6. srpna 2021

bayfm on8 special feat. the gazette at marive "leech"


(DJ makes an introduction, & then asked the fans to shout the band's name so they would come out)
DJ : We'll call out their name when I say "Ready Go". Ready, Go~!
Fans : Gazetto~!

*Members enters*

Aoi : Hai, Eeー Good evening everyone. It's Aoi on Guitar.

Reita : Eeー Good evening. It's Reita on Bass. (In a very low voice)

Ruki : Eeー Good evening. It's Ruki on Vocal.

Kai : Eeー Kai on Drums. Onegaishimasu.

Uruha: Eeー Uruha on Guitar. Onegaishimasu.

DJ : Everyone appeared in their "LEECH" costumes!!

Aoi : ...Yatta! [something like victory] (In a rather flat tone)

DJ: Eh?? Everyone in GazettE, I have the feeling that you all have low tension? (Laughs bitterly)

Aoi : Iya~ This is already the max. (Laughs) I'm sorry. This is the max. Totally max.

DJ : Today with such feelings, does GazettE wants their fans to see them as quiet adults??

Everyone : ...... (silent)

Aoi : Ah, Yes! Eh, why isn't everyone talking...

DJ : And I heard someone saying "Reita, Reita".

Reita : Ah, I'll try to, like, do my best.
(Fans breaks out into laughters)

*DJ introduces the 70 fans that came to the live studio*

DJ : Who's today's attendant [to clear up the mess] for GazettE?

Fans : Aoi-san~! (Altogether)

DJ : It's decided on Aoi. (laughs)

Aoi : Iya, you're being annoying. (Laughs) Iyaa I don't really talk alot. Seriously. (Laughs bitterly)

DJ : So if there are any troubles [I believe she refers to if no one is going to talk XD] I'll be depending on you.

Aoi : (Laughs) Hai, Onegaishimasu.

Following the DJ's talk about "LEECH" being released.

Everyone : (scattered) Thank you.

(In reply to the small reaction of the fans at the live studio)
Aoi : The reaction is too small!!

About single position no. 2 in a famous daily ranking chart magazine!

Everyone : (scattered) Thank you.

DJ : Eh , when all of you heard it doesn't the tension goes up like the ranking?

Everyone : ......(Silent)

Aoi : It doesn't seem to be so!! (Laughs bitterly) No no no, I'm at the max [tension]??

DJ : Excuse me Ruki-san. Is your switch [she's referring to his tension] on??
*Fan breaks out into laughters*

Ruki : It's on it's on. It's alright now.

ーSong recommendation by Ruki : LEECHー

[When the song is playing, there were some laughs at the live studio.
Reita - "Isn't it, this is like totally Aoi's net talk." (Laughs)]

About the song lyrics.

Ruki : When I'm working on it well...eh... I don't say "something". Well the point is I would be in seclusion. All the members would meet, bringing what they are concerned about for the time being, and things that they are in doubt, and things that require consentment... as expected it's this kind of meaning.

DJ : So you mean that you write the lyrics from the feelings you had during that time.

Ruki : Yes. It's not like I'll forget... But now we are able to sing songs for this kind of situation.
(Sorry this part I couldn't hear clearly)

About song making.

Kai : Well, when everyone is making songs time kind of suspends [stop or become slower], but it happens everytime. Anoー well when it comes to the foundation [of the band] , as expected Drums are the first, and of course above it comes the bass, guitars and vocals and as far as it is concerned, they are also important parts that controls [the fate of the band]. Well it's not only me, this is always happening when we are deciding on the sounds. This time no matter is it about the mute, or the matching of the tuning, all these things I've talked about it to the tuner and the engineer... and various things, of course I've talked to all the members before we did it.

About the recording.

Aoi : The person with the Bass, is always the earliest...

DJ : The person with the Bass?? (Laughs)

Aoi : Ahh... him on Bass. Reita-san. (Laughs) He always ends early [the recording]. Then because suddenly it's my turn [to record] , even though I didn't bring anything like my clothes, I had to stay in the studio.

DJ : You stayed in the studio??

Aoi : Yes. It's like "It's this kind of place. Should I stay?"

