24. prosince 2021

Latest interview (2002)


My interview with YOSHIKI took place on the day after I arrived at LA. Beforehand, he was busy making a movie commercial until 4AM. Therefore, today I had to go to YOSHIKI's studio at 9PM. We waited and waited but YOSHIKI still did not show up. Until finally, around midnight, he came but he then disappeared into a meeting in the studio in order to decide the location of the commercial he was to shoot the next day. By that time, we reporters began to wonder whether he was still going to give us an interview. Time passed, and when it was 2AM, YOSHIKI walked into the living room (where we were waiting) and said, "shall we begin?" Although we had waited a very long time, hearing him say those words felt very nice (don't really know how to translate this word, but, you get it? -D.T.). Before we started the interview he said, "we could just talk about easy stuff, or about music (his work)." So I was able to ask him about the bands that he's been producing, which consists of 5 Japanese bands, 3 American bands, and 1 music job for VIOLET UK. Then, YOSHIKI chose the DAT to play the music of his solo unit and at the same time, explaining the instruments involved,etc. After listening to all kinds of songs, we moved from the studio to his private office and the interview started.


I: You have so much work nowadays.
Y: My hands are full!
I: When did this much work started to come in?
Y: My solo project, VIOLET UK started about 6 years ago. Around the time when everyone (the members of X JAPAN) started doing their own solo projects. I saw that I had some free time, so I decided to start my own too. But because for me, X's songs were my first priority, my solo didn't progress that much. Now that X JAPAN has disbanded, I released another X album. So that time I had a lot to do because I didn't want any trouble from the contracts I signed. When I finished that I intended to come back and work on my solo. Actually...at that time I already had about 60 songs written for my solo. Yesterday I played it during the filming of the commercial (see shooting report at the end. -D.T.) too. When I decided that "I'm going back to do my solo!" hide had suddenly passed away....so I had to stop my plan as you see.
I: You stop the distribution?
Y: No, but more like I stopped everything. You could say that, that time I didn't do music at all.
I: You didn't?
Y: I was blocked all the way round...this is why I didn't want to give any interviews. I didn't want to play music to anyone. The only thing that I could do was produce for other people because at that time, I couldn't write music at all. The only song I could write was the one for hide...uh....would you like to listen to it?

I: Yes, I would love to.
Y: Well, now that your here, I guess we could listen to it. Then, let's go back to the studio.

With that, we(the interviewers) and YOSHIKI came back to the studio. He sat down infront of the PA and while checking the DAT said, "the song is called Without You." And then a beautiful ballad slowly came out of the speakers...this song, YOSHIKI had written for hide right after he died. Everyword, every note, seemed to convey the feelings that he had to hide. Each letter was like a hymn to send hide's spirit to heaven. The lyrics are completely different than the one's of VIOLET UK, his new project. Instead, it oddly had the similarities of an X JAPAN song. However it was not TOSHI's voice that was singing it. If it had been his voice, everyone would have believed that it is a new song of X JAPAN. After listening to the song for about 6 minutes, it slowly faded away...along with a soft whisper, "I actually wanted TOSHI to
sing it..." And no matter how dark the room was, I clearly saw that there were tears filling up YOSHIKI's eyes.

