17. března 2021



Joe Yokomizo Channel

Guest: Toshiya (Dir en grey)

Notes before reading: This is the translation/notes of the first part of the livestream on Joe’s Niconico channel with Toshiya as a guest last 4th February.
The livestream was one hour and fifty min approx. and this part covers the first 45 min approx. before getting into the premium corner.

You can watch this at Joe Yokomizo’s channel on Niconico.

Feel free to correct me if you spot any mistake or any confusing parts.

Links or credits to this post when the content is reposted or captured in other SNS are appreciated :)


Joe: Thank you for waiting. I’m Joe, the host of this Niconico livestream of the program Music&Talk by Joe Yokomizo’s channel, thank you for watching….Today, well, I was told that there are many people watching us right now, oh, you all have already started to write comments….thank you….

Joe explains how the program is going to be divided, the first part will be available for everyone but the premium part will be only available for the members of his channel.

Joe: In the middle of the program, we will get into the premium part. In that part, I’m going to comfortably drink with the guest person here while we have a deep talk. It would be great if you could watch the whole program! Then, without making you wait any longer, I’m going to introduce tonight’s guest…..Would you like to introduce yourself?….tonight’s guest is….this person!….please…

Toshiya: I’m Dir en grey’s bassist, Toshiya… thank you for having me….

Joe: Thank you! *claps* You finally came, Toshiya!

Toshiya: I did!

Joe: You came, thank you!

Toshiya: Yes

Joe: Before starting the program, you told me that you hated appearing in the media…

Toshiya: Yes, I hate it…

Joe: *laughs* Do you hate it?

Toshiya: Yes.

Joe: Do you hate talking (in public)?

Toshiya: Yes

Joe: You hate it….as today there are many people watching, I think that we should go hard at the members section (premium part) …..please, let’s do it…..

Toshiya: Please…

Joe: First of all, about the state of emergency…..*cuts* Oh, comments are already coming……”Toshiya is so cool”….thank you for writing comments…..ah, yes yes….If you have any questions, please write them down because at the premium part the staff is going to hand some to me and we are going to have a question corner…please write many comments!…..so….about the emergency state we are in since last 7th January…..what you have being doing?

Toshiya: Recently…..what was it?….we finished recording “Oboro”…..

Joe: Oh, did you finish the recording?

Toshiya: Yes

Joe: I see…. after that, it’s time for the mixing….

Toshiya: Yes

Joe: Then…for example…. today…. what did you do today?

Toshiya: Today……mmmm…..well, it’s related….started the pre-production of another (song)….

Joe: I see, you are already into the next pre-production (stage)….

Toshiya: Yes, it’s one from the album….

Joe: Is that so? I’m sure we are going to be happy with the information coming from Dir en grey from now on….

Toshiya: That’s it.

Joe: By the way, this is not really an important question but, what time do you usually get up in the morning?

Toshiya: What time would it be?….mmm…usually it’s random…

Joe: *laughs* Random…..you don’t have a pattern like, “I’m going to be up at this time”….

Toshiya: I’d say so…that’s it but….I usually wake up at 4-5 in the morning….

Joe: Eh….then you go to sleep early, right?

Toshiya: Yes, I try to go to bed early…

Joe: That’s good for your body……

Toshiya: *Nods*

Joe: Like at 10-11 pm, for example?

Toshiya: More or less, I’m about to sleep at that time….

Joe: Oh, I see…..”Are you sleeping properly?” , they are asking that (at the comments), are you?

Toshiya: I don’t know….I think I do….*laughs*

Joe: I… As I’m old, even if I fall sleep, I wake up easily….like 2-3 times during the night I have to go to pee….it’s really annoying….

Toshiya: Ahh…

Joe: You still don’t know about that, right? *laughs*

Toshiya: That’s right….*Joe laughs* Sometimes I wake up….once or twice….

Joe: You do wake up once or twice….

Toshiya: Then, I’m like…should I sleep again? Or so…it’s like….”what should I do?”….

Joe: I see….*pointing at the comments* it seems that happens to a proportion of the people watching us…..so, now with the corona….how is it called?…..are you doing weight lifting for your upper body?

Toshiya: No, I can’t go…

Joe: You can’t? Then, are you losing muscle?

Toshiya: I think so…

Joe: Is that so? Usually, do you do it at home?

