6. prosince 2022

Translation: the GazettE on Ameba Studio [19.07.2009]


I (Interviewer): Well, in this studio, everyone from the GazettE in full force. At last the album is released after two years. And they have already shocked a lot of music scene. Everyone from the GazettE, please introduce yourself again!
U (Uruha): I’m the GazettE’s guitarist, Uruha. Please treat me favorably.
I: Please treat me favorably.
K (Kai): I’m the drummer, Kai. Please treat me favorably.
I: Please treat me favorably.
Ru (Ruki): I’m the GazettE’s vocal, Ruki. Please treat me favorably.
I: Please treat me favorably.
Re (Reita): I’m the bassist, Reita. Please treat me favorably.
A (Aoi): I’m the guitarist, Aoi. Please treat me favorably.
I: Please treat me favorably. So now in front of Ameba Studio there are many fans..
Re: Right, right.. I’m embarrassed. It’s unusual.
I: *laughs* More than you thought, surely this close distance..
A: It’s close, isn’t it?
I: I wonder if it makes the members’ hearts beat fast.
Ru & U: It’s close, isn’t it..
I: Is it only that it’s close?
*roars of laughter*
I: So it’s close, eh?
U: Yes. My heart is beating fast. *in small voice*
I: Ah.. Uruha-san, what did you say?
U: My heart is beating fast.
I: Ah, your heart is beating fast. The fans certainly are feeling the same thing. Today inside this room we’d like to talk about a lot of things.
G: Please treat us favorably.
I: Well then, you can watch the situation in this live broadcast in Ameba studio homepage by PC. Please watch, by all means. There will be no rebroadcasting. With no rebroadcasting, the one and only time in the history, I want everyone to see it.


I: Well then, at last on July 15th, after two years, the GazettE will release new album, DIM. Congratulations! *claps*
G: Thank you.
A: Thank you very much for your help.
Re: Thank you very much for your help.
I: A few days ago, I was the DJ of a radio program and we had Reita-san and Kai-san coming.
Re: Eh? It wasn’t me and Aoi-san?
I: *laughs*
A: It wasn’t!
Re: Ah, is that so? Ah, sorry, sorry.
I: Reita-san, it was you and Kai-san who came. At that time both of you said that honestly you didn’t think that (the album would be finished in) the speed of two years.
Re: Yes.
I: In reality, Aoi-san, Ruki-san, and Uruha-san, what do you think?
Ru: That’s right. But when we talked about what we would do with the album, there was a discussion about wanting to take two years (to release it). Then we understood why.
A: Well, for me I thought it wouldn’t take two years..
Ru: YOU!!
*roars of laughter*
A: Because I wanted to deliver it to everyone quickly.
I: Quickly, quickly..
A: Well as I thought there was that kind of wish in me. I thought, “Everyone is coldhearted, huh?”
Re: *trying to suppress laughter*
I: *laughs* What about you, Uruha-san?
U: I had always wanted to release the album, there was considerably no time to start it. When it came to, “At last we can release it!” it already took up two years.
Ru: *laughs*

I: So it lasted for two years in that speed, even so other than composing the piece little by little, you put it all together and integrated it into a compact. Ruki-san, do you work in this album with such feeling?
Ru: That’s right, even though it wasn’t really compact. Well, but you know, for the mean time we had created an announcement, that we’d release it. If there was no such announcement, won’t it be bad? *waves hands*
I: *laughs* Look, Ruki-san was waving his hand while talking. Even if you do that, you really won’t be distracted?
Ru: Yes. In the beginning we didn’t even decide the right time (to release it), but unexpectedly these members, even if no one told them to, they worked on it all the time.
I: Ah, as expected when you concentrate, you can’t stop, right?
Ru: Yes. That’s why it’s decided that we would really release it, and until then we barely made it. It was done just like that.
I: So making target for the GazettE is easier than just doing something completely, right?
Ru: That’s right. If we don’t have any goal we will just stop.

I: So everyone, after two years of waiting, with 17 songs included, DIM has been a full volume.
A: I see.
Ru: Yep.
*roars of laughter*
Ru: What do you mean, “I see.”?!
Re: It’s like you didn’t know it!
I: To say “I see.” is..
A: Ah, nonono, I mean, that’s right.
Ru: “I see”…?
I: Were you engulfed quite deeply in the recording?
G: Hmmmmm~
U: It’s quite deep.
Ru: It was deep, but there was the image that we were engulfed quite favorably.
I: Yes, yes.
Ru: Hmm, every time it was like.. The members, we didn’t quarrel, and when we didn’t know what to do there was also the time when we stopped..
Re: Eh, what?
I: *laughs*
Ru: I mean stopped as in we stopped chatting..
A: Just like now, eh?
Ru: Right, there was time like now. This time we did it well enough.