I: When did you write this song?
Y: Not long after hide passed away. When I was writing it, the tears wouldn't stop either.
I: When you write songs, mostly you finish within a week or so. How long did it take you to write this song?
Y: Pretty fast actually. After I flew back to LA for about a week, I started to think about writing a song to him. And at the same time I would pull myself together also. I finished this song in about a week. But when I was writing it I was in a pretty bad state. I didn't feel like I wanted to do anything. The only thing I could do was produce. I couldn't go forward with my own creative work. I don't know why even when I wanted to play music.
I: Including the 60 songs that you had for VIOLET UK?
Y: I quit completely then. Actually I was really depressed and nervous to go back on stage, regarding H.M. the King's 10th anniversary (for being crowned) last year. Because I don't have many experiences in this kind of work, plus I hadn't been on stage for a year and a half...actually, close to 2 years. Other then that, whenever I thought about myself, I would always think of hide next. So I thought of trying not to think about it.
I: How about with the music that you've already finished?
Y: I just left it as it was.
I: You planned to stop doing everything?
Y: For me, I can do it whenever. It's just that, I couldn't do it then. If I could change the past, it would be good. But I can't.
I: Then why...did you let me listen to the song you wrote for hide?
Y: I don't know why either. I can't remember when did I want other people to listen to this song.
I: I see...I think that the fans would love to listen to it too.
Y: I listen to it myself, and tears still come out. How do you think the fans would react? Because this song is too sad...even I'm afraid to listen to it.
I: I never knew that you wrote a song for hide.
Y: No one knows, because I didn't tell anyone...I think it's really funny for people to call me an actor just because I'm always in front of people. But with what happened to hide...it's like I realized that there is another me. It wasn't just the death of a normal friend. When I first heard of his death, it was as though I saw a difference between me and YOSHIKI of X JAPAN. I'm still not sure because we've been through so much together, through thick and thin.
I: Before, we never heard much about your personal life.
Y: Yes, because in the past, I didn't let it out at all....some people probably thought that I was calm and collected. But I have to let everyone know that during that time I couldn't do anything else other than producing music for other artists.
I: In the past 2 and a half years and after X JAPAN disbanded, you didn't release any of your own work out into the public at all. Was that just because of hide?
Y: Because TOSHI decided to leave the band in April, and from April to September, there were press conferences. We had many releases in schedule. So it was really a harsh time. Think about it, even though TOSHI already left, I still had to sit and listen to his voice everyday. So it felt like X JAPAN was still alive. Because I had to hear his voice everyday, eventually I couldn't take it. So I discussed it with everyone and the conclusion was "let's announce our disbandment." For this reason, we held the press conference officially in September. Even though that time I didn't really know what to say to the press. When I announced to everyone that X JAPAN was disbanding, I was even surprised with my own words. What was I saying?...plus there were more events that made this even harder to go through. Starting with TOSHI saying that he's "not coming to the press conference." And it made everyone wonder "what really happened?" That was something I did not want. That time, even though I said that we weren't going to do a live, we thought of the fans who has been supporting us all throughout these years. So we arranged for the concert at Tokyo Dome. But when I finally felt that I was feeling strong again, I got the feeling "okay, today I'm going to work and finish my solo project. I have too many songs left over." Then hide passed away suddenly. So it was like being bashed over the head over and over again. I turned into a person who couldn't do anything. (I feel so sorry for him T_T I'm really glad he's feeling better now ^^ -D.T.)
I: You produced songs for KITANO SHOKO and Dir en Grey right? When did you start feeling that you wanted to produce music for other people?
Y: If you asked when, I actually decided a long time ago. Probably after the 'depressed' stage for hide.
I: How was it then?
Y: Um...it was the same. It's just that I couldn't do my own work. When I was able to work again, it wasn't like producing a song one at a time but a whole album. That's when I decided that I would try not to think about myself.
I: You still couldn't think about your own work?
Y: I could not picture myself a musician at all.
I: In that case, when did you begin you solo unit?
Y: In the past, I've been going back and forward between Japan and LA. And, one time there was a fan who came up to me and said "no matter how long, we will still be waiting for your album." Plus, there were all kinds of fan letters. Not only from Japan, but from Australia, France, and Asia too! (wow~everyone knows Yoshiki! -D.T.) That time my feelings have already started to shake (from the fan's loyalty). But I couldn't do anything yet, because my hands were full from all the producing I was doing, but I never got tired of it because I like to do recording. During that time, I also had the honor to go on stage for H.M. the King's 10th year anniversary (for being King). Although, I've met him before, that time I felt nervous and excited because I haven't heard the fan's screams and cheerings for so long. And when I heard it, I started to feel that I can move on now.
I: How did you get involve with that event? (of the King)
Y: Apparently, someone mentioned my name to go up on stage, with the reason that I was a musician that can play rock and classic. When I first heard the news, I was so shock that I had to talk to my mom about what I should do. (lol so kawaii~-D.T.)
I: Even though we don't have much time, I'd like to hear more details.
Y: I was invited to go about a month before the event took place. So, during the first two weeks, I took my time to compose songs, and in the remaining one week, I practiced piano. And I also practiced with the orchestra band for 3 days.
I: What were the feelings you had on the day of the event?
Y: The pressure, and the tension I was feeling all showed on my face. And when the show was over, I felt that I had broken out of a cocoon, in an odd sort of way.
I: Was the screams of your fans one of the reasons why you were able to break out?
Y: Yes, perhaps if my fans weren't there, I probably won't be able to come out.

