12. srpna 2021

Neo Genesis vol. 28 - Aoi


Interviewer's questions in Bold
Aoi's answers in Italics
Translator notes in [Brackets]

Aoi's sense of song making, is one of the important elements in GazettE's core. The song "HOLE" which drew a line of distinction from "LEECH" heightened emotions, brought about captivating shades of colors in the GazettE. The recording training camp that was long awaited, was spent [time spent] by the members with a refreshing feeling, and they reflected that it was a plus for their mentality. The result is, shown clearly, from the high quality of this single produced.

I heard that for this time's single, during the selection of songs all of you were more particular in the song making than before.

-This is true. This is because, firstly we want it to give out a united feeling. Question like "For a main song like "LEECH", what kind of coupling [songs] should be brought along with it?" appeared during the song selection meeting several times. While progressing on the music, the keyword "Masculine" appeared simultaneously. However, I could see my destination [in the music aspect] rather easily.

Although "LEECH" has an element of violent/anger in it, but the development [of the song] is rather pretty.
-The whole development [of the song] is quite "Ruki's melody", it is quite comprehensible. However, although the song's melody is pretty and practically stands out if you take the climax out [of the song], we didn't want to use clean sounds at first. We didn't want to produce sounds that creates a forcible impact. But if we just extend it [the music] simply, wouldn't it turn out to be very poppish instead. I thought if it would be slightly different if the song was done as a band, I feel that even just the guitars gave out a rather firm sound. Either of it [sounds that produces forcible impact and the poppish sound] creates tense sounds. Well, but that is based on my own self-satisfactory though. (Laughs) [Meaning that it is just what he feels.]

Certainly, during the climax [of the song] I felt that there was a note that was held all the way till, let's say the wildnerness. (Laughs) That echo of the note attaches to the ears quite alot.
-It is so. It is because of the white ball (a whole note / semibreve). We don't want unnecessary sounds, and also save all the unnecessary picking [of the guitar], so I only played the starting of the bar.

Do you think you have anything that is similar to the meaning of "LEECH"?
-I don't think so. I thought " Isn't it natural for me to have it?".

Do you mean that it [anything similar to the meaning of "LEECH"] is also inside you?
-I think, probably it is. But if you ask "What form does the parasitic takes on?", I think it differs from people to people. In my case.... it's the band? [As in, he leeches on the band] Probably for me, I can't do anything just by myself.

I see. This is how you to catch it [the word and meaning of "LEECH"].
-It's an exception though. In the case of the lyrics it has a bad meaning.

For the past songs there are titles made with the names of insects. [Maggots and Cockroach]
-Ruki-san likes these kind of things. The normal people like us wouldn't understand it, but I think it is probably an illness. (Laughs)

In "DISTORTED DAYTIME", the thickness of the sounds are more emphasized.
-As for that, when we completed it we tried to make it without any melody. [As in, a song without melodious lines] but.....well, even though we practically didn't do anything to it (laughs), the melody was decided in any case.

What's the reason for this?
-"Even if I said it you wouldn't understand it".

Is this Uruha-kun's explanation?
-Yes yes yes (Laughs). But somehow, I understand the nuance. It's like, the frizzy part of the high sound wouldn't come out. But while I'm thinking and playing the guitar, such sounds would be produced. Well, when I change the guitars and decided on the sound, I would record it a day after I want to.

If you just listen to the guitar closely, it is really nice.
-When I first recorded it, it wasn't so. Although it was certainly connected. It's not like just flying somewhere [? Sorry didn't get what he's saying here], no matter is it's a good meaning or bad meaning, it is quite.... plain. (Laughs)

And Aoi-kun's original song "HOLE"? I feel that this time's single contains the GazettE's 3 important elements. I think that if you could feel the rhythm of this music from the echo of the sounds, you would get one of the three important elements.
-Oh. The formal material [inspiration] came during one of the rehearsals in the tour and I was just playing it leisurely, why I wanted to record this, is because after I heard it, I thought maybe it could become a song so I started to work on it. I could already play it quite well in just about one day. Actually during the first round of the song selection meeting, because my song wasn't accepted, I was fretting over it. (Laughs)

That's how it started. (Laughs) But if Aoi-kun isn't here, such a song with this kind of atmosphere wouldn't be produced.
-I thought "Isn't it quite easy to spread it [the atmosphere]?", when I heard it I was really happy with it so I thought that I want to bring it to the song selection meeting.

There is a comfortable feeling of floating. And there is also some sexual passion in it.
-I think that probably, Ruki-kun worked hard to produce out that sexual passion in it. The original title [temporary title before they decided on "HOLE"] had feelings of sexual passion. (Because Ruki was nearby, he interrupted "It's alright even if you don't say that!")

It's a temporary title that couldn't be mentioned?
-It's not just that, well. (Laughs) Taking the feelings into consideration, I may have just produced out sexy feelings [for the song].

No~But, isn't the guitar sounds [produced in the music] sexy as well?
-About this, at first I thought that when the other two songs [LEECH and DISTORTED DAYTIME] were placed together they gave out a united feeling. But when I heard the drum recording and the bass recording, I thought "Doesn't it sound a little out of place?". Then, after the recording of the bass, Uruha commented "Is it alright to use this sound?", so I replied instantly "Let's do so [to use that sound]". Feels like I'm deciding it with just one shot. (Laughs) Therefore I think in the 3 songs, there will be different impressions created.

How do you feel about the Recording training camp?
-The dinner was delicious. It's great since breakfast [meaning breakfast, lunch and dinner is all good]. Since the morning there is already pasta out [to eat]. I'll grow fat. (Laughs) It [Training camp] had a really good environment. Plus, Reita was surrounded (by recordings), so even though I went there without bringing anything along, I went to do the recording. But because we had to stay over early in the morning, I had to go to Donki [a departmental store?] for a change of clothings.

It's the long awaited camp.
-Because I've always played [the guitar] and recorded it in my house, playing it in the studio after a long absence, and the mood that everyone made up, made me think "This is good after all". After that, I went driving with Reita. Inside the car, we talked about many things that we usually couldn't talk much about, and that is very fresh as well...

Within the members, Aoi-kun is the only one that says "I'm glad to have the training camp".
-Are you serious?! (Laughs)


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