1. června 2021

Kaoru & Toshiya Rolling Stone Japan 18th May 2021


Original interview: Rolling Stone Japan (includes pictures)

Text: Joe Yokomizo

-First of all, please tell us the details of releasing this single at this timing.

Kaoru: We’ve been talking about releasing a single around this time for a long time. But, we were asked by the company to release it sooner (laughs).  They told us “Can’t you release it around February?”. But we said we couldn’t record it in such a hurry and pushed the release back (laughs). So, the release was decided  at the time it was originally scheduled.

-Is it a song you wrote recently?

Kaoru: We chose it from the ones we had in stock.

-How do you choose a song? Like, is there a discussion among the members?

Kaoru: We had a talk about if it’d be good to release a ballad or a melodious song this time. Then, we chose it from the songs we had at that time.

Toshiya: That’s right. We thought  a melodious song or a mellow song would be good, so we chose it from the songs we had in stock. As a result of the discussions we had, we came to the conclusion that “Oboro” was the best choice. I personally thought this song might be able to become a single, but I also thought that it could be a good idea to save it for the album.  I thought it could become a song  that would be the core of the album even if it was just included in the album.

Kaoru: We haven’t released any ballad as a single recently. We did it quite a while ago so we felt like it would be good if we tried it.

-It’s true that a ballad as a single is quite fresh for DIR EN GREY, and the arrangements are …

Kaoru: Simple. Pretty simple, but it took us a while to get there.

-Do you want to increase the number of notes that are being played at the same time?

Kaoru: No. Rather than messing with that, it felt like the notes were gradually confronting each other. There wasn’t a big change, but it took us some time to decide the overall flow, how to do it and the final result.

-DIR EN GREY has a strong image as a band that is playing lives often. Until now, you released something and toured, released something, and toured. All over again. The releases haven’t stopped yet but the tours and therefore the lives themselves have stopped because of Corona. How do you feel about the state of the band?

Toshiya: Since we couldn’t play lives, I think the part of exploring as a band is big.  But personally, at some point, I got over that. The band wants to move, but it’s hard to do it. Even if we think about it, we can’t do anything about the situation so, we haven’t stopped thinking about it, but I think we got over it at some point. Rather, we had no choice but to get over it.

-Even if you keep thinking about it, nothing will happen.

Toshiya: That’s right. Even if we just write songs and do the pre-production all the time, if that’s all we are doing, it feels like a pie in the sky all the time. It’s a strange feeling, isn’t it? We didn’t get another answer before but, the process of getting that answer has changed. There was a series of routines like making an album, playing lives, making an album, and doing live performances after that but wasn’t that cut off entirely? Then, we are doing it as usual, but something has changed at some point.  And it may just be that kind of era from now on. I think we have no choice but to adapt to this. However, even I think about how it was before, I’m starting to think that it won’t be like that again, and we may just get over it.

-Did the production itself change due to the lack of lives? It is often said that a song evolves when it is being playing live, but if you make a song in a situation where it is difficult to imagine playing it live, will the image of the song, how to make it, and the depth of making it change?

Kaoru:  Even if we are making songs, it feels different from usual. To put it the other way around,  as the situation is unique now, maybe it’s a song that can only be done at this moment. But it’s like…. wouldn’t it be nice if we could create something interesting? I don’t know if we are even thinking about it. I think that the fact that there was always a tour up until now had a big influence. As we always had a tour, until then we’ve limited production time. That’s why there was a switch, because now we have infinite time. To be honest, if you take it easy, you’ll space out. After all, it was great to be pushed, force myself into doing it  and work hard (laughs).

-About making it “the right time” by themselves

-Regarding the unlimited production time, how was it for you, Toshiya?

Toshiya: I think I’m grateful. However, I want to use it as much as I have. As there were moments I got distracted/ was being lazy, I feel that there are good points and bad points, to be honest.

-What’s the good thing about this recording? Have you tried something new?