I: When you felt that way (breaking out), what was the first thing that you wanted to do?
Y: For me, the most important thing at that time, was what I could do to make the bands that I was producing successful. But even though I was doing everything for them, my feelings still didn't change. Because of this, my own solo started to take shape. With going back and listening to old songs, finding new intruments/machines to use (points to DAT player that are aligned against the wall). Other than the one on the left, all the ones that have unreleased songs are packed away. All of my VIOLET UK songs are born from these machines, because one of them can contain many songs. So I have quite a few songs composed for VIOLET UK. And when I listen to them, I start to edit them in all kinds of ways, because I get so many suggestions from many people. The CF song for the 7-11 commecial is also one of the songs in the DAT. Although in the past, I have never made songs for commercials before, for some reason, last year, I recieved all kinds of invitations to do songs for commercials....
I: That many!?
Y: Yes...as a musician, making songs for commercials is not something that you can express yourself in. But we have to go out and see the real world, and for me, going out...is something I really don't like. But this time, I was told directly by President SUZUKI, that he'll let me take care of everything. So I was a bit surprised. And even though, before that I had planned to start my own music, I though that, in that case, I'll use my songs to create a story. Which is making a movie of the future for 7-11 and myself...(that sounds kinda weird...isn't 7-11 a mini-supermarket?!-D.T.)
I: In the past, you've had the opportunity to try many different things. But this is the first time you're writing a script right?
Y: If you're talking about a full script (a real movie), then, yes, this is the first time. In the past, I have written scripts for the PROMOTION VDOs for X. But in a way, writing music is similar to writing stories. Because you have to use your imagination. And for me, my imagination flies all over the place. Ah! Do we take pictures today?
I: Where are we going to find the time to do that? (laughs)
Y: I totally forgot about it! (laughs)
I: After spending so much time off camera, how did it feel to be infront of it again?
Y: About 3 weeks ago, I had a chance to go on a TV show. I felt excited and nervous...but shy too.
I: You've been invited to be in many movies before, but this is the first time that everything is up to you right?
Y: Exactly, when it comes to a commercial movie it's impossible to leave everything to one person. I'm also not a really good actor, even though I've done a lot of things in the past, I've never forgotten that I'm a musician.
I: You got invited to be in a drama too?
Y: Yes, a couple of times. But I refused by saying "I'm not good at remembering lines, I probably can't do it." There were many movies and dramas that had me pegged as the hero.
I: Eh? Here in America too?
Y: Yes, but nothing has progressed yet...because I don't really like the scripts. They didn't make it so that I could play it, even though there has been many drafts mailed to me...But I still don't really like it. (I'm not really sure how to translate this part....gomen >O< D.T.)
I: What are those types of stories?
Y: Mostly, it's something about at the end the hero dies (lol...-D.T.). But the plot is like the success of a band that consists of three female singers/dancers. And I take the part as their producer, Yoshiki...I'm the one who gives them advices when they fail or they're disppointed. And in the end, this character (the producer), will lead them to a totally different type of success compared to the beginning. (eh??? weird...D.T.). In the beginning, we just talked and I agreed with him that I'll make one soundtrack song. Because of this, I have to know the entire story. But as we went on ,the director said "Can you do all the music?" At the same time, I was going crazy/hyped about the producing stuff I was doing, but I thought that it was interesting...In the end, the director asked if I could act in it a little. That time I thought that I probably couldn't do it. But he said "Come on...just one line! Wanna try it?" And I saw that it shouldn't be that difficult, so I said okay. But then the things that I was suppose to say slowly increased, until I finally realized that this is the main character!! *laughs* Even though I didn't ask for anymore, the scripts increased everytime. Because of this, when it came to that I DID became the main character, I refused. But the songs for the drama is already finished.
I: Eh!
Y: Up till today, there are four songs total. Plus I also have to find 3 females to come and play. Actually, before I get those actresses, I have to do casting and auditioning. Because we want to keep it real all througout the movie, so the actresses have to be able to sing and dance for real. That's why in the audition there were happenings of, "no matter how pretty you are, if you can't sing then it won't do."
I: This project...how will it turn out?
Y: How will it turn out? I don't know. But I will continue to do it because I've already finished the songs for it. And we've also found all the actresses. So however it will turn out, we'll have to leave it like that. I don't know either. But the only thing I can tell you is that doing something forcefully because it's your duty...is not a good thing at all. But this time, I can say that I'm happy to be doing this. I'm saying this because there are so many people nowadays, who do things that they don't want to do just because it's their job. There are very few times where someone can do something that they love.

Everytime YOSHIKI gives an interview, usually he is very articulate and will speak ten times faster than he normally does. The reason he gives is, "I have many things I want to say, therefore I want to relieve myself even a little bit." And in the end, when we listen to the interview tape it's about three times longer than other musician's interviews. But today, he's a little different. There were many times when he stuttered. From the enthusiastic person who wants to talk about all his projects really fast (so he can get through them all)...to a person who talks slower. It seems like the past two years just for him to say a few words seem to be so hard...but it doesn't mean he doesn't want to talk.