Toshiya: Usually I go to the gym, but since Corona, I don’t feel like going….

Joe: Certainly…. certainly…

Toshiya: Doing it by myself it’s ok but, sometimes I think “I don’t feel like doing it” and I end up not doing it…..

Joe: I see. Are you losing chest muscle mass?

Toshiya: That’s right, I will do my best ( to get it back)…. I will do my best…

Joe: But, it’s amazing your (makes a gesture of wide shoulders)….ah, they are asking if you work out at home…

Toshiya: Sometimes I do.

Joe: The first time I went to a Dir en grey live and I got into the dressing room, where was it? Was it in Osaka? I think it was Nagoya…

Toshiya: Yes

Joe remembers that at that performance, before the show, he saw some work out equipment and he thought that those were Toshiya’s. Toshiya replies that it was probably another member’s stuff.

Joe: is that so? I totally thought it was yours…

Toshiya: Among the members, I’m the first one getting into he dressing room, while I’m getting ready there (changing clothes), I start to work out a bit…

Joe: Muscle training? *Toshiya nods* How did you get into muscle training?

Toshiya: Well, it’s was mostly because I have a hernia in my neck and lower back/waist.

Joe: Ohh, is that so?

Toshiya: It’s because of that. At that time….my height is 180-181 cm ….and at that time, about 20 years ago, my weight was about 58 kg….

Joe: Very skinny…*laughs*

Toshiya: I was really skinny….

Joe: Being 180 cm tall and that weight….you were really skinny…

Toshiya: I felt like trying to gain weight and get over 60…I was really skinny….I couldn’t eat….

Joe: You didn’t have money *laughs*…

Toshiya: Yes, I couldn’t eat *laughs*

Joe: As you didn’t have money, you couldn’t….*laughs*

Toshiya: Then, at that time, at lives we would perform in a rough/violent way…it was like that, so as expected that wasn’t good for me…

Joe: That’s right…

Toshiya: Yes, then….my neck and my back snapped….

Joe: Ehhhhhhhh that sounds painful….

Toshiya: *Laughs*

Joe: They snapped?

Toshiya: They did…

Joe: That sound is really unpleasant….

Toshiya: It’s just…. something I can’t forget…that was at Meguro Rockmaykan….

Joe: Oh, that happened there?

Toshiya: Yes yes. We played at Yokohama Arena and I think it was the next day? there was a secret live at Rockmaykan. At the end of it, after shaking my head, my back cracked….*Joe squeals*I couldn’t move, I was like *makes the gesture of holding the bass* my neck and so….I could move my body just this way *moves a little bit*…like paralyzed…

Joe: Ahhh, isn’t that hell?

Toshiya: Yes, as I couldn’t move… I was just moving my hand *makes the gesture of playing bass, Joe laughs* Then, Rockmaykan’s dressing room is really narrow/small *Joe says he has been there* so I went up the stairs as I could, doing my best….at the dressing there is a long couch, I lied down there…fans were asking for an encore…

Joe: As usual…

Toshiya: While we were doing it, they called al ambulance for me and they told the fans to not go out and closed the doors while they were taking me in….

Joe: Ouhhh that happened at Rockmaykan??

Toshiya: Yes. I’m scared of Rockmaykan….

Joe: By the way, what’s your current weight? You said you were 58kg at the time of this back incident…

Toshiya: I’m around….67kg….yes, 67kg…

Joe: How many kilos do you lift?

Toshiya: Nothing really heavy….

Joe: So, I think that everyone wants to hear many things about you today, and they wrote many questions that we are going to discuss in the premium part.

Now, Joe wants Toshiya to write a kanji that describes how he is as a person. He hands Toshiya a sheet and a pen and ask viewers to write in the comments what kanji do they think that represents Toshiya. Joe is reading what people is writing at the comments and Toshiya seems to struggle and laughs softly.

Toshiya: So poorly (done)….

It seems that he messed up writing the kanji and uses a new sheet of paper.

Joe: Are you ok? Are you ok?….he is rewriting it…

Toshiya: I’m sorry…

Joe laughs seeing Toshiya still struggling with the pen and says we are going to see the kanji that Toshiya wrote.
Toshiya shows the kanji to the camera: 怠け (Lazy)

Joe: Lazy…..are you a lazy person?

Toshiya: I am a lazy person….

Joe: You don’t look like that at all!

Toshiya: I’m lazy.