DJ : Both of you [Reita and Aoi] stayed together?? [LOL she didn't get what Aoi was saying]

Aoi : No no!! (sweats) If the two of us stayed together, it's a little disgusting. (Laughs bitterly)

DJ : Even though you stayed, but there are times you think it's best to go home yes?? There are times where Reita-san would rather go home yes??

Aoi & Reita : ... (Silence)

DJ : Then it's not?? As expected you would rather sleep on Aoi's bed?? [LOL! XD ; the DJ still didn't get what Aoi was talking about]

Aoi : Nooooo!! Wrong wrong, you're talking about the wrong thing!! There's nothing like that. (Facing Reita) It's like those private rooms right??

Reita : Yup. That's why the second storey of the studio it looks like a hotel.
*From this point onwards, the DJ understood everything*

Reita : Then at there [the private rooms] both of us stayed together. (Laughs)

Aoi : (instantly) No no what for?!! (Anxious) Seperately, seperately!! (Sweats)

Reita : Ahhー I made a mistake. Seperately. (Laughs)

DJ : As expected it's like that, Anoー afterall this season is a season where people yearn for body warmth, I can understand the feeling of Reita-san's, he snuggled close to Aoi-san much, at this time of the year, yes.

Aoi : Nooo it's wrong!! (Sweats) It's an misunderstanding... ;_;

DJ : Though the meaning of word LEECH also includes the meaning of hiru [japanese equivalent of Leech] and that "It absorbs [blood]", Uruha, who is on Guitar. What is it that comes to your mind when you think about the words "It absorbs"?

Uruha : "I get my blood absorbed by the mosquitoes quite much."

Fans : EHHHH~?!

Into the CM.

Back from CM.

DJ : You were talking about your blood gets sucked by the mosquitoes quite frequently.

Uruha : Yup. It's not normal [like, his blood gets sucked too much] anymore, seriously. I'm O blood type, and I've always heard that "A person with O blood type is good, and blood gets sucked the most" [Uh for people who don't know, they say O blood gets sucked the most because O blood type people are universal blood donator. Include me in too ;_;] . Among everyone, I'm probably in the lead [of getting stung by mosquitoes]. Whether is it during the shooting of PVs, at a outside location or during photoshoots, I get stung alot. When I look at my legs, it's already all polka dots. I kept being stabbed [in this case he means stung]. During Summer time it's worse.

DJ : Ehh?? Aoi-san. Is this story of "being absorbed" to your hearing? [as in if he likes it or not]

Aoi : Yaaa, please don't turn it [the attention] to me!! ... Sorry.

DJ : Just now during the CM, someone said " Because my story of "being absorbed" is a dirty joke* so please do not say it out"... Ah, sorry. I've just said it. It got on the live broadcast. (Laughs)

Aoi : Hey hey~. (Laughs) Just stop it already~

Topic - The kind of word that GazettE wants girls to say to them

Ruki - [Thank you]
Ruki : This is a very simple remarkー It's really good. There was once a grandma fell from her bicycle near the convenience store. After I helped her up and straightened her bicycle, she said "Thank you".

Kai - [So cool]
*When he showed that word, instantly the word "So cool~~" was shouted by the fans at the live studio*

Kai : Of course it's during lives, I feel happy when I hear that during lives. It's... It's alright even if you don't say that. I'm okay with it if you just think [that he is cool but without saying it out]. But there's not much difference if you say it when not during lives or at the stage. (Laughs bitterly) If you say the word when I'm not playing the drums, there's nothing for me to surpass [I think he means that if he hears that word he is more encouraged to overcome himself] , that's why if you say that word when I'm playing the drums, I would be very happy.

Uruha - [Great]
Uruha : (In reply to the noise made by the fans) Eh!? Why!? ... An unexpected reaction occured. (Laughs) "Thank you" or "So Cool" is good also, but when I'm told "Great" I have the feeling that I'm being recognised.

DJ : But for this word, even if it's said by a male you would still feel very happy yes??

Uruha : Ee, this... during that time [if he is praised by a male]?? Of course [he would feel happy as well].

Reita - [Hey hey]
 [Lol pardon me for saying this, but WTF? XD]
Fans : EHー?!

Reita : It's not "EHー?!" you all! It's not bad either [the word]. (Laughs) Even if she just says "Anoー", it's alright as well.