I: We’ve arrived in more detailed questions now. In the (DIM) making DVD we can see your lives during the production, right? When we see that, we get the image that you're doing it really silently, to the extent that there isn't any murmur.
Ru: The truth is, the murmurs were cut.
U: Well, it was summed up.
I: Ah, it was summed up? *laughs*
A: If not, the whole thing can be really long. We thought it'd be boring.
I: So the part when you concentrated in doing the production, Uruha-san, it was summed up?
U: That's right. They really only took the part when we weren't talking, eh?
Ru: We actually talked a lot, but the part they took..
A: Well, if it's compared, after we worked for around 5 minutes, we'd talk for 45 minutes.
Re: That’s right.
I: *laughs* Well, that was regrettable but that’s just how the GazettE’s ability to concentrate was reversed. Right?
A: Hmm. *nods*
I: It’s not what we can see.
A: *laughs* Well, we did aim for a good arrangement, but (if we put the real thing) it would seem like we didn’t concentrate at all..
U: *laughs*

I: Then, then, more important than anything, everyone from the GazettE, from yesterday the tour has started..
A: Thank you very much.
I: Yesterday, on Thursday July 18th, in Todashi Bunka Kaikan, they welcomed the first day of the tour.
Ru: Yes.
I: How was the first day? Please give your simple impression here.
Ru: I thought it was fun, but I also said that it had effects on our bodies. Just now when I greeted everyone it hurt, my neck.
I: Ah. Yesterday did it also hurt for one day?
Ru: It was throbbing.
I: *laughs*
U: It’s throbbing!
Re: That’s why we can’t really turn our heads around..
I: Ah really, now and then..?
Re: Really, now we can’t really wave our hands that much, the shoulder..
U: The shoulders..! *laughs*
I: *laughs* You’re lying, right?


I: In this part I’d like to ask about the album DIM.
A: I see.
I: First if all, from the title DIM, is this the title Ruki-san thought about?
Ru: That’s right.
I: The meaning is something like that, but what about Ruki-san, what kind of thought did you put into this title?
Ru: Well, I had been thinking about what kind of album we should make. It was around Guren’s time. I had been thinking about that, then in the beginning I wanted to associate it with color. Whether it’d be discolored, light, or colorful, I was thinking about that. Then, (I was also thinking about) greedy or unpleasant feeling, then at the last moment I decided on “dim”. It’s simple though. Well, my memory has gradually disappeared..
I: *laughs* So it was like that, it’s been around.. a year?
Ru: Yes. Around Guren..
I: Right, at that time the title, the image, and various things..
Re: *waves hands*
I: *laughs* The fans came one after another.. Various things, such as the jacket and the artwork, Ruki-san, I think you’ve worked on it with the other members as well. About the jacket itself, how was it (done)?
Ru: The jacket? In the beginning for the jacket I wanted to create somewhat a fake world. *bumps the microphone accidentally* In the end whatever happened, this one world.. What’s wrong?
I: *laughs* No, just now Reita-san and Uruha-san made eye contact and were laughing by themselves..
Re: Nono..
U: No, he bumped the mic.
Ru: Aaah.
Re: Ruki-san was getting too excited.
U: Don’t start to get violent.
*roars of laughter*
I: You’re getting excited, eh Ruki-san? That’s okay.
Ru: Well, “That one world is a small world, you know..” I wanted to show it. Then I talked about it with the designer and quickly he said, “Well then let’s go and shoot it.” At that time I thought it was magnificent.
I: Ah, I thought so.
G: …….. *silence*
I: *laughs* Eh, what’s wrong?
Ru: So you thought the same?
I: What’s with this strange atmosphere?
Ru: Then we went to Yamanashi.
I: That actual spot exists in reality, right?
Ru: That’s right. There’s one. But at that time we were thinking about the angle, what kind of position we should go with. The surroundings was somewhat like a deserted land, there were trees and all, but we still came to do it. The sunlight was so strong that I was burnt.
A: Hmm.
Re & K: We were quite burnt.
Ru: It was terrible.
I: Until now you’re still burnt? Weren’t you wearing any hat?
Ru: I even have it now.. My hair was still blonde at that time, but I was wearing black clothes.
U: You were terribly catching it (the sunlight).
I: He was catching it, right?
Ru: I had those really unpleasant marks after that, around the T-shirt or jacket line. Only the area under my neck was red. During the shoots it was whitened though. It became like that, and I looked somewhat “easy”.
I: *laughs* At that time you could see the “easy” Ruki-san..
Ru: That’s right.

