8. ledna 2021

the GazettE "BURST INTO A BLAZE 3" at Fuji-Q Highland Conifer Forest (18/09/2017)


It has been nine years since the GazettE held their last BURST INTO A BLAZE event, so in celebration of their 15th anniversary this year, what could be better than throwing a follow-up celebration at Fuji-Q Highland Conifer Forest? This large outdoor arena was filled with fans of all ages and nationalities, eagerly waiting in anticipation of this rare event.

As soon as the stage was lit up and music started flowing from the speakers, the audience welcomed the band with heartfelt cheering. Opening the set for the evening was the melancholic Nausea&Shudder, from their second album NIL. Immediately the band created an extraordinary atmosphere. There is just something special about a the GazettE concert: their heavy music and energetic stage presence transcend into the audience, and everything seems sort of synchronized. Watching the fans interact with the band through their movements to the songs, it almost looked as if they were all part of the performance.

the GazettE is probably most known for having a harsher sound, but within their discography are a few lighter, almost pop-like songs, such as the upbeat Inside Beast. With an electronic melody entwined with the guitar and bass, it’s probably as close as the GazettE could get to club-type music. This amazingly uplifting song didn’t just make their most hardcore fans headbang, but even the youngest members of the audience seemed to enjoy Inside Beast as well, a toddler spotted happily clapping along to the chorus.

The concert included both newer songs as well as their classics, such as Filth in the beauty. As soon as this song started playing fans began shouting excitedly, and as one of the GazettE’s stronger songs, it felt even more powerful live. The interplay between the band and the audience really made Filth in the beauty one of the best performances of the evening.

Around the middle of the show there was a break from the powerful set to introduce some slower songs, such as Regret and Gentle Lie. Not only was it a break from the intense headbanging, but these feel-good songs gave time to calm the adrenaline rush and gave people a chance to really appreciate the GazettE’s musical diversity.

Being active as a band for 15 years, there are certain songs which will come to have special nostalgic value. In the GazettE’s case, one of these songs is Kantou dogeza kumiai. As the familiar opening started, fans immediately knelt to headbang to this raw, nearly punk-like song.

Despite being outside, fans did not hesitate to sit down on the ground as RUKI and URUHA came together on the stage runway, keeping the crowd motivated. Kantou dogeza kumiai is very unique in the way that it engages the audience, and in a strange manner this violent song seems to unite the fans like no other in their repertoire. Seeing it performed live, you’re left feeling equally impressed by the band’s energy and the audience’s dedication.

The fans shouted for an encore of course, and after a while the GazettE came back on stage ready for more. AOI began playing the tune of Last Heaven on an acoustic guitar; as the sun began to set, it created a warm and cozy feeling listening to this emotional ballad while sitting outside so close to Mount Fuji.

The sky looked relatively cloudy and RUKI kept checking on the weather between songs throughout the evening, saying he really thought it would rain and that it would create a romantic kind of feeling if it did. Fortunately it remained dry, and for the last songs they played a mix of new and old, like LINDA ~candydive Pinky heaven~. Everyone was clapping their hands and moving around to this energetic song.

It was a powerful ending to the overall show, but of course the fans still couldn’t get enough. the GazettE began a second encore with TOMORROW NEVER DIES from their album Toxic. When the band came out for their final appearance, RUKI began by thanking everyone for coming out this evening to see them. As the song began, fireworks lit up the night sky. Even though it was a perfect finale to a perfect performance, it felt rather sad that it was already over.

RUKI thanked everyone for a fantastic live, but before saying goodbye to the audience he asked everyone to join hands and jump together with the band. Simply put, a the GazettE concert is distinctly a the GazettE concert: the energy is never-ending and their music is heard and felt to its fullest potential. In approximately two hours, you are completely wrapped up in the amazing atmosphere they create, so if given the opportunity to see them perform, definitely don’t miss it.

Despite the show ending, the fun wasn’t over just yet! After the band left the stage, the screens lit up again delivering some exciting news. First announced, the GazettE will have no less than four concerts in October, divided into two horror themes: Abyss and LucyAbyss will take place on October 25th and 30th, and Lucy on October 26th and 31st. Both themes will be played at Nanba Hatch in Osaka, and Toyosu PIT in Tokyo. The most important news announced, however, is that they will release their ninth studio album during spring 2018. the GazettE’s last studio album was DOGMA in 2015. Please look forward to their coming activities.

Set List

01. Nausea&Shudder
03. Filth in the beauty
10. Akai ONE-PIECE
11. Psychedelic Heroine
15. UGLY
17. Kantou dogeza kumiai

Encore 1

02. Ganges ni akai bara
04. Ruder
05. LINDA ~candydive Pinky heaven~

Encore 2



5 komentářů:

  1. Jojo, to muselo být prostě famózní. Hrozně moc bych chtěla na jejich koncert, ale, ALE... (všichni známe, že?). A i to, jak do setlistu dávají i starší songy je úžasný. Že nad tím přemýšlí a snaží se vytvořit co nejpříjemnější atmosféru. Já je prostě žeru!!! 🤩🤩

    1. Mě přijde, že na co sáhnou, to je famózní. Ta scéna, ty světla, Rukiho hlas, sexy pohyby pánů kytaristů, sympatické tváře, Kaiův úsměv, hudba - to mělo být asi na prvním místě, no nic... XD
      My na nich byly!! A já se pochlubím, já byla i ve Fuji-Q Highland XD Jenom ne na koncertě TT Jen na jídle XD
      Ty playlisty jim fakt jdou, přesně vědí, co kdy oprášit, aby davy šílely. Nejhorší je, že přijde pětice takových droboučkých kluků, rozhlédnou se kolem, praštěj do prvního akordu a lidi skákají jako šílení, při tom u jiných kapel to třeba chvíli trvá, než se odseknou a začnou pařit. Fakt pecka <3

    2. Hehehe. Zelenám závistí. Můj první rockový koncert byl na vesnici (ano, na vesnici), a bylo to něco na ten způsob zábavy, jak tam přijedou nějaký začínající kapely. No prostě prťavá náves s ještě prťavějším pódiem a s velkým stanem na občerstvení. Bylo tam asi do sta lidí. Víc lidí v té vesnici snad ani nežilo. Ale teda, taky jsem si hezky zaskákala a dokonce jsem hodila šipku pro trsátko, které kytarista hodil mezi lidi. Pěkně jsem tím naštvala jednu blondýnu, která se před ním celou dobu hrozně kroutila. Ale trsátko stále mám. A co teprve musí být takový profesionální koncert! XDD

    3. To ti tak musí rupnout v bedně, musíš sebrat poslední prachy a sednout za volant a prostě jet. Touha byla silnější, než strach XD Nicméně i malý koncert umí být fakt super, mívá skvělou atmosféru <3 Na takové vesnici žiju, buď v klidu XD Jééé ty se máš, tyhle artefakty jsou nejlepší. Doufám, že zas nějaká kapela přijede a my se zase odhodláme.

  2. Tento komentář byl odstraněn autorem.
