14. prosince 2021

Special edition:what type of guy is he? (2003)


What type of person is Miyavi? Find out in this special interview where we tackle into his amazing world.

>>Hi Miyavi-san. How are you?
MIYAVI: Hi. Uh...I'm not doing so well, I have a little fever.
>>Is that so?
MIYAVI: When I was invited to do this interview last month, I've been thinking about it ever since. I only thought of the interview, it really "invaded my mind."
>>Really? I remember now, and you said very plainly "Sorry for thinking so much."
MIYAVI: "pu pu pu" is the type of laugh that makes people hate you *laughs* But I got comments from my fans through their letters, "Miyavi doesn't know but I know him very well." I recieved a lot of weird letters. When I read them, I think "Ah~this is what the fans sent me" I feel happy but also agumentative. But I can't argue with them because my teeth aches *laughs* Can I please borrow part of the interview to file my complaint?
>>Yeah yeah *laughs* This is a special edition, so I really have to thank you. I plan to send out this special feeeling also.
MIYAVI: I think I have a little fever, even if it's not that high.
>> I don't mean that. I'm really sorry *laugh* But you really feel that way, huh? *laughs* You're appearance in this magazine last month was the first time so there're a lot of people asking, "Who is Miyavi?" So this time we're trying to decipher, "what type of person is Miyavi?" So I'm going to ask you about things you're attached to, onegaishimasu!
MIYAVI: Basically I'm an honest and serious person.
>>People would normally describe what type of person they are not just say that they're honest and serious.
MIYAVI: I just say whatever I think *laughs* I want the readers to know, that's my intention.
>>Mm?? What do you mean?
MIYAVI: For example in rocks-papers-scissors, if we knew that the other person would play scissors, then we know to play rocks. I plan to play rocks but the other person is thinking this way too, so they play papers. So I play scissors and I win. Up to this point I want to say that I "feel so proud."
>>Because of scissors, rocks, and papers? This is really simple *laughs* Do you have to be "honest and serious"? You have to be yourself don't you?
MIYAVI: Yeah, be yourself *laughs*
>>*laughs* Then let's begin.

MIYAVI: I can say plainly that my fashion is "no fashion" *laughs* I've been in Tokyo for 4 years but during those 4 years I've bought my own clothes only once.
>>Eh? You wear the same clothes over and over again?
MIYAVI: Aa~wait wait. I'm not that dirty of a person *laughs* I recieve a lot of clothes from my fans which is why I don't really buy clothes. Nowadays I wear jeans, but I used to wear leather pants. That's all I'd wear *laughs*
>>Is that so? What other things are you attached to other than that?
MIYAVI: Actually I don't really want to talk about "my characteristics." I want to attach to things and pretend that I don't. "Looking attached without be attached." I think that's cool, it's really a cool thought.
>>Another complicated thought *laughs* But I get what you're trying to say *laughs* But when did you stop wearing leather pants and started wearing jeans?
MIYAVI: I don't really wear leather pants because they tear easy. So I started wearing jeans *laughs*
>>Aa, really? *laughs* Then what would be the first thing to buy with your money?

MIYAVI: Probaly opportunities.
>>Oh, just the way an artist would think.
MIYAVI: That was cool right? That was cool?
>>"That was cool right?" Do you really have to ask? *laughs*
MIYAVI: I don't know *laughs*
>>Then on to the next one.

MIYAVI: Food that I'm attached to? *worried* Is there any? Probably not. I can eat the samething everday and be fine with it. I think that's how it is. When I go shopping, I would buy food that I can eat everyday.
>>What do you like to eat?
MIYAVI: Right now I'm not eating rice (I'm not sure about this part. Because in Thai, the phrase "eaing rice" refers to eating any meal. So it could mean that Miyavi isn't eating rice, or that he's not eating anything at the moment -D.T.) but other food would be gum. It's sticky and it tastes the best, and it'd stick to my teeth *laughs*
>>Is it (okay the word here has three different possible interpretations. The first is that it can mean that the taste is kind of bland and bitter, but Miyavi says that it's delicious so maybe that's not right? The second one is astringent, meaning that it stops cuts from bleeding or it can make the skin less oily. But that's really weird O_O The third one is to translate it as "did I hear it right?" But to make that work it needs a prefix, so maybe not. Miyavi's answer doesn't help much so...just interpret it whichever way you want ^O^" sorry =S....-D.T.) bitter/astringent/did I hear it right? *laughs*
MIYAVI: Yes, but this year gum is really popular. I've already checked. You should go check too.
>>Mmm...Then I will.

MIYAVI: This is something I'm attached to but it's not something I want to be seen as attached to *laughs* But being attached to it is concrete right? If I was asked that, I'd probably have difficulty answering, because I feel that that it's not concrete. The songs I've written up to now are weird. "Children who stay in one place don't go back home" I would make my songs with that kind of feeling but it seems like I can write a variety of songs. Mm, I'm thinking of changing it but it's hard. Ther are times when I write songs I would attach to the wrong things, you know. I don't think I'm attached to just one thing (I guess he means that he's not consistent..?-D.T.) Aa, but my room seems to be that way. But if there's a hole I would turn into an extremely anxious person, I would feel anxious about that too. If there're holes in my songs I would probably hate it.