I: Well, in the album DIM, I heard there was something like song-choosing meeting for the GazettE. In this song-choosing meeting, for example, you will decide upon one theme and then because you want this theme, everyone then will create songs according to this theme you want. Is it like that, or do everyone bring their songs and then you’ll find various images from those songs?
G: Hmmmmm….
I: What kind of method do you use in the song-choosing meeting?
Ru: Well, the members, first of all even before the meeting for the album, we have made songs..
U: Well it’s not like we just solidify the image starting from when we make the songs. Even from before we’ve had this kind of dark theme. Theme, is it?
Re: *wheezes*
Ru: Hmm, it’s rarely like that.
U: There isn’t one frozen solid (theme).
Ru: It’s really not like we have this one name (for the album) and then, “Let’s make something based on this concept.” From the start we don’t talk about such things. When we collect the songs usually we get the image, like, “Aah, this time it’s dark.” or, “This time it’s violent.” And then we steadily build things on that.
I: So everyone make songs, in the song choosing meeting you listen to it one by one, and only then you can say,”Ah, for the album this time, this will be nice.” Or “This time it’s a bit different.” Everyone do the same thing.
Ru: That’s right.
A: *nods nods nods nods nods*
I: Aoi-san..
A: Yes!
I: Are you okay?
A: Yes, I’m okay!
*roars of laughter*
Re: You only nodded!
I: His nodding has got violent, I thought there was something wrong.
A: Nono, I’m okay.
I: Aoi-san, in that song-choosing meeting, did you have confidence about the songs you brought?
A: My confidence is.. well, it was overflowing.. *coughs* Err, my throat is a bit dry. Um, what is it? What was it again?
I: *laughs* Each song everyone brought will be considered, right?
A: That’s right, everyone put their efforts, but we don’t know if it will chosen.
I: Are there any criteria in choosing the songs?
Ru: Occassionally it’s just whether it’s good or not when you listen to them. Whose songs will be chosen or not, that kind of thing is..
A: That’s the only thing we aren’t doing!
Ru: We don’t.
I: *laughs* On the contrary, if you do it, it won’t be good. the GazettE are all on good terms.


I: Up until now when you released album you put the SE in the front and the back of the album. This time you also insert several SE in between. When I listened to the album, I thought, “Hasn’t it created all the flow from one song to another?” In all the track list, how it can make you get into it is wonderful. What kind of method did you use that you can make such thing?
Ru: Well I inserted the SE after the track list had been decided, here and there. “Let’s put it here, let’s put it there.” At that time only 3 SE had been finished, then after we decided, “Let’s put it here.” we inserted one song in between. Hmm.
I: Respectively.. *laughs*
Ru: *snorts* Eh?
I: When you decide that this song would be put here, Ruki-san, for example, do you also include the title?
Ru: Aah, I decided to put Shikyuu after Guren, Kanshoku before Shiroki Yuutsu, then Hakuri in the opening. At that time Erika and Moro weren’t there. What was it again? *looks at Kai*
K: It was the opposite.
Ru: It was the opposite?
I: *laughs*
K: Err, Kanshoku and Moro weren’t there..
Ru: *wheezes*
K: There was Erika and Hakuri..
*roars of laughter*
A: You seem to do it irresponsibly!
Re: The information is..
I: Ruki-san, in the live broadcasting you’ve made a big mistake. *laughs*
K: *laughs*
I: So it was pretty much like that, eh? At that time you were focused..
Ru: Is that so?
Re: *laughs*
I: But now since we’ve talked about various things, gradually.. Ruki-san.
Ru: That’s right.
I: There must be some things slipping out (of your mind). *laughs*
Ru: Is that so? So Erika was there, right?
Re: On the contrary how can it be Kai-kun who found the fault this time!
U: Ah, that’s right!
K: I’ve been thinking about it since a long time ago!
I: Nono, you were just explaining things. We’ve been supported by Kai-san.
A: In this situation, I almost want you to listen only half of what Ruki says.
*roars of laughter*
Ru: Half is enough, eh?


