18. července 2022



Joe: We just watch the PV of “The Final” by Dir en grey. During the video, I was talking with Toshiya and Die so….

Die cuts in.

Die: In which pool did you swim?

The three of them laugh.

Toshiya: Eh! Eh!

Joe: It wasn’t me!

Die: It was an accident…

Joe: It was an accident….

Die: It’s been already….18 years?

Toshiya: It was 18 years ago…. well….it was at…..

Die: Don’t say the place!

Joe: You said the place before….

Toshiya: Forget it!

Joe: Everyone, forget the place!

Toshiya: Forget the place I said….

Joe: Forget it, forget it!

Toshiya: We were drinking and I got drunk, and next to the place we were drinking…..there was a school….

Die: It was actually an elementary school….

Toshiya: An elementary school? (laughs) There was an elementary school, it was midsummer….summer… and somehow….as I was drunk,  it was hot….I don’t know why but….I jumped over that school’s fence…I took all my clothes off and I got into the pool….

Joe burst into laughter.

Joe: In other words, you got into the pool in your birthday suit….

Toshiya: That’s it….

Die: I…. I didn’t offer Toshiya some of my crab (the story they told previously about Toshiya peeling a crab for him) but I was…..I was watching over….

Joe laughs

Toshiya: Well….*makes the gesture that he was watching over that no one would come*

Die: So, I was watching over and then I went to the convenience store…

Die says something more but Toshiya cuts in

Toshiya: Towel….and you bought a towel for me….

Die: I returned him the crab favour….

Joe: The crab favour…

Die: My way to compensate him…. my way of returning him the favour was watching over at pool…

Joe: And the bath towel…. quite a story isn’t it?

Toshiya: That’s it….it was like I was living in a shameless/impudent way….

Joe: That’s it…

Die: It’s really embarrassing….

Joe: Embarrassing……well let’s stop…. To the people who is watching this….please forget just forget this story….is that ok?……forget it….

Joe asks again Die about the sunglasses. He says that he uses it as an accessory.

Joe: For real….these two guys….is that so?

Die: The next time we have a live…. I think people will be surprised….

Joe: I see so you are wearing them today, so you are not showing anything…

Die: That’s it…. *covers the camera with his hand*

Toshiya laughs.

Joe: But you are looking forward the next live right?

Die: Yes, that’s it.

Joe: Eh, wait…. Toshiya, what are you eating?

Toshiya shows the wrapping of the ice-cream.

Toshiya: It’s good….

Joe: Do you usually eat ice-cream?

Toshiya: I like ice cre……*brain freeze*

Joe: What was that? Is that ice cream that sexy?

Toshiya: It was just my head….

Joe: Now you are having that sharp pain…..

Toshiya: Yes, yes….

Die: Is it nangoku (the ice cream’s brand)?

Toshiya: Yes, it is nangoku.

Die: You really like nangoku….

Toshiya: I do but I really prefer warm things…. because my hometown is cold….

Joe: I see, I see…*Die comes closer to the screen like checking something* what happened Die? What was that?

Die: Something…. happened….

Joe: What? What kind of explanation was that? “something happened”?

Die: Maybe someone came….

Joe: Ah, is that so? You mean online….

Die seems to be writing in his computer/device so he probably meant some message came or some talked to him?

Joe: Toshiya,  you are acting so freely*…..that message came from God (The freedom of the Expression) but everyone  seems to have so much fun watching this….I’m not looking at the comments much but….

*He means that Toshiya is so casually in the livestream, eating the ice cream and so.

Toshiya: Really? Well…. we are all feeling lonely…. (laughs)

Joe: That’s true…. that’s true…. we feel lonely…. Then, there are comments saying please Die show us your cat….

Die: My cat is  in his downtime too….

Joe: In his downtime, right?

Die: That’s it.

Joe: At this time of the night, a Saturday….it can’t be helped….*Die nods* Everyone, if you have messages or questions for them, please send them…. But well….  today is May what?….

Die and Toshiya: The 23rd….

Joe says that he was feeling gloomy, but the talk has been really interesting until this point so he feels now like cheering up.

Die: Toshiya, you really like Saturday nights….

Toshiya: What? Why are you saying so?….

Toshiya looks confused for a while. He is not getting what Die means.

Toshiya: I don’t understand……like at all….