Joe: What are you lazy about?

Toshiya: Everything….*They both laugh* Everything….

Joe: Everything? Like, if you have to prepare a meal, you don’t do it…things like that

Toshiya: No,no…I do that….

Joe: You do? Then, when are you lazy?

Toshiya: Well, I’m just lazy….

Joe: But lazy people usually have a chubby belly and so…. that’s my image of a lazy person…

Toshiya: I wouldn’t say so…

Joe: I wonder what your lazy side is…

Toshiya: What would it be….

Joe: It’s more like, you are a laid-back person?

Toshiya: Mmmm, I’m a bit like that too…

Joe: Doing muscle training you don’t look like a lazy person at all…

Toshiya: Is that so? Then, let’s just keep that image…

Joe: *laughs* It’s a way to keep up appearances…but truth is that you are lazy….

Toshiya: I think that I’m lazy….

Joe says that as they are going to drink at the premium part, he is going to rip apart that image and find out about Toshiya’s laziness.

Toshiya: That’s it

Joe: Please watch it…. well, you talked about that incident that happened to your back at Rockmaykan but soon, the film screenings of a Dir en grey live at Meguro Rockmaykan is going to start. Would it be ok to take a survey and ask the viewers? I’m going to ask the staff to make a survey?

Joe proceeds to read the dates of the film screening, starting in Kanagawa prefecture on the 16th and ending at Nanba hatch in Osaka on 7th April.

Joe: What do you think about these screening? How many are you going to attend? we are going to ask that in the survey. *asking the staff* Is it already on screen? Oh, there it is…

The survey appears on the screen. There are five options.

Joe asks Toshiya if this is the second time, they do this (film screenings) and how does he feel about fans attending to them. Toshiya says it makes him happy that fans come.

Joe: Let’s see the results of the survey…*reads the results*
1. I am going to all of them 1%
2. I am going to multiple screenings 54.1%
3. I’m going to one 19.4%
4. I’m going to buy a ticket after this 6.1%
5. I’m not going 19.4%

Joe: Due to Corona, it’s hard for some people to attend this.

About the screening, Joe says that they played at Meguro Rockmaykan and recorded the live, which is going to be the content of the screening. He asks Toshiya about how he felt about the performance and Toshiya replies that he couldn’t move at all, which surprises Joe. Toshiya says that it was because they are not playing lives recently, the venue is tiny but also because his body remembers what happened years ago, so he doesn’t have a fond memory of the venue even though he is thankful that people are looking forward to it and watch the footage.

Toshiya: In my head, I see what I want to do, this or that, but it’s like I can’t reach the place that I imagine. There is nothing after that.

Joe: I see, you can imagine it in your head but at lives, but at lives, to put the icing on the cake….

Toshiya says that at a live, there is an exchange of energy with the audience as well as among the members, and as there is no audience, that it’s not happening.

Joe: It’s feels like you are just gathering and rehearsing with the members, instead of feeling like a concert….*Toshiya nods*

Toshiya: This (situation) is really deadly awful….

Joe: Is that so?….they are saying that they feel the same at the comments but, until now, you have done the things that you could do in this situation…

Toshiya: That’s true but, all the things we are doing now, it’s like there is no a next step….how could I say it?…it feels like there is nothing ahead…

Joe: I see. Of course, if you have an audience, there is a reaction from them…

Toshiya: If there is an audience….how could I say it?….it’s an stimulus…it’s feels like….”let’s do this”….when it’s a live without audience…..somehow….it’s like my own fight….I’m just fighting by myself….so what’s the point of it?

Joe: I see.

Joe says that when they play in front of a audience, they get a reaction back so they know what’s the next step, Toshiya agrees and adds that in that aspect, the fans going to the live screening and being able to see their reaction, makes him feel better about it. Joe says that they can play lives in real time, so fans can only watch a recorded live in a screen, but, on the contrary, they (the band) can see their reaction and think about what’s coming next.

Toshiya: In that sense, I think it’s ok…

Joe: This is the third time you do something like this right? The first time was last March when you did the live stream, and the second and the third time is in this way, a film screening….

They discuss about the difference between doing it as a live stream instead of a film screening.

Toshiya: The feeling of the livestream was really interesting…it’s a bit different than playing live but when it’s something recorded….

Joe: I understand. It’s the same for me at the radio. When I’m broadcasting live the feeling is totally different.