I: This plan to do VIOLET UK began about 6 years ago, right? I'd like to know what was your dream of it back then?
Y: I wanted it to come out unlike a band. Therefore, the recording sessions, and the stage performance has to be different. The basis of music is really just writing up lyrics and rhythms. So, we can actually put it together with other things. But we can't decide everything about who will sing. In the past, no matter what I would release, I would always think that I'm going to work with the musicians that I praise the most at the time. This is because in the past I devoted myself to X JAPAN so much. Now that I'm doing my own music, I want to find new things to inspire me. In conclusion, all of this is my concept in my musical work.
I: When you said that you have up to 60 songs in stock, is there a different image for each song?
Y: There are probably some parts that resemble one another because I wrote all of them. But basically, no matter what I do, it would always be something along the lines of mixing rock and classic. Now it seems like Yoshiki's identity (like a signature)
I: Before when you think of the picture of man named Yoshiki, you would think of a musical piece that amuses you?
Y: Most of the people who listen to my music for the first time would probably have that impression. Because in the past, I haven't released anything at all. But after the X album, Jealousy, I have always written songs normally. This is why there are a lot of people who feel that way. Even though I've been doing this for a long time, whether or not I have new songs.
I: Can I ask more about the 7-11?
Y: Sure. Actually, we've only finished filming a little. For me, I would have liked it more if it were five minutes longer...I want it to be longer than a regular commercial that usally only lasts 30 seconds.
I: Because you have a tendency to take alot of time when you write music, especially, now that X had disbanded, you have even more work. So I'd like to ask how much free time do you have for this? (the 7-11)
Y: Actually, I've been so busy that it's become a regular thing to me. Because if you included in the time that has passed since Jealousy's release, it's about 8 years? When Jealousy was released, it was used in many commercials. Because this concept of Jealousy is making music without having to use a computer at all. We wanted this so that the fans will listen to the most natural sound possible. But after that album passed, I've always used computers in my composing.
I: Even if you use computers, concerts of X is simply amazing!
Y: Yeah~but there were also computers being used in the back to help cut out certain sounds. Because we want everything to be as perfect as possible. *laughes*
I: I'd like to know about the members of VIOLET UK.
Y: We have quite a few people because I use many vocalists. And I'll choose who will be singing, depending on my mood.
I: You have male and female singers?
Y: No, I only have female singers. Practically all my songs are sung by women.
I: Why?
Y: Because in the past, I was always working with TOSHI. And it's like...if I take another male singer, I get this weird/conflicting feeling in me. In EXTASY we don't only have male singers but I did this, not because I dislike male singers but I just feel that women vocalist have more charm. (I always thought it was because Toshi has a relatively high voice and so Yoshiki got used to it...guess not -_-'' -D.T.)
I: The bands that you are producing right now, all have female lead vocalists?
Y: No, not at all. Mostly it will be half and half. But it's this way for VIOLET UK because I want to introduce something new.
I: In that case, is VIOLET UK going ot have another concert similar to the one 7 years ago in New York?
Y: Uh...what should I say *laughs* Actually, I do want to do a concert. But because I many things to sort out, things aren't really falling into pieces yet. But I can assure you, that in the future there will definitely be one. About VIOLET UK, I haven't decided on anything permanent yet. Mostly, it's just ideas...And one day, I intend to put all these ideas together to make it rock solid and make it spark and catch people's attention. To surprise everyone again and have them say "What the heck is Yoshiki doing??" *laughs*
I: Then when will we hear your music again?
Y: Well, we'll have to wait and see.
I: Do you stil have to keep it a secret? Because this interview wil be published after the press conference on June 20th.
Y: On the 20th, the first and most important thing that I will talk about is the release of 3 - 4 bands from America and 5 more Japanese bands. I will also be talking about the opening of my homepage, so please countdown till the day that it will be operating, ne? I've been preparing this for about a year now because this is one of my plans to step forth into the world...and the other thing I will talk about is the opening of the EXTASY JAPAN lable.
I: I really want to hear about your company more. I remember the first one that you set up was EXTASY RECORDS.
Y: After EXTASY RECORDS, I opened another one called PLATINUM RECORDS, which is where GLAY was produced.
In the mean time I was also setting up cassete tape lables (uh...I'm not sure if this is right...does it make sense?-D.T.) in America. There was also signing contracts with WARNER BROTHER for the distribution.
I: What kind of company is that?
Y: The name of the company is EXTASY RECORDS INTERNATIONAL. My goal was to make this company the one to
distribute works from EXTASY JAPAN which I intend to make it the major lable in Japan. While EXTASY RECORDS will still be producing from the indies bands. (Okay, here I'm not sure when he says ''major'' does it mean, when bands go and do their major debut or ''major'' meaning one of the main lables in Japan?....-D.T.)
I: When did this plan to go into the music marketing business start?
Y: It went through time and it's own course of action, I guess? *laughs* Well, when you see that I want to set up a music company , I set one up. Like EXTASY RECORDS. Oh yeah, this year EXTASY RECORDS will have been in business for 15 years so I've decided to release a memorial album. (This you can check at www.yoshiki.net and you can read the messages that artists posted up, regarding the 15th anniversary. It's really cool! There's an English and Japanese version, too ^^ I'm pretty sure the messages were originally in Japanese but someone translated it. ^^ Check it out!! The English version is still under construction, to a certain extent. The Japanese is complete though. -D.T.) Actually, I wanted to release it in time for the 21st of June but I still haven't chosen all the songs yet *laughs* (I don't know the date of this
interview...-D.T) When we first created EXTASY, it was just so that we could release X's album. But it turned out that when we released VANISHING VISION, it sold amazingly well. I was surprised too! But when I thought about it, it was fun, but really tiring because we only had 2-3 people working on it. And especially, when the album sells many tens of thousands, those 2-3 people will have even more work. At that time we decided to quit and we signed a contract with SONY. But GEORGE (ex-Ladies Room) came and asked if we could release an album for LADIES ROOM. And when we released it, it also sold incredibly well! So then came, ZI:KILL's album and LUNA SEA's album and it kept coming in. And so the company had more employees because there was so much work. Because of this, the companynow is very different from what I originally planned it to be. When we setted up EXTASY RECORDS there were some major companies who contacted me and said that they want to be the distributor of my music. But because it wasn't my intention
in the first place, I refused. And this is the reason PLATINUM RECORDS was created. The first bait we took as an experiment was none other than GLAY. Which was a band that made sales of numbers that were out of the ordinary - so much that you could say it was the best sale of the company. When I was in America, there was also news about TOSHI and I just felt that I couldn't handle it anymore. Everytime I surfed the internet I always found that many people mailed me and asked all kinds of questions. Therefore when the ''depressing'' stage was over, I told myself that I had to do something. And at the same time I wanted to produce, plus I had the chance to meet many good bands. So, I set down to work. That's why I say that this went through procedures and time. Even though, in reality, I don't have any projects at all. *laughs*
I: I'd like to know what you look for in a band, when choosing which one to produce.
Y: What? That's pretty hard question~ But all in all, I want to work so that the product will be good rather than thinking about if it will sell or not sell, etc.
I: Going back to the song we just listened to, I think the melody is very beautiful.
Y: In a band, the vocalist is the most important element. And after that, it is the mood of the band overall. Therefore I like to work in a band more.
I: From what you said, you said that you are working for about 10 bands right? Can you compare that with how much you get involved with each band?
Y: Um...I'll answer simply that with artists I work with I let them go 100% but not including the time to do the work. For example, the female singer names EAJIA, I do almost 100% of the work: I write the songs, play the drums, and play the piano, etc. And with anyone who I'm just giving advice to or help choose they're songs, I work for them 50%. (I tried to translate this part as good as I could but she asked a really weird question and his answer didn't really help either. -_-" Hope you got the gist of it anyway....? -D.T.)
I: When you work, do you have to separate your feelings as a musician and as a producer?
Y: They have to go together, you can't separate them. For me, no matter what I do, I always keep in mind that "it is my work too." So, I am able to pay a lot of respect to the ideas of other band members. But there are times, occasionally, when I say "I think this is, we should this here." And when I give that opinion, I would say it straightforwardly and clearly everytime. I never say things like "What should we do here?" This is because when you arrange it or do anything, it will help to add value to each of your songs. Therefore, even though I don't have much time I can't keep myself from getting involved.
I: It seems like you're a very rational person...which is why you were relied on to produce all these bands.
Y: Yes, crazy. I hope that people will see that word and always think of the man named YOSHIKI. *laughs*
I: Isn't that too harsh of a word?
Y: That's good!
I: In that case, it means that you don't have any problems in the amount of time you have to work in?
Y: There's no problem, for me but it is for many other people. Like today I have to apologize that I had you wait for so long. I don't even understand myself why do we have to do so much. But everything I do, I try to do my best and have fun. Yeah, it's probably because I never plan anything ahead...it's always like this. Because in the past whenever I said I was going to do something, I could never do it. So I just let it go and leave it up to time and it's own course of action. I really live my life on instincts.
I: If you say that when you do something, and you let it go to it's own accord, it means that this time you had the feeling "It's coming!" right?
Y: Yeah...it's kind of amazing. Each project is progressing very well. I don't want to say that it's the only opportunity of being accepted again. It's because I feel that there are many aspeccts that come together, not just being able to get back on stage again or getting so many fan mails. There are many other things that happened too...I think it's very amazing.
I: Not long ago, I had the chance to visit your new office.
Y: Eh, really? Did you see the meeting room?

