18. srpna 2021

Arena37c November 08 interview - Aoi



Leech=hiru(Leech), parasite, something that feeds on human -> What comes to your mind when you see this word?
-If you talk about leech it would be black, and if you talk about black it would be visual-kei. (laughs)

So you have come to that. (laughs) By the way, have you ever seen a leech before? [as in right before your eyes]
-Nope, I'm belong to City sect [person who lives in the city] (laughs). If you are talking about those in movies or pictures I would have seen them, but I'm the kind of guy that blackens slugs*. [? Sorry I don't get this sentence]

Well there is such a place. (laughs)
-At my hometown, a place they say it's a mountain but not really one. It's like bushy [overcrowding with trees], but in such a place, I don't have the memories of coming across insects. In the first place, I don't like forests because they are scary.

It's like, you don't know what is hiding in there [the forest]?
-Yup yup, that's why I don't go into it much. (laughs)


Distorted=Strained, twisted -> What comes to your mind when you see this word?

-Yes. (laughs) It's like, I can't be obedient.

You have been like this since you were a child?
-Yup, it seems so.

A child that became distorted with the given opportunies or a child that is born like that, which one are you?
-I'm not the born-with-it kind. When I realised it I had already became distorted. (laughs)

Did you liked yourself as a distorted child? Or you didn't like it?
-I didn't liked it. I thought it would be better if I had been more obedient. I didn't know the meaning of being obedient. (laughs)

But, if you didn't hate that about yourself, you wouldn't be able to change isn't it.
-About that, it is reflective. And also, if I wasn't reprimanded to be more obedient, I wouldn't have understood the meaning of that. (laughs)

That's harsh. (laughs)
-In the end, I think it's the superiors [those that are higher than him in rank] that could control me. (laughs) I can't be something like a ranger[wanderer?], there's no wrong about it. (laughs) If possible, I would feel relieved if I could be good, but it's always not that case.

You couldn't stop being bad, and you kept all the sorrow to yourself. After all, if you have the aspiration [to stop being bad], let's approach it little by little.
-But, this is also very troublesome. No, I think just leave me as it is [being distorted]! I think that is good too. (laughs)


Daytime=time between sunrise and sunset -> What comes to your mind when you see this word?
-Sleeping, dull (laughs)

Then, today it seems like we started the photoshoot in the morning so it's a little...
-Honestly, I don't get the meaning. (laughs) [As in he doesn't get why must the photoshoot start in the morning]

At least until your days as a student, you had daytime activities, so when have you become like this. (laughs)
-I wonder when was it. Now my eyes hurt, because it's bright[daytime]. That's why if I didn't go out, it wouldn't have been an obstacle to me.

Then, the time where you have activties would be entirely at night?
-About this, I don't even have activities at night. (laughs) I seriously don't go out of my house.

Excluding what the band covers like lives, rehersals, recordings and coverages, you are in the condition where basic functions halt? [basically, like no-life? lol]
-It seems like so. But even if it's rehersals, summer's daytime is like the worst. It's dazzling [the sun], it's hot. Firstly by the time I reach my car, I already used up my energy. Under the hot weather, I just can't walk in the carpark. Even though I had my sunglasses on, but the reflection is still very strong.

Then, how about covering yourself with cloth from head to toe like a mummy so that you won't get shone. (laughs)
-That would be very humid. (laughs) Well, everything is troublesome.

Then, what would not be troublesome.
-Doing my work at home. Having an interview via chatting through the computer would be nice. I think like that, but...I'm old. (laughs)

Ah, me too?! (laughs) But, if we do things generally with computers, you would have to see lives via live broadcasts.
-For that... I would go to the live area. It's because I'm happy if there's a live.

Then, the happiest moment in your life would be during lives only?
-Of course. Having photoshoots and interviews is fun too, but talking about either makes me want to find a road to escape. (laughs)

In other words, making a band with the other 4 people was a good thing. (laughs)
-Isn't it. I'm sorry. (laughs) [I think he's apologising with regards to the last question asked] As I thought about that, I somehow felt helpless and dull. Honestly, I didn't want to play the guitar. It's heavy, and my shoulder hurts.

So what will you do?
-I want to play it while sitting. (laughs)

Rather, how about doing a unplugged tour [Like, a tour with only acoustic music XD] for once. (laughs)
-Probably, if I did that tour I think the very next day I will be fired. (laughs) That's why, I have no choice but to be the Company president/manager [of PS Company] already. I won't be anything but that.(laughs)


Hole=Talking about hole, what comes to your mind when you see this word?
-I like to do ear-cleaning the best. Basically, I'm belong to the cotton-stick sect. [like, a person who likes to clean their ears with cotton sticks]

By the way, there are white and black cotton sticks. which sect do you belong to?
-I use white at home, and black at tours. Compared to white slugs, black leeches seems to be stronger. (laughs) In any case, I think that cleaning my ears with cotton sticks is the happiest thing ever. It's different from cleaning it many times in a day, like cleaning it once per day, "to assault" within an instance. Well, basically a hole is not good. (laughs)

What kind of connection is that. (laughs) Do you have any recent incidents that was so embarrassing that it makes you want to hide yourself in a hole?
-......Now talking about this already makes me feel embarrassed. (laughs)


2 komentáře:

  1. Tý jo, líbí se mi, kolik toho na sebe prozradil. :D Ale když jsem to tak četla, tak moc nechápu, proč ho tak sešrotovala corona? XD Nemá rád slunce a skoro vůbec nechodí ven a všechny chatti a interview chce mít doma. A taky píše, že chce pracovat z domova. Voe, to je přesně to, co jsi dělal poslední rok a něco! Asi to není takovej sen, jak si myslel. XDD

    1. Už je o nějakej ten pátek starší a myslím, že jsi to trefila úplně přesně. On to najednou není takovej sen, jak to vypadá. Já mám taky pocit, že bych mohla být klidně zalezlá v jeskyni, stačí internet, ale... už mi chybí cestování. Já naprosto miluju rozhovory, kde je mnohem víc, než jen řečičky o novém singlu XD