I: (About their instrument parts in the GazettE songs) Practically, when Ruki-san handed out the song he made, then without thinking that much about your own parts you thought about the style you want to do the song with. First of all you solidify the demo, then when everyone was about to play the song, (have there been) situations when a member said, “Isn’t this part difficult?”
Ru: Aaah..
I: When there’s such situation, what will you do?
G: Hmmmmmm.
U: Well, occasionally there are times like that. But the difficulty is different for each part. Sometimes it’s like we don’t know when we should play a certain phrase.
I: Yes, yes. *laughs*
U: Reading everyone’s mind is the difficult part.
I: in that situation, how do you do your own part?
U: Ah. Based on the feeling after we listened to it, when someone says, “So it’s played like this?” everyone will do it in different way, and at such time it will be scattered. That’s the most difficult part. It will be like, “Ah, so it was like that.”
Ru: Reita is a lot different.
Re: YOU, it’s not like that this time.
I: *laughs*
Ru: Reita is difficult to direct.
I: *laughs*
Re: It’s the truth!
U: For the intro, for example, if you just sing it to him he really won’t be able to go along.
A: Isn’t it because of your singing? Ah, but you’re good at singing, I’m sorry.
Re: Hoi, everyone is there in front of us right now..
*roars of laughter*
Re: Please don’t say that.


I: There is also one live tomorrow, looking from the schedule I think it’s a pretty harsh schedule. Everyone, how do you build your physical strength?
A: Well, but rather than saying it is harsh, the feeling of wanting to see everyone..
Ru: Ah..
Re: *wheezes*
A: .. is bigger.
I: I see.
Ru: Look, you just want to say it to gather up fans, don’t you?
A: OI!!
G: *laughs*
Ru: Fuu..
A: Well, right now we don’t really do things to build our physical strengths.
K: Hm.
Re: That’s right.
A: We don’t really do it.
Ru: The physical strength for lives and (the usual) physical strength is different.
I: Is that so?
Ru: Don’t we just need it in the middle of swinging our necks.. What am I saying here?
*roars of laughter*
I: So on the contrary there’s no thing such as emulating physical strength, only for that other than for the stage?
U: Honestly we want to do it, but as expected, there was NO time, this time.
I: So it can come to that..
Re: Well, if it’s only emulating physical strength, I think we all have (enough) already.
I: Yes.
Re: *laughs* Only that after..
I: So you have the confidence.
Re: After the live, the muscles we don’t use will hurt. Even if we show it off at lives the muscles we don’t (usually) end up being used.
I: For example?
Re: For example..
I: Just like before Ruki-san has said about the neck, what is it like after the live?
Ru & Re: Eeee..
I: Although it must be difficult to use it as usual.
Re: That’s right. The muscles we can’t really say will hurt.
I: Are there parts of the muscles you can’t really say?
A & Re: *laughs*
Ru: Everyone is curious now!
U: The joints on the legs will hurt.
I: Ah, the joints? Why is that?
U: I don’t really know, but as expected because we will be standing firm for around 2 – 3 hours.
I: Even though during live you aren’t aware of it, but do you put all your strength into it just like that without much thinking?
G: That’s right.
Ru: Occasionally my lower back will also hurt. Hm. Well when I’m on stage (I can feel that) the stage is fragile.
I: Aaaah.
Ru: As I thought to jump up and down is a bit.. So we have to brace our legs.
I: I see.
Ru: That’s why if we move, I think it will come to our lower backs.


I: Well then, this is the GazettE’s Special Project that you have been waiting for. For people around the world, in general, what kind of image can describe the GazettE?
Re & Ru: Yosha!
I: So we’re announcing the GazettE’s Wanted Image!
G: *makes noises*Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey hey hey!
A: Yes, yes, yes.
Ru: Cheers!
Re: Cheers!
I: Without further delay, in the program homepage we received the messages from everyone. Now I’d like to introduce those messages.
A: Oh yeah, come on!
Ru: Mashun! (I have no idea about this, sorry.. lol)
*roars of laughter*
U: That has nothing to do with this!
A: Yep, yep.
I: Ee, we received this one from, Ameba Name: Angela@kuroneko –san.
Ru: I see. Hmhm.
I: She wrote a lot about the member’s Wanted Image.
Ru: ou.
I: “The member who suddenly barges in to the member’s house and plays, is this Reita-san?” It’s such image.
Ru: Aaah.
Re: So do I suddenly go and barge to other members’ houses to play?
I: It’s more like, “Let’s play!”
G: Aaaah!
U: That’s wrooong!!
I: So you’re the most different from this image?
Re: I’m like.. more “DRY”.
*roars of laughter*
I: So you’re more “DRY”?
Re: Well, I surely want to do that very much, but I’m not like that. If I come suddenly, they won’t let me in for sure!
I: So for example if you just go ring the bell and say, “Ruki-kun, let’s play!” then..
Ru: Then I’ll be like, “FIGHT!” *threatens with his fist* 
Re: You’ll really do that?!
A: There’s nothing like that, nothing like that..
Re: No one will do that.

