7. června 2024

CanCam 01.2021 ~ Yamazaki Kento


When I got this role (in the drama series “Imawa no Kuni no Arisu”), I thought I wanted to face the world and fight together again with Director (Sato) Shinsuke-san who also directed the movie “Kingdom”. At the same time, this is my 4th time working with (Tsuchiya) Tao-chan and I’m happy that we can work together again. Since I already know many of the casts and staffs, working with them certainly feels like “HOME” and gives me an absolute sense of security. As for my role Arisu, he can’t really discover “the meaning of life” in his real life, but when he’s suddenly thrown into “the borderland”, he has no other choice but getting involved in the survival “game” between life and death. There, he has to be face to face with “life” and by going through that, I think he feels, “Whatever it takes, I have to live” and he starts to learn about “the will to live”. Acting as someone who lost something precious in his life is mentally exhausting, but I think the way Arisu’s heart is wavering is actually pretty close to reality. I hope when people watch this series, they can simply enjoy the process of solving the riddles but at the same time, I hope they can also feel the power of “being alive” and “overcoming” troubles.

Speaking of 2020, I think this year passes so fast. For everyone, I think it must be one year when lots of irregular things happened that we can’t hardly remember everything we’ve done in the past one year. During the STAY HOME period, rather than finding something new to do, for me personally, it gave me more “time to think”. I had more time to face myself and it made me want to cherish my private life more. For example, I want to go to the places in Japan I’ve never been to before, I also like hot springs, and I want to eat a lot of delicious food (laugh). Next year, if the situation has changed, I’d like to have more fulfilling time for myself in my private life.

More & More…
Q. Which do you prefer: dogs or cats?
Dogs. I ever had a pet dog! I like to caress it gently (laugh).

Q. Which do you prefer: receiving suprise or giving surprise?
Giving surprise. I like giving presents to others!

Q. How is your personality: relaxed type or impatient type?
Both. Since I also think, “I shouldn’t be too relaxed!”, I think I have both types in my personality.

Q. If you have to choose, what are you: a morning person or a night owl?
A night owl. In my days off, I sleep till evening… But recently, I begin to realize about the importance of waking up early!

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