The text below was translated without any official transcript; please understand that there may be errors.
yukihiro: Hi everybody watching SonyMusic Online Japan, this is L’Arc~en~Ciel.
ken: Yo~
yukihiro: Aren’t you going to introduce yourselves?
ken: *laughs*
tetsuya: tetsuya here.
hyde: hyde here.
ken: *stops laughing* ken here. *resumes laughing*
yukihiro: yukihiro here.
yukihiro: Okay, on January tweneven, twenty seven, we’ve got a new single, BLESS, released~
ken: *laugh of distraction*
yukihiro: This single is, er… For the Olympics……… It was made for cheering. …Yeah.
yukihiro: And the recording, the recording was… …..Hmmmm…. Yeah…
hyde: You did about 60 takes. Of drumming.
yukihiro: I drummed.
hyde: Take No. 42 was the one you approved.
ken: Wow, good memory.
hyde: I know, right?
yukihiro: But you know, I, er, actually… I took the last take back home with me, as a souvenir.
ken: *laughs*
yukihiro: That was a secret.
hyde: Right.
yukihiro: Yeah. We are L’Arc~en~Ciel.
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