Die: You like Saturday’s nights…

Toshiya: Yes? I like it….

Die: Because of the wine….

Toshiya laughs.

Toshiya: When you said wine….do you remember?

Die: Drinking?

Toshiya: No, no….

Toshiya ask Die if he remembers a senpai from other band that would tell him to drink wine after a live. Die seems to hesitate during some seconds and Toshiya burst into laughter. Joe does too.

Die: I remember….

Joe asks about this story. Die tells that is a member from another band, a senpai and he is a vocalist. Joe seems to be a bit clueless. Then, he says that now that they mentioned the words of this senpai, he wants to know if there is some statement or wise words that they still remember.

Toshiya: I absolutely wont forget this one…..it was Shinya.

Joe: Oh!

Toshiya: This person….he makes a lot of statements.

Joe: Oh! Is it ok that you tell us?

Toshiya: It’s ok….we were all together in the car….the members….

Die cuts in laughing.

Die: That story?

Toshiya: They were taking us to our homes….so at that time, everyone was
talking about Shinya….”Shinya this, Shinya that”…. talking about him…. we were teasing him as well. When we arrived at Shinya’s house, I won’t forget the words he said….

Joe: Oh!  So please tell us those words….is it ok?

Toshiya: Yes…as we were getting more excited about talking about him…. when he was about going out…. holding the car’s door he said…..”After I leave, don’t talk about me!”*

*Shinya said this in kansai ben dialect. In the previous program, Joe realized that Shinya talks using Keigo (formal speech) and Kaoru said that “when he needs it” (as, when he gets mad) he uses kansai ben.

Joe and Die laughs.

Joe: I see….but I understand the way he felt….

Die: Maybe Shinya is laughing now about this….

Joe: Shinya….are you watching us?

Die: Because he is watching for sure!

Toshiya: Shinya, are you watching us?

Joe asks Die if he has a similar story, like the words of a member that he can’t
forget. Die ask for time to think about it, and he looks like he can’t recall any story. Joe decides to read the comments.

Joe: Some comments are thanking Die and Shinya….”this is too amusing”…..the comments….are passing a bit fast….”that the members get along so well is amusing…” *Joe raises his glasses to be able to check the comments properly*

Die: Shinya, would it be ok for you to write a comment?

Joe: I wonder if he is watching us….

Toshiya: Write a comment!

Joe: Shinya, write something…. But he is surely watching us!

Toshiya: I think he is….

Joe: Thank you for last week, Shinya…..I’m sorry but I did my best….this
weeks…..things are at this level….

Die: Last week was interesting!

Joe: Did you watch it?

Die: Of course, I did!

Toshiya: I watched it too….

Joe thanks them for watching it.

Die: Kaoru and Shinya are really like that….it felt like that….

Joe: Did it?

Toshiya and Die imitate the way of talking with monosyllables.

Die: Shinya always uses ukemi (passive form, is considered to be more formal and polite)

Joe: I see….. the way of communicate with each other was like that but in the end, the result was cool….several things related to Dir en grey, are easy to feel connected……Shinya! You are not writing anything!….but the comments are so fast that I don’t know….if he is writing something I can’t see it…..but let’s believe he is watching!….Die, did something come to your mind?

Die: There so many that…

Joe: So, it’s not possible…

Die: Yes, should we pass to the questions?

Joe: Should we? I got it…it’s a bit impossible as it’s going to fast….questions….please everyone write some, I will pick them up….it’s really fast….it’s really fast….ah! a question for Shinya….ah, Toshiya….do you always eat ice cream?

Toshiya: I really like ice cream, but recently I have been really into a Lawson’s low calories ice cream…I have been eating that a lot…

Joe: Oh, a low calorie from Lawson….

Die: How is it?

Toshiya: It’s a soft cream….

Die: Low in calories?

Toshiya: Yes

Die: Do you care about calories?

Toshiya: Well…. we…..are getting older aren’t we?….

Die: Calories are terrible…

Toshiya: Do you care about calories?

Joe laughs.

Die: I check the ingredients…I do that…

Toshiya: I see….me too….I don’t eat carbohydrates after drinking….

Die: Ramen too?

Toshiya: Ramen…. When it comes to ramen….I have a lot of self-control…

Die: That’s cool!

Toshiya: As I like it, I eat it sometimes…

Die: Recently, which ramen is your favourite?