I: I did but it was still in the process of connecting the TV phone (whoa...!-D.T.)
Y: It's already finished now. Now we can have long-distance meetings between LA and Tokyo. Isn't that cool? I designed it myself.
I: Ah..really?
Y: My definition of design is...just giving advices to people, saying "we should do this here and do that there." Something along those lines. Like the office building here in America, I designed everything myself.
I: Because your Yoshiki and if you don't do it yourself, you'd be very unhappy ne? *laughs*
Y: Yes, yes, very unhappy!
I: In that case, why don't you give some pointers to yourself?
Y: I do! Because it's the path that I have to walk on alone, therefore, it's my duty to make it the best. And I'll feel very unhappy if I wasn't the one that built it myself, no matter how long the path that I created is.
I: Like when you created EXTASY, it's simply incredible! And now you're going into the marketing world.
Y: I'm still building the road into the marketing world because I'm the type of person who doesn't like to turn around and look back!
Yoshiki looked me in the eye and said boldly, "I'm the type of person who doesn't like to turn around and look back." There's wasn't time left in this interview so I decided that we should go to the climax point. But right after I told him that, he suddenly got his far-away dream-like look in his eye and took a deep breath "The past two years...I've been so happy." But that doesn't mean that while he's walking forward, YOSHIKI would forget the painful past. In this interview he mentioned two things many times : happiness and sadness. Until I felt that he is the type who has a mix between tenderness and strength at a perfect balance. These are his next words, after he took a deep breath.

