9. srpna 2024

Interview with Arata Mackenyu for JoJo Bizarre Adventure Diamond is Unbreakable: The First Chapter


Araki Hirohiko’s popular manga series has been made into a live action movie and is Directed by Takashi Miike. “JoJo Bizarre Adventure Diamond is Unbreakable: The First Chapter” surrounds the story of a highschool student named Higashikata Josuke (played by Yamazaki Kento) where he confront and fight thugs in order to protect the peace and order of the town where he lives using his special abilities called “Stand”. 

In this film, actor Arata Mackenyu plays the role of Okuyasu Nijimura who is a stand user and possesses the stand called “The Hand” that scrapes everything that is grasped with his right hand. Mackenyu who has turned visually perfect into Okuyasu will talk about the role making, the episodes with co-stars and the charms of JoJo!

-The pressure must be really great because it was a live action of a popular work. How did you approach the role of Okuyasu?

Mackenyu: I was wondering what would happen if I just play ignorant… And as I thought, Okuyasu is a very dense role but a character that is almost decided as earnest. So, I read the original work and also watched the anime. I consulted the director regarding the part where I cannot play him 100% and discovered I can only play myself as Okuyasu through trial and error. 

-I saw the movie and I almost couldn’t believe Mackenyu-san, it’s almost like you turned into Okuyasu.

Mackenyu: I may not have much of a career to talk about making a role but when you look at the screen, there is a thought in me that I don’t want to be seen as “Arata Mackenyu”. During JoJo’s filming, both on and off I’ve always been seen as Okuyasu.

-Why is that?

Mackenyu: (*points at Okuyasu’s pamphlet*) I was walking like this all the way in Spain. I don’t have eyebrows, I got wrinkles between my brows while I took a stroll in the city of Barcelona. I looked like a really dangerous person and the local people were a bit scared. (*laughs*)

-Was your hair as it is?

Mackenyu: Yes. All the base hair was my real hair except the one where it has spikes behind. The top was not tightly set that way but I was still walking around looking like that. 

-Oh, so it was your hair! I thought it was a wig! 

Mackenyu: The sides were bleached so much that it started molting and I was having cold sweats. If Josuke gets angry when his hairstyle is ruined, perhaps, I think that Okuyasu will also get very angry. (*laughs*) I’m very obsessed about that hairstyle. 

-If Okuyasu gets angry, it is likely to be attacked. 

Mackenyu: “What did you just say?!” He would probably say that to his opponent. So it’s best if you don’t make Okuyasu angry. (*laughs*)

-Aside from the hairstyle, your body was trained very well. 

Mackenyu: That’s right. I think I gained by 8 kilos? My costume got smaller and I had my costumes repaired in Spain. I’ve caused trouble for everyone.

-How was it when you finally wore the costume?

Mackenyu: When the first time that I wore the costume, had my makeup done, and my hair styled like Okuyasu. I felt like, “This is Okuyasu…!” In that moment, a switch suddenly turned on and I was able to act full swing like Okuyasu. 

-In Mackenyu-san’s own perspective, what kind of a person is “Okuyasu”? 

Mackenyu: He is honest. (Quick Answer) He is an idiot in a good way. I think that he is a very encouraging ally if you turn him into your side. 

-Do you have any charms that you want to convey while playing as Okuyasu?

Mackenyu: I acted while thinking of how important it is to be honest, direct and pure. Especially that Okuyasu loves his older brother. I, myself, also love Okada-san (Okada Masaki) who is like my older brother. 

-Did you have other roles with Okada-san wherein you both are together?

Mackenyu: We don’t. But I don’t need words to communicate because I can use my heart. Single-handedly.

-Single-handedly? (*laughs*)

Mackenyu: I was walking around him and he’s like, “What is it~~?” (*imitates Okada-san's voice*) Because I love him with all my heart, I always approach him and say, “I really love you.”

-(*laughs*) Even now, do you still exchange communication with Okada-san?

Mackenyu: Even now, it still continues. When I say, “Let’s go eat meal today~”, he always goes, “But I’m busy, Macken!!! Let’s do it again next time~!” (*laughs*) Okada-san is a very kind person. 

-The presence of the Stand is important in the world of JoJo. In reality, the filming happened while stands were not visible.  Did you feel any difficulty with that part?


Mackenyu: I did not have to move that much so I was lucky compared to others in actions and etc. However, without imagination, I didn’t know what I was doing. But in a different meaning, there was something difficult.