DJ : Do you feel happy the instance when someone talks to you?? (Laughs)

Reita : I would have already ascended to the heavens. (Laughs) (When someone talks to me) I would have already ascended to the heavens, and I can't get out anymore. (Laughs) Ahahahaha.

DJ : But once the DJ of the radio programme "Pure Heart" said "If we meet at the street corners again let's talk".

Reita : Ah, no. He's a male. (Laughs softly)

DJ : What about him being a male??

Fans : Ah~ (In agreement)

Reita : Ah... Well, if I say any further there will be a broadcasting accident. (Laughs bitterly)

Aoi - [I like you]
(Is it just me or what, but just when this word was shown, Cassis starts to play XD)

Aoi : But, isn't it very beautiful? Isn't the words "I like you" very beautiful?

DJ : I think it's very beautiful. (Laughs)

Aoi : Isn't it~? Isn't it? ... It's like, I just feel like saying "Isn't it". (Laughs)
*At this point. Ruki made a rather 'amazed' face*

DJ : Do you mean something like a confession of love?? Just those simple ones.

Aoi : Yup, as expected I will be very happy. ... Well, and I want to do it [confession of love] as well.

Fans : Oooooo~!

Aoi : It seems like I have someone [meaning he has none for now]. Fufufu (Laughs).

ーSong recommendation by Ruki : DISTORTED DAYTIMEー

Topic - Things that Ruki wants to do by the end of this year

About bringing his dog [Kuron-chan] to the hot springs together.

DJ : Are there times where your dog goes into the bath with you?

Ruki : There are there are. It totally went in the bath.

Fans : Heeeh~

Ruki : What about it~. ...Fufufu, it went in the bath.

*Below is Ruki's explanation of how he bathes Kuron-chan*
Ruki : The dog's forefoot is placed on the pool in the bathtub, the body is lifted up, and the dog tries to move with the hinder legs, producing the sounds "pata pata pata pata". After finishing the bath, I place the dog on the mat at the changing room, and it walks over my bed, and I clean the dog on the bed. Then I put the dog back to it's house.

Topic - Something that made Kai very happy this year
Having a birthday celebration at the live one day after his birthday.

Kai : I thought that the song was going to start. I had already started to count. I already finished counting, but the song haven't started, and when I was like "What happened??" and came out to look at things, a cake came out. The fans and the members all congratulated me. That was the first time such thing happened to me, I was very happy.

DJ : Were you shocked??

Kai : Totally no, I was alright. I was totally not shocked. (Laughs)

Fans : Ee~! (Booing)

Aoi : You're mean~

Kai : (Anxiously) For a moment I thought "Huh". (Laughs) I'm sorry.

Ruki : You already caused a trauma [on the fans]. (Laughs)

Topic - Something that Reita is crazy over this year
Reita : It's my bike~ (In a strong tone) Well, it's very cool~!! Fiercely.

DJ : It's fiercely cool. (Laughs) How... is it different? From the other bikes.

Reita : The other bikes have a different aura. It's just that, I totally can't use the brake now. Well I'll use it to the extent that I don't die. (Laughs bitterly)

DJ : Do you still ride it? It's very dangerous since the brakes are already faulty. You do these kind of things... (with pressure)

Reita : I still do... (sweats)

Topic - The overseas drama that Uruha likes alot this year
Uruha : "Prison Break". Well normally everyone feels that its good. It's very interesting.
(Then Uruha talks about everyone in the band likes the movie as well, sorry couldn't get much here)

Reita : I've ne~ver seen it before.

Uruha : Eh?! (shocked)

DJ : See~ Uruha-san. Please don't give out this kind of wierd atmosphere. (Laughs)

Uruha : Well It seems like these kind of things happens as well. (Laughs)

Topic - Things that Aoi wants to do by the end of this year

Aoi : Have dates [I think he means come as a guest] with ON8 for one hundred times.

DJ : It is great to have ON8 100 times a year. The personality during radio broadcasts becomes like how you work. It's the same for GazettE.

Aoi : Yes. However I think that it is alright even if so. (Laughs)

Fans : Ee~??

Aoi : Ee!? Why?

DJ : So what would it be? (Laughs bitterly)

Aoi : Eh. ...occasionally, GazettE on radio.

Fans : Ee~!?

Aoi : What is it? (Laughs)

DJ : Probably, even though we hear it like this, but do you mean that you want a radio programme all by yourself by making use of the title "the GazettE's Aoi"??

Aoi : Ah, no... the name "GazettE" is not needed.

DJ : You are beating about the bush.

Aoi : You are wong, you're wrong.

*DJ talks about gifts GazettE is giving out to public listeners*

Aoi : Ahh...getting it, getting it. You are totally getting it. [the gifts. lol]

Into the CM.

Back from CM.

DJ : Just now during the CM, Reita-san was angry. I'm really sorry!!

Reita : Iyaa, it's already alright now. (Laughs)

Presents the fans at the live studio will get.

Aoi : It's very rare. It can only be seen today... special!!-like. (Laughs) It's special! It's going to be shown on the Images. The images the images~

*Pictures shown on the monitor at the live studio*

1st - Pictures during the shooting of "LEECH" PV.
Aoi : Eh... this is that. "LEECH"'s ... eh eh?!

Ruki : This... isn't this "LEECH" PV's offshots?

Ruki & Aoi : It's the PV shooting scene.

Aoi : Eh there isn't much of me, well... it's harmonious [eh sorry I don't know what is he referring to here]

2nd - Pictures during the Fujiki live.

Aoi : What is this? This?

Ruki : This is that. During the Fujiki live.

DJ : Ah. Fujiki Highlands' Conifer...

Aoi : Conifer forest! Ne~ (He said it in english)

DJ : It was during that time that "LEECH" was played. Ruki had a great scream during it, and the reactions of the fans were good too. Ruki : It seems like so. ...Eh?! You were referring to me?? ... Aaaaahhhh~. (In agreement) It's our first time that we played it [on public].

DJ : Even though it's the first time it was played, all the fans had good reactions.

Ruki : It seems like so. I'm... relieved. As compared to always. I was like "Even though I had a good impression, but there was something strange with my head?"... When I look at it now.

DJ : During that time was it like that, Ruki-san. Your perm was hanging around.

Ruki : My hair grew longer. (Laughs bitterly)

Topic - Parts of the "LEECH" PV which the members recommend
Uruha : Yeah. Uh~ CG was the main for it. What the CG wants to show, is the various expressions. So as expected you have to see it.

Ruki : The parts were I thought they were good were the part where the skin of the woman comes out, and the part where the bones at the back of the woman like... piyoーn [Uh I did some search and the clearest explanation I can say is it's a cheer when you jump into Hamaguchi's sea, it's in a Game's commercial]

DJ : *Points to the monitor* It's this scene.

Ruki : Zoom in... it's not. (Laughs bitterly)

DJ : Eh, gradually...

Ruki : Piyo~~~~~~~~~....(continues) (Ignoring the picture)

DJ : Ah, that's the bone.

Ruki : O~~~~~~n. Piyo~~~~~~~~~~~~... (continues) (Ignoring the picture...)

Aoi : Hai!! It's the bone, hai. It's the bone, it's the bone~

DJ : This is the bone.

Ruki : O~~~~~~~n. Piyo~~~~~~~~~~~.... (continues) (Still ignoring the picture...)

Aoi : Hai, this is the bone.

Ruki : The bone didn't came out of the back too much in particular. (Laughs) [Uh I think Ruki is scared? Lol]

Live studio opening to the public ends here. [meaning those fans who came to the live studio have to leave]
The members say some words to the fans before they leave.

Ruki : Ah, then I'll start first. However these are the people among 2000 people. Iya~ that's why I'm really relieved. Somehow, it will become a good memory for me. And with that, I have alot of feelings of gratitude towards all of you and after this I look forward to all of your support.

Aoi : Hai! ...Ee?! If it's me it's going to be bad?! (Laughs) Etoo, Ano... I am very happy. (Laughs) Ano... Thank you very much for today. Please return to your home safely after this.

Uruha : Hai. Ee~ like what Ruki said to all of you, we won't forget the feelings of gratitude we have for all of you, and from now on we will do our best, hai. (Laughs bitterly) This...not really...talk... I'm not good at this. (Laughs)

DJ : You've said it quite clear...

Uruha : Ahh, Like "Thank you" kind of feelings.

Kai & Reita : Hai, hai!! [They didn't want to be the last, lol]

DJ : Today, Kai-san was faster~

Reita : No way~!

Kai : (Laughs) Reita-kun will be the last one to summarise it. (Laughs) Eh... today honestly, we are already lucky that people are coming to the studio. Well, I think that we who are able to come here and meet with you all are very lucky as well. I think if there are such things [radio interviews] in the future I'll definitely want to do it, from now on I look forward to all of your support! Thank you!!

Reita : Today, I slightly thought I didn't want to appear infront of everyone, and I came with a slightly rough appearance. Fuhahaha (Laughs). Eh~ Well, since the tour had ended I'm feeling lonely, just when I thought that I wanted to see everyone, I did so now, and I feel very blessed. Thank you.

ーSong recommendation by Ruki : HOLEー

Thoughts on the Live studio opening to the public.

DJ : As expected are you all still nervous?

Aoi : Iya~ we are nervous. Quite nervous.

Reita : Honestly, I was in the mood and position where I could say nothing other than "Sorry". (Laughs bitterly) I couldn't help it.

DJ : Why is it so? It was a rather good feeling.

Reita : No no. If the DJ is a male I would have already... (Laughs) (Breaks out into laughters)

DJ : It came out!! (Laughs)

Aoi : He's said it~! He's said it~! (Laughs)

DJ : Which is it!! It's true. As expected for Reita-san...

Reita : No, it's a joke yah?? (Laughs) It's a joke yah??

DJ : For Reita-san only if he sees a male DJ, will his mood go up. (Laughs) I am very thankful for it [because she's a female]. About
this, I'm very sorry, really.

Reita : Mom, I'm sorry. (Laughs)

DJ : Ruki-san how do you feel right now?

Ruki : Iya, but meeting with them after a long absence, it was really interesting. I had fun.

DJ : How about Kai-san?

Kai : For me it's that as well... it was interesting. Everyone's reaction already... (Laughs)

DJ : Uruha-san how do you feel right now?

Uruha : Uh yes. Uh... It seems like I have this kind of atmosphere that I must say things that are really amusing. My hurdle is... quite high.

Reita : Is it overloaded?

Uruha : Whaa~. I'll hide down! (Laughs) [that's what I heard but I don't know what he's talking about ._.]

Reita : Oo~isu. ...... (Silent)

Ruki : What was that, what was that after that. (Laughs)

Uruha : It's cool. Ooi. (Laughs)

About the event that happened that led to making "LEECH".
DJ : There was a "specific incident", and you shaped the feelings you had that time that was left into this.

Ruki : Yup. Probably everyone [in the band] ... experienced the same thing as well?? How is it? [He probably said this while facing the members]

Reita & Kai : Ah! Yes yes!! (Anxiously)

About Ruki's work.
DJ : What kind of impressions did all of you had when you heard his original song?

Aoi : Ah yes. When I heard it I had a feeling like "HOT!!!". (Laughs)

DJ : Hm? Seriously? I couldn't catch it now because I couldn't hear it clearly. (Laughs)
Aoi : It's a great feeling of Hot. (Laughs) During the tour it was good. (Here he says something that I can't decipher)

Aoi : For this, I'm kinda sorry. (Here he says something again which I can't get it ._.)

The Questionnaire wrote down "GazettE's sharp side was being expressed". (In the single)

Uruha : Yes. Uh~ Well, there are also themes like anger and violence, and those are made into sounds. If you listened you would understand, like an aggressive expression. We made the song as we listened and understood it.

Reita : Ruki is already... you know. Isn't he already representing it [the anger expression]? But the rest of us haven't yet... (Laughs), He's like "Do it!! You rascals!!" (He said that while changing voice), and we've already done it...

DJ : Wait, that [the part where he says "Do it!! You rascals!!", isn't that a character we see during the 8 o'clock timeslot? Is that real?

Reita : Broke down. (Laughs)

DJ : Is that the real Reita-san??

Reita : Break down. Sorry, I'm joking*. (Laughs) We just made up this kind of things. Actually he said "You should do it~". Then things like "Don't underestimate me~!" happens. [probably they are lazy? XD]

Ruki : Yaaaaa you, your little finger stood up!!! [sorry don't get this part XD Actually I thought why isn't it the middle finger XDDDD]

Reita : It didn't stand up! It didn't stand up!!

Kai : Little finger...

Reita : When I drink water the little finger stands up...

About GazettE placing their thoughts left into making songs.
(When the DJ was talking about this, Ruki and Kai's laughter is heard)

Kai : Well yes but, everyone of us is like this. A band that does not lie is already a honest band. (Laughs) It's like, a message is placed into the song, and it tells people frankly, and... well I think that it's a blessing to be frank. Hai. ...But I never know what the members really want. (Laughs)

DJ : Now Kai-san said something, about honesty, which I think that's what everyone in the band had in common. That's why, Reita-san's frank character, came out carelessly... (Laughs)

Kai : It's a really frank character ne~

Ruki : That's why I said your little finger stood up. (Laughs)

Reita : It didn't stand up. Stop it, seriously. (Laughs)

ーRepeat song recommendation by Ruki : LEECHー

Topic - Messages of thoughts on "LEECH".

Comment: "When I hear "LEECH" on live and on CD, I had a different facial expression." [The live was better, I think]
Aoi : Oh~ Thank you!

The rest : Thank you.

Comment : "The PV was in Black-and-White and it's really great."
DJ : Hmmhmmhmmhmm. (In agreement)

Everyone : (Imitating DJ) Hmmhmmhmmhmmhmmhmmhmmhーmmhmmmmーmー...(continues)

Reita : Hahahahaha~

Comment : "So far GazettE creates many fresh mixes. [Like, many experiments of music] (Since it's being released) I'm finally able to listen to it everyday, so I'm very happy.

Aoi : Oh. Thank you.

Comment : "If all of you were girls, with whom in the band would you go out with??"

Everyone : ...... (Silently thinks)

Uruha : Ah, is it alright if I say it?? I think it's alright if it's Reita-kun.

DJ : Uruha-san, with Reita-san?

Reita : Araaa~ [an expression of being slightly... amused?]

Uruha : If I were a girl, I would feel rather safe. Like, I won't be attacked... (Laughs)

Reita : Ah~. (Laughs) So you mean that.

DJ : You won't be attacked? If you were a girl you wouldn't be attacked?

Uruha : Like "Give me your hand"... (Laughs)

Reita : Already, what is it?! Today... (Laughs)

DJ : It's this~kind~ of thing.

Aoi : Iya, don't touch me! (Faces Reita)

Reita : Ooi!! I didn't touch you!

DJ : Just below the table, Reita-san~ Please stop~ it. (Laughs)

Reita : Ooooooooo! (Shocked & Laughs) Don't touch me, I didn't touch anybody. (Faces the DJ)

DJ : Just now he really touched someone~. Then everyone, since you all say that if you were a girl you wouldn't be attacked, does this mean that Reita-san is actually good?

Aoi : You have the feeling of being very safe.

Ruki & Kai & Uruha : Yup, this kind of feeling. (Everyone said it together)

Reita : The male will be the only one who is in danger. (Laughs) That's what I think.

Uruha : Well it's dangerous.

DJ : Yes. (Laughs)

Reita : The band's best~!
*Everyone breaks out into laughters*

Comment : "The PV is very beautiful".
DJ : Aoi-san is like "The parts where I was shown".

Aoi : Yup. If you say it generally, I... I had the feeling like "What~".

DJ : ...Hmm?!

Reita : It's alright. (Laughs)

Aoi : Ehh?! ... no, I'm alright afterall.

Reita : Ehh?! (Shocked & Laughs)

Aoi : No no I'm alright!! (Anxious)

Reita : It's like... (Laughs) .... Don't touch me!!

Aoi : Oooi!

Comment: "GazettE's songs are good, and your talks are very interesting!"
DJ : As expected judging from the talks, everyone have high expectations from all of you. How do all of you feel about that?

Kai : Iyaa~ But isn't it interesting (talks)? (Laughs)

Aoi : But then, we wanted to be a very cool band...

Reita : Well, it could be more interesting! ... Well, Ahh (anxiously) that's why...(Laughs)
*The other members heard what Reita said*

Reita : Now~ the (interesting) atmosphere is paused!!! (Sweats)

Kai : That was what everybody was expecting. (Laughs) Towards your remark! (Laughs)

DJ : And I thought something was going to happen after Reita-san said that... (Laughs)

Kai : Yea yea yea.

Reita : ... And there was none...

Comment : "Is Ruki-san's dog doing well?"

Ruki : It's doing very well~

DJ : As expected, is your dog like your child?

Ruki : At first, it might be soー (He stammered here). But now...

DJ : just plain kind of feelings?

Ruki : It's already just plain kind of feelings.

Comment : "I realised that my Akita (A breed of dog) is pregnant, please give it [new born puppy] a name".

Ruki : Ah! Then, ano~ I have a name which I wanted to give it to my dog at first. But now, my dog is named Koron**. I had a name which I gave it before that.

DJ : What name is it?

Ruki : It's called "Jack".
(Uruha and Aoi laughs)

DJ : Iya~ isn't it cool?

Ruki : I'll give the name "Jack" to you. "Jack".

DJ : (To the commentor) Isn't it great~ Ruki-san gave you a name~!

Ruki : Please try the name "Jack"~ (He says the name in a higher tone)

Reita : "Jack"~! (He says it in a lower tone)

Ruki : ....You, you had scary eyes when you were looking at the mike. (Laughs bitterly)

Uruha : It sounds like an energetic name~ (Laughs)

Reita : Somehow for a moment it seemed that my chest hair deepens~

DJ : What was that~?? (Laughs)

Reita : ROCK!!

Ruki : It's not "ROCK!!". Seriously. (Laughs) It's risky.

DJ : No matter if a dog is born or a child is born, you must use the name "Jack"~ It's the name Ruki-san gave you personally~

Ruki : If it were a girl she would sound very strong. (Laughs)

Comment : "From now onwards I want to support GazettE".

Ruki, Kai, Uruha, Reita : Thank you.

Aoi : ... I love you.

Reita : Seriously?! (Happy)

Aoi : Ah... It's not you.

Other members : "It's not you". (Laughs)

Aoi : (To Reita) Today you are very cool~. (Laughs)

Reita : I already told you to stop it!! (Anxious)

Aoi : Your little finger is standing up.

Ruki : You had scary eyes when you were looking at the mike.

DJ : Everyone's reaction was better. (I think she's facing Reita while talking)

Reita : Ooi, don't look at me!!

Comment : "Next year's expectations = Please do a tour that would make me die (Like how Ruki always says "die" during lives). Please have another long tour again.
Aoi : Aaahh~...

Reita : Aaaahhhhh~ (at a lower tone) ... Ahhhhhh~!!!!(Laughs)(He does that at a higher tone) Yup~. (Laughs bitterly)

DJ : By saying "Aahh~", do you actually mean with enthusiasm "Let's do it!"?

Ruki : We already want to do it. (Laughs bitterly) If we are able to do it... we will do our best. If we have to let all of you wait, we will definitely gambaru- (He stammers here) do our best.

Reita : It's really like that. Yup~.

Ruki : But we don't know how will that turn out, right??

Reita : Yeah. (Laughs)

(Infomation of "LEECH" single and 2009 PSC Smile Carnival Tour.
For more infomation, please check PSC OHP)

DJ : Did all of you have fun today??

Reita : Iya~~

Uruha : (Covering over what Reita said) I had fun~

DJ : Our leading person dosen't seem to enjoy it~ (I think this is referring to Reita)

Ruki : It's like, opening a Pandora's Box. (Laughs) [He's comparing this radio interview to a Pandora's Box]

Reita : Yeah~

DJ : There are various kinds of meanings.

Ruki : So far the boxes I have opened, It's like "Don't tell me there isn't a key with it". (Laughs) It's like "Let's open it by force". (Laughs)

Aoi : It's like "Let's open it~!". (Laughs)

Ruki : It's like "Is it alright?! To do this?!". (Laughs)

Reita : It seems like I won't be troubling over my life anymore... (Laughs) (Because there are many good memories from this interview)

DJ : The next time if there is another public live broadcasting, would all of you come?

Ruki : Definitely. I think that next time Reita-kun should do his best. (Laughs)

Reita : Seriously, I want all of you to forget about everything today...

DJ : But next time, when there's another public live broadcast for BayFM for GazettE, the DJ might be a male.

Reita : YAHOII! [In a deep tone ; something like "YAY",LOL]

DJ : Thank you very much~!

Everyone : Thank you very much~!


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