Toshiya: A Ramen that I like? I wonder…. Maybe Tenichi….but I’m not Sugizo*!

*Sugizo (LUNA SEA) has been in some Tenichi CMs.

The other two laugh.

Die mentions another Ramen but he says he likes Tenichi too.

Joe: Is it ok if I pick up some comments?…..*they both agree* Who chose
today’s live?

Die: It was me?….or Did you chose it, Toshiya?…I think it was you…..*Toshiya shakes his head* You chose it….you didn’t?….

Toshiya says they both talked about it, which songs they wanted to be in the live and so.  Joe is about to read the next question but Die start saying something. Joe tells him to go ahead and talk, but Die tells him it’s ok.

Joe: Among the members, who is the strongest one when it comes to alcohol?

Toshiya: I think  it would be Shinya for sure…

Joe: I see…. Shinya….what do you think, Die?

Die: Shinya….you never know how much he is drinking or at what pace….but he
barely changes…

Toshiya: When he changes….he is the most amusing one….when he is drunk….

Die: That’s so true….

Toshiya: Like…. the Shōrin-ji kenpō * incident…..

* Shōrin-ji kenpō, (meaning “Shaolin Temple Boxing”) is a Japanese martial art considered to be a modified version of Shaolin Kung Fu

Joe: Don’t be such a fool!…..As it sounds terrible, let’s stop talking about that…..it might be an accident….so…*reads a question* When this Corona situation ends, what’s the thing you want to do the most?

They both seem to think about it a bit. Die says this situation has been going on already for so long, and he doesn’t know how much more time will it take…. but the thing he wants to do the most is lives.

Joe: Everyone is like that in the comments….

Die: Under these circumstances…. not being able to do lives is tough…

Joe: It’s hard…

Die: I started a band because I wanted to do concerts, right? I make songs because I want to play them in a concert….if there is no concerts…..gradually the motivation….of course we wonder where we should take that motivation from….because only for CDs…

Joe: I see

Die: That’s why the thing I want to do the most….is concerts…..

Die: Under these circumstances…. not being able to do lives…. is tough…

Joe: It’s hard…

Die: I started a band because I wanted to do concerts, right? I make songs because I want to play them in a concert….if there is no concerts…..gradually the motivation (fades)….of course we wonder where we should take that motivation from….because only for CDs…

Joe: I see

Die: That’s why the thing I want to do the most….is concerts…..The concerts we have done before…. now they feel like an illusion, it feels like… we will be able to come back to that?….doing lives….

Joe: This is my perception but, the power you get from concerts is amazing…. It’s such a cool feeling….

Die: There are many things that happen in that space (venue)…. at the end of March…. we did a live without audience, right? It was the first time we did something like that but, you can’t do that two or three times….even if you do it, it just goes one way (the interaction)….it feels like a music video…

*Toshiya stands up and starts walking around the room*

Joe: Really…..at the comments…..they are writing “that’s what I feel too, concerts are my reason to live”, “I hope you can do a concert soon”, “I want to go to a concert” “I’m waiting for it”; there are a lot of comments like that….So, the first thing that Die wants to do after this Corona situation is….concerts. *Die nods*

Die: Yes, that’s it.

Joe:  Ah? Toshiya is not in the screen frame right now. Are you there?

Toshiya: I’m here, I’m here.

Joe: Oh, you came back! Toshiya, what about you? What’s the first thing you want to do once this Corona situation ends?

Die: You want to swim in a pool, right?

Toshiya: Well…. not that…

Joe and Die laughs.

Die: Do you need a bath towel?

Toshiya: Please…. (as… I don’t have one, please lend me one)

Die: Ok (laughs)

Toshiya: Well…. What it would be? I want to eat regional delicious food…..

Joe: That’s something you do during tours….

Toshiya: Yes *Joe nods* That’s the thing I’m looking forward the most…

Die: Where is the best food during a tour?

Toshiya: I like the food everywhere…. everywhere…

Die: You really have checked up properly….

Toshiya: I did…. I checked up the saunas in the whole country too….

Die: Swimming pools too?….

Toshiya: I don’t go to swimming pools….

Joe bursts into laughter, Die laughs as well.

Toshiya: Pool……that’s just with you! 

Die: Host clubs as well?

Toshiya: Should we go together?

Die: Should we? What about tomorrow? Until the early morning…until there is no shops (open)….at 6 o’ clock in the morning….