Y: Sometimes when I'm at the studio and I feel like I want to play the drums, I play. But once I start, memories of the past always float into my mind. Especially of the time when X was still around, probably because I had nothing back then. Not even a fanclub. Therefore, I could not connect with all the fans. The only way I was able to find out about our fan's feelings were the letters that came once in a while. Because I haven't been in Japan for a long time, and I don't show up for the media or anything. Sometimes I feel that I've turned into someone of the past.
I: Nowadays, people have their own homepages. And so many people come and ask "What is YOSHIKI doing now?"
And I haven't been able to answer that question. For that reason, I came to LA immediately. Because it is the only way I can bring the answer back to everyone and let them know.
Y: Really? I'm so glad. I've been gone from Japan for so long that sometimes I just think "Everyone has probably forgotten about me by now" because X already disbanded. *laughs*
I: You actually thought that?
Y: There were sometimes, yes. Because in the past I played music so as not to be submerged in my depression. So when I'm wasn't playing, I didn't know what was going to happen to me. Especially, after the song I just showed you, it got even worst. Because I had to play in the concert to say good-bye. So I felt that everything was horrible (about the good-bye concert). I decided to do it for hide. Even though there were many conflicts within me. I tried to collect them all together but I was unsuccesful. That's why the concert in Kawazaki was cancelled.
I: I remember that, that time, there were about 200 bands from all over Japan and there were about 1000 of the people who were involved, present. And you at the time, were talking and crying at the sametime.
Y: Uh...I was really miserable because I intended to play at all the big cities all over the country. So I had to cooperate with the livehouses which the employees of EXTASY and those involved said "If Mr.Yoshiki is going to do that, we're for it too." That's why before we did the concerts there were many people who came and asked to be of help. I have to thank and give my gratitude to all those people, really, I do thank them very much. Because I feel that if everyone didn't do it with a pure heart then it would not have been as successful because at that time, it was really harsh, everything seemed so horrible...
I: For you, the amount of time you felt down felt longer than others?
Y: Yes...that's why I didn't really want to give any interviews.
I: So many people asked for one?
Y: There were a lot. I'm not that strong of a person. I have weakpoints just like everyone does. I don't think there is anyone who is strong in this world. Everyone runs into horrible things, and during those times, your weakest points will be shown. Same as when I've been through many things: X's disbandment, hide's death, or even about TOSHI....
I: But you look better now.
Y: I finally did it.
I: That's great.
Y: Yes it is. In the past two years I haven't appeared in the media much, and I felt that everyone probably forgot me already. But when I stood on stage again, I found "everyone still came to see me. To cheer for me." And I was very touched and it dawned on me that "everyone is still waiting for my comeback." So I had to do something, and all these ideas came rushing into my head.
I: You have so many projects that if everyone heard it, they would think "YOSHIKI isn't human anymore." *laughs*
Y: Really? What should I do if that is the case? But I feel that each thing I do is like a point, lining up to create the bond between me and everyone and we can get closer. So I did not really careto give any interviews.
I: Have you been playing the drums recently?
Y: Not really but when I'm about to we have to do very hard training. There was once where I had to play for about 20-30 minutes to do a sampling but I haven't been playing for 2-3 hours straight like before. If I do a concert, I'm not sure if I can play or not because playing the drums for 2-3 hours...it's so tired like running a marathon. So I don't know how is it going to be.
I: After this, I wonder how YOSHIKI's drum playing will be?
Y: If I have the chance, I think I'll play. Is there any band looking for a drummer right now? *laughs*
I: You'd like to join.
Y: Any band with me as a member is pretty unlucky, ne? *laughs*
I: So when are you going to appear as an artist again?
Y: I'd like to release something of my own word by this year. Because I want to stand up and fight again.
I: How about the interview with Matsuda Seiko on television?
Y: That was more of a coincidence. Miss Seiko was in LA at the time and she contacted me saying "I'll be very happy if you give me an interview at your house." So I started to open my house for interviews.
I: This open-house interview, is giving me the feeling that "YOSHIKI is feeling better now."
Y: I don't really know that myself. Because the whole thing with hide was such a huge blow for me. Like when I'm producing, often times, I would think of words in hide's style. And everytime I do, I get this jabbing feeling in my heart. But...it's something that I can't do anything about anymore.
I: Hm...
Y: I was really shocked. I was drowned in misery and sadness for a long time. When my father died, I was sad and kept to myself for only about the first two weeks. But this...I had to keep to myself for almost 2 years...because it felt like...from now on, my best and closest friend ever is no longer with me. But life goes on. (I want to cry....-D.T.)
I: In the past you had to redeem yourself many times. *laughs*
Y: Hm...it's a good treatment....everyday that passes, it makes us feel better. Because in my case, I can't stay still either.
I: Therefore, you don't have free time again.
Y: Yes.
I: Do you have any time to yourself?
Y: Not really. But I don't call for it or need it. Because I'm happy everyday as I am. Whether I'm playing music, producing, or thinking about the company.
I: Finally, do you have to say anything to the fans in Japan who are waiting for your comeback?
Y: I'm so very happy that everyone is still waiting for me. Really, I thank you. Even though in the past I have shocked andsaddened everyone severely. For this, I want to pay everyone back...by not sinking into my misery alone, I will open up all my misery and sadness to everyone. I want to walk forward. Thank you so much everyone.


