4. srpna 2021

the gazette peace&smile radio jack 9th february 2007 - translation


Uruha : Now it starts again today. GazettE's PEACE&SMILE Radio Jack. This programme is hosted by Kra, Alice Nine. and also GazettE on a relay system to be the DJ for the programme.
This week is GazettE's turn. Good evening it's Uruha.

Kai : This is GazettE's Kai.

Reita : This is GazettE's Reita.

Uruha : And with this 3 people, we want to send this radio broadcast to all of you.

Kai : What's the matter? You look a little stiff! (Laughs)

Uruha : Iya...Well...Personality... [Personality = Radio persionality/talent. Can be referred to as DJ]

Kai : This is your first time. [as the radio personality]

Uruha : Was it... the last time? I, uh, because of the last time I was sick and I didn't attend [Radio Jack], so with feelings of being sorry this time I became the personality... I'm nervous and I keep stammering.

Reita : Do your best.

Uruha : Let's do it slowly. (Laughs)

Kai : Hai. (Laughs)

Uruha : Let's do it steadily. And now this is a message from last week's DJ, Kra. Eeーto, "Even though GazettE is busy recently, but please let us hear your heavy breathings."

Kai : (Laughs)

Uruha : Well only for Kai-kun he can't say it isn't it. If it's the members.

Reita : Yeah.

Kai : But! But if you say heavy breathings...

Uruha : Within the range that can be said?

Kai : What might it be? What might it be? I wonder what might it be~

Reita : Like massages on the shoulder.

Kai : It's like "Ahhhh~"

-Everyone bursts out laughing-

Uruha : I wonder is it okay to start talking about things that are Uncle-like?? In this radio. (Laughs)

Kai : I think it's alright??

Uruha : Because we took all the trouble, Reita-kun's heavy breathings are already...

Reita : Oooo~~ (Seems to be expressing a very low breath)

Uruha : I thought I heard "ROCK".

Kai : Yup.

Reita : I'm sorry.

Uruha : With that said on the 7th of Febuary, which is the day before yesterday, our new single, "HYENA" is released.

Reita : I'm happy~

Uruha : Has everyone hear- *stammers and stammers*.. it?

Kai : Say it once more!! (Laughs)

Uruha : Even though I think that I'm stammering alot, but please pardon me. Well just become used to it. (Laughs) If you talk about GazettE's recent condition... at this period of time, we released [single] and Arena [Yokohama live arena] is around the corner... We did our rehearsals, and we are now making songs.

Reita : We are now making songs.

Uruha : We have planned many things to be done this year... and this week we are here to introduce many mails that have reached here... this is the first one. Eeーto... Nnーto... Radio-name "Maonyan-san". Good evening to all of you in GazettE.

Reita & Kai : Good evening.

Uruha : I think that everyone in GazettE are no-good.

Reita & Kai : What's with this person~ (Laughs)

Uruha : When I watched the special for the Budokan DVD (Road to Nameless Liberty Six Guns Tour) I noticed something, I thought that the members frequently forget their things. Just right before the live and I thought that all the members have come together, I secretly shouted in my heart "Kai-san is the only one not there...!". Kai-san is not the only one who keeps forgetting his things, everyone of the members please be careful.

Reita : Please don't misunderstand it, but Kai-kun moves around because he's not calm. Like [walking around] in the corridors.

Uruha : Yup. He always disappears to his own convenience.

Kai : (Laughs)

Reita : It's not that he left us the 4 members alone, It's just that he disappears to his own convenience. He went to trace something that he had left behind...

Kai : It's enough already!! Don't say these kind of things...

Uruha : Like our staff Kusaka-san. You always hear him say "Huh, where is Kai-kun?". Where did you go...

Kai : It's like, I can't stay at one place fixed. That's true. I didn't calm down at all? Like before the lives.

Uruha : That's because you keep doing hand drumming.

Reita : You're doing it right now.

Kai : I'm not doing it! (Laughs)

Uruha : It's like this and that. And now I want to do an introduction of a song for today. Kai-san please do so.

Kai : Me? Since we put in all the effort, I would like to listen to the song we've released two days ago, "HYENA". Then please listen to it. GazettE's "HYENA".

ー"HYENA" playsー

Uruha : When we were working on "HYENA" there were many problems.

Kai : Most part of it.

Uruha : Before the times we talked about how the recording should go and the time when this song was made.

Kai : It's like pre-production.

Uruha : Even though I think that there are also various episodes [of making this single]... It's Kai in episodes roughly [Sorry don't really get this]

Kai : Roughly... roughly?!

Uruha : Kai-kun the Super guest.

Kai : Even though we said it's pre-production... it was a temporary recording. The recording of the tempmelo [here he mentions 仮メロ(karimero), which probably means temporary melody]...

