE’ managed to stay free of these issues.
[That’s true. Indeed, when we were making ‘SMILE’, the four of us were just coming away from our solo projects so we still had to work on becoming L’Arc again. But during the ‘SMILE’ tour, we spent a lot more time together and emerged much more L’Arc-like, so that’s probably why these two albums have such a large difference.]
– (laughs). Actually, on ‘AWAKE’ there are very few of your songs, tetsu-san. There’s the first song to be released from it, ‘Jiyuu e no Shoutai’ and ‘TRUST’ and that’s all. However, it’s still obvious from listening that you had an uncredited influence. Your basswork sung more than ever before. You have the talent to make it dance (laughs).
[(laughs) That’s just how it turned out this time. But to be honest, I consciously wanted to downplay my own songs. I don’t think the others noticed (laughs). …..That’s right, I intentionally reduced my song count. How to say it…… Everyone else wrote really good songs, so I didn’t have to try hard (laughs) I downplayed myself, even though we’re following up three singles by me from last year. After all, ken-chan’s fans want to hear a ken-chan song, and so there was that bashing…….. I’m really bad at confrontations. That’s why I wanted to hurry up and get a ken-chan single released, and I was very glad when ken-chan’s ‘Jojoushi’ got picked to be the single. I never tried to push my own songs to be singles, though I’m sure the tetsu fans think that would be a good thing. Looking at the whole picture, it’s better for me to pull back a bit this time. I don’t know if that’s a positive or negative thing, and I’m the one saying it (laughs). After all, L’Arc is four people, not any single artist. I know we each have our own fans, but I’d much rather see everyone come together as one. If we do badly, our fans will split. Artists have a character, and fans also have a character; if there are a lot of extreme fans, there are a lot of quiet ones too. That’s why I can’t lump all the “L’Arc fans” together. Also, as a buisnessman I have to make sure they’ll by the CD, and make sure they’ll want to buy tickets for our lives. There are a lot of people among the fans who tell us “I haven’t bought your CDs, but I like you! I’m a fan!” but I have to make sure I thank even that type of fan. Hmm… When I was putting together ‘TRUST’ I was thinking of something from the tetsu bashing : “tetsu songs are always just bright, happy pop songs! We’re sick of it!” and comments like that. I decided to write a melody in minor… But you know, I’ve written songs like that before, like with ‘finale’ and ‘Shi no Hai’. But I’m stuck with the “tetsu songs are all chirpy pop songs” label so I redoubled my efforts to make this type of song. “What do you know about me?” So it’s become an antithesis to that, the song ‘TRUST’.]
– But that’s a novelty among the songs on this album. I thought everyone else had made up-tempo, bright, feel-good songs for it. This one goes the other way, being dark and heavy, and there isn’t much distinction between the chorus and the main melody, but I’m sure you’re aware of that and put thought into maintaining the balance despite your reasons for making the song this way. I think this album does an excellent job of showcasing your skills.
[I understand. Somehow, I know the fans think it, even the other members think it, that “Another tetchan song means another pop song”. I don’t want them to think that way anymore (laughs). So I’ll see what happens with this dark song. I think it’s still balanced. This time around, I had prepared seven songs. Actually, I brought the most possible songs. But, I also got my songs eliminated the most (laughs). …….. But I’m kind of happy about that. Anyway, the single we’re releasing after the album is another of my songs, so that also adds balance.]
– It seems you’re going to be very busy from now on.
[L’Arc’s going to be busy until September. After that, hyde has solo work planned.]
– Will you be doing solo work too?
[I don’t know yet (laughs).]
Translated by Natalie Arnold

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