Many of you readers have probably had the privilege to see the new 7-11 commercial that has YOSHIKI as the presenter which has been on air since the passed GOLDEN WEEK. In the commercial that was well made like a Hollywood movie, not only is he the presenter, he was also the production manager. And in order to make a movie that lasts 1second (I think maybe this is a typo and that she meant 1 minute not second -_-"...-D.T.). The crew and YOSHIKI had to persevere and work hard for many hours. But the product was a beautiful picture like the one you saw....

All of a sudden, in the night of the past Tuesday, I was offered from somone "Can you go to LA from Saturday on?" The first time I heard that I had a hunch, "finally, an interview with YOSHIKI!" Because I felt that other than YOSHIKI, no artist would hand out a crazy offer like this. *laughs* So we got on the plane and flew to LA with only one piece of information: "YOSHIKI is filming something in Hollywood and during that time he will give the interview." Actually, YOSHIKI gave an interview a long time ago saying that he isn't one to predict anything in detail, rather, he follows his emotions more. That's he made the decision to make this very costly commercial. I heard that there was an agreement just about 2 weeks ago. Therefore, when I was invited to go to America, I did not hesitate to go.

When the plane landed, I got together with the my co-workers and headed towards the filming location right way. And that is when I found out that this 'filming' thing is one for the new 7-11 commercial. The filming starts tonight, with a total of two days for filming. During that time there would be a chance for an interview.After eating dinner, we headed towards the UNIVERSAL STUDIO where they were filming. Everytime I hear the word 'UNIVERSAL STUDIO' I would think of the theme park. The famous tourist attraction that was created at a corner of this massive studio. In this UNIVERSAL STUDIO, there are 50 studios total, spreaded out through the entire place. One of them is the one where YOSHIKI's is being filmed. On the inside there were all kinds of huge scenes set up, along with the crew who were walking around all over the place. One corner of the studio was set up as an office, while the other side was a helicopter scene. Half of the empty space of the studio was set as the penthouse scene, while on the other side of the penthouse, you could look out into a beautiful scenery. In the middle of the room, there was a glass piano amidst the lights. YOSHIKI was in the role of the executive that lived there.

