5. února 2023

Mana Interview (6/2006)


Mana-sama sure is one of the most creative, fascinating and unusual musicians who came from the land of the rising sun. Since 14 years this unreal doll dances through notes and quietly illuminate his fans. Although he was in his life in different bands and genres, he was one of the rare, who kept their style. Some great musician he had found, some little he had helped and since 2002 he goes his own way with his solo-project Moi dix Mois. Stories full of feelings, made with depression, hope and romance, fast show theirselves as Manas quiet preference. But he also surprises us with unexpected things, like he had shown with his newest work Beyond the Gate. The Europe-tour 2006 has the same motto and takes the master himself on his birthday to the german capital. After an overwhelming concert on 19. March at Berlins Huxley's we take the chance to make this godlike artist speaking his own words.

Orkus: First we like to thank you for the time you take for us and for spending your birthday with the german fans! Were you able to use your time otherwise than only for the preparations for the show at your day of honour?

Mana: Unfortunately I was not able to visit Berlin itself, because we had too less time.

Orkus: Like everytime you impressed us yesterday with your hairstyle. For this we are just able to say our deepest respect! Is there any secret tip to make this styling hold in spite of moving so much for two hours?

Mana: It is very important for me that my hair looks good. I need to search long for the secret of holding. Of course I use much spray to get this style, but because of that it is very hard to get the hair back in their natural form. Washing the hair is everytime really extravagant.

Orkus: We also noticed you are using very fascinating guitars. Could you tell us something about these unique copys?

Mana: These ones are drawn by myself and realized by the company ESP. You could call them original Mana-models.

Orkus: What's the price of one of these instruments?

Mana: I get them free. But normally you need to pay 3.500$.

Orkus: How many of these magnificent instruments do you have?

Mana: At my home I have ten.

Orkus: Which other instruments do you own?

Mana: One bass, one synthesizer, one accordion and one violin.

Orkus: You let us know that you compose your music with a notebook?

Mana: Yes, I am preparing some with my notebook. But I also like working with the synthesizer and Beyond the Gate is composed by guitar.

Orkus: Are we allowed to ask why you didn't play at your Europe-premiere at Munich an addition?

Mana: We didn't know if it is usual to play additions in Europe. In Japans we always play additions. We just added the four songs, which we would had played as addition, to the playlist.

Orkus: In the last interview you mentioned that you need to open a new door to the Moi dix Mois-system. How did you mean that?

Mana: First I like to use the possibility of the different instruments. Till yet I settled my songs in the area of metal and I want to play this time more with digital, synthetic sounds. I worked with twinguitars at the new album and in that I see the new system of Moi dix Mois.

Orkus: Would you agree that your sound got harder? Why did your sound chance like this?

Mana: My theme of this CD is "anger". Because of that it is right when many people think that way. Romance was the leading theme in the last two albums. With changing the bandmembers something had changed for me and because of that I like to present me from my other side.

Orkus: Is there a story behind the music?

Mana: Many things from my private life are reflected in my music.

Orkus: Were you in the past not one with yourself and use Beyond the Gate as an outlet?

Mana: No, actually not. I just want to destroy and then rebuild the picture that the members had of Moi dix Mois.

Orkus: What makes you angry?

Mana: That so much fans have the wrong opinion of me.

Orkus: Many fans are asking theirselves why you kicked Juka, Kazuno and Tohru.

Mana: I did not kick them and our relationship is further good. They left the band because of different points and because they want to.

Orkus: Are you able to say that the last two albums are also you?

Mana: The style has chanced, but everything is still my music!

Orkus: Yesterday you played an unknown song. Could you tell us more about that song?

Mana: Harmony is a big part of Lamento Coriomis (Lardeen: The song is actually called "Lamentful Miss"). But it has nothing to do with personal feelings. It much more tells a story about a sad angel.

Orkus: When we will meet this sad angel on a CD?

Mana: Autumn or winter.

Orkus: Will there be another DVD of this Europe-tour?

Mana: At the moment there are no plans, but the whole concerts got filmed and because of that I could use this for a DVD.

Orkus: Are you satisfied with your show yesterday?

Mana: It was a wonderful concert and I am very satisfied how the evening was going. It is a pity that there are no plans for a DVD.

Orkus: We can only agree with that, your live was a great experience. Was your birthday also like you like it?

Mana: As a musician you like to celebrate your birthday with your fans and it was also an honour for me to perform in front of this audience.

Orkus: When are you going back to Japan?

Mana: Unfortunately I must go back tomorrow.

Orkus: Were you able to see this time more of Paris?

Mana: We played on 17. March at Paris and this time - again - I was not able to see more of the city.

In the coming issue Mana will tell us about an experience in Paris, about Johann Sebastian Bach, one birthday-experience and more.


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