28. srpna 2021

"holly hock radio" with aoi from the gazette - 3rd january 2009 [transcription (report)]


Translator notes in [Squared Brackets]
Reporter's note in (Rounded Brackets)
Fan mails in Italic Grey
Hi, listeners of FM Aichi, Good evening~ it's Aoi from the GazettE.
Ee... firstly, Happy New Year!
Today is the 3rd of January.
...Iya... This year has also started.
With such, a brand new year, and this programme, has started.. and talking about this, Ee, this name!
It's "HOLLY HOCK RADIO" with Aoi from the GazettE.
Well, it's the best.
Uhm... you might be asking what is Hollyhock.
Ee, It's the english name of Aoi, it's a plant.
saying it in english, it's "Holly Hock"! [He says that in english]
Well putting it in simpler terms it means that it's Aoi-kun's Radio~ Well I want to... do my best for this.
Talking about that, for the babies in 2008, the first place for name ranking was "Aoi".
Ee.. Well... maybe it's my "power"? [He says "power" in English]
...Well (Laughs) Although I'm somehow in a high tension for a while, but I will go on while doing my best!
And now there were enquiries, why Aoi-san from the GazettE, is doing a radio for FM Aichi, because Aoi-san... is born from the Mie prefecture.
.........Well but that has nothing to do with it!
Well, because I'm neighbour-san? [Mie prefecture is near Aichi]
For... Aoi-san?
I seemed to say "I'll try doing it"... but once I said that... I did it [the radio].
With that (Laughs), I'll do my best, everyone please take care of me!
(-some parts excluded-)
Members of the GazettE are...
Ee~ members are, Ruki, Uruha [He actually said 'Ruha' instead], Ee, Reita, Kai, and then Aoi.
Well within all of them, definitely, especially, Aoi-san is the best and coolest... I think.
Hai... talking about how the members in the band met, well, it's the so-called "band style", within the people who happened to attend the same event, and it's like "Let's form a band"... This is, kinda, trival kind of feeling [meaning they just anyhow grab people to form a band]. (Laughs)
(-Talks about the PSC 10th Anniversary Live at Budokan-)
Personally, I thought that I had fun!
♪ 1st Song: LEECH
Ee, what should I say, because today is the start of this programme, obviously, there isn't any of the corners [sections where they read the mails sent to them]! Really sorry!
I, Aoi-san, ee, because it's obvious, I'll think about it! [I think what he means here is he will be explaining them]
Corner No. 1! Aoi's Mondo Koro!
(-Excluded parts ; most probably an introduction to it-)
And then, we will be introducing [mails] about a person you care for, and other things that you are thinking about!
Corner No. 2, Ultra Mazo play-off!
......Hey madam listen to this~~ Are you also~ an "S"?
...Oh dear, even though you said it like that, but you are definitely... "that" right?
Obviously I'm a "M"! [M refers to Masochist]
Hai! It's a corner for this kind of you! [Referring to Masochists]
(-Excluded parts-)
♪ 2nd Song : Guren
[Mail introductions]
Radio Name: Umauma-san
I'm a little worried that the Personality of the radio is only Aoi-san
I'm a little worried that the Personality of the radio is only Aoi-san, Ee... bracket Laughs. [Yes he really said this xD] Please be careful not to go into dirty jokes... Kaomoji [Yes he said it like this too. Kaomoji = Expressions that the Japanese use in phones or computers]
...How should I say this, U~~~n... I'm already an adult, I wouldn't keep talking about dirty jokes, right Umauma-san?
Worrying that Aoi-san is alone... Haa... There's no need to worry!
I'm looking forward to your next mail!

Radio Name: Anonymous
I haven't heard of such stories of Aoi-san specially training his body like Reita-san... But, how... do you keep your body in such a good shape?
As expected, do you put in your effort 
I haven't heard of such stories of Aoi-san specially training his body like Reita-san... But, how... do you keep your body in such a good shape?
As expected, do you put in your effort [in exercising] behind the scenes?
Nn~...... I didn't!
Well.... True~ When I see, like, the Manager's body I get a little "loose" [he probably refers to worried here]...
Nn~ Horror-ly loose!
Nee~ Aoi-san did not do anything at all about this~.
Uhm~ If you live a regular life, everyone would also, have "Nice Body" [He says this in english]! (Laughs) That's what I think! Thank you!

