6. srpna 2024

"My heart was so moved that I can't stop crying"- Arata Mackenyu on his Best 3 Movies


“My heart was so moved that I can’t stop crying.” - Arata Mackenyu on his BEST 3 Slice-of-Life Movie Genre!

“Chihayafuru” which was known as a big movie hit with its two previous movies will finally be completed with the release of, “Chihayafuru – Musubi” on March 17, 2018. Arata Mackenyu plays the role of Wataya Arata who taught his childhood friend, Ayase Chihaya (played by Suzu Hirose) the world of Competitive Karuta.  

In this interview, he will talk about his top 3 favorite movies and which movie he would like to appear!

1.      “Session” // Original title: “Whiplash”

Mackenyu: I like every movie that I have watched but I really can’t rank them according to which one is my favorite so I will just rank them by the order of which I have watched first. 

The movie “Session” is about a story of drum students and teachers who teach them, but the teacher that is played by J.K. Simmons was too scary!  If I had a teacher like him, it would be impossible not to freak out! (*laughs*) I was overwhelmed by how the main actor played the role very well. Among all slice-of-life movies that I’ve watched, I loved this one the most because the main story was about music. I’m also impressed with the movie “La La Land” even though the genre is kind of different.

2.      “A story I read for you” // Original title: “The Notebook”

Mackenyu: This movie isn’t just an ordinary love story movie. The story goes on as it intertwines with the past and the present, the strange mystery unravels and everything finally connects in the end. I can’t say much detailed things about this movie or else it will become a spoiler but the scene where the old man and old woman cuddled in the last scene really made me cry! Even if I watch it with someone, or watch it wherever, when I’m crying because of a movie, I really don’t care about my surroundings anymore because I’m tearing up. (*laughs*) This movie really made me cry all over.

3.      “I am Sam”

Mackenyu: This is a story of a father named Sam and her 7-year old intelligent daughter. The two of them are pulled apart with each other but a woman came to see the father to strengthen their bonds again. Both of their hearts are so beautiful. It was too beautiful, it hurts. Furthermore, the role of Seann Pen as a father was really amazing and wonderful that it was almost surreal. I really like watching movies like this and as an actor, I think I’d like to appear on movies just like this.


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