21. ledna 2023

holly hock radio with Aoi (2009)


Aoi: What's mine is mine. What's yours is mine. And your heart is mine, too. ... Good evening!! It's Aoi from the GazettE. Ha~i. Ehh~ This week's HOLLY HOCK RADIO has begun. It has begun with the greetings we got from radio-name "〇〇〇-san" and this way, please play the opening phrase rapidly! Well! Eh~ What is GazettE doing lately~? Golden Week is over, so we'll start recording again. ............. Hey, Sakai-san.
Sakai: Right (laughs)

Aoi: Sakai-san, I'm sorry. I forgot about your existence.

Sakai: Wohoho (laughs)

Aoi: Good evening, Sakai-san.

Sakai: Good eveninggg!

Aoi: Hai, eh~ Golden Week is over, isn't it?

Sakai: That's right.

Aoi: We have recordings again, Sakai-san!!

Sakai: Right, huh?

Aoi: That's awesome, ne?

Sakai: (laughs)

Aoi: Isn't it? In particular?

Sakai: No no, it's a bit of this and that. It'll be fun.

Aoi: Ah, really?

Sakai: Hai

Aoi: Hai. We'll do our best, ne?

Sakai: Yes, do your best.

Aoi: Probably, even for all of you who are sitting infront of the radio, Golden Week has ended and... Ehh.. I think it's time to say "work is starting again, school is starting again, so I'll do my best, I guess~" !

Sakai: Right!

Aoi: Without failing anything, let's do our best!!

Sakai: Hai~

Aoi: That's how it isssss~Well then, I think I'll start immediately with the messages that were sent to our program.
Radio-name 〇〇〇-san, "Aoi-san, good day~ Sakai-san, good evening~"

Sakai: Good evening!

Aoi: Hai, good evening~ It's the time where you say "good evening", but for Aoi-san it's "good day".

Sakai: (laughs)

Aoi: Eh~ hai. "I like Aoi-san very much. Or perhaps I should say I love the guitar-team. The PV of the new song [The Invisible Wall] is extremely cool. Aoi-san's sexy figure while he was playing his guitar made my heart beat like crazy. Among GazettE, I think Aoi-san is the one with the most sex-appeal. Followed by Ruki-san."  Hehe~ (laughs)
"Please tell us who Aoi-san thinks is the most sexually-attractive one among the members, the smartest one, the one with the best reflexes, the good-for-nothing one and so on."    That's what the post I got says.

Sakai: (low laughter)

Aoi: What's with that far-away laughter, Sakai-san?

Sakai: Nothing, nothing! (laughs)

 It's somewhat scary. Certainly, ehm~ among GazettE, y'know, the most sexually-attractive one is Aoi-san!

Sakai: Hohoho (laughs)

Aoi: But can I include myself? [he's not sure if he should mention himself as well or talk about the other members only]

Sakai: Hai.

Aoi: Eeeh, there's no doubt about it.

Sakai: No doubt.

Aoi: Ranks... No no no, as expected, the most sexually-attractive person, isn't it Aoi-san by far so to say?

Sakai: By far (laughs)

Aoi: Yep~~

Sakai: That's how it is, ne?

Aoi: As for the smartest one~ Of course it's that Aoi, too~! The runner-up is Reita-san.

Sakai: Ahahaha! Runner-up! (laughs)

Aoi: Yup~ Ranking... The person with the lowest one is as expected Ruki-san, I suppose, ne?

Sakai: No no (laughs)

 Yup. But, ehm~  Uruha-san and Kai-san are flawless.

Sakai: Wahaha! Flawless (laughs)

Aoi: Still, still, they're on the same level!

Sakai: (laughs)

Aoi: Well, as for the one with the best reflexes, that's definitely not Ruki-san!

Sakai: That's right, isn't it? (laughs)

Aoi: Ruki-san is none of this, ne?

Sakai: (laughs)

Aoi: Eeeh. Well~ Aoi-saaaan... he's amazing in this field too, doesn't he have nice reflexes?

Sakai: Hai hai hai.

Aoi: Ehhhm~ Ruki doesn't.... Reita-san and Uruha-san, they used to be soccer-boys, didn't they?

Sakai: That's right.