Uruha & Reita : karimero!?

Kai : The temporary melody. (Laughs) During that stage, what's the coupling songs? Since it [the songs] was brought together, there are also changes to the tunes, during that time if the 5 persons [referring to the band] gather together the 5 persons would...

Uruha : Ano~... This is not particulary amusing.

Kai : (Laughs)

Uruha : Fufufu [An expression of laughter]

Kai : Then don't turn me down. (Laughs)

Uruha : Though I kept waiting while thinking "Will it come to an end". [Probably he means waiting for Kai to stop talking about that]

Kai : Were you expecting something amusing?

Uruha : No no no... I was half-serious and half-joking.

Reita : Yup.

Uruha : Then~ since you talked about that, since Reita is good at this... Reita-san the Super guest.

Reita : During the recording, there were various things. What was the various things you may ask, it was side-by-side with the Tokyo Tower, the Recording Studio.

Uruha : We are not talking about the pre-production. [of the single]

Reita : Since I have not seen Tower Tokyo from that near, I thought "Ah, it's~ Great~". ...From the skies of Tokyo Tower yeah.

Uruha : From the skies of Tokyo Tower... a song came out? [Inspiration of song]

Reita : A song came out.

Kai : It's totally not amusing!! Can you tell me what's so amusing about this!! (Laughs)

Reita : I'm instantly rejected. [As in, Kai immediately said he's not amusing]

Uruha : This fellows [referring to the whole band], we all kept eating crepes. [a kind of pancake]

Reita : It's true... honestly, I was like "I want to know how they fold the skin of the crepe earlier!".

Uruha : What I want to talk about is this... I said I got a tooth decay and the dentist told me... "You better stop eating sweet stuffs!!!!". Seriously.

Reita : Why is he so angry...

Kai : The [Dentist's] preaching will start...

Uruha : I was told by the Dentist things like "I have a whole lot of consultation tickets"... "What's this? Eeー?!! I'll stop eating sweet stuffs". [He means that because the Dentist wants to give him consultation tickets, so he's scared and promised to stop eating sweet stuffs]

Kai : (Laughs)

Reita : You're like an idiot.

Kai : In the end didn't you just drop and let it [Uruha's topic] end like that...

Uruha : My delicious radio is... (Laughs) [Here delicious refers to interesting]

Reita : With such pathetic topics...

Uruha : Well with this and that...

Kai : (Laughs)

Uruha : It's already the time to say good-bye...

Kai : You're lying right?!

Uruha : I'm joking.

Kai : You're lying right?!

Uruha : ... I'm really sorry!!

Kai : You're lying right?!

Uruha : I'm sorry!!

-Kai bursts out laughing-

Uruha : Nowー a piece of paperー just flew by.

Kai : Amusing!! Amusing!! (Laughs)

Reita : I'm sorry yah?

Uruha : It's the first time this kind and that kind of thing happens.

Reita : Well yeah.

Uruha : Uruha on Guitar and,

Kai : Kai on Drums are,

Uruha : No, also Reita! [Kai forgot Reita XD]

Reita : Also Reita,

Uruha : ... are all here. And now, this time [topic] is from the your surroundings the extent of popularity of GazettE... what do you do to advertise the GazettE... I want to introduce these mails, "Advertisement activities in the dark". Radio-name Rei-san. Everyone in GazettE, good evening.

Reita & Kai : Good evening.

Uruha : I really like Kai-san.

Reita : By all means...

Uruha : Eh! By all means?

Kai : Thank you very much.

Uruha : By all means, but! The people around me knows about Visual-kei, but I'm the only one who talks about it. I've bought GazettE's CDs and reading the magazines which all of you are featured in. When I'm in the middle of cleaning [the classroom], I would write things like "GazettE" on the blackboard, and my sitting partner would go like "Not Kai-kun again~". I would ignore those kind of things and it feels really the best to keep buying the CDs.

Kai : Male? [referring to the sitting partner]

Uruha : Is that important?

Kai : He's a male right? From the way he commented.

Uruha : But for a female to say things like "Really the best" [In Japanese it's written as "マジ最高", which is often used by males]... oddly... since they say things like "panee" [It's written as "パネェ", which is another form of "Sugoi"(Great) often used by males as well.*]

Reita : Females with this kind of verbal expression... is definitely not allowed.

Uruha : (Laughs)

Kai : Hai hai. (Laughs)

Uruha : Up until now I still write "GazettE" in various places. I would ignore the angry teacher [probably when the teacher catches her writing it]. In my class I don't think there's anyone who doesn't know about GazettE. From now on please continue to do your best.

Kai : As expected most of these people heard it [the band] from their friends. They heard of us quite much.