Toshiya: I don’t know why….but it feels different….*laughs*

In the end, Toshiya says that both options are different and he doesn’t know which one is more interesting but he wants to play live sometimes. They discuss that, a recorded live feels like listening to an album.

Joe: You usually make an album and then play it live…but in these circumstances you can’t….

Then, the dates for the screening appear on screen and Joe reads them.

Joe: “Toshiya are you coming to Sapporo?”, they are asking that….*Toshiya laughs* Answer them…

Toshiya: *cross arms* Huuuummm…..

Joe: Huummmm huuummmm…. I don’t understand what do you mean…. .”Come to Shinkiba!”….are you going?

Toshiya: *cross arms* Huuuummm…..*Joe and Toshiya laugh*

Joe: “Please come!”…. Nanba hatch….”Come to Nanba hatch!” are you going?

Toshiya: *cross arms* Huuuummm…..*They laugh again”

Joe: Birthday….ohhhh….is it your birthday?

Toshiya: On 31st March…. the day of Sapporo screening…

Joe: Oh, Sapporo’s date…. This…. You can’t answer that….you can’t answer….

Toshiya: That’s right…somehow, its like…I can’t say it *pouts*…

The way that Toshiya said it, makes Joe laughs hard.

Joe: So your birthday is on 31st March…

Toshiya: That’s right…

Joe: At the end of the month….

Toshiya: Right…

Toshiya says that when he was little, as his birthday was usually during the spring break, he barely got any memories of celebrating it. When he got older and started playing in a band, he gets many birthday wishes/greetings and he is thankful for that. Joe says that he must feel really happy receiving many birthday wishes from many people. Toshiya nods. They both laugh about being happy when they receive birthday wishes but getting older doesn’t make them so happy lol.

Toshiya: But at this age, birthdays gradually get….

Joe: True. As I’m in my 50s, it feels like a countdown to death….

Toshiya: Yes, it’s like, I’m happy but….

Joe: So your birthday is going to be on a screening day….

Toshiya: Yes. When there is a live (on my birthday), it raises my mood….

Joe: That’s it. But you don’t know if you are going or not to the Sapporo screening…

After encouraging people to go to the film screening, Joe says we are going to watch a music video.

Joe: We are going to watch a Dir en grey video….the title of the video….oh we didn’t tell Toshiya which video is….*Toshiya laughs* It’s the latest single music video the one we are going to watch…

Toshiya: Is that so? Please, go ahead (to Joe)

Joe: Please introduce it….

Toshiya: No,no….please go ahead….

Joe: Well, this is the video, everyone please watch it…

(Ochita koto no aru Sora Promotional video plays)

Joe: Well, there are comments saying that in the end we didn’t introduce the song….so please Toshiya, say the name of the song….please….

Toshiya: *laughs* This was Dir en grey “Ochita koto no aru Sora”

Joe: They were saying in the comments that we didn’t say the name of the song….

Toshiya: Ahhh….I thought that you were going to say it….

Joe: I’m sorry….there are a lot of comments asking you to take off your sunglasses…you are going to do that at the premium corner, right? We are going to be drinking and you will take your sunglasses off…. Please watch it…

Joe explains that soon the premium part is going to start and they are going to talk about many things such as which music he has being listening to recently, and also they will be showing a private picture that Toshiya took. So, if we want to watch it, we have to subscribe to the channel.

Joe: The number of comments have increased some time ago but the truth is that today what I’m wearing *points at his sweatshirt* it’s from toshiya’s brand….

Toshiya: It’s a bribe…

Joe: A bribe….you got me a bribe….

Toshiya: *laughs* I’m sorry…

Joe shows a Dirt shirt to the audience and starts touching it.

Joe: The fabric feels really good!

Toshiya: It’s a fabric that feels really good….

Joe: Do you choose everything,from the fabric?

Toshiya: I do, I do…

Joe: For those who don’t know about the brand yet…..what’s the concept behind it?

Toshiya: There is no particular concept but, I think it’s good to create things that you can wear everyday…

Joe: I see. I’m wearing now a high-neck long sleeve shirt with the logo in the neckline….*stands up to show the back of the shirt* At the back it has…..this is not just a print right?

Toshiya: It’s a foam print…

Joe says he is happy wearing it and that it looks really stylish.

Joe: Why did you start this brand?