Aoi: But on the level of a substitute player! [LOL XDDD]

 No no no (laughs)

Aoi: Make Aoi-san say that. [not sure about this]

Sakai: (laughs)

Aoi: Aoi-san, y'know,  until the present day he has never made the substitute player bench warm!!  [he was never sitting on it and that's why he never warmed it with his behind XD]

 Is he a starting player?

Aoi: Always!

 Wohoho (laughs)

Aoi: It's logical! It's Aoi we're talking about, y' know? This guy Aoi-san is absolutely the best, I guess~

Sakai: Ooh~

Aoi: Yu~p. Well, Kai-san is probably number 2, I suppose~

Sakai: Ah, he is! Isn't he?

Aoi: Yep, Kai-san likes soccer, doesn't heee?

Sakai: Right.

Aoi: Yup~ and the ones after him are on the same level, I suppose~

Sakai: Wahahahah!!

Aoi: The three guys after him. Yep~  They give you a roly-poly feeling.

Sakai: Wohohoho!

 Eeh. As for who's the most good-for-nothing person, I think the winner is Kai-san~

Sakai: .... Eh?!!

Aoi: ... Eh? What's wrong? (dry tone) That guy. Isn't he good-for-nothing? 

Sakai: Can't it be that he's not?

Aoi: You serious??

Sakai: Hai

Aoi: Well, if it's Aoi-san who says it, then... it's true! [not sure here]

 Wow (laughs)

Aoi: Aah~ Aoi-san is No. 5 in this, I suppose. [he's the least good-for-nothing member XD]

Sakai: Fufufu (giggles)

Aoi: He isn't good-for-nothing, don't you agree?

Sakai: Sure, sure, sure.

Aoi: Because that's what I think! Sakai-san.

Sakai: That's right, isn't it?

Aoi: Whaaat??

Sakai: ... Good-for-nothing...?

Aoi: But he isn't a good-for-nothing person, y'know.

Sakai: He isn't, ne?

Aoi: Yup~ When it comes to challenges, Kai-san is by far the most good-for-nothing one, I guess~

Sakai: Hohoho (laughs)

Aoi: Mmh~ And when it comes to emotional stuff, doesn't it seem like he's the most sensible one? Or something like that~

Sakai: Is that true~?

Aoi: Yup~ He kinda jumped from his place when his lower back hurt him without him knowing why. That's what he said.

Sakai: Whohohoho!

Aoi: Well~ That guy is reaaaaally useless! Reallyyy.

Sakai: No no no no! (laughs)

Aoi: Eeh~ But still, that's how it seems! Well~ The answer to the question we were asked is: "As expected, this Aoi-san is by far the best".

Sakai: That's how it is. Yes.

Aoi: Ahmm~ 〇〇〇-san, I think you understood, didn't you? Eeh. So, I'd like to play the first song tonight, on this radio, but it has been played a lot of times here already! It has started. Riiiight, Sakai-san? Can you sing it already?

 I can sing it. Definitely.

Aoi: Well, don't cover my voice.

Sakai: Hn hn hn hn...  [he either giggles or he probably sings the opening of the song they're about to play]

Aoi: That's right! No doubt about it!

Sakai: (laughs)

Aoi: I want to play this song. Eeh~ During this evening in the Tokai region, y'know? [Tokai: includes Aichi, Mie, Shizuoka prefectures etc. -> HHR was broadcasted by FM Aichi] Thus~ We want to play it again. Hai~ Well then, please listen to it.

DISTRESS & COMA by the GazettE

♪ ♫ ♪

Aoi: This was DISTRESS AND COMA by the GazettE.

Well~! Eh, this is HOLLY HOCK RADIO with Aoi from the GazettE! From now on, here's the corner where Aoi-san has to talk about the keywords he's received from all of you!!

Sakai: Aoi's... MONDO KORO!!!

Aoi: Today we're in high spirits again! Right, Sakai-san? (laughs)

Sakai: In high spirits~

Aoi: We'll kick ass, ne??


Aoi: Well then, I wanna choose a message!


Aoi: Eh~ Hai, let's staaaart. This one! Radio-name 〇〇〇-san~ Hai, "Aoi-san, Sakai-san, good evening."

Sakai: Hai, good evening~!

 "There are many keywords I'd like Aoi-san to talk about, so I'm sending some. Compromise, serious announcements, how to get rid of the feelings of regret you have after you've done something, something you can't live without; please talk about one of these!"  That's it! (laughs)

Sakai: Hai hai.

Aoi: I wonder which one of these would be good to talk about... Which one? ... Sakai-kun. This one!!

Sakai: ................. (worried)

Aoi: Something I can't live without! I'll choose this one! With my own judgment and prejudice, eeh~ it's my PC, I suppose.


 My PC! Eeh..

Sakai: That's something you know a lot about, huh~?

Aoi: Don't I ??!!!

Sakai: No no no no (laughs)

Aoi: Well, no, it doesn't mean that I know a lot about it. However, if I didn't have my PC, y'know, would I still be able to work? And saying it out~  would I be able to play video-games, too??

Sakai: Hahahaha!!! That's right, ne? (laughs)

Aoi: Shall I say it out!? (laughs) Uhm, if there's a PC I don't have any problems at all. Right? Err, I have a laptop and...

Sakai: Yeah?

Aoi: Mh. And a desktop computer...

Sakai: Hai hai.

Aoi: Right, Sakai-san?

Sakai: *laughs*

Aoi: These are the things I can't live without!

 Personal computers~?

Aoi: Personal computers, I guess~ Ah, however, I also have my fans.

Sakai: Wow~

Aoi: They make me capable of living. That's the number one thing!

Sakai: True, isn't it?

 Aoi: Don't be all "Eh? Eh? Eh?", it's not a strange thing to say! (laughs)

Sakai: No no no!  (laughs) I think it's awesome!

Isn't it? (laughs) Ah~ OK, shall we go for one more shot?

Sakai: Yeah.

Aoi: Eeh. Hai.

Sakai: Hai hai.

Aoi: Fast, Sakai-kun!

Sakai: Whohohoho!

Aoi: Hai hai. Let's go~!

Sakai: Yeah~

Aoi: Radio-name 〇〇〇-san. "Aoi-san, Sakai-san, good evening."

Sakai: Good eveninggg!

Aoi: Ah, no, it's different!!  It is "Super-Star & Prince Charming Aoi-san, and then Sakai-san, good evening."

Sakai: Bwahahahaha! Anything!! (laughs) Good evening! (laughs)

Aoi: Yep, good evening."This time, I'd like Aoi-san to talk about the sexual charm of adults. Everyone around me is trying their best to look oshare because there's a lot of adult-like people,  but I'm baby-faced and not talented with cosmetics which I always see on teenagers. I'm 20 years old already, and little by little I'd like to have that charm adults have, but I'm not successful at it. So with this email, I'd like Aoi-san to teach us how he brings that sexual charm of his on the surface. Aoi-san is the man of my dreams with that elegance [literally: dandy-ism] of his!"

How's that, Sakai-san?

Sakai: Well~~

Aoi: I'm a man!!


Aoi: Yeah (laughs) Eh~" Please give me, who looks so child-like, some advice." That's what 〇〇〇-san said, ne. Did you understand it?

Sakai: Heh? What is it?

Aoi: Eh, 〇〇〇-san, I understand of course.

Sakai: (laughs)

Aoi: Un un un. Uuuuuuuh~. ["un" means something like "yeah"]

Sakai: You have sex-appeal~

 Eeh, that sharp eye is really important, isn't it?


Aoi: ISN'T IT!!??

Sakai: It is, ne?

Aoi: Ne? If you have that eye, when you look at me... err~ you can see that I have sex-appeal, and elegance, I think.

 Hai hai hai.

Aoi: 〇〇〇-san, eventually you'll become a very dandy girl--

Sakai: She'll become dandy?? (laughs)


Sakai: "Dandy" might be slightly wrong, ne? (laughs)

Aoi: Ah, that's right. It's "you'll become an adult-like, sexually attractive woman", I guess~

Sakai: Hai.

 I believe it!!

Sakai: Hai hai hai!

Aoi: Well~ However, isn't it better to have a baby-face? Ahmm~ You'll look young for a longer time than the others.

Sakai: That's right~! Well, there are people in this world who like baby-faces too, y'know.

Aoi: Ah, that's right.

Sakai: Hai.

Aoi: Well, as for me, errr~ If I was a woman,  I would like everything I think~

Sakai: Wow! (laughs) If you were a woman, you'd like everything!?? (laughs)

Aoi: Eeh~ It's a wide range! From 3 years old to approx. 65 years old, I guess? [He means he wouldn't mind if he looked something between 3 or 65 years old, I think? XD ]

Sakai: Wahahaha!

Aoi: I mean, within acceptable levels.

Sakai: That's slightly dangerous, ne? ["dangerous" as in "dangerous thing to say"]

Aoi: Ah, is that so?


Aoi: Eeh, not at all. I'm already looking forward to hearing from you! [his listeners]

Sakai: Looking forward to hearing from you *laughs* Yeah *laughs*

Aoi: So, 〇〇〇-san, thank you very much!

Sakai: Hai.

Aoi: We're accepting messages with the keywords you want Aoi-san to talk about in this corner. The email-address is gaz@fma.co.jp which you can easily access, so I'm waitinggg for your messages! Well then! I want to play another song, ehh~ This one here... It's pretty cool, Sakai-san!

Sakai: Hai.

Aoi: Sakai-san hasn't listened to this song that much, has he?

Sakai: He hasn't listened to it much~

Aoi: You're useless if you haven't listened to iiit~

Sakai: Oh hohohoho (laughs)

Aoi: Ne ?!

Sakai: That's right!

Aoi: Ooh. Well then, I want to convey the spirit to all to all of you in Tokai who are listening to FM AICHI tonight. That's what I think, so listen to it please! 

INSIDE THE FIRE by Disturbed!

♪ ♫ ♪~

Aoi: Sent to you was "INSIDE THE FIRE" by Disturbed.

Aoi: Hai hai! This is HOLLY HOCK RADIO with Aoi from the GazettE. Well then, continuing, the so-called drive of life! You who say it's not working! This corner is the one where I, professor Aoi, will give you nailing-down advice~ [I died XD]


Aoi: Thank you, ne.  Always, ne~ Sakai-san, I'm sorry, y'know~ Really~

Sakai: Hai.

Aoi: Ahaha. (mocking laugh) Sorry for being so cold, ne? (laughs) So cold.. [I'm not sure what he's all about here >D]

Sakai: No no no (laughs)

Aoi: I wanna start immediately~ Radio-name 〇〇〇-san. "Aoi-san, Sakai-san, good evening."

Sakai: Good evening!

Aoi: Yes, good evening. "This time I'd like Aoi-san to discuss the following in his Ascertainment Training: I am a student at a Yobiko school [preparatory school for students who have failed to enter the uni] and I've fallen in love with someone there. That girl is in the same class with me, but I took a break from my love for a long time, and now that I can't even greet her, I'm worried that I've become a shy person. I tried to chat with her once, but the conversation wouldn't go on... How shall I strike from now on? I'd like to ask for Aoi-san's advice, please! "
Eh~ 〇〇〇-san is male, right? He's a senior high-school student visiting a Yobiko-school, isn't he? That's it. But now... (laughs)
Isn't it time to be studying excessively?!!

Sakai: Hahahaha!

Aoi: Isn't it? Eeh~ However, it's about love, ne?  Everyone's equal in it~

Sakai: That's true, ne.

Aoi: Yu~p. With the exception that it either blooms or is totally fruitless, right? [= love is either returned or not returned]

Sakai: Wow (laughs)

Aoi: Eeh (laughs) Uhmm~ I understand! Even Aoi-san, y'know, he is a shy person when it comes to tender love!

Sakai: Ooh~

Aoi: Because I'm a shy boy, y'know. [he says "shy boy" in English <333]

Sakai: Shy boy (laughs)

Aoi: Yup. It may not look like it, but that's how it is. Therefore, y'know... I can't chat with a person I like very much. 

Sakai: That's true, isn't it?

Aoi: It is, Sakai-kun!

Sakai: Hai

Aoi: Sakai-kun. The No.1 romantically-challenged guy, Sakai-kun. [=Sakai is a loser with women XD]


Aoi: Right? Isn't this team "the GazettE" the Number 1 off-the-charts team? [they're the best by far]

Sakai: That's right ... Hahahahaha!!!

Aoi: Eh~ Uhmmm~ However, we have no choice but to be brave, y'know!? Because things we like are something we can't help.

Sakai: That's true, ne!

Aoi: Saying things like "Ore omae no koto ga suki yane~n" ["I love you/ I like you" in Aoi's dialect]

Sakai: Oh (laughs) In Kansai-ben [Kansai's dialect] (laughs)

Aoi: Eh, but well, he's a person from the Aichi prefecture!

Sakai: In Aichi's dialect.

Aoi: "Omae no koto ga, suki ya..." ? It's different~ (laughs) I don't understand it. (whines) Only a bit.

Sakai: *laughs*

Aoi : The Aichi people's dialect. Yeaaah. Still, y'know, you have no choice but to greet the other, right?

Sakai: That's right, huh. It'd be a waste [to let the oppurtunity pass and not greet the other], wouldn't it?

Aoi: In this way you can do something like dropping your eraser...

Sakai: Oh hoho (laughs)

Aoi: However, don't let anyone else pick it up or something like that (laughs)

Sakai: If that girl picks it up...

Aoi: Ye~p. If that girl picks it up, then it's good.

Sakai: While she's handing it over, you could touch her hand..

Aoi: Ah, hold on... Sakai-kun, that's slightly dirty~

Sakai: Eeh~ (laughs)

Aoi: But in general, isn't it nice to greet the other?

Sakai: It is, isn't it.

Aoi: Like "〇〇-chan, how are you doing lately?", "How's business~?" [XD]

Sakai: (laughs)

Aoi: Something like this.

Sakai: Is it about money? (laughs)

Aoi: If you think she'll reply with something like "So-so/Just getting byyy~", then keep trying your best.

Sakai: She's a high-spirited girl, huh?

Aoi: Oh well. Ehhh~.

Sakai: Hai.

Aoi: But still, I want you to keep trying your best~ Well, it's not a great advice, but start with "how's business". This one phrase, isn't it better to summon your courage and say it~?


Aoi: But well.. (laughs) She would probably look at you with that "What's this person talking about??" kind of look~! I don't know! (laughs)

Sakai: Woah~ (laughs)

Aoi: Do your best!! (laughs) I can't say anything but "Do your best"! Hai. Eh~ I wanna read another submission!

Sakai: Hai.

Aoi: Radio name 〇〇〇-san~ "Aoi-san, Sakai-san, good evening."

Sakai: Good evening!

Aoi: Yep, good evening~~  "I always enjoy listening to Aoi-san's radio. There's a thing I'd like Professor Aoi to talk about today. My grandma celebrates her 77th birthday on April the 21st .

She'll be 77 years old!

Sakai: Ooh~

Aoi: Right? Eh~ "She'll have a celebration dinner with everyone and therefore I'm worried about what I should give her as a present. I thought about things like flowers and a letter. However, it's way too ordinary; I'd like something nice that will leave an impression. Please, tell me your opinion and give me some advice."   That's it! Sakai-san.

Sakai: Hai.

Aoi: Well~ First of all you should congratulate her on her birthday.

Sakai: Congratulations.

Aoi: Ah~ And wish your grandma to continue being healthy from now on, too, ne?

Sakai: Hai.

Aoi: She grew up rapidly, didn't she? [he means the years passed by fast] Eeh~ Tell her you want her to do her best to reach 101 and 200 years of age.

Sakai: That's right.

Aoi: Anoo~ Something unforgettable, something that will leave an impression... Still, I think flowers are good!

Sakai: That's right!

Aoi: Yeah~ Letters are nice too, I think!

Sakai: Haai~

Aoi: As for Aoi-san, flowers are already his lovely field of expertise, y'know.

Sakai: Eh? Field of expertise.....?? (laughs)

Aoi: Yuuup~ (laughs) If there's a celebration, then it's already a flower bouquet! [he brings flower-bouquets on celebrations etc]

Sakai: Ah! That's true, ne~!

Aoi: That's true! But well, what did she say? Ehm, "a thing"...  She's worried about it, isn't she?

Sakai: That's right!

Aoi: I'm speaking my mind without holding back!! But well, it's because I'm happy, y'know? Ehm, flowers... They're especially for women.

Sakai: That's true, nee~

Aoi: Flowers... ne? Aren't flowers very beautiful?

Sakai: Yeah

Aoi: And speaking about it, it seems like her grandma is a beautiful person [she has a beautiful personality] too, right?

Sakai: Ooooh! (laughs) It seems like you're adding that there~

Aoi: Yeah yeah. Still, she's more beautiful than a flower, I suppose~ [not sure about this part]

Sakai: That's how it is, ne~

Aoi: This way it seems she could stay young forever, like a flower~ And then, a letter! If it accompanies the flowers, then it's cliché, right? But it's nice! Isn't it?

Sakai: It is cliché, but the feelings it includes.....

Aoi: Yep! I think a letter would be good!

Sakai: Absolutely good!

Aoi: Ehh, ehh, ehh, ehh. Thus, y'know, I think cliché things are nice!

Sakai: That's right , that's right.

Aoi: Really! And afterwards, her grandma will be reading the letter alone and she'll be moved to tears!!

Sakai: She should also include a GazettE CD~ [Sakai doing all the marketing 8D]

Aoi: Sakai-san has a good point, doesn't heeee?


Aoi: Eh, eh, eh, eh. Right, huh? Eeh~ A flower bouquet, and a letter, and a GazettE CD.

Sakai: That's right.

Aoi: Aren't these the Three Sacred Treasures? [LMAO, this is actually what Japan's imperial regalia are called XD]

Sakai: That's correct! Ne~?

Aoi: No doubt about it, right?!

Sakai: Haa~i !

Aoi: Her grandma is alreaaady amazing!

Sakai: Hahahahaha!

Aoi: She'll start headbanging and stuff like that, neee? (laughs)

Sakai: Hohoho! (laughs)

Aoi: The granny... in her house~

Sakai: She'll try that 77 times, ne? (laughs) [she'll headbang 77 times XD]

Aoi: Eeh~ 77 spins!!

Sakai: Hahahaha!!

Aoi: It's good, isn't it~? After this she'll surely stay healthy! (laughs)

Sakai: Yeah

Aoi: Right, it will make her want to continue living~ I think! So, flowers and a letter are the best!

Sakai: Hai~

Aoi: That's what Aoi-san thinks. Right, Sakai-san??

Sakai: That's right ~!

Aoi: Hai! Ehm~ Do you feel the same way? Does everyone feel the same way? [not sure about this part]

Sakai: Yeah~

Aoi: Hai~ They do, right? Hai (laughs) Eh, with this, I want to play you something right away! Well then! I want to play a song here~ This one, y'know, which is it? A certain band and an orchestra. The collaboration of my dreams.

Sakai: Ooh~

Aoi: How should I say it? Eh~ It's a band Aoi-san is totally captivated by, one that he adores... I probably should say that I am a guitarist today thanks to this band...

Sakai: Ooh~

Aoi: It's a great and very important band to me, y'know? That's why~ They also worked with orchestras and stuff like that.

Sakai: Oh~ Amazing!

Aoi: They made stuff like this here, y'know. [he means the song he's about to play]

Sakai: Nfufufu~ *giggles*

Aoi: Eeh~ They're absolutely kick-ass! Certainly! I wanna get everyone to listen to them! So listen to it, please~


♪ ♫ ♪~

 Sent to you was ENTER SANDMAN by METALLICA.

Aoi: Well then, eh~ This is Aoi-san from the GazettE-family, the bachelor who....

Sakai: (laughs)

Aoi: (laughs) ...who brought you HOLLY HOCK RADIO. Little by little it's time to say farewell, Sakai-san!

Sakai: That's right, ne~ It's too soon, ne?

Aoi: It's too soon! Eeh.. The fun times end in the blink of an eye, don't they? 

Sakai: That's right (laughs)

Aoi: Eh eh eh~ Aoi-san is already full with that feeling of reluctance! 

Sakai: Hai~

Aoi: But well.. With that kind of 'To-be-honest-I-think-I'd-like-to-go-home-a-bit-earlier' feeling...

Sakai: Whoa~h (laughs)

Aoi: I'm joking, Sakai-san!

Sakai: You're absolutely hopeless.

Aoi: I could stay here forever!

Sakai: That's true, huh? (laughs)

Aoi: Nee? During the nights in Aichi, Aoi-san's voice is the best thing, I suppose~

Sakai: That's right! ne~

Aoi: That's what I think!!

Sakai: That's what I think~~

Aoi: By yourself, right? Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh... Well then, today [today's broadcast] was pretty good too, I think~

Sakai: Hai.

Aoi: We're blowing our own trumpets, aren't we? [they're complimenting themselves XD]

Sakai: Hohohoho (laughs)

Aoi: That's because Aoi-san is the type of person who compliments himself once he has finished something, right?

Sakai: No no no no! (laughs)

Aoi: Eeh. From now on I want to give my best~!

Sakai: Yeah

Aoi: Hai! Eh~ On this program I'm expecting messages from every~one! Apart from the corners we introduced today, we're looking for such people who like themselves very much; I-love-Me kind of people. [T/N: The name of this corner is actually written "愛・ラブ・Me" which literally translates as "love [the Japanese word] ・ love [the English word written with Katakana syllables] ・ Me ", but is pronounced "Ai・rabu・Me" or "Ai・labu・Me", in other words "I・love・Me"! XD] "I love Me", that's its name too, y' know.  Shall I put them next to Aoi-san at the 『STAR-san ☆ Welcome!』 corner? Eeh~ Star-like existences. For example, specialties from your home area, family-members, Stars of your friends and so on~!
So, the email adress is gaz@fma.co.jp, neeee? Send us your messages including your radio-name, real name, age, residence and contact information, pleaaaase! Hai, eh~ There will be a lottery every week, where two people will be given goods signed by Aoi-sama [1] himself!!
And now, here's also an announcement from the GazettE. New album, 『DIM』 !!
We're already speaking highly of it now, Sakai-san! Riiiight?

Sakai: Right~

Aoi: Eh, eh, eh, eh~ (laughs) Because it comes out on July the 15th, ne? Eh.. And we've decided to start our tour on July the 18th. Hey, everyone from Aichi! On the 7th of August we'll play at the Nagoya-Congress-Center Century Hall[this venue is in the Aichi-prefecture ;) ] And as for the final, it's on September 5th at the Saitama Super Arena!! Right, Sakai-san?

Sakai: Right!

Aoi: Eeh~ But I don't know yet what kind of character I will be~ *laughs* [???] Eeeeeeeeh.

both Sakai & Aoi: BWAHAHAHAHA!!

Aoi: Hai~ (laughs) Eh~ Well! Detailed news about GazettE and info about this program etc can be found on the official homepage, www.pscompany.co.jp, at the "the GazettE" section (laughs) Check it out, please. 
......... I found it slightly difficult to say 'jp' this time, y'know (laughs)

Sakai: No no no (laughs)

Aoi: Eh, eh, eh ... Nh. Yes yes yes.

Sakai: (laughs)

Aoi: So~! [This was] HOLLY HOCK RADIO with Aoi from the GazettE feat. Sakai!! [he said that in English :3]

Sakai: Aah, thank you!

Aoi: Eh, eh, eh, eh..... (laughs)

Sakai: Fufufufu (giggles)

Aoi: Hai *laughs* eh~ Todayyy.. I want to say goodbye while playing a song, eh~  I have received some requests! Radio-name, 〇〇〇-san. "Noooo~! I'm not a Japanese person."

Sakai: Hahahaha!

Aoi: It has this kind of "I love Aoi" feeling, y'know (laughs) Eeh. Apart from this one, we have received plenty of messages from overseas people. I think there were like 2005/2006 of them?

Sakai: Wooow! (laughs) You counted them? (laughs)

Aoi: Yeah (laughs) Because of their extremely odd sum... (laughs)

Sakai: Hahahaha!

Aoi: Like, wouldn't it be nice if they were exactly 2000!!?? [wtf Aoi XD]

Sakai: (laughs)

Aoi: Yep~ (laughs) We have received various messages!

Sakai: Hai hai~

Aoi: Eh~ Something like that, nee? Well, I'd like to say goodbye while playing this song!

Sakai: Hai!

Aoi: HOLE by the GazettE!

So! (laughs) This was your partner, your Aoi [literally: "everyone's Aoi"], and....

Sakai: The manager, Sakai!

Aoi: Well then, see you again next week~~!

Bye bye~!


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