Reita : Isn't the influence of friends great.

Uruha : Oiisu! [An expression of agreement]

Reita : During the days as students the influence is the greatest. Since we are already in this kind of world.

Kai : True!! That influence is great.

Uruha : I wonder why is it so? I want to feel those kind of passion. [as students]

Reita & Kai : Oo!! [Expression of agreement]

-Temporary silence-

Reita : Well well well. (Laughs)

Uruha : Being a student is a wonderful thing.

Kai : (Laughs)

Uruha : The second mail, Reita-kun?

Reita : Pen-name Miku-san. Everyone in GazettE, good evening.

Uruha & Kai : Good evening.

Reita : In my school, GazettE is being advertised very greatly. During the cultural festival NIL, Gama, Hankou Seimeibun, Reila, they are all hanging around in the air. [meaning they are all being played]

Uruha & Kai : What do you mean hanging around!?

Uruha : That's Ruki's... Well nevermind.

Reita : When the cultural festival ended, the blackboard in the back of the classroom is already... what's the back of the blackboard?

Kai : There is. The blackboard at the back.

Uruha : There was one when I was in elementary school but during my middle school there wasn't one.

Reita : My head was very~ tired due to studying.

Kai : We are talking about there is a blackboard at the back yah? Although the infront is also there. [Meaning both sides are all blackboard, except that the front is mostly used]

Reita : I can't see it, if you say it's at the back...

Uruha : Like when you stayed back to do clean-up duty. [You will see the back of the blackboard]

Kai : Unnecessary...

Uruha : Don't write unnecessary things!

Kai : Like contact numbers.

Reita : Becoming a naval member.

Kai : You just wanted to say that!! (Laughs)

Reita : On my own desk I wrote and advertised "Dai nippon itan geisha", "Ruki", "Uruha", A-"Aoi", "Reita", "Kai" and...

Uruha : You stammered just now?

Reita : I stammered. ...and any words and song lyrics related to GazettE. Whenever I go out with relatives I would always talk about GazettE. And the result is, my mother became a fan of Kai-kun.
...By all means.

Kai : Did she write that? (Laughs) [the words "By all means"]

Reita : She didn't write that. (Laughs)

Reita : My friend have also became Kai-kun's fan. The person with the highest rate of fans [within her friends] is Reita-kun. ...Thank you very much.

Kai : As a result... (Laughs)

Reita : Whenever I talk about GazettE I would always be told things like "Not Uruha-kun again".

Uruha : Why!? I didn't show up at all~ [When Reita was reading this letter]

Kai : (Laughs)

Uruha : I totally didn't show up at all!! (Laughs)

Reita : In the end the advertisement activity was a great success. From now on I will still continue to cheer for all of you. WE ROCK!

Kai : That wasn't written, that wasn't written. [the words "WE ROCK"]

Uruha : There are alot of students...

Reita : Especially like Cultural festival and Sports festival, they [student] are overflowing.

Uruha : Like high-schools...

Reita : You, are you trying to change the subject?

Uruha : Ee~ what?

Reita : What "what"? Like high-school?

Uruha : There isn't any for middle-school. [The events, during their times]

Reita : During our time there isn't but there were competitions for J-Pop group singing. Since very long ago they already had that. Although at this point of time they are flexible, but at strange points of time they become rather firm, the adults. Well this kind of topic is not that firm [meaning it doesn't last long] so let's just stop here.

Uruha : So with that, on to the recommendation of songs.

Kai : Recommendation of songs. Anonymous-san. I'm in high-school 2nd year now. I get very vexed when I think of things like my future.Though I have dreams... But every time when I hear ☆BEST FRIENDS☆ from GazettE-san I will be filled with vigour. So with that, I would like to request ☆BEST FRIENDS☆ please. There is another letter which requested for ☆BEST FRIENDS☆ . It is also another Anonymous-san. At this point it seems like GazettE is very popular overseas too. There are also many people who wrote comments on Manager-san's blog, and it made me really happy. With regards to the overseas fans, and also fans who couldn't hear the radio, I would like to request ☆BEST FRIENDS☆ please. Then, please listen to it. GazettE's ☆BEST FRIENDS☆ .

ー"☆BEST FRIENDS☆ " playsー

Uruha : Just now sent to all of you, was GazettE's ☆BEST FRIENDS☆. Eehー... It's almost time to say Goodbye.

Kai : Ooi! Too early!

Reita : It's early. It's really too early. (Laughs)

Uruha : Why did you all laugh?

Kai : No no no~ (Laughs)

Uruha : Today, I feel very honoured. Honestly. To be the Personality. And I have the Special guest Reita-san, and the Special of the Special guest Kai-san.

