22. srpna 2021

Arena37c November 08 interview - Kai



Leech=hiru(Leech), parasite, something that feeds on human -> What comes to your mind when you see this word?
-Viewpoint of the people who just look at the surface.People who are of upper class but no "contents"[Like lacking of a heart or something like that? ~_~].In short, it's the image of a person who dosen't bottle up his feelings.

Such a person is not around you, right? (laughs)
-...as for this, honestly I'm not sure. (laughs) Maybe i think there is no one like this, but maybe there is really such person around me, don't you think so. But I think what we need is just mutual trust. It's hard to gain the trust of a person, but it just takes an instant to destroy the trust built up.

To gain back the trust that you have lost, it seems kind of difficult, yes.
-For me, I think it is not possible for me to regain trust if I had lost it once. It's like a very important thing to me. If a person did it unintentionally it's another thing, but if he betrayed a person's trust delibrately, it is something that cannot be gained back again. That's why, I think that one should definitely not destroy that aspect.


Distorted=Strained, twisted -> What comes to your mind when you see this word?
-About this...it's hard [to say] (laughs bitterly)

Kai-san, do you think that there is anything twisted about yourself?
-I wonder is there any...It may be surprising, but i think it is not possible to know it yourself. If there is really a twisted part about me, I might be unaware about it. If I'm just being straightforward, I don't think there's anything twisted about me. Also, generally we see twisted things done, but those things may not be necessarily be evil.

Making a band is also a typically viewed twisted thing?(laughs)
-Yes yes. (laughs) But, it was really straightforward for us to do so (the band). It's just that there were times where we were twisted.

Was that depressing?*

So Kai-san had a period of time like that too.
-There is. When I was in junior high school, boys yearn to be bad. That's why I started to read "bad"[I think he means those..uhhummm xD] mangas.(laughs) Now that I think of it, I had fights with junior high school mates over small things too. I was in the soccer club, but I also had such twisted teenager times too. Well, during that time I thought it was fun. I'm such a terrible kid (laughs)


Daytime=time between sunrise and sunset -> What comes to your mind when you see this word?
-Daytime...is sleep.(laughs)I am a person who cannot live a lifestyle where day and night is reversed, but since when have I been continuing with this kind of life. (laughs)

You can't change it. (laughs)
-Yes. I was thinking of the same thing just a while ago. But, in any case it's no-good. Last time, if I had a sleepless night I will just let the next day pass, and I'll just properly sleep at night so that my lifestyle will not be disturbed, but recently I couldn't do that. (laughs)

As compared to a lifestyle where day and night is reversed, you do feel that a normal lifestyle rhythm is great yes.
-It is it is. I really think that waking up early is one of the 3 virtues. (laugh) When you wake up at 6am, you have a good feeling, and also a good mood too.* Once I woke up at 6am and I looked at the clock, and I was really happy. I was like "What should I do today". As I was thinking what to do, I used up around 1 hour. (laugh)

But it's true, the earlier you wake up, the more effectively a day can be used.
-Yup. Even after I watch 2-3 movies, it's still 1pm, and I was really happy. (laughs)

Did you set your mind on going somewhere far?
-Yup, recently I've been driving. It's not that I'm dangling around just because I have a destination, but it just seemed like I've settled down. In the past I liked to do something unconsciously while thinking about things. When I'm thinking about music making, I wander around the neighbourhood's temple and I feel more relaxed. But because I got my car license, I replaced that with driving.

Inside the car, it's different from your house, it's like a space only for you, yes.
-Yup. When I hit on a good phrase, I become a strange person. (laughs) In case I forget it(the phrase), I will keep humming it as I go home. My intention was to only sing to myself softly, but it seems that it was rather loud. But I'm in a car, so no matter how loud I sing I don't have to worry if others will hear it, it really saved me. (laughs)


Hole=Talking about hole, what comes to your mind when you see this word?
-...If there was a hole it kind of gives me a feeling of wanting to enter it. (laughs)

Has such thing happened?(laughs)
-Yes, it happened to me unexpectedly. For instance I'm walking alone and something fell down.(laughs) Also, it didn't just fall down straight, it fell down halfway**, and it's even more embarrassing. For me in lives there is also such unprepared*** scenes. In every 3 times, there is 1 time where we will be unprepared.

Sitting behind the drumsets, there must be some unprepared scenes yes. (laughs)
-You think so too? But, me throwing the sticks that high was really unexpected. (laughs) But at the live in Yoyogi, I couldn't see at the back, and I knocked against the illumination machine that was moving.

But, once you realised that, you carefully tried to avoid it. (laughs)
-About this...everytime it just hits me. Just after it hits me, I was like "Why did it hit me again". Why, I'm already familiar with such embarrassing experiences. (laughs)


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