>>When you go to the hospital, do you get worried "while you're going" there?
MIYAVI: Sometimes, yeah. I'm not the type to get prepared before going to a hospital. Little cuts and bruises, I would just endure it, I won't go to the hospital. But if I'm in a real tight spot, I would probably tell. *laughs* But it's not something to laugh about. When my teeth aches, if I had to say where did it ache, it seems that it would ache because of miso. I can't tell where does it ache inside. Top or right, because the pain just comes and go. It's odd. That's what happened when I went to the doctors.
>>But I don't understand what we're talking about at all *laughs* Even though your lyrics seems to be about general topics, it doens't end normally. But either ways, you stop and you mix, it's all just kidding right?
MIYAVI: Aa, no~what I say is natural, it's what is inside of me. I dont' know about the High Society. I'm from the countryside. *laughs*
>>"Went to see the doctors" What did you mean by High Society?
MIYAVI: Aa, yes, what? I think I did something crazy *laughs*

@ ATTACHED TO PIPES (smoking pipes)
MIYAVI: Nowadays I would always have a pipe in my mouth. Since I became attached to it, I feel that "I've found something good." I met it (pipe) when I went to the Yamanaka lake to record according to the plan that I was going to release something during the Spring. But it started when someone bought it for me at the lake. Actually at first I wasn't going to buy it, because I think smoking was prohibited. But I think the pipe, and the cigarette brand I'm using is famous *laughs* But it's complicated because some areas don't allow smoking.
>>Even if you say that you can smoke, but because you don't smoke, you started smoking out of the blue?
MIYAVI: Something like that. But it's probably more like I never really was interested in it. But when I started, I feel, "my cigarettes, even if it's prohibited in some area, I can still smoke." *laughs*
>>Is that so? You think it's an object right?
MIYAVI: That, that.

MIYAVI: Sleeping on the chair *laughs*
>>Sleeping on the chair?
MIYAVI: Yeah *laughs* When I sleep on the bed, I go right to sleep. Sleeping on the chair in front of the computer makes it seem like my body doesn't get rest but my mind does.
>>Then you don't get any rest.
MIYAVI: Yes, but most of the time I would stay home. But when I'm in front of the computer if I'm sitting there, I would sit there 99% of the time. *laughs*
>>With your eyes open?
MIYAVI: Of course. Before I woke up 10 minutes, there was a loud noise. While I was sleeping I had knocked over my CD rack, but I knew it so I was able to catch it in time. "hu hu hu it's good that I realized in time" I thought that and went back to sleep again *laughs*

>>You like orange juice right?
MIYAVI: The reason is not just because I'm attached to it, it's just that wherever I go I would ask people to buy it. You can say that wherever I go I have to have orange juice.
>>Did you like it ever since you were young?
MIYAVI: Mm...I've liked it since a long time ago. But ever since I became an adult, I stopped drinking it. But many years back, I came back to drinking it again. The feeling to drink it? It's like writing kanji over and over again, "what is this? this kanji? it looks like this?" I think that's what I think.
>>I see *laughs*
MIYAVI: Right? It's the samething with orange juice if you think about it. When I go to restaurants I would usually order it. But there was one day when I ordered it and it seemed like the flavor changed. "Oh! You're not delicious anymore" (he actually says it like orange juice is a person -D.T.)
>>I get that but what does it have to do with kanjis?
MIYAVI: Aa, it's full of Vitamin C. because usually I'm not a very healthy person, so I have to eat a lot of Vitamin C. (err...I still don't get how it connects to writing kanjis -_-" -D.T.)
>>Do you have a favorite brand?
MIYAVI: Mm? I used to like Pon Juice but I'm kind of sick of it now *laughs* But a particular brand I'm fond of? If it's 100% natural then it's all good.

MIYAVI: I want to be a man appreciated for his guitar skills. I love the sound of it, and singing. It feels good to sing and do it well.
>>You like people with good personalities whether they're blacks or foreigners.
MIYAVI: I think I have a bodyguard who is black, he's really really nice. I think he's really cool.

MIYAVI: I'm actually quite fond of closed spaces. *laughs* And it has to be a place I know. It's a weird habit.
>>You're like a hamster, huh? *laughs* Hamsters are anxious when they're in unfamiliar places.
MIYAVI: The same level as a hamster? When I was a kid, everytime I saw someone, I would get really anxious *laughs* When my grandmother comes *laughs* If you don't think anything would you get anxious? Like a guy who wants to wear a skirt, he would definitely feel, "wow this is great" when he wears it.
>>Thank you for setting a hard example to understand to make it easy to understand *laughs*
MIYAVI: No problem *laughs*
>>What kind of room is it?
MIYAVI: Mm? I have furnitures, a bed, but I don't know exactly everything. But my room is awesome, it's the best *laughs* The color is all black. I'm not good with colors, so I just made everything all black.
>>Now we've heard of the many things you're attached to. You went to the Yamanaka lake to record your release for the Spring right?
MIYAVI: Yes. I was like canned food that I had to try hard. I went for 10 days, but I didn't do easy work. When I had free time I went on the swan boat near the lake, everyday was really fun.
>>What type of feeling does the song give?
MIYAVI: I put more focus on singing here, the backing of the guitar I did at my house in Tokyo. I think I finished the lyrics and the melody of the songs at the lake. There wouldn't be any changes to that part. The singing would be changed to make it different from usual, there's no real reason for that. But I think it's just another way to sing. I hope everyone enjoys it when they hear it.
>>Okay, last question. Are you ready for the live at Shibuya Kokaido?
MIYAVI: I feel happy and afraid about my first opening. It'd be good if I could express "me." If I can show something that's even more than a live, that'd be great. No matter how the sound, or the look of it turns out, I hope everyone comes and have fun with me.


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