-Was a storyboard prepared to make the imagination work?


Mackenyu: I saw the storyboard and took a picture of it while imagining, but during the shoot… It was difficult to imagine a stand where a hundred of them comes out because they are small soldiers. There are also helicopters, tanks and snipers…so I was wondering where are they? (*laughs*)


-That scene seems difficult to imagine.


Mackenyu: Moreover, when four people are in the same scene together. Everyone has to imagine the same way. And there, we united and survived with good teamwork.


-How was it when you finally saw the work that was shaped by your imagination?


Mackenyu: Honestly, I was very anxious. I always wonder, ‘If Okuyasu was in my shoes, what is he going to do?’ or ‘Am I using the Stand properly?’


But after watching it, I only have the feeling, “I want everyone to see it soon!” The CG of the Stand was properly living. I think that a really high quality work was made.


Besides, I am glad that I can use the stand. I felt like I was really equipped with the power of the Stand. I am happy being able to play as a stand user.


-In that case, what kind of life would you like to live if you can actually use Nijimura Okuyasu’s stand, “The Hand/Za Hando”?


Mackenyu: Erasing all people that I dislike… just kidding. (*laughs*)




Mackenyu: Just by touching your right hand to your opponent will make him disappear, so how should I use it… Should I wear a glove on my right hand? What shall I do with my private life? (*laugh*) [T/N: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)]


-Certainly, “The Hand” maybe is difficult to use.


Mackenyu: Okuyasu is a person who’s born to fight, isn’t he? Josuke has the power to cure. I think that I can use it very well in my private life. Yeah… But since I only have Okuyasu, I cannot abandon “The Hand”.

-Changing the topic, I will now ask about the Co-stars. Have you had private exchanges with Yamazaki Kento-san and Kamiki Ryunosuke-san, who also had a lot of co-starring scenes?

Mackenyu: Kamiki-kun had been introduced to me by a common friend when we went to karaoke together. He is really kind and friendly. With Kento, we met each other for the first time during the production announcement for JoJo and each of us exchanged, 'Nice to meet you's!' We get along with each other and showed each other’s cute and foolish state. Currently, it seems like we do it everyday. (*laugh*)

-Did the three of you hangout when you were in Spain?

Mackenyu: Yes. We were in Spain and because of that I was able to walk without any disguise, it felt very comfortable. Going to the beach and being struck by the waves…

-Were you hit by the waves?

Mackenyu: It seems that Kamiki and Kento went to the sea to take pictures with the waves but the waves were too rough, and after they finished taking pictures they were wet all over. (*laugh*) 

-That sounds tough! (*laugh*) Did you not join with them, Mackenyu-san?

Mackenyu: It was before I was in, so I showed only the pictures. But after that, the three of us went to the same place. At that time, the waves weren’t so rough but we still got wet. 

-That sounds really fun! How do you feel after working with two people of the same generation on a production? 

Mackenyu: The world of JoJo that two people created. Josuke and Koichi in Jojo were exactly the same as what I thought. Before I got in, thanks to the two of them who made a foundation, I was able to become Okuyasu. I was able to support the performance and I think I had pulled it very well. 

-I see. For Mackenyu-san, what is it like the Miike group this time?

Mackenyu: I think that the members of JoJo are like a family. We lived in the same hotel for 1 month after arriving in Spain and everyone had dinner together everyday. I trusted all of them, and it was all thanks to the director that I was able to play and felt reassured at the same time.

-How did you feel after the 10th production of yours as a teen?

Mackenyu: Oh, right! I just noticed that was my 10th production as a teen. (*laughs*) I am very happy! It was my 20th birthday after the end of the filming in Spain, I celebrated my birthday with everyone. The timing was really the best. 

-There are lots of memories.

Mackenyu: There are also lots of pictures! (*laughs*) It was such a wonderful time for me.

-Finally, please tell us the charms of the movie ‘JoJo’.

Mackenyu: There's a lot of action, of course. There are problems that are faced by both family and friends, and lastly the fight to keep the peace and order of the town. The characters has strong individuality with their special ability called a 'Stand', whether they are even good or bad. With all these things happening, the world of "JoJo" is a story that will make you feel like you're on a "Bizarre Adventure" as the title suggests, and I'm very excited that you all will see the instinct of a man. 

I think that is the beauty of "JoJo". 


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