Radio name: Ruru-san
DJ Aoi... somehow it's just amusing!
...Like dumb! (Laughs)
... with that, congratulations on being Personality!
DJ Aoi... somehow it's just amusing!
...Like dumb! (Laughs)
... with that, congratulations on being Personality!
I've heard about this too~.
Waa~ that's great~ casual talk! [He refers that ruru-san talks without using honorifics or the such]
... I'm happy!

Ring Name: Anonymous
Does Aoi-san send New Year cards?
Do you do things like sending New Year cards to the members?
Does Aoi-san send New Year cards?
Do you do things like sending New Year cards to the members?
Ee, Aoi-san didn't write them!
I didn't send them to the members too!
Ee, but from the next year onwards I'll do my best [in sending them cards]! Hai!

Ring Name: Emi-san
Hello, I'm a big fan of Aoi-kun... Good evening, Emi-san! (In a loud voice) It's Aoi-san here! I love Aoi-san too, hai!
Usually, you seem like an adult, but actually you are very mischievious!
Mischievious~ (Everyone bursts out laughing) Fuhahahahahaha! (Laughs) I'm no-good? This, is appropriate? (Laughs)
...Am I no-good? (Laughs)
...Aoi-san is, you know...... mischievious...? What is it.... I'm mischievious, most of the time.
Emi-san... is mischievious.. (he says this almost whispering)

Ring Name: Nashi! [Probably 'no name']
Aoi-san's performance is great 
Aoi-san's performance is great [the mail says "elegant" but it doesn't fit o_o] , is there anything you aim to do~? [through the performance]
............ Honestly nothing!
What should I do! (Laughs)
Ano..., to be honest, I also want to answer this properly!
To everyone's feelings.
But, there is nothing.
If I were to force out an answer, Ee......... I want to do a live, with everyone's remaining memories [sorry no idea how should I say this]... Ee, it's an ostensible feeling.
Fuhahahahahahaha! (Everyone bursts out laughing)
Ee, in reality probably there's nothing like that, I'm sorry (Laughs)
Sorry!! Hai.
(-Aoi's Mondo Koro-)
Today is, ...... Radio Name, ... it's this!
Rather then saying something which worries me, it's something that I still worry alot about!
Everyone, please write, your radio name (Laughs)
Ano~ (Laughs) do you understand? Radio name!
... It's not Ring Name yeah, although someone from somewhere said it was Ring Name. [I believe he's referring to both Kai and Reita]
Just now, Umauma-chan, Emi-chan, Ruru-san... they wrote theirs [radio name], the others... didn't write it down... Aoi-san is sad.
I want to know everyone's names.
♪the 3rd song is a recommendation by an aquaintance who seems to like this song alot,
"Undead" by "Hollywood undead"
Ee, it's already the time to say goodbye.
I wonder how did everyone find it [the radio programme]~.
Ee, ... the first time alone, and talking non-stop, I think that I'm really very nervous.
Ee, probably, everyone who is hearing the radio was already like, "Is this guy really alright?
... I think that everyone heard it closely with their eyes and ears, just like a mother. [Uhh... o_o]
But I did my best!
Because of everyone's love, courage and "power" [he said this in english] that has reached me, I will do my best!
(-PSC reveals the magazines for sale ; for more infomation visit their OHP-)
To the bookstore without fail, GO!
Automatic door GO!
It'll be waiting for you while open! [Meaning the doors will be open for them to go in]


2 komentáře:

  1. Hehehe, tohle musela být zábava. Líbí se mi jak si Aoi s těmi posluchači hraje. Třeba jak "setřel" tu Emi-san. No měla naprostou pravdu. XD Škoda že to Radio jack je jen pro Heresy. :/

    1. Oni toho pro ně mají opravdu hodně, ale pro mě je to zas dost peněz, které nemám nazbyt XD Musí to být ale hrozná prča, hlavně když jich je víc pohromadě XD Při tom tohle označení většinou schytá Kai XD