Because the shooting had not begun yet, the news reporter crews were taken to wait in the bus. For a Hollywood star, everyone would each have their own bus. It's a tradition too, where veryone has to sit in this kind of car and get ready until shooting begins. Of course, YOSHIKI also did this - he had his own car like this too. 10:50pm, YOSHIKI entered the studio and walked over talking with the director and cameraman. Because he's been living in LA for so long his English is perfect and he has no problem communicating with the crew. After getting detailed instructions from the director, they began filming. YOSHIKI walked into the scene and all eyes where on him. He wore a black suit and had put on makeup,
darkening his eyes. The first scene today was the scene where YOSHIKI is walking in the penthouse. Now that I've seen this, it doesn't seem that different from making a music video.

After YOSHIKI said "let's turn on some music" the crew went to get the CDs in the car for him. He took that CD from the crew and started to adjust the volume. Just listening to it, it was just like being at home and listening to music. Actually, it was one of the songs from his solo project, VIOLET UK. There was no vocal, just instruments. YOSHIKI went and stood infront of the camera again. The bell went off and the crew shouted to everyone "Quiet!" The director's shout "ACTION!" resounded throughout the place and the real shooting began. And after 3 takes, this scene was finished.After the "OK" from the director, the stress that was hanging in the air of the studio dissipated. The crew checked the monitor again while YOSHIKI sat to rest on the sofa that was in the scene, before walking out of the studio to rest for a while. During this small period of time, I had the opportunity to ask YOSHIKI about this filming because the only information I had was that it was the "filming of 7-11's commercial." In the process of making this commercial, the president of the 7-11 company, asked YOSHIKI directly for him to "be the presenter and the scriptwriter for this commercial." YOSHIKI, intended on coming back to work again, wrote the script by thinking of his own life mainly. But this filming is only the first part because the commercial is only 30seconds long, there is a plan to have it on air lke a movie series.

At first this was about "the decision to come back to work again after taking a break for so long. So he contacted the pretty lady, who was his agent" But the actual story after that was already thought of but he ''hasn't written it yet. But the fun may be cut in half, since there might be changes." What a shame, ne?

While YOSHIKI was resting, Hollywood actors came and tested at the camera to be his substitute. Because the style of working in Hollywood is "he will not let his actors do the little parts that are unnecessary." After that, the filming progressed until it was the critical scene where YOSHIKI is holding a mini-TV phone, talking with his pretty agent. The director shouted out "This is a talking scene, everyone please be quiet!" The line is "It's time. I'll meet you there." YOSHIKI looked a little excited but because of his good English, this scene went as smoothly as any other. This futuristic TV phone was designed by YOSHIKI's idea entirely. After many takes, the director said "OK. Good!" YOSHIKI smiled
happily, in fact, so much that could see all of his teeth (^O^" -D.T.). After that, it was break time again. YOSHIKI walked over to the piano that was set up for shooting. The song he played that day ranged from classic all the way to MERRY XMAS WAR WOUND and songs that YOSHIKI improvised live - you can't find that anywhere else. Even the photographers were taking pictures of this prince.

The shooting went on until it was 4am, when everything was finished. Many of the crew put their hands up and said worriedly "It's a new day." Whilst, YOSHIKI looked at his watch and said "It's only 4am" and after he said good-bye he went back home...The next day, the second part of the commercial was taken. It was taken outdoors with a lamborghini and a helicopter as a prop. The scene was in the parkinglot of the helicopter on a tall building in downtown LA. Two helicopters were flying around the place even before YOSHIKI came. This is because around this building there is a mansion, therefore they had to finish shooting before 10pm. The scene today is between YOSHIKI and the pretty company president on the helicopter. And they did finish by 10pm. Next was the scene of YOSHIKI driving the lamborghini...this commercial has a lot of action. While the shooting was taking place, they blocked out the roads too.
During this cold night, the temperature dropped noticeably. But the words "cold" or "tired" never escaped YOSHIKI's lips. He kept right on, working, and not complaining at all.

The second day of shooting finished at 5am. Many film rolls were used during the shooting and only 30seconds of it will be used. These past hours have made me feel good but now it is time for me to board the plane and return to Japan.


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