Reita : You can return those words. (Laughs)

Kai : I'm not the Special of the Special guest. (Laughs)

Uruha : Since you are all already used to it, it's not necessary.

Kai : No no no~ (Laughs)

Reita : Kai-san's radio [Kai no Premium Radio] is on a confrontational attitude with this [radio]?

Kai : Stop it already!! If you say it like that there will be a misunderstanding!!

Uruha : You are trembling poorly, the mic is shaking.

Kai : Stop it!! (Laughs)

Uruha : Well what do all of you think about today? Are both of you like that, given your capabilities. [Sorry I don't know what he's referring to here]

Reita : But the figure of Uruha trying his best... I saw it.

Uruha : I tried my best isn't it?

Reita : More like... you are trying to protect something.

Uruha & Kai : (Laughs)

Uruha : So good that it can't be commented.

Reita : (Laughs)

*Uruha talks about the next theme and the collection of mails*

Uruha : About the live, it will be 11th March at Yokohama Arena.

Kai : Yokohama Arena.

Uruha : It's big.

Kai :Yeah it's big.

Uruha : You will see various people, and by just looking diagonally you won't be able to see them. [meaning that the place is big]

Kai : We've said quite alot of things. It's like around that kind of big. [the arena]

Reita : Oo~

Kai : You won't be able to imagine it.

Uruha : And with that, even though it has ended [the radio] how do all of you feel?

Reita : Ya~ I had fun.

Uruha : I had fun. I had fun too.

Reita : There's a guy like him who stammers so much...

Kai : (Laughs)

Reita : I didn't think that this kind of person exists in the world.

Uruha : Well the next time... I'm looking forward to it.

Kai : Eh, what? The next time is next week? It's going to be the 3 of us again right?

Uruha : Even though we are doing it, I don't want to be the main Personality again...

Kai : Ohh!! Then Reita will be.

Uruha : The Legendary Bassist.

Kai : This will be fun.

Uruha : No stammering... This year I shall set a resolution that is to not stammer.

Reita : Really. No stammering for this year. If you stammer, without knowing you might get famous. [for stammering]

Kai : I understand. (Laughs)

Uruha : When you stammer, you give out a confusing remark.

Reita : Please tell him off no matter how many times [he stammers].

Uruha : Please don't scold me. And with that, GazettE's Radio Jack shared by the GazettE's Uruha, and

Reita : Reita, and

Kai : Kai,

Uruha : And the radio ends here. So we'll see you guys next week. Goodbye!

Kai : Bye-bye!

Reita : Goodbye!


7 komentářů:

  1. Tohle rádio Jack opravdu zbožňuji. Líbí se mi, jak tam kluci do sebe drbali a i když mi toho bohužel hodně uniká, kvůli překladu i kvůli tomu, že prostě nejsem 100% v obraze, stále mě to baví a když to čtu, musím se usmívat.
    A stejně mi přijde, že nejvíce drbou do Kaie. A taky je fajn, když jim tam fanoušci posílají otázky.
    I na youtube jsou některé pasáže přeložené. Asi nejlepší je, jak tam Ru popisuje, jak ukradl bratrovi BDSM časopis. To mi slétla brada až pod stůl... XDD

    1. Já to mám taky ráda, i když se přiznám, že už je to dlouho, co jsem je četla, takže už si nepamatuju všechny detaily XD Přijde mi to jako úplně jiná éra, kdy kluci ještě byli takoví uvolněnější. Teď mi přijdou už hrozně profi, svázaní tou image, možná je to taky jejich věkem. Nevím, dřív byli takoví vysmátější, ale asi je to jenom pocit. Ty jejich kecy jsou fakt parádní, člověku dojde, že to je fakt parta kluků, jak kdekoliv jinde, co si umí dát trochu sodu a skvěle se bavit. Víš, nejsou to takové ty holkama idealizované modly, ale dneska mám vyjadřovaní na nic XD
      Mě se taky líbí, jak zapojují ty fanoušky a co z toho dopisu někdy udělají XD Je to fakt prča. Kai už to má zpečetěný, i když u Reie taky občas trapas XD
      Tyo tak to jsem nezaznamenala XD Kruci... co na to říkal? XD

  2. No jsem ráda, že nejsem jediná, kdo má takový pocit. Myslím, že já a Bara-chan z toho máme pocit stejný. Ale možná to je i tou dobou, co teď nevystupovali. Já nevím. Ale tohle téma mě vždy naplní jakýmsi neklidem. :')
    U Reie taky? Toho jsem si ještě nevšimla. Já jsem vždycky nadšená, když tam je Rei. :33
    Jestli jsi ty videa ještě neviděla, pošlu ti sem odkaz (jestli to půjde), je to fakt bