11. září 2024

Interview in Sato Takeru Photo Book X (ten) 3.


-Are you interested in yourself?

I don’t say no, but including this question, I like to think about various things, I suppose. I like the activity to work out my own answer though it is very hard, I think.

-Do you have the answer that ‘I am this kind of person’? Some people make a definitive statement.

I’m not interested in such a thing, but I know about 80% of myself, roughly estimated though. It seems that my close friends can feel my sense and sometimes say, ‘We can see some parts of you that you cannot see.’ So I can’t say I know 100% of myself.

-What is that 80% like?

Eh, you’re going to make me answer an awkward question. (lol) OK, first of all, I like to think. Next, I’m not such an attention seeker. I think much of duty and humanity, and I’m conscious of ‘good old’ things. Well, plus, I’m relatively considerate. (lol)

-I think you are quite considerate. (lol) Anything else?

Um, I don’t know. I’m interested in human beings in a biological sense, but probably I’m indifferent to most people, I think.

-Can you pretend not to be indifferent to others?

If I try, I’ll be able to do it, but I seldom do it.

-Indifferent but considerate. As a general rule, it causes a feeling of strangeness, but in Takeru-kun’s case, it makes sense, I feel.

It’s true it sounds paradoxical. (lol) But I want you to understand me somehow, or like that.

-What’s your weak point that you’re aware of?

There’s no end to the list, but I really respect those who can do what I can’t do. One of the things is ‘to forgive others’. When I can’t forgive someone, they say, ‘It happens. You care too much’, but I cannot help it easily.

-Did that person do such a grave thing, you mean?

To me, yes. Some people can forget or forgive such a person. They say it will cool down in a week, but it never happens to me.

-In a year?

I don’t know, but probably I won’t change my mind …. I wonder it will be OK in five years. (lol)

-It doesn’t happen so often, right?

Of course, it doesn’t happen so many times in my life. It won’t happen so often. It’s troublesome, but it can’t be helped. It’s not like I have a choice. It’s a matter of emotion.

-When you get down to it, it means you ‘never forget’, right?

Yes, I’ll never forget. To put it simply, I’m type to carry a grudge. (lol)

-So you feel grateful for favors.

Yes, to the contrary. It makes sense.

-But it can be said that you won’t forget someone you dislike.


-From the start, I thought you are indifferent to human beings, right?

Paradoxical again. (lol)

-I hear that you’re often told that your way of thinking is queer.

I’ve lived that I am ordinary, but I’ve been told I’m not ordinary so often that I’ve noticed one thing: I am not ordinary in that I am different from others. But it is a matter of ways of thinking, so I’m ordinary in my mind. But probably I’m in a minority. In this world I’m in a very tiny minority.

-A very tiny minority?

In my junior and senior high school days, I had no one that was on the same wavelength as me.

-To tell the truth, I heard an episode that shows Sato Takeru very well. Your Kohai (younger) actor made sushi with bread for Takeru-kun. When you eat it, you said, ‘Now I understand why there are sushi chefs in the world’, right?

I said so, I said so, because I really thought so.

-Average people would say, after eating, ‘Um, I’m not sure but …’ or ‘A little different from what I expected’, or use a little more direct expression. I think your way of talking is great because you are not telling a lie but won’t hurt the other person.

I said so without the consciousness that I must be nice to him or mustn’t hurt him. Since I love sushi, I once was shocked when I ate sushi made by a non-professional. I felt just the same as that time. I learned a lot.

-I know. That’s what interests me about you. Your way of interpretation or explanation. Your unintentional response can lead to the consciousness, I mean.

Well, even my close friends say I’m strange, so probably I’m actually strange, I suppose. And as I like thinking, I tend to see things from a step back objectively. For example, I may be sensitive to my words, thinking, ‘If I say it, certain people must think this and that.’ Recently there was a line in ‘If cats disappear from the world’: Parsley is not necessary in the world. I thought it might shock parsley growers.

-I see.

Then I wondered how many parsley growers were in Japan now; Less than one thousand? Would it be OK … ? My idea expands like this.

-You have a lot to think about. (lol)

But I’m thinking unconsciously. It’s just my daily affairs.

-If so, it seems that you have few quarrels where you hurt others by words.

Maybe so.


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