They keep talking about that, but Joe cuts in to bring them back to the topic.

Joe: So, what Toshiya wants to do it’s to eat delicious food in different places during a tour…

Toshiya: That’s it…. of course if you make me that question….I also want to see  all the fans too, but I’m sorry, I want to eat delicious food….

Joe: You want to eat delicious food….I want that those wishes can happen soon….everyone who is watching this has the same hope, that you can do concerts again soon….finally, I think that If you too deliver a message for those who are watching today…..they would be happy….is it ok?

Die: Well,  what I said it before…..about lives….now we are recording, making songs….the release of a new single has been decided for this summer….but I really want to do concerts again….but in the end I just can wish for it (to be possible)….let’s hope we can meet at the concerts…..with the fans….in the same place (venue)….that’s it…. I live with that hope…

Joe: That’s it…let’s do our best for the next time we can meet…. Toshiya, what about you?

Toshiya: He raised the bar high, right?

Die and Joe burst into laughter.

Joe:  It’s high, right?

Toshiya nods.

Toshiya: Well…. what could I say?…..eh….*Die starts laughing, ,making Joe and Toshiya laugh as well* Why are you laughing?….

Joe: I’m sorry….

Die: Would you like some wine?

Toshiya: The bar is high…..

Die: Let’s drink wine at a pool’s side….

Toshiya: *laughs* That’s it…

Die: At night….

Toshiya: That’s it…. I think that at some point we will be able to do lives again but, if this situation in which we are not able to do lives continues….well, it’s ok….to do again something like this…

Joe: Is that so? You just said it….

Toshiya: Let’s do it next to a pool….

Die: Next to a pool, eating crab….

Toshiya: Then, I wouldn’t talk …. (cause I would be eating)

Die: While you are eating…..I will talk….

Toshiya: I see….

Die: Wait wait wait!!…while you are swimming as well, I will talk….when you are
swimming, I will talk…

Toshiya: When I’m swimming, would you insert some self-limitation(censoring) measures?

Die laughs.

Joe: Like blurring it and so, like a degradation….

Toshiya: Yes, yes…. Something like that…

Die: Would be a tray ok?  A tray…. *makes the gesture of carrying the tray to cover that zone*

Toshiya: But what if accidentally it falls!

Joe: An accident (laughs)… what about wearing a bathing trunk?

Die: No, no… naked…it has to be naked…. he has to do it in his birth suit….

Joe and Die laugh, Toshiya is drinking with a smiley face.

Toshiya: You just raised the bar more…

Die: That’s the only way it can be “Toshiya 100%”*….

*Maybe a pun with Toshiya’s brand?

Joe laughs.

Joe: So cool…..there are a lot of comments…..”I want to see them soon”…..”I want to go to a concert soon”…..there are also lots of comments from overseas….  A lot of comments…..”thank you for this fun time”…. the time is getting closer (for the end of the livestream)….so if there is a next time….we will do it at a pool’s side….eating crab….

Die: Don’t forget about the tray…. a silver one….

Joe: A silver tray….

Toshiya is laughing and mumbling.

Die: A large silver tray…

Toshiya: For real?….

Joe: A large one…. *Die is doing hand gestures about size of the tray* Then, I will be there reporting when it happens….

Die: Please…

Joe: The next time it will be at a pool’s side….or at a live’s venue….

Toshiya: I’m in the mood for an  (time) extension….(of the livestream)

Joe: An extension…. what should we do…. I already received a LINE from the staff….

Die: Let’s keep going….

Joe:  If we keep doing the livestream….a LINE from the staff came telling me  “Joe, it’s time to finish the livestream”….I’m feeling the pressure….

Die: Champagne…. the champagne tower….

Toshiya: Give us champagne….

Die: I want to see that…

Joe: The people who is watching this is asking for an extension too….they are saying “an extension” “an extension” but I don’t want the staff to get mad at me…. An extension of time….really…

Toshiya: I want to see the (champagne) Tower….

Joe: Ah, a champagne tower? *Toshiya nods*I want to see it too….as we are going to extend the time, everyone is spontaneously donating money *Toshiya laughs*…..I don’t understand….so….the extension is here….*reading comments* “I’m looking forward to Toshiya 100% at the pool” side…

Die laughs.

Toshiya: Stop (saying) that!

