4. dubna 2023

12/1/13 Luna Sea Live Monster Translation

LUNA SEA ON LIVE MONSTER Air date: December 1, 2013 English translation by Ger of Shiroi Heya

INTRO: "Born to be Wild" performed by Fuzzy ControlNakamura Masato: Good evening to all you music lovers! I'm Nakamura Masato. Tonight's guest artists are certainly a fit for Live Monster - wouldn't you say? Here they are on our monster program: introducing Luna Sea!
Nakamura: I've been waiting!
Ryuichi: Thank you very much.
Nakamura: I really have been waiting. At last, I get to meet you. [audience laughs] Okay, so here to help us guess at the theme of tonight's Live Monster, we've got some guest artists to give some hints.
[The theme of tonight's Live Monster: Dissolution and reunion of the band]
Nakamura: So for the general public, for approximately three years, the media's been asking all 5 of you to appear together on a show, but you said that it wasn't going to happen.
Sugizo: You know, this is the first time that we've talked about such deep stuff on a TV show. We usually just chat about what's on the surface.
[Brief Luna Sea chronology from major debut through their reunion in 2010. They show a clip from Luna Sea's "IMAGE or REAL" - in the corner of the screen they show the band as they watch the clip. Ryuichi looks pleased, Inoran looks embarrassed, and Sugizo is amused.]
Nakamura: So, in 1997 - you all took a break from the band. What was the real reason?
Ryuichi: So in 1997...well, going back to the beginning, from when we first met...we met at a livehouse in Machida. We came into the band thinking, "We'll conquer the country!" and things like that. Each of us had those 18, 19 years of feelings inside us, and we just went all out with recording. Right? And then two years later we had our major debut. But in that environment, we really had less and less time between coming up with songs and releasing them. So it was like something that should have been our dream had become stifling, that's what it felt like.
Sugizo: It was like we were riding the crest of this huge wave. So for about seven years Luna Sea were just frantically running, and everyone was...we just wanted to take a break, to reset. To reset our music, ourselves, to bring in some new energy, which we thought was necessary.
Nakamura: In 2000, you broke up. What was the real reason? It happened really close after you took that break, didn't it? Now that you look at it, it's like "oh, they're taking a break...wait, they broke up??" So what was the reason - was it musical differences? Or individual differences?
Sugizo: Oh, well, musical differences...whenever you have 5 people coming together, you're just going to have those. [audience laughs]
Nakamura: Ah, even when you met at the Machida livehouse, I guess.
Sugizo: Most bands have musical differences...it's normal.
Ryuichi: Yeah, that's right.
Sugizo: So even with those differences, if everyone comes together and wants to succeed, there's no problem. But it was basically, if I can say this, that we didn't want to see each other anymore.
Nakamura: Oh, well, that's easy then. Things went south. [audience laughter]
Ryuichi: Well, for me...for me, I don't know if it was so much that things went south between all of us. More than it just being personalities clashing, if you can't be with someone, then you can't make music. You can't produce anything. It's more than just "things went south."
Nakamura: Were finances any part of it? Royalties, things like that.
Inoran: No, not for me. Not now, and not then.
Sugizo: Yeah, we'd set up our finances way back when we were teenagers, so no matter what happened, the money was still the same for everyone...I think there was something else, though, that I think about now. We'd forgotten how to be thankful. We'd forgetten how to say "thank you," really, to the members, to the staff, to the fans - "Thank you for being here with me. I'm so grateful." It's a basic principle, but being in our twenties, we were pretty immature...and I think about how if I were only able to be more grateful, we would have certainly have found a way. It was a fault of being young.
Ryuichi: That was a great story! [audience laughs]
Nakamura: But so talking about a band is kind of like talking about a lover. The same kind of things happen, don't they? So...Shinya. Whose idea was it to break up?
Shinya: Uh. [audience laughs] I don't remember...who was it?
Sugizo: From what I can remember, it was our manager. Who basically said, "This is enough, you guys have tried long enough."
Shinya: Oh, yeah. It's terrible, so our dressing rooms were separate, right, but before a show, the five of us would just do our own things, separately.
Sugizo: Yeah, we were never together.
Shinya: Not together.
Ryuichi: The person putting together our events would have to set up five separate stations for each of us.
J: Well, there was that, but there was also when we would be playing together too. At the end, when we did our last album, we got together at a boarding house and wrote the whole album.
Nakamura: Oh, you did??
J: Yeah, we wrote the whole thing together. But the whole time we were together...it took a while...we couldn't talk about what was really going on. But the whole atmosphere had the meaning of, "We're making our last album, aren't we?" So we wrote the album with that in mind.
Nakamura: So moving on, 2007, 15 years after your major debut, you suddenly held a live. Whose idea was that?
Ryuichi: Well, it was us and the staff. It's not really a question of "who," like talking about "who was it who wanted to start playing again?"...but we all remembered what it was like playing together.
Nakamura: But how was that possible? You still had those bad feelings between all of you.
Sugizo: Well in those seven years we didn't talk to each other. So that kind of convinced us, like, well, let's meet up and see. I went into it prepared to beat someone up. [audience laughs]
Ryuichi: And then you did beat me up!
Sugizo: Well, I did apologize! [audience laughs] But yeah, if I wasn't prepared for something like that to happen, I wouldn't have gone. But in the end, I was relieved - I felt like, "This is my family." I was really happy.
Nakmura: What was it like playing together after seven years?
Ryuichi: It was awesome. As the vocalist, I'm usually in the center, and we just came in and formed up like that. It probably isn't exactly the right expression, but everything just came together. Music is like that, isn't it? It's not about everyone's level...we've been doing this since we were kids. It's something that's permanent, knowing the difference between things.
J: And we didn't play together for seven years, so when we counted in, we were a little uneven. It's not a surprise.
Ryuichi: Yeah, but when Shinya played his riff, we all came together. That hadn't changed. If it wasn't Luna Sea, that probably wouldn't have happened.
Sugizo: It was that moment when I realized, "I want to play in this band. This is what a rock band is supposed to be."
Inoran: Maybe it's like the five of us made our own DNA, while in the band, living together and spending time together. And the DNA is coming alive again.
Shinya: Uh...[audience laughs] Inoran doesn't really have the best way of saying things...
Nakamura: So we've come to the last part - 2010, reunion.
J: Well, actually, when we played the live in 2007, we didn't really talk about what we were going to do afterwards, at least I don't remember it. But we carried that feeling around for a while. In everything we did, it was like we were living two lives...starting a band, drawing strength from our songs...I really started feeling that Luna Sea isn't just the five of us.
Sugizo: So for us now in our 40s, especially, rock and roll is something that needs to be shared with others, to be played from the heart - isn't that best? So our stance is, if we don't do it, who will? So because of that, it would be a sin to let Luna Sea end.


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