3. října 2022

Onore 6: Aoi interviewing Reita


葵: They've asked us to think up questions we want to ask the other band members. I've thought about it a lot man but, I have nothing to ask you!
れ:So we're done?! Wtf-man, at least ask me two questions!
葵:*laughs* You serious? Well then! During live, your heart feels like you want the fans to go more crazy! They need some pushing! So what do you do to get the crowd riled up?
れ:I'm bad with words so I'll just raise my hands up above my head and urge them on.
葵:Hands above your head? ....The rabbit pose?
れ:WTF?! Noooo!!
葵:A fox, then?
れ:Shut up
葵:Then what?
れ:Like this *shows* Like, come and follow me to heaven pose.
葵:That's it?
れ:Yeah. And it works. The fans go crazy for these hands!
葵:What about during [Kantou]?
れ:I can't talk during the song but anyway, if I can, then I want to say GO FUCKING KILL EVERYONE!!
葵:And then you watch the fans?
れ:Yeah! Like, I want to see blood!! Gimme bloood!! btw- I sometimes hear Aoi's screams during [Kantou]
葵:Ah? Yeah. To liven things up. *laughs* I don't hear you scream a lot on stage. Are you shy?
れ:Ah, no I'm not. I'm just waiting for the right time to scream into the mic.
葵:What about when Ruki sings?
れ:That's so not the right time.
葵:So you wave your hands to urge the fans to go wild and then watch them? Will the fans understand you by just gestures and facial expression?
れ: I'm basically expressionless. But if you look into my eyes, you'd understand what I'm trying to convey. You have to be sharp tho. I might look at the fans when Ruki's singing. If our eyes meet during that time, then. Welcome to my world.
葵:What do ur eyes say then?
れ:This is me! This is how I rock! Now savour it!
葵:I see! Now, if we lift that veil of makeup you wear, what do you do on normal days when you're alone? I think everyone would like to know!
れ:Well, I do lots of stuff! *laughs*
葵: In this interview we did, I heard someone said they can't eat bread if they have make up on. And the only person I could think of that would be that mad was you. So we'd all like to know how you are like without makeup on.
れ:Me? I'm just generally normal. Very much normal actually. But I think when you flip that switch, you can become anyone you want. During lives or even during hair and makeup session. And when you flip that switch, you can go from one extreme to another.
葵:For example! Do you realise that you're really silent when we have our hair and makeup done and when we're putting on costumes and accessories?
れ:I guess I am.
葵:You didn't answer the question...we still don't know what you're like without makeup....
れ:Are you trying to figure me out?
葵:I mean, I always thought all of us gazemen are really interesting but....
れ: Someone wouldr really take what you just said the wrong way *laughs* Even tho we share the same blood type, Aoi- I think I fit the A-type description better. You fail to live up to the A-type name! *laughs*
葵:Yeah, cos I never read the A-type instructions manual.
れ:Isn't it always like that? People not conforming to their blood type personalities? I think all of this is a bit ridiculous. I personally think that character and personality are like things in a chest of drawers. It's something you can't see. You'd pull one of the drawers out to see whats inside and then you close it. Or maybe it's like a curtain to the soul? You'd only take a peek, wondering how it would be like if you saw the whole thing.... and then you draw the curtains down.
葵:*laughs* Then what's that whole thing about "This is me" during lives?
れ:Meh. Anyway, souls and that sorts are scary. I'm afraid of the things that you can't see.
葵:They freak me out too.
れ:I know right!
葵:Moving on! Make a promise here!
れ:Are you trying to get me to keep my word? I'm really bad at keeping promises.
葵:But you made a promise to go to the sacred grounds of Budokan and you did!
れ: That's cos the band and the fans are in that promise together. I can't keep promises when I'm the only one in it.
葵: Anyway, won't be it great if the fans that will come to see us perform at Budokan could actually see us? Y'know what I mean? I don't know about your little hand gestures, but I think, because of the size of the venue, everyone will be able to see us when we're performing in Budokan.
れ:I really want to have a connection with everyone during lives, but it's really hard for me. It's difficult for me to make a connection with everyone at lives. Plus you guys don't really listen to what I want to do anyway.
葵:Yes we do. But you just totally go the other way around to what we want to do. Like, if we want to do high fives, you'd want to do body punches. Like- seriously wtf man?
れ:Anyway, remember when I said, lets all do high spin kicks? All of you guys just stayed silent! At least give me a decent answer.
葵: Me and Uruha pretended like we didn't listen ... and maybe Ruki too......?
れ: Anyway. I did made that request 5 minutes before we went on stage so maybe you guys forgot about it.
葵: Yeah *laughs*
れ:I really wanted all of you to give the thumbs up signal when I do the high spin kick on stage!
葵:Aaah- great idea! So when you do your high spin kick, I'd be right behind you giving you two thumbs up! And then I'd make all the other guys give you thumbs up too.
れ: Make the fans do it too!
葵:.... Aanyway, how will 2006 be for you?
れ:Cos its Dog's Year. You could say that I want to howl and bark away the tears of the world.
れ:We're currently living in a world where people are treated like stray dogs! So I want to be a watchdog and bite at all of them abusers!
葵:I don't even want to be a pet dog. Why the hell do you want to be a watchdog?!
れ:Not the kind of watchdog people keep as pets, the kind of watchdog that protects a house! I want to protect the fans. I want to protect this music scene. We must protect the world before it gets any worse. And I can only do that through the band, the GazettE. And what's this I hear about visual kei fans are bad people? Headbanging isnt bad. Being a bit rebellious isnt bad either. Just remember to take care of your manners. I think only when we take care of our manners, we can really resist society. And I think the band and even you, the fans understand this.

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