Joe: They are asking if Die is going to be at his 100% too….

Die: That would be good….

Joe: “What percentage would be for Die?”….

Die: Maybe, I‘m going to mess up (and not being at my 100%)….

Toshiya: Die is going to be at  his 1000%

Die: 1000% *laughs*

Joe: *sings* “You are going to be at your 1000%” …..Oh I said that singing …..

Die teases for his signing, and they are joking for some seconds.

Die: Can I talk about something?

Joe says yes, and Die starts talking about an old Dorama 「愛し合ってるかい!」 (We all love each other, right?) in which actor Takanori Jinnai plays the role of a teacher and lives alone in an apartment with a rent of 70万 yen (5900 EUR/6500 USD). Joe and Toshiya can’t believe it and are really shock. It seems this high price was due to the Japanese asset price bubble (1986-1991) in which real estate and stock market prices were greatly inflated.

Die: I think it’s interesting…. That price for a salary man….

Joe: That’s totally impossible.

Toshiya: Maybe Shinya is the only one who can live there….

Joe: Well, I feel like this talk is getting dangerous again so…. *Toshiya burst into laugther*…. a LINE from the staff came….They told me “Let’s finish”, so before we give ourselves away/show our true colours, let’s conclude this….

Die: Thanks to Shinya….

Toshiya: What about the extension?

Joe: The extension was until now… next week’s guest is Kyo….

Toshiya: I’m really excited….

Joe: Really? ….. Please say a few words for Kyo….

Joe asks them if there is something, they want that Kyo talks about or a message they can talk him, because he is going to take some notes.

Die: A message?

Joe: Yes…

Die: Wait a moment…. With these feelings (mood), we are passing the baton to him………

Toshiya: Totally….

Die cuts in.

Die:  Why don’t you go to Nichome again with Toshiya, the two of you?

Toshiya laughs.

Joe: But that’s something that has nothing to do with Kyo….

Toshiya: No, no…it’s related…

Joe: Is it?

Toshiya: We were walking together at the Nichome park….

Joe: Ah! I see I see…. So, the message from Die is “Why you don’t go to Nichome again with Toshiya?”

Toshiya laughs.

Die: But it was a joke….

Joe: I already wrote it down,Die….Do you have any message for Kyo,
Toshiya? For next’s week…

Toshiya: Well….. this person…..he is really a foodie….

Joe: Oh! Kyo….

Toshiya: Yes, something like “Do you know any place where they serve delicious food?”…..somehow…..”Please tell us”….

Joe: That’s a good one…. please tell us…

Toshiya: Before, I told him about a Ramen place….

Joe: Oh! To Kyo?

Toshiya: Yes, he said he will try to go….

Joe: So, next week I’m going to ask Kyo if he went to that place or not, if he can tell us about some good place….I’m going to ask him that…

Toshiya: That’s it…

Joe: So, I received a LINE from the staff telling me to end this livestream so…..*Die laughs*….I think we are going to end it here…

Toshiya: I wonder if this (livestream) was ok?

Joe: Yes, it was….well, everyone….was it fun?.. “It was fun”…how was it? How was it?….”it was fun”…..”Good Job”….”it was really fun”….it seems like everyone had fun….”thank you so much, it was fun”….

Toshiya: *signs in relief* That’s good….

Joe: Thank you, everyone!

Die: That’s because we gave our 100%

Toshiya burst into laughter. Joe laughs.

Toshiya: This is not the end….*Die laughs*

Joe: Well, Finally….let’s make a toast….

: I already finished my drink….

Joe: Let’s do a final toast…

Die: Did you finish it? Pour some champagne there….

Joe: Let’s make an air toast…. the people who is watching too….for the end….

Toshiya: Let’s make a toast…

Joe: Yes, let’s wish that everyone can attend a Dir en grey live soon….please
Die, say some words for the toast…

Die: Well…..(let’s toast for) Toshiya 100%….

Toshiya laughs.

Toshiya: You are more, 1000% right?

The three of them laugh.

Joe: Let’s raise our drinks…

Die: I already finished….

Joe: Cheers…..cheers….

Die: I finished….

Joe:  Cheers…..cheers….(in english) Ok, this was DIR EN GREY SPECIAL
TALK with Toshiya and Die…..Thank you for watching!….Bye!

Toshiya: Thank you!


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