Toshiya: After all, in the end time is chasing me (laughs). But this time, I felt that I had a little leeway in my heart. That’s why I thought about the single in various ways.Then I wondered if I could release this or that and people would listen to it. It’s common to say this but, when you start thinking about figures, I’ve even thought about if it’s good or bad to release something at this timing. I wondered if it’d be better when this corona situation has settled down a bit more. But well, even if you wait for that time to come, then I would wonder about when that time would come, so in the end, I thought it was unavoidable to think about it. If the right time doesn’t come, I think we should make it become the “right time”. Rather than worrying about it, I thought that if such a song was completed and it felt good, we should release it.

-It’s certainly important to create the right timing.

Toshiya: People all over the world are dealing with it now, or more like, we are waiting forever, aren’t we? Personally, I don’t think the situation will return to normal even if we wait. I think it’s more useful to think about how to proceed in a situation like this. I personally came this conclusion, or at least, I’m trying to.

-Listening to what you are saying, I remembered Samuel Beckett’s play “Waiting for Godot.” The two main characters are waiting for Godot, but in fact, no one knows who Mr. Godot is, and I don’t know if Godot actually exists. But they are waiting, believing that he will eventually come.

Toshiya: Everyone, including myself, is waiting now. But what on earth are you waiting for? If you think about it, it’s like we’re just waiting for “that moment”, right? But honestly, I don’t think “that” will be back. I think it has changed. Then we have to move towards it. I’m a bit scared to stop waiting any longer, but I think we have to take a step forward.

Kaoru: I agree with you.

-DIR EN GREY Unique ideas

-By the way, the new song "Oboro” is said to be a sequel to a previous song. The lyrics are done by vocalist Kyo but for you two, is it a sequel?

Kaoru: I was told that but I wasn’t particularly drawn (by that song). The beats and tempo of the original song of “Oboro” are similar to that song. So maybe he was drawn by that and made the lyrics like this. After hearing that the lyrics would be like that, I’ve never been aware of it.

Toshiya: I wasn’t even aware of it at all either. I thought “is this it?”.

-By the way, in Toshiya’s words, “Oboro” is a song that can be the core of the next album …

Toshiya: It’s just a song. The talks about the album are making rapid progress but now there are endless possibilities, including how to play the songs live. So, I think it’s okay if there are songs that exist just as part of the album, and conversely, there may be songs that are only for playing them live. In other words, from here on, how to add value will become even more important than ever.

Kaoru: It’s nice to have songs that you can only play live.

Toshiya: About that, if you might do that at that time, you might want to play it live? I’m thinking about how to add that value to the song. I want to do a live concert, but we can’t, moreover if you even do a concert normally, I’m sure it won’t be interesting.

-It looks like broadcasting a regular live is difficult, right?

Kaoru: A live that it’s going to be only broadcasted is a bit tough. In that sense, hearing what Toshiya said about songs that only can be played at lives are, in other words, songs that won’t become part of an album are really interesting.

Toshiya: I don’t know. I was thinking it to myself and I just said it (laughs).

Kaoru: There may be quite a few….songs that are like, “Which one is this?“. Moreover, no one mentions those songs in an interview (laughs).

Toshiya: Ahahaha.

Kaoru: Even among the fans, sometimes it’s like “which song is that one?”, and don’t even know the title. The set list doesn’t  even have the title of the song.

Toshiya: I think it doesn’t have to be just the song , but the production. I recently thought about it. In the past there used to be a lot of  imaginativeness/ playfulness on the DIR EN GREY’s cds. Recently, I remembered that was pretty normal. But from now on, if we are going to put out the record ourselves,  I want to make something that can be enjoyable. On the old DIR EN GREY cds, I remember I was asked to find out where the lyrics were written. When I think about it now, it’s quite a prank, but that prank was surprisingly interesting.

-How about the leader (laughs)?

Kaoru: I put a lot of things into the sound (laughs).

-The  particularity/commitment in “Oboro”

-The “mischievous and eccentric” idea that Toshiya mentioned is swallowed normally before one knows. I think expression itself is a struggle, but in the age of the Internet, the speed at which it is swallowed is accelerating. That’s why,  even if that happens, I think it is important to keep fighting, recognizing that "I am not just like this”.

Kaoru: That’s exactly what I do. Because I never thought I have a good taste. Even though I can’t make a song, it feels like I’m doing it just because I have a competitive spirit.

-Like you don’t want to be taken into ordinary things,  or do you want to do something that has never been seen before?

Kaoru: I want to do that, but it takes time. Speaking of gimmicks, in “Oboro” there are a lot of them.

-What kind of “gimmicks” are there? Please tell me some.

Kaoru: It’s not interesting if I told them (laughs). There are many sounds that you can’t hear. There are lots of sounds that you can feel.  I thought it would be great if you could feel it. And I’m thinking about putting a lot of that into the next album.

-There is something I would like to ask about lives. I think we are in a situation where values are conflicting. If you play a live, even among fans there’ll be the conflict of the “Don’t play a live in these circumstances”  versus the  “Thank you for playing a concert in these circumstances”  position.

Kaoru: It’s difficult, isn’t it? Neither of these positions are wrong. However, as a band, we won’t stop. So, if the conditions allow it, the live will go on. I think there are a lot of people who says “"Oh, I’m going to live at a time like this. These people’s views have changed”. But well, I think this is happening in other bands as well.

-That’s right.  In any band, there is a faction that says to play lives and a faction that wants to stop. How should they come to terms with each other?

Kaoru: I don’t think normal life will be back for a while here. If someone says “Yes, it’s nothing in the end”, it may change, but it’s that going to happen? The point is, I think it will be difficult unless the number of infected people goes down. Because Taiwan, where the number of infected people has decreased, there are even festivals taking place.

Toshiya: We are choosing a method (against Corona  virus)  that doesn’t work right now, but as it is the government who is doing it, isn’t the situation delicate? I think so. When it comes to what is driving people, I think it’s the number of people getting infected, as Kaoru said. The only way to reduce that number may simply cause damage. If you lock down hard like in the UK, you will suffer tremendous financial damage. I think that’s why everyone can get lost on the way. However, although it is extreme, unless you have such a strong will, you will continue to do it subtlety and the number will drop again,  “Oh, now it’s ok because the numbers have dropped a little” and then after a while they will surely increase again, won’t them? And then repeat the same process. If that happens, I’m worried the same process will be repeated again and again if you don’t cut it off at some point.

Kaoru: Tokyo is under the state of emergency for the third time, but I would like them to stop doing lockdown so suddenly. It’s so hard if there is no warm-up/grace period.

Toshiya: Regarding this state of emergency, I will obey what they say, because I have to obey. But in order to do it, I want something that gives me hope. I feel like suddenly, time was taken from me.

-Before the light can be seen, “Oboro”

-I want hope. That being said, DIR EN GREY’s music always sees light at the end. But in the current situation, we can’t see that light. I don’t think you can understand the meaning of the lyrics unless you’re Kyo, but I’m wondering what “Oboro” means. Like, in this era everything is obscure in an ambiguous sense? Or is it a night with a hazy moon but, you can see the light even faintly because it’s hazy? How do you two interpret it?
*Joe is making a reference to the song title,   朧 (Oboro) means hazy,dim,faint.*

Toshiya: If possible, I think I want it to be hazy before you are able to see the light. Before people lose the courage to do their best, being surrounded by fog all the time.

- It’s true that humans aren’t that strong. If there is hope, what is it? What kind of hope are you seeing now?

Toshiya: That would be ……the best would be that the Corona situation comes to an end. But before that, I’d like  "Oboro" to be released properly. Some CD shops are closed due to a state of emergency, so even if you made a reservation, some people may not be able to get it on the release date. So, I hope that “Oboro” will reach everyone who made a reservation.

-Which is Kaoru’s Oboro?

Kaoru: I think either of them are interesting. In any situation as well, it’s something that it’s only now. It’s also an expression method that can only be done now. Of course, the band will continue, and I will be writing songs, but I think it would be great if we could express something that can only be done now, or something that is interesting.

-Anyway, “Oboro” is an excellent title.

Toshiya: When you think about it now, that’s right. It can be interpreted as this uncertain situation, and it can also be interpreted as a situation where a faint light is visible.

Kaoru: I want you to listen to it and feel it.


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