20. srpna 2021

Arena37c November 08 interview - Uruha



Leech=hiru(Leech), parasite, something that feeds on human -> What comes to your mind when you see this word?
-Desire. Although I was thinking about humans [for the answer above], but it becomes desire. I was thinking if a person is a leech, is it because eating is a desire or not. If there is desire, the person is a leech.*

Does it apply to you too?
-Of course, I also have desires too. If you were to take it far, all the members are leeches too. (laughs)

Then, what do you desire the most now?
-I wonder...Slimming down on my belly (laughs)

Do you really mean that?! (laughs)
-Yup, is it becoming bigger for more view? (laughs) ...Although things I have to do are piling up like a mountain, but if I become strong I want to finsh these things.

For this desire, you have to make improvements on your food.
-Yes, it's because I have this desire and target, I will think before I act. I don't want to lose sight on it.

By the way, have you ever really seen a leech? [as in alive right in front of your eyes]
-I have I have.

Just now, Reita-san said that he had never seen a leech before, but there are people who lives in the same area, but there are people who gets accquainted with it and people who dont yes.
-What is it, it was great that I had my shoes on.*[I think he means the leech were on the ground? ?_?] But, if it is possible its best if you don't see it.

Since you put in so much effort, it's also nice if you could let Reita-san see it. (laughs)
-No~ I can't show such an unsightly thing to a close friend (laughs)


Distorted=Strained, twisted -> What comes to your mind when you see this word?
-After all, I think its human. When I see the incidents on TV, I thought alot about it, and it is rather warped. When I think about it, the core of the problem always lies with us humans.

It's true, you can say it that way. Uruha-san, do you think that there is anything twisted about yourself?
-Me...I don't think so.

A period where you were twisted [as in going the wrong path], there isn't any?
-Yup, I don't have a period of time where I was twisted. Aah.. what should I do. This is hard [to say]. It's not that I know I will be twisted so I started to think what should I do.[to salvage the situation] In the past I would say anything straight[without thinking], I think it's because I'm straightforward and I just say whatever I like to. But after that I would think that "That was rather twisted". (laughs) In other words, even for a person committing a crime, don't he just commit it straight away.

Well, you can say that as well. (laughs) I'll take it that you mean in the end, its the majority of the people that are distorted.
-Yes yes. Like even if injuring a person,it's worth it if it's for justice. Therefore, it's like upright in a distorted manner. If you mean it this way, whether I'm a twisted person or not...the people around me should possibly know. (laughs)


Daytime=time between sunrise and sunset -> What comes to your mind when you see this word?
-During daytime, open the windows, refresh the air inside my house. Then do cleaning. Recently I've been feeling like this. (laughs)

Between all the members there are nocturne types [as in sleeping in the morning but active in the night], but is Uruha-san the kind that wakes up early?
-No, I'm totally scattered. But, when my activity time goes back to my regular lifestyle rhythmn, it feels comfortable. That's why, by chance, recently I've been waking up early properly in the morning, let fresh air into my house, drink a coffee, watch the news. It's a really refreshing feeling. (laughs)


Hole=Talking about hole, what comes to your mind when you see this word?
-There's alot of kind of holes. Like drains...ah, I'm afraid of ditch holes until I couldn't help it. There was once my home keys dropped into the ditch.

You are a fine adult, so why are you so scared of it. (laughs)
-No, it was a day before my birthday, and I decided to go out jogging in the middle of the night. My mansion uses auto-lock, so I reached in my pocket to make sure that my keys were there, and my keys dropped from the spaces of my finger, and fell exactly into the hole of the ditch.

In such time, the hall manager will fly to you. (laughs)
-Then, I opened the cover of the ditch to look for it, but it was really dark so i couldn't see it. I'm wearing a jersey, and because it was a last minute decision so I didn't take anything with me, plus there is no one in the middle of the night. I was totally in a panic state, and thinking does that meant a sleep-out. [as in, sleep outside XD] Then, I was even thinking to go to the convenience store to use the public phone and call the police.

You didn't bring your handphone?!
-I didn't bring my handphone and wallet, all I had was my iPod. I was like, "For now just go to Ruki's house while crying." (laughs) I pressed the doorbell and he came out, and I explained the whole situation to him. Then, both of us went to the ditch to look for the keys, but in the end we can't get it back. We tried calling 110 for key retrieving help and many others, but it was no-good. In the end, my mother living at my parent's house had a spare key, and I flew all the way there with my motobike to get it. After that incident, when I go jogging I learned to carefully place my keys in a key case. (laughs)

Did you have anymore similar unforgettable memories like that? (laughs)
-Yup, it had a certain meaning of miracle. I didn't really run along the drain, but I just don't know how I got in [that drain]. From then on, when I'm walking along the drain, no matter it's my handphone, keys or wallet, there is a strange observation that they don't drop.** ...I hate holes. (laughs)

4 komentáře:

  1. Teda když jsem si tak četla tu první polovinu, tak nevím čím to je, jestli překladem, ale Uruhovy myšlenkové pochody někdy prostě nestíhám sledovat. Nechápu, jak ho někdo může pochopit. O-o A taky jsem si všimla, že hodně Jrockerů (a možná i další lidi v japonsku) furt říkají, že by chtěli zhubnout a jak si hlídají jídelníček a že tohle nejedí a tohle nejedí...
    Ale ta Uruhova příhoda, jak v šel běhat a v noci mu spadli klíče asi do kanálu, jestli jsem to správně pochopila, mě rozsekala. Nechápu, že si s sebou nevzal ani mobil. Si představ jak musel být Ru překvapený, když ho v noci navštítvil Uru a chce po něm, aby s ním šel hledat klíče v kanálu. XDD Jen by mě zajímalo, kde vzal tu motorku (respektive, klíče od ní). O.o Ale tak, ještě že to má pojištěný u svých rodičů. :'DD Má to chudák s těmi kanály těžký.

    1. Já si myslím, že to bude částečně překladem. Japonština je velmi těžká na různá přísloví a obraty, pro které ani překlad nemáme. Podle chyb v pravopise i u té angličtiny si nemyslím, že je slečna na takovém levelu, aby se tohle dalo brát nějak doslovně, ale alespoň obecná představa o čem mluvil :) Navíc je to výňatek z něčeho delšího, protože hned v první odpovědi má odkaz na tu předchozí, která tady ale není :(
      Japonci to hodně řeší, tam tlustého člověka prakticky nepotkáš dokonce ani teď, ani to tam nemají uzpůsobené. My jsme normální, ani nadváha a nemohli jsme se vejít málem ke stolečku, natož na eskalátor. Pro ně je problém vyčnívat z řady a být nedejbože tlustý a jejich strava jim to vlastně ani moc neumožňuje - v podstatě nemají salámy, sýry nebo máslo.
      To musela být buď hodně náhoda nebo nevím, co tam dělal XD Já bych dneska bez mobilu nešla nikam, ani na houby a dřív to bylo běžné no.
      On má nějaké fotky na motorce, ale jestli na ní umí jezdit, to nevím, možná ano, hodně jich tam umí.

    2. Ani máslo?! Jako salám budiš, ale sýr je přece zdravý. O-O Eh, asi bych tam zemřela hlady... :'D Páni, vy jste byli v Japonsku? Taky bych se tam někdy ráda podívala, hodně mě zajímá japonský venkov. Víš, vesničky a malá městečka. Jako to s tím stolečkem bych možná ještě pochopila, ale eskalátor?

    3. Oni tam nemají pastviny, není kde chovat zvířata na maso a tedy ani na mléko. Všechno se dováží, je to vlemi drahé. Maso se váží na gramy. Lidé si to běžně nekupují. Je to tím, že většina země je neobyvatelná - vysoké hory. Všechno se tísní při pobřeží.
      Byli :) Protože jsou malí a hubení, tak jim stačí malé a hubené eskalátory :D Byli jsme tam jak sloni.