Toshiya: As a pastime/hobbie….

Joe: A hobbie… is that so?…. because you like clothes…did you create that saten shirt are wearing right now?

Toshiya: *pointing at his shirt* This is a sample…

Joe: You didn’t buy it….”a sample?” “it’s a new item?” “I want it”….they are saying that at the comments….

Joe says they are going to put a link on screen so we can click it and go to Dirt’s homepage.

They start talking about the production and creation of the items. Joe thinks that choosing fabrics must be hard.

Toshiya: It’s hard….cause fabric samples are so small, right?

Joe: You cant imagine the whole thing…

Toshiya: Besides that, when it becomes a clothes item, the image can be very different….

Joe: You didn’t imagine that it would be that hard…

Toshiya: That’s right…

Joe: *laughs* isn’t it?

Toshiya: It’s too hard…we are five people in the band right? So I don’t have to do everything by myself…as I’m a very lazy person…

Joe: *laughs* as you are lazy….

Toshiya: As I have to think everything myself and do it…..it’s very hard…

Joe: Do you regret it?

Toshiya: Regret…..*laughs* *whispering* A bit…

Joe: *Laughs* You regret it a bit… someone said in the comments “lazy person activation”….he regrets it a bit but he really likes it…please everyone go and check the homepage clicking in the link….”please make smaller sizes”…someone said that in a comment…

Toshiya: That’s right… this time the sizes were varied but they were still big….

Joe: Still big….I wonder why….how is that?

They started discussing the production and how doing several sizes is hard, cause it affects retail price and stuff.

Joe: People who want a smaller size, do the same that Toshiya did and get a bigger body frame…*Toshiya laughs* He went from 58 kg to 67kg….

Toshiya: If you eat more, you will gain weight…

Joe: If you eat more….they are comments saying that they like that the brand is unisex….

Toshiya: Ah, thank you so much….

Joe asks Toshiya if he is going to release something for spring season and he replies that around March he thinks they will release the new items, that they are currently working on them.

Joe: Now we are going to watch some footage and after than, we are going to talk while having a drink.

Toshiya: Yes

Joe: The two of us drinking…..it can be something dangerous…

Toshiya: I think so

Joe remembers Dir en grey’s livestream, last year, in which Toshiya drank. Toshiya says he thought that if he didn’t talk much it wouldn’t be interesting.

Joe: Thank you for that.

Toshiya: I thought that if everyone had fun, then it’s ok…

Joe: I see

Toshiya: Like, “let’s get a bit crazy” and so…

Joe: That’s it….from here, we are getting into the crazy talk or rather…..from here, the promotional talk is over so, rather it’s going to be a talk with a drunk Toshiya and Yokomizo….

Toshiya: *laughs* That’s not good….

Joe: That’s a bad thing… I wonder if we can show that to you….please everyone be welcome to join us at the premium corner….we are going to watch one more footage of Dir en grey from last year’s March….a footage from the concert at Zepp Yokohama….please watch it….

(Footage of Ningen wo Kaburu from The World You Live in)

Joe: We just watched Dir en grey’s Ningen wo Kaburu. There are many comments saying that they want to attend a live, I want you to play a live, Toshiya…

Toshiya: Yes, I want to do it…

Joe: Besides the screening, there is also information about a new single in spring, right?

Toshiya: Yes

Joe: You said that you just finished recording it

Toshiya: Yes, the recording is over.

Joe: Now it’s time for the mixing…and probably it’s going to be soon out….but what kind of song is it?

Toshiya: Ahhh…..mmmmmm……*Joe tries to get him to say something*….I won’t say it…

Joe: You won’t say anything…

Toshiya: I want them to look forward to it…..the coupling song is also really amazing…

Joe: Is that so? What’s the name of the coupling song?

Toshiya: I won’t say it….

Joe: You won’t say anything… everyone, he is not saying it….so until it is released, we are going to be looking forward to it….

Joe explains that the premium corner is about to start so for those who have not joined yet can click in the link to do so. They have already two beers on the table.

Joe: So, two troublesome old men as you haven’t seen before…old men? I shouldn’t say that….two troublesome guys….

Toshiya: No,no…we are really old men….

Joe: You are not an old man…

Toshiya: I’m really an old man…

Joe: Please everyone subscribe to the channel….is it ok?….we are going to do a five-second countdown….5…4….3….2…1….don!

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