I: So there's nothing like that. Then this one is also from the same girl, Angela-san. “Kai-san is the GazettE’s mother.” Such image.
A: That’s right. So shall we go to the next one?
*roars of laughter*
Ru: *claps*
I: Well, as expected he’s the leader.
Re: Certainly, certainly.
I: That was fast.
K: Mother…?
I: Mother? It’s someone who takes care of others.
Re: NO!
Ru: So is it someone who takes care of others?
K: There’s hardly anything like that!
Re: He’s such kind of a forgetful, violent mother.
A: YOU!!
K: Well, that was close, so to say.
I: Was he guilty of something today?
Re: Today he was, but I think that can’t be said.
*roars of laughter*
K: Why is it something that can’t be said? *laughs*
U: You did it, didn’t you.
I: Uruha-san, is it at the level which make it can’t be said?
U: Rather, it’s more like at the cute level.
K: No way, no way, it can’t be cute! *laughs*
I: So it’s not something cute?
K: You can just say it then!
I: Ah, so is it okay to say it?
U: Ah, well then today when I went to the toilet..
Ru: Ah, there was!
U: For some reason there was a bottle of Mirine Daily (I’m sorry, not sure if it’s the right name).
Ru: He really has bad habit of forgetting things.
U: In reality it isn’t something possible, right? To find such drink in the toilet.
I: Yes.
K: *laughs*
U: That’s why keeping this in mind, I tried to ask the other members, “Could it be that someone drank it?”
K: So it came down of whether it was me or Ruki who drank it. However, when I was thinking, “It wasn’t me, right..”
U: Ruki asked him, “It was you, wasn’t it?” and he immediately answered, “ NO, it wasn’t!”
Ru: Then I started thinking, “Was it me?”
K: Even when I left it and went back to the toilet again, I still forgot it.
Ru: Then he said, “It might be me then.”
I: You said that even though you weren’t certain or confident with that answer.
K: Even without being certain of it. *grins*
Re: But WHY did you say that while laughing?!
K: Ah, really!
Ru: Oi! You two!
I: *laughs* Reita-san, you said that the first..
U: *laughs* A fight..?

I: Then continuing, this one is from Ameba Name: Yuki-san, Ruki-san’s image. “When Ruki-san faces his pet dog Koron, everyday Ruki-san will talk to him. Moreover, he occasionally uses a baby’s way of speaking.” What about the image Yuki-san has?
Ru: Well, it’s completely the same, if I bring him along.
Re: Eh, eh?
I: Today too, for example when you were about to go out, do you say things like, “I’m off, see you later..”?
Ru: Well, in the morning when I go up first of all I replace the sheets, the toilet sheets. I change it, then I change the water, and he will come to me for food. What is it, this…
I: *laughs*
K: Well do you let it out (the baby talk), you won’t know.
Ru: I don’t know though.
K: *laughs*
Ru: Well, when he’s still a baby, I used it. Ah, a baby’s way of speaking? But it’s just ordinary.
I: In what way?
Ru: Well, when I go home, it will be like, “I’m home..”
Ru: *laughs* Then I’ll be, “blblbblblblblblblblblb”
*roars of laughter*
Ru: I’m really not an expert now though.
I: Well, because it’s a puppy, right? It’s just so cute you can’t help it.
Ru: That’s right. Really.

