29. září 2020


I think we’re on the same wavelength with our “childish conversations.”  (RUKI)

It just felt like they really stuck to their own styles (Aki)

–When did the two of you meet?
RUKI: How many years has it been since we first met now?
Aki: I don’t really remember. But I’m pretty sure we met at Shibuya O-EAST’s Battle of the Bands. There were a lot of other bands there too. I had heard of the GazettE before that, but we never met. I thought you guys were really cool when I saw you perform.
RUKI: Don’t lie (laughs).
Aki: It’s true! (laughs) As a band, the GazettE is our senior by about a year or so
RUKI: but it’s not like I have seniority over him because of that or anything. I saw SID’s flyer at Takadanobaba AREA before actually meeting you. That was back when there was only two of you. And your hair was all spiky. Since then, I started researching SID in my own way… I was intimidated by SID and Alice Nine back in those days. And I was always kind of keeping tabs on you guys (laughs).
Aki: That goes both ways. At Battle of the Bands it was like “If we don’t give our all, they’ll overtake us!”  Or something like that. Back then there wasn’t anything like YouTube yet so you couldn’t easily sample music. But I was always curious about you guys too so sometimes I would try looking you up (laughs).

――Did your impressions change at all after actually seeing each other perform live?
RUKI: Aki has a lot of energy on stage. From the time we start rehearsals he just keeps on moving around. After seeing that I’d go back to the dressing room and say things like “We gotta have more energy than that tonight!” to my own bandmates.
Aki: I didn’t think we’d end up talking about that stuff (laughs). We were always felt like “We can’t let them look down on us!” too. Especially me. I was fired up more than necessary, wasn’t I? (laughs) I guess that came out in me moving around like that. Saying Battle of the Bands… might be a little misleading, but it was kind of like a feeling of “the one who dominates wins,” or something like that, wasn’t it?
RUKI: Yeah. From the moment you entered the venue (laughs).
Aki: Thinking back on it now, we were so young back then (laughs). Of course we still always have that awareness. Like what kind of music the other bands we’re playing with have. But seriously, the GazettE was ridiculously cool  and had kind of a foreign feel to them. They used two guitarists, but each still had their own sound. It just felt like they really stuck to their own styles. That hasn’t changed even now.
RUKI: Aren’t you complimenting us a little too much? (laughs)
Aki: Well, this is completely unrelated (laughs), but I often invite RUKI out. I’ll say, “Let’s go get some drinks” But he doesn’t really answer his phone (laughs).
RUKI: You’re leaving out too many details! It’s because you always call so late at night (laughs).
Aki: Yeah I know. A lot of other people have told me that too (laughs). Well I have LINE now so it’s pretty convenient. Even if I think, “it’s pretty late so he’s probably sleeping” I can still send you a message.
RUKI: Yeah, but even you seem to have become an adult (laughs). You’ve stopped contacting me so late at night. I guess the way you drink has become a little more sophisticated. Aki’s drinking habits are actually pretty well-known in this industry (laughs)
Aki: I guess I do have bad drinking habits. I know they probably have a name for me (laughs). But the GazettE has someone with bad drinking habits too (laughs).
RUKI: Ahaha! I’ll accept that (laughs). It’s not like he gets all crazy or anything, but he starts talking a lot I guess (laughs).
Aki: Sorry to mention it, but at first, RUKI wasn’t able to drink at all. So it’s not like we became friends from drinking together. One time we happened to go out to eat together and we just clicked. Even the GazettE’s Uruha told me “You take RUKI out a lot! That’s pretty amazing.” It’s because back then, Ruki didn’t really go out much.
RUKI: Yeah. Since the beginning it was like I was isolated even in the dressing rooms at a the GazettE event (laughs). It often felt like just because I was on good terms with the GazettE members, I was kind of just there. For other bands it was like there was a wall between us that said “You cannot stand on the other side.”
Aki: I get what you mean.
RUKI: Really, I’m just shy around people I don’t know, but to other people I look difficult to approach. But Aki didn’t care about that and would talk to me light-heartedly. That left a really strong impression on me.
Aki: I like to find out about the other person’s character I guess, feel out whether or not it seems like we could become friends (laughs). From that I thought, “hm, seems like we could have a decent conversation.” I’m glad we were able to meet in a way where we could both relax a little.
RUKI: There are band members who thoughtlessly talk about equipment and those who can only talk about things relating to their bands.  But the two of us always end up having “childish conversations.” We’re on the same wavelength when it comes to that.
Aki: definitely. We talk about normal stuff, like what kind of music we like.
RUKI: And going to karaoke. Though we mostly sing visual kei songs. We make themes like “Songs of the 90s” (laughs).
Aki: And I’ll sing the GazettE songs (laughs).
RUKI: And I’ll also sing SID songs (laughs).

Zdroj: https://faithfulecho.wordpress.com/2014/05/23/interview-va-another-side-the-gazette-rukis-jack-of-all-trades/

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