28. prosince 2022

Neo genesis 32 - Ruki Interview (2009)


All of the three songs recorded along with the new single are eventually written by Ruki. Within these three songs he was searching for an ideal shape. With [Distress and Coma] he is, after a long time, expressing a certain gentleness, which makes the heart sway. Also the gap between this and his miserable episode of Valentine’s Day, when he was in first grade of middle school couldn’t be more [aggressive] (?!) and should be emphasized here.
- Let’s start with the title song, which would be [Distress and Coma].
[Actually I wrote this as a coupling song for [LEECH]. Out of the feeling I really would have liked it to be the lead song from among the three songs. However, I couldn’t get this plan through with it. There was a tossing between [Let’s take it as the new single] and [NO, I want this as a coupling song!] In the end it became the new single. (laughs)]
- As a song from the emotional heavy rock genre, it is in its very own way a very beautiful song.
[At the very beginning, there was simply this melody floating about. I created it from there. Honestly, I wanted it to sound a bit more like the European Goth music. Yet, as we kept working on it, it turned out heavier than that, but occasionally a song like that isn’t bad, is it?]
- The lyrics are in their dimension, also pretty different (from the usual), aren’t they?
[After all this is a song about a trauma. There is a always the link to something very real, however, this time, I wrote it more like a story (being old).]
- The person at which the lyrics are directed would be the “(my) dear bride” then?
[Yes. It should be towards the bride.]
- It does feel a bit like a fairytale now, doesn’t it?
[At first there was this image of a sleeping princess. However, I thought that the story wasn’t erfect to be directed at someone sleeping.]
- That really would have been like a fairytale, then, maybe too much, even.
[In that send, probably so. Therefore, I went with the image of a dancing girl or a ballerina, who I dancing throughout the dream. I also thought that if I wrote this merely about that trauma, it wouldn’t fit the song and so, I wrote it more like a story.]
- So is the trauma the wounds caused by her past love relationship, then?
[That, and how she is drawn back to this memory and it is always catching up again, in the state of things. It is like her love from reality and the one from her dream are correlating and eventually she can’t tell which one is real and which isn’t. The main character in this is portraying and singing his feelings towards the so called [bride]. Therefore, within the title [I] would be [Distress] and [she] would be represented by [Coma].]
- The words you are using are unusually gentle in this.
[I thought, for a fragile feeling like this it would suit them well.]
- When Ruki-kun is writing lyrics like this, the feeling is really dancing in them.
[Well, deep within me, I am that kind of person (laughs). Absolutely gentle.]
- The end of the story is actually a pretty sad one, isn’t it?
[In the end it is within the illusion of the story, left to everyone’s imagination, whether she woke from the dream or not, as an epilogue.]
- The second song, [Headache Man], is sound-wise and lyrics-wise pretty intense…
[I wanted a song which is heavy from the very beginning to the very end. It had always been a point I regrettably looked back upon the songs we had written in the past. We always wanted some heavy songs, but in the end, they turned out differently. It is the same with the [thickness] in sound, which came out like a blow (this time). The mastering was also pretty difficult, but it turned out like I had imagined it, eventually.]
- Those lyrics are really also full of anger, aren’t they?
[This time, amusingly, I used them to make fun of someone. Well, there was this course of anger in the lyrics, however, they are different to those of [LEECH]. It is purely an imaginary person.]
- It is? What about the [double faced dad]?
[I can’t say anything about that in detail…(laughs)]
- There seem to be a lot of [friends] around Gazette, who become the subject matter of all those emotions in your songs.
[That’s something I’m grateful for.]
- And lastly [Without a Trace]. As it is written by Ruki-kun, it is of such beauty…
[It is like a compilation of my desire to sing ballads just now. Within this universe of ballads, I wanted to do the utmost, same with the sound and such…just like that. I couldn’t quite do it with [Guren] and for an album, too, it is a song I couldn’t quite produce (as of yet).]
- So this is close to your ideal?
[Pretty close. As for the content of the lyrics, it is about a fan…someone who died, someone I couldn’t save. I couldn’t do anything myself…still, there are people only living off our music…it’s painful.]
- The own helplessness is something regrettable, isn’t it?
[It is difficult in general.  To save someone just with the music…but if you say this aloud, you (come to realize) you aren’t actually saving anything. There are fans, who are bullied, those who are not loved by their parents; times, when there really is no one around to worry about them. Even as there are these people we can save, if there is just one person we can’t save, then we just can’t. This is the feeling put together in this song...and I am not saying that I am actually saving anyone with this song.]
- I’s difficult, isn’t it.
[I don’t think, I am actually killing anyone with my songs, but saving someone, maybe… To know the importance of life is the only support. Still, this song isn’t saying [Please, know how important your life is!], or trying to push anyone’s back. It is just saying that I do understand this pain just a little…I think.]
- The next would be, and it is really painful to ask this after such a serious talk, more of a [service topic] concerning the introduction headline. (laughs) Please let us hear one of your Valentine’s Day episodes.
[Oh! That was sudden(laughs). Well, let’s see…The one I remember best is the one about me being 1st grade in Middle School and the girl from 3rd grade Middle School.]
- Ah, the girl you dated more out of force than anything.
[Well, as I had just graduated from Elementary School and gotten into Middle School, she was someone I could hardly say NO to. It was really scary…Like I was called into the 3rd grader’s class room ad was surrounded by girls.]
- (laughs)
[I had no idea of love or relationships at that time and it was not in the least enjoyable - a very troubling feeling. Somehow going home together was the worst.]
- Embarrassing, wasn’t it?
[Everyone walked home with their friends. It was just me who accompanied that girl, who was also pretty tall. What was I supposed to do? This was just wrong. For valentine I got a bracelet and chocolate or a cake. And a scarf or something and then we broke up at (her) graduation.]
- So about one month after Valentine’s Day you broke up, then?
[Don’t the girls usually get the second button of the 3rd grade boys then? I really didn’t understand, why she had to take mine, as a first grader. I was shocked, sort of…Well, there’s only bad memories concerning that. (laughs)]


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