13. října 2022

Translation for GazettE Interview from Arena 37C Feb 2007



[HAPPY NEW YEAR] Please tell us how you spend your time during New Year.

Ruki: Sleep
Reita: Always sleep
Kai: TV
Uruha: Visit shrine first
Aoi: Spend my day slowly/leisurely at my parent's home

[HEALTH] What do you pay attention for health?

Ruki: Eat Japanese food
Reita: *(I'm not sure about Reita's answer, he is talking something about taking pill)
Kai: Gargling
Uruha: Drink vegetable juice
Aoi: I'm not paying attention to health

[HOTEL] Please tell us how you spend your time in the hotel when having tour.

Ruki: Sleeping
Reita: Play game and sleep
Kai: Sleep earnestly
Uruha: Read the letters from fans.
Aoi: Watch the video of our live

[HIT] Is your lottery luck good? What is the biggest prize you have won so far?

Ruki: hmn......none.
Reita: DVD player with hard disk
Kai: None
Uruha: DVD player
Aoi: Bad. atatattame shika nai *(I don't know what does this mean)

[HAIR] What hair style would you like to have in the future?

Ruki: Long
Reita: purolesuraa-like hair (Tenzan Hiroyoshi)
Kai: bodiipaama *(perm hair)
Uruha: Afro-hair
Aoi: gyakumohi *(I don't know what is this in English)

[HALL] Your thought about the tour hall in mid December.
*(I have no idea what does the Japanese sentence mean, this is what I understand, which probably wrong)

Ruki: There were too much troubles, *(I'm don't know what does the next sentence mean, I think Ruki talks something about the good reaction from fans?)
Reita: Because it's hall, it has nothing to do with it *(I'm not so sure about this)
Kai: Certainly climb the stair case one by one
Uruha: Too much problem/trouble for the machine parts but it was a fun tour.
Aoi: Didn't suffer any trouble. *(I'm not so sure if this is what Aoi means)


[YESTERDAY] What did you eat last night?

Ruki: Hormone. * (I don't know if "horumon" means other things other than "hormone")
Reita: Pizza
Kai: Gratin
Uruha: Rice, miso soup, and pasta
Aoi: monjya * (Monjayaki is a type of Japanese pan-fried batter with various ingredients)

[YOUNG] Who is the person who think himself is the "youngest" member in the band? What is the reason?

Ruki: The other 4 members. ge-mu ni yume naka ni nareru koto wa ii ne *(I'm not sure what does it mean, I guess Ruki's talking something about it's a good thing can have games be realistic in dream?)
Reita: Reita, that person is always young ne…
Kai: Reita! He likes sweet thing
Uruha: Ruki. (no translation for the reason part)
Aoi: None

[YEAR] What is your ambition in year 2007?

Ruki: I want a car
Reita: Do a great/amazing live.
Kai: (no translation)
Uruha: Health is the first priority
Aoi: Do something for health

[YEAH!] (no translation)

Ruki: None
Reita: Bought PS3
Kai: Without knowing, 10000 yen was put in pocket (probably is my pocket though)laugh
*(I'm not very sure about this. Does Kai mean he puts 10000 yen to other people pocket? or 10000 yen was put in his pocket? The original sentence is "shiranai aida ni poketto ni ichi man yen hatteta!")
Uruha: When we are filming at outside, the rain stop.
Aoi: None

[YEN] How much money do you have in your wallet now?

Ruki: 120000 yen
Reita: 1500 yen
Kai: 3500 yen
Uruha: 35000 yen
Aoi: About 30000 yen


[ENERGY] What is your source of energy?

Ruki: Live
Reita: Live
Kai: Laugh
Uruha: Hot spring
Aoi: Live

[ENJOY] What do you enjoy the most?

Ruki: Live. When song is done.
Reita: Live
Kai: Live
Uruha: Going for eating BAR *(I'm not sure if my translation correct)
Aoi: Live

[EARTHQUAKE] There is a serious earthquake! Now, what will you bring and run away?