I: Well, this one is Aoi-san’s image.
A: Yes.
I: “In the future when if you get married and have a daughter, among the members he’s the one who is most likely to be an over-fond parent. He’ll be really soft on his daughter, and he will probably say things like, “I won’t give her to my wife.” That was from Yuki-san. What do you think?
A: That’s right. *laughs*
Ru: OI!!
I: That was fast.
Re: Well he’s an over-fond parent type.
A: That’s right. Me, I want to go on a date with her.
I: With your daughter?
A: With my daughter.
Ru: I do see your point.
K: Parent – daughter date?
Re: Well..
U: Aah, I understand that.
A; I want to go to a café.
I: To a café?
A: Then I want to treat her to a parfait.
I: Wanting to treat her is only as expected from a parent. *laughs*
*roars of laughter*
A: Of course there will be some other things as well! *laughs*
I: It’s becoming a quite suspicious talk. *laughs*
A: I hope I won’t be bald.
Re: Yeah.
I: Do you think the other members will be such over-fond parents as well?
Ru: That is.. Well I feel that if there’s trouble we’d be willing to hand over our bodies.
Re: I might as well excuse my son (for anything).
Ru: That’s right!
Re: Well, as I thought because I’m a son too.
I: So you’ll let your son play as he likes, right?
Re: He’s still my child after all.
I: Yes yes yes. So that will happen if you have a son.
Re: Even if he wants to change his surname. 1)
A: His surname?
I: Well, it’s still early (to talk about it).
Ru: It is. You won’t be able to do anything.

I: *laughs* Well, continuing, this is from Ameba Name: Eru-chan. “Uruha-san seems to like yogurt.”
U: Hmm. It’s SO TRUE that I don’t have anything more to say.
Ru: “It’s so true that you don’t have anything more to say”??
A: There’s possibly nothing better than that for you, eh?
U: I extremely LOVE it. Err, for example when I go to buy ice cream, certainly for me the purpose’s very different. ..... It’s like that.
G: Eeeh??!!
I: Everyone has just let out a lot of surprised voices! Is that because your Yokohama tongue?
Re: Well, I like the taste, but for me it’s not like I extremely like it.
Ru: Yes.
U: But.. well I think it’s understandable though. Since a long time ago it has lied down my life’s burden and soul.
Re: Well, Reita seems to be amazed because of that.

I: For some reason I don’t really understand, but we’ll going to the next one. From Ameba Name: Nacchi-chan. “It’s about member’s signature images. Really, for some reason or another Kai-san and Reita-san’s signatures look like they belong to someone who eats quickly. When the other members are still eating, you’ll already going for desserts. There is that kind of image.”
Ru: Reita is kind of not like that.
U: But this guy is amazing. *points at Kai*
Ru: This guy is REALLY fast.
K: Well, because I sort of just swallow it.*laughs*
I: You just swallow, without chewing..
K: Like.. when I realize it’s already gone. Well, Imight not chew that much.
Ru: Hmmmm.
K: Well, Ruki’s probably the slowest one.
U: Isn’t it because he talks?
Ru: Because I talk (while eating), I’m slow.
I: Ah, compared to everyone, it’s Ruki-san?
K: Hm.
Re: Because Ruki-san talks.
Ru: I do, right?
A: *laughs* It’s not because of how you swallow, eh?
Ru: No, it’s not because how I swallow.

I: *laughs* We will continue. Ameba Name: Mari-chan. “My image of everyone (from the GazettE) is actually gourmet, to a great extent. No matter with whichever kind of assistance, or when you’re late, and because during tour you wait for a lot of announcement. In that part you eat various kinds of dish and food. There is this kind of image.”
Ru: In the middle of tour, we rarely eat those. There’s hardly enough time.
I: is that so? For example, after the live is over everyone will go together for a meal to celebrate the hard work that day, you don’t do that?
Re: Well, sometimes we do that, but for the place we leave that to someone else.
I: I see, I see.
U: Well a long time ago in Okayama, we’ve had scorpions.
I: Eh? Scorpions?
U: Yes.
I: Are there edible Scorpions?
U: Yes. It was like fried stuffs, it was really good. *laughs*
I: Eeeh? Well, I have never heard about such food for anyone.
A: I don’t know about it either.
K: You ate it alone?
U:No, with the staffs.
K: Aaah.
U: There’s such things like that.
I: Well, if you’ve had it before then isn’t it gourmet?
U: Well, not all members but only me.
Ru: He’s like the new imperial person. *laughs*

I: *laughs*Eeh, the next one is this. Ameba Name: Yuki-san. “Congratulations for your album release!”
G: Thank you.
I: Well, the image is, “Aoi-san seems to be almost naked at home, then Ruki-san seems to talk a lot to himself when he’s alone.” We received something like that.
Ru: Hmm. Talking to myself when I’m alone.. But well, there’s my dog so I’m not really alone.
I: *laughs* Well, you can’t be alone, because you have a partner to talk to, right?
Ru: That’s why, because he will listen to me. Well..
Re: Aaah, poor dog.
*roars of laughter*
A: Well, if you think like that, eh?
Ru: That’s why it’s fun every time.
I: How is it, Aoi-san? What kind of form are you in when you’re home?
A: Well, it’s almost like that.
I: Then, just like Yuki-san’s image?
A: Well, neither near nor far.
I: Neither near nor far? Eh?
Ru: Like only in your cargo pants?
I: Or like boxer pants?
A: Nono, well..
Ru: Hot pants?
I: Hot pants?! *laughs*
A: Well, sometimes I wear pants and sometimes I don’t.
I: Ah, is that so? That way is as expected the most relaxed one?
A: Well, I think it’s kind of troublesome.

I: I see. Well, continuing to this image. Eeeh, this one is from Ameba name: Sumika-san. “Nice to meet you! DIM is really cool, I listen to it alone while being excited. About the GazettE’s Wanted Image, Kai-kun is being bullied a lot in magazines. As I thought, is it about being an M? I’m sorry.”
Ru: Hooo.
I: “And all members in general seem to have sweet tooth, is it true?”
Ru: I see. M? how should I put it..
K: Well, M…
Re: Hey, decide it by yourself!
Ru: …. What do you mean?
*roars of laughter*
I: Are there some secrets?
U: The truth is..
Ru: The truth is..
I: Do you know what the truth is?
K: Eh? Is it me?
I: Yes, Kai-san. According to Sumika-san’s image, it’s like that. You seem to be bullied a lot.
K: Well, but unexpectedly when you follow everyone’s flow, sometimes Reita’s the one being bullied the most.
I: Ah, Reita-san, he said something like that.
K: Well, he himself wants to carry that image.
I: Someone who like being bullied?
Re: Well, everyone is like that too. We like being bullied.
I: So you all like being bullied?
Re: But Kai-kun’s way of being bullied has especially come to be number one!
*roars of laughter*
Ru: You’re mean!
U: *laughs*
Re: There’s no habit of flattering someone here.
I: Without any habit of flattering someone, everyone here will become that kind of parents.
Ru: That’s right. But to each other we will be scary in our own ways.
U: You’re doing it!
Ru: I heard such gossip. (In the end they seemed to forget to answer the question about being a sweet tooth). 

I: *laughs* This image has seemed to cross the present state. Well then, Ameba Name: Yuuki-chan (Why are there so many people named as Yuki or Yuuki, lol). “Reita-san, among the members who is the weakest in front of women?” For example, to women’s tears.
Re: The one who’s weak to women’s tears?
I: For example, when you see women crying.
Re: I see. About women tears, These five people are all weak. That is quite a fortune, you know.
U: Why was it again?
Re: There isn’t anyone who will probably say “Stop crying!” when his partner is crying.
Ru: That is Kai-kun, I think.
Re: OI! That guy won’t do that.
I: So it has become something like that.
G: Hmmmmmmm.
Re: Well, we are all gentle men. As I thought, we can’t leave someone who is crying alone.
I: I understand!
G: *laughs*

I: The other one is from Ameba Name: Atsuko-chan. “Uruha-san seems to exercise with the pet he likes in front of him while being engulfed in rose scent.”
U: I see.
I: “Like, in front of him there is a big three-sided mirror. And he seems to live his life like an automobile.”
U: I see.
I: What do you think?
U: Well, the degree of closeness is..
Ru: Zero, isn’t it?
I: Isn’t it fast, Ruki-san? Amazing.
Ru: Zero, right?
U: But well, in the corner of my room there’s a full-length mirror, close to my foot where I sleep. And before I sleep I lower the mirror. Well, it’s close.
I: Hmmm.
Ru: *wheezes*
I: Then now about the rose scent in this message, gathered from the top of your room and this heavenly image..
U: I think the rose scent is good, there’s nothing unsatisfactory about that.
Ru: It seems like he will wear it.
I: Is that so?
U: *laughs*The rose scent, I don’t really understand though.
I: What about the type of your room? What is your bed like? For example, there are chiffons hanging from the top of the bed..
Ru: Like a princess..
I: Just like a princess.
U: Look, if there are men like that it will be a bit harsh, in this kind of rigid world. *laughs*
I: *laughs* You can’t hit him though, you can’t hit him. Well, each and every one has various images. This kind of images, if we don’t inspect it like this, if we don’t ask about it, as expected we won’t really know about it, right?


I: So everyone, how do you feel today?
Ru: It was REALLY fun.
Re: *coughs*
I: Reita-san, just a bit more, please hold it. *laughs* Is this your first time in Ameba Studio?
Ru: This is our first time, yes. I always pass here and go, “Ah, it’s Ameba.”
I: So with you being inside this studio and the fans can also see this state..
Ru: I want to do it like this again.
I: Really? As a regular in Ameba Studio?
Ru: What is that?
I: Please, by all means..
Ru: Aaah! If that kind of negotiation can be done.
I: *laughs* Then please.
Ru: *laughs*
I: Uruha-san, how was it?
U: As I thought I was a bit nervous, but at the end this kind of..
I: this kind of what?
U: This kind of fun room, this distance is good.
I: Right? You can really be addicted to it, can’t you, Uruha-san?
U: Yes, yes. It’s fun. Thank you.
I: Thank you. Well then, let’s hearfrom the next person, what do you think about today?
G: *looks at Kai*
I: Well, please, Kai-san.
K: Yes. Well, to talk in this kind of close distance is.. well, you just don’t get used to the things you can’t get used to. *laughs* But for the next time, please come to our lives.
I: Yes. Thank you.
*Aoi and Reita argues about who’s next*
I: Well then, please, Reita-san.
A: *laughs*
Re: Yes. Well, Aoi-san will do the lively closing..
I: I see.
A: *whispers* Lively..?
Re: Well, it was fun. We just did a live yesterday, well as expected this kind of contact is different from during live. It’s quite close and I’m embarrassed, but it was fun. I want to do it again by all means. Yes, thank you.
I: Thank you. Please, Aoi-san.
A: Yes, ee.. What is it?
I: *laughs* What is it? Your impressions about today.
A: As I thought it’s been a while to see the members this happy.
….. *silence*
Ru: Oh?
A: Nono, that’s not what I mean. The members are usually like that, but this.. this.. *moves his hands*
I: What is it? If you don’t explain it I will think of something different.
A: Nono, everyone’s talk went well, Daddy is happy.
I: Daddy?
A: Hmm. If there’s another chance, I want to do it again. Please.
Ru & K: Please, by all means.

I: Please treat us favorably. Then starting from yesterday the GazettE Tour 09 DIM SCENE, the Tour Final will be on Saturday, September 5th at Saitama Super Arena. Ticket sale will start in the whole country from August 8th. Everyone, you still have to run through till the Final. Please by all means, until the last moment,please show the GazettE world to everyone in the whole country.
Re & Ru: We’ll try our best.
I: Then, after two years the long-awaited album has just been released, but! On October 7th a new single release has been decided.
Ru: Yes.
A: That’s right.
I: You announced it on the live yesterday.
Ru: That’s right.
I: So Ruki-san, the title is..?
….. *silence*
*roars of laughter*
I: Well, more than this, are you on the production stage?
Ru: It’s done, yes. What’s left is just little things here and there.
A: Well, it seems like we can even perform it live.
I: Really?! Is that true?
Ru: That is..
A: Well, they won’t let us do so.
A: So don’t worry.
I: Well well, so everyone, please look forward to it by all means. So that means for 2009… what are your objectives from now on? Please let us hear it.
G: Hmm. Hmmmm.
I: How is it, as the GazettE?
Ru: Well, as the GazettE.. We want to continue doing the things we like, I wonder if we’ll be able to always do that. As expected, I said this before, we feel like that.To be able to understand ourselves, and be understood by our fans, that’s the best thing for a band, and we want to do it for a long time.
A: That was fair and square.
Ru: YOSH!!!
I: *laughs* That is the most beautiful form. It’s something you have to fight by yourselves. Well, that means we’ve gone past an hour, delivering this from Harajuku Ameba Studio. Album DIM release and the GazettE Special. Soon it will be time to bid farewell.
R: yep.
I: To everyone in front of the studio, and everyone checking this with PC, please look at the camera and say goodbye for the last time! I am Furukawa Emiko and that was everyone from the GazettE, Ruki-san!
Ru: Yes.
I: Uruha-san, Aoi-san, Reita-san, and Kai-san! Thank you very much for today!
G: Thank you very much.
I: Then, please look at the camera and give your salute! Bye bye!
Re: Yes.
Ru: Yes. Good bye.


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