14. září 2024

Interview in Sato Takeru Photo Book X (ten) 4.


-Seeing Takeru-kun, you seem to be able to precisely spot who you should have around.


You may be right. I have confident about an eye for people. My friends use me as a judge.


-A judge?


I’m told ‘Could you meet a girl who I’ve just started to go out with?’ and I go to see her, then say, ‘Oh, oh, OK’. After meeting her, I say, ‘You’d better off just giving up’, and my friend say, ‘Really!?’ or something like that. (lol)


-And vice versa?


Well, what I see is not whether my friend and his girl friend will get along well or not, but how the girl is as a human.


-The fact that your friends ask you for judgment means that you have shown them your discerning eye so often, I guess.


I don’t know. But originally, females should be better at such ‘sixth sense’. Probably, females pretend to be unaware though they are aware in fact, I wonder. Females may tend to rush straight in a subjective manner, I guess. Some have themselves misunderstood at times.


-You are likely to have a point there.


Once I meet a person and talk with him/her properly, I know pretty much what he/she is like. An interview can make it at one blow. (lol) I could make myself clear about the reasons if I break my thought into elements, but it causes headaches to explain, so I just call it ‘sense’.


-Your ‘sense’ has effect on your choice of your work?


It is difficult. Our work is composed through the combination of different people. So even if one part is good, when another part collapses, it affects the whole result.


-What will you do in such a case?


I’ll keep doing what I can do. All we actors can do is to play, to live as the character. I’ll devote myself to that point.


-You said in the last interview for the photo book ‘Deep Breath (深呼吸。)’ that you can feel acting is fun because you are concentrating, right?


I remember that. I said you feel satisfied when you are concentrating on something. That interview was done just when I found it. But I think so even now.


-I’ll ask this again, but don’t you still consider acing from ‘arts or sciences’ points of view?


No, but my way of constructing my play might be that of the science course.


-The way you approach things is so?


You’re right. My train of thought is really that of the science field. I’ve loved arithmetic and science since my elementary school days. I’ve never told it to anyone, though.


-Why didn’t you tell?


Because, somehow, when I was an elementary school student, it was regarded as cool to pretend ‘I am not studying at all. I love PE’. Actually I also loved PE, though. I loved arithmetic and science as much.


-Few love them.


At that age, no one seemed to have interest in studying. Frankly speaking, classes in the elementary school were very easy. So I understood everything, but I used to say, ‘Sir, I have no idea’ or something like that. Then teachers tried to teach me, you know. I already knew all of that, but I still pretended that I hadn’t got it. As a result, I got bad grades.


-What’s that?


Now I think it didn’t make any sense at all. (lol) But I remember one scene quite well. My teacher thought of me as a really poor student and got a stamp saying ‘Do Your Best’. I thought, ‘Aaah, he doesn’t know anything at all ~.’


-I feel sorry for your teacher.


Hahaha. It happened when I was in the fourth or fifth grade, I remember, but I regretted a bit because I got poor grades. ‘I never expected this ~. I just said I had no idea instantly ~. I did my very best at the tests ~.’ (lol)


-I’ve never heard of such a person before. (lol)


Told you.


-Did you sometimes make mistakes on purpose?


Never. I just pretended to be ignorant in the class. … I wonder if I was lonely at that time.


-A look-at-me boy? (lol)


Yeah, possibly. He was a fine young man, ikemen just like Ito Hideaki-san (lol), and had quick reflexes. He was my favorite teacher. I might have wanted him to look at me.


-Considering it, you were cute.


It is possible that I was lovable. Kawaii (cute) ~


-I didn’t know you had it in you. And after that?


I’ve never done such a thing since then. In junior high school days, it was regarded as better to be good at studies, so I tried to be so. I kept being good at studies normally.

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