Ruki: Clothes, money, memory
Reita: Spirit *(I'm not sure if "spirit" is what Reita means here)
Kai: V-drum
Uruha: Guitar!
Aoi: Wallet

[EVERYTHING] What do you always bring with you when you are walking?

Ruki: Mobile phone, cigarette, wallet
Reita: Cigarette
Kai: onikisu's ring
Uruha: Digital camera
Aoi: Wallet

[EYE] What is your eyesight?

Ruki: 0.01 pretty bad
Reita: 1.2
Kai: Right 0.5, Left 0.5
Uruha: 0.3 something
Aoi: About 1.5


[NEWS] What is the recent news that left you the deepest impression?

Ruki: The person who can increase the quality of the mobile phone's battery *(I'm not too sure about this)
Reita: * (I don't know how to translate this in English, it's something about politician)
Kai: * (I don't know how to translate this in English, it's something about tax)
Uruha: North Korea nuclear weapon's test
Aoi: Lots of

[NIGHT] About what time do you sleep? How many hours do you sleep in average?

Ruki: Morning~noon. 2~5 hours
Reita: I sleep at about 5 o' clock morning. It'd be fine if I can sleep for about 5 hours
Kai: I sleep at 12 o'clock! 6~8 hours
Uruha: About 3 o'clock. Sleeping time is about 6 hours!?
Aoi: 4:00AM~, 6 hours

[NASA] If you can go to outer space, what do you want to do? And what planet do you want to go?

Ruki: Didn't think about it
Reita: I want to drink water in a space without gravity
Kai: I want to ear ramen! I wonder if it'd be moon!
Uruha: (no translation)
Aoi: I don't want to go

[NATURAL] If you are to go, sea? mountain? Please also state the reason.

Ruki: Sea. Especially (during) winter
Reita: I have not climbed mountain before, so mountain!
Kai: Mountain
Uruha: Both
Aoi: Sea. You don't need reason for going to sea

[NERVOUS] Who is the most delicate member in the band?

Ruki: Aoi
Reita: Kai-kun or Uruha-kun
Kai: Aoi
Uruha: I think is me
Aoi:Of course is me


[ANIMAL] If you are to describe band members as animal, what will it be?

Ruki: I think everyone is lion
Reita: Fuji safari park
Kai: Ruki->Monkey, Uruha->Zebra, Aoi->Squirrel, Reita->Duck, Kai->Bear(is good...!laugh)
Uruha: Everyone is monkey!
Aoi: I only see human

[ACCIDENT] Please tell us the most unforgettable accident during live.

Ruki: *(I'm not too sure about this, it's something about a part of the mic dropped)
Reita: *(I don't know what did Reita say, but it has something to do with Uruha)
Kai: Chair fall from the stage of drum
Uruha: The speaker-cable was pulled off because of the special effect of the stage.
Aoi: Uruha's speaker-cable was pulled off

[ACTIVE] Who is the most active member in the band? Please also state the reason.

Ruki: Me or Reita
Reita: I don't know the meaning of active...
Kai: Ruki-->He will take the action immediately when he thinks of it! kekkou sono manma *(I don't know what does this sentence mean)
Uruha: I'm not sure, but I think is me (laugh)
Aoi: hmn......

[ALARM] Do you wake up/sleep well? What is the first thing you do after wake up?

Ruki: It became bad recently. I smoke right after wake up
Reita: I wonder if I wake up in good humor... But if I am woken up suddenly, I don't know the meaning (of doing this) *(I'm not sure if my translation is correct, but this is what I understand from the sentence)
Kai: I think is good! Wear sock!
Uruha: I think I wake up in good humor. I drink water first.
Aoi: Bad. Smoke

[APPEAL] Please appeal to your fans.

Ruki: konnichiwa (hello)
Reita: (no translation)
Kai: (no translation)
Uruha: *(I'm not too sure about this, Uruha is talking something about "Please support me and GazettE forever")
Aoi: Please come to watch our live by all mean


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