17. února 2021

Q&A With Shinya Part 1.


On January 25th, 2021 Shinya from DIR EN GREY uploaded a “Basic Question Q&A” video to his YouTube channel.

There didn’t seem to be any English subtitles so I’ve translated what he said in the video.

This is Part 1. from the first half of the video, I’ll do the rest soon!

Hello, it’s Shinya.
Shinya Channel was originally a site where I would upload various videos. But seeing as I have this YouTube channel as well, I want to make videos that many people can see, so I’m making this video.

I wanted to make an introduction video about myself so I asked for basic questions I should answer on my Instagram story. I’ll answer the ones that I thought were good examples of basic questions, or that were asked the most.

Q1: What made you start playing drums?
A: I think most of you already know this, but for those who don’t, I play the drums in a band called DIR EN GREY. We formed the band in 1997 and had our major debut in 1999, and are still going. Other than that in 2007 (Shinya says 2007 but the video has text saying “don’t you mean 2017?”) I formed SERAPH with Moa on piano and vocals, so I’m doing that as well. SERAPH has a YouTube channel, please take a look.
The reason I started playing drums was that when I was in my 1st year of Junior High (7th Grade), bands were really popular, so I wanted to be in a band. I didn’t really care what instrument I played, I just wanted to form a band. I was invited by a friend to join a band on drums and I was fine with playing drums or any other instrument, I just really wanted to be in a band, so I started playing drums. This was in October of my 1st year of Junior High. I used my New-Years money to buy a cheap drum set via mail order. Under my house there was a space that wasn’t being used, so I put my drum kit there.

Q2: Where are you from?
A: I’m from a place called Hirakata City in Osaka Prefecture. Well, the hospital I was born in is in Hirakata, but I the place I lived was Yawata City in Kyoto Prefecture, the Prefecture next to Osaka. I lived there until we moved to Hirakata when I was about five. We moved another three times but always within Hirakata, so I lived there until I moved to Tokyo at age 18. So I’m an Osakan through and through! If I let my guard down I’ll start speaking in Kansai-ben, so I try hard not to let my guard down when I speak.

Q3: What are your hobbies?
A: My main hobby is solving puzzles (he seems to mainly enjoy escape rooms, but probably does other types of puzzles as well). It’s not so much that I can solve them, but the moment I work out the answer is an exhilarating feeling that can only be felt in this situation, so I go do it a lot. I got into it about three years ago. SCRAP (an escape room company) opened a building in Shinjuku called Mystery Circus around then, so I went and got into it. I go there about 10 times a month. I know a lot of people who enjoy escape rooms, but nobody quite as into it as I am. I don’t think there is anyone quite as passionate as me. I’m so obsessed with puzzles that I plan on uploading “Solve the mystery/riddle” videos on this channel once a week. I’m filming them (text on screen says “We’ve already filmed them!”), so please look forward to the uploads!

Q4: What board games do you like?
A: Well I just said that solving puzzles is my hobby, but I like board games the same amount and have at least 300 of them in my house and play them regularly. My favorite game is this *holding the game up* “Cockroach Salad”. *while showing the cards* there’s tomato, cauliflower, pepper, and lettuce. There are different kinds of vegetables that you have to play while saying their name. It sounds simple when I put it like that, but there are quite a few rules that make it more complicated. I’ve also added a rule where you have to play the cards in time with a metronome which makes it very difficult, I recommend it. There are
lots of interesting board games so I think I’ll talk about them more on this channel.

Q5: What food do you like?
A: I like negi (green onions). I’m not talking about dishes/cooking with green onions, I like them by themselves. I also like mushrooms including enoki, crab and other seafood, so I really like sushi and such. I also like sticky foods like natto and yamaimo (Japanese yam), although I don’t like okra. Other than that I like avocado, lettuce, and mayonnaise. I quite like mayonnaise but I don’t keep it in the house. I think I also like mapo tofu.

Q6: What food do you hate?
A: I’m often asked this so I’m always keeping track and adding items to a memo (in his phone). First is daikon. I can eat grated daikon, pickled daikon, and daikon sprouts, but other types of daikon are a no-no. Next is onions (the regular round ones). If its raw onion, I really like it, but if you cook it then it’s immediately out. Other than that carrots, gobou (burdock root), green peppers, eggplant,
cilantro/coriander, green beans, mitsuba (Japanese honeywort or Japanese parsley), celery, kabocha, konbu (kelp), bell peppers, goya (bitter melon), sansai (wild mountain vegetables), bamboo shoots, ooba (perilla), yuzu, and fresh cream. Oh and melon, watermelon, kaki (persimmon), and so on…I hate those

Q7: What drinks to do you like?
A: Well I drink iced caffè latte just about every day. I also like royal milk tea, cola, and stuff like that. I don’t drink water or tea at all. I basically don’t drink hot drinks because I have nekojita (cat tongue,means his tongue is sensitive to heat).

Odkaz na vyoutube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hg3-C5TbvsA


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