21. září 2024

Interview in Sato Takeru Photo Book X (ten) 6.


When do you feel worried about your work?

Fortunately, I’ve never had the period when I have no project to do, so I’ve never felt ‘worried’. Since I always have the next work, I can clearly see what to do now. So I do my best for that. I’m living in this way.

-Are you going to be an actor forever?

I’m not sure. I’ll quit when I want to quit, but there’s no telling what will happen in the future. If I must say, I may be waver when I get bored. But in that sense, this is a kind of job that is unlikely to let me get tired because I’m doing something new each time.

-Then when you get older, say, to be an old man, what would you want to be like?

I don’t think something like that at all. But I can vaguely say that, for example, it is knowledge that I lack, now. When I get older, I will…

-What is the ‘knowledge’?

About everything. (tapping the wall) ‘Ah, this is cypress’ or something like that. (lol)

- (lol) To know a wide range of things, you mean?

Exactly. About everything. My ultimate goal is to be a person who can answer whatever questions I’m asked. I want to answer all the questions.

-From the question ‘Why am I living?’ to the kind of wood used for the wall?

Yup! All! When asked ‘Why do I have to study?’ by my child, I want to answer it easily. To be able to deal with all the question marks. It is my ultimate.

-You’re the first person I’ve ever met that makes a definite statement about such a thing so happily.

Just as I expected. (lol) I want to know everything I don’t know and find answers somehow.

-You’re quite greedy.

It is difficult, but I want to be like that. I want to be a Grandpa like that. (broad smile) I want to be Google. I want to be a walking Google.

-Eh? You’re making me confused to the contrary

Hahaha. You know what? In the United States, there is ‘pick up lines’ and I used to be hooked on them. (lol) You ask a girl, ‘Are you Google?’ Naturally, she says, ‘Huh, why?’ Your answer is ‘Because you have everything I’ve been looking for’.


(lol) I heard such an analogy, and I seriously want to be Google-san.

-You have kind of boyish dream in you, right?

Is this boyish? Oh, from a realistic point of view?

-It may come from the way you talk, but you said before in the interview about ‘Rurouni Kenshin’, ‘I want to be able to dash on the wall’ and ‘If I were not an actor, I’d like to be on a TV show like “Kinniku Banzuke (Muscle Ranking)” at any cost’.

Ah, if you mean that, a man is a boy forever.

-From young girls, women have motherliness … or they are somewhat mature, in contrast. Don’t you think so?


-To such a question, you…

I want to be able to have an answer. (lol) As an answer to the question, I should say it’s probably for some physiological reason. Is it a bit of a stretch? (lol) I may go off the track a bit but I told you about ‘minority’ a little while ago. Such a viewpoint depends on the times and even correct answers can vary across the ages, right? I’m not interested in such a thing but want to know why so from the view point of the inner nature of human beings.

-Takeru-kun’s way of answering and the direction of the content of your answer always aim at the essence, I think.

I often hear it said that this is the commonsense of this age or that it can’t be helped in such an age. That’s not the point.

-You must feel many different things in acting roles that lived in ancient times.

In an extreme case, even your values of human life can change.

-It reminds me that when the drama ‘Ryomaden’ finished shooting, Takeru-kun, who played Okada Izo, said, ‘Even now some people tend to doubt if it is OK to say directly what is on their mind. But I think they should say what they like in this modern world because, unlike in the old days, they won’t be killed.’

Exactly. And my words came out because I lived in that age.

-At that time I thought the character was great who had brought the idea to Sato Takeru, a modern person.

I see. So in fact, there is no doubt that playing a role teaches you a lot. By living a life of another person, you feel a lot of things, but especially when you live as the person in a different age, you’ll sometimes feel uncertain what is right. It makes you think a lot. Both Izo and Kenshin assassinated people with conviction. It was justice in their mind. I understand that point from the bottom of my heart. If I go further, the law is justice. I regard the law as a thing that exists not to lead people to right behavior but for all the people to live peacefully and happily; for don’t you want to punish the criminal saying ‘What the heck!’, for example, when a random murder occurs? Thinking along this line, I reach the interest in ‘the essence’ as I told you.

-Listening to you, I’ve come to think ‘conviction’ is another key word.

Yeah, right. I respect a person very much who has conviction as the first step. For, can anyone stop him/her? No one can stop a person who is rushing straight seriously, believing, ‘I will live in this way’. It is his/her life after all and I’d like to respect his/her strong determination in the first place. I seldom find such a person, though. But if it does damage to me as a result, I will stop the person for the sake of our own lives. It doesn’t mean ‘denial’, though.

-As for this kind of story, it is difficult to express your true intentions, I feel.

It seldom happens that you can convey your true intention properly. But a few people understand me, so I talk a lot with them. Well, normally, just living your life is difficult. Even just earning your living is hard. I really understand that you have to work with a situation in order to do so. But at the same time, I also think, ‘Hang in there and live a rock’n’roll way of life’.

-Actor is a job that makes people feel such things, right?

I hope so. But it is really difficult to change other people. You can change in the true sense only when you fail. It is not until you reflect at the bottom of your heart, ‘As I recall, he said something like that’ or ‘Ah, he meant this …‘ I had that experience myself. It was not until I failed that I thought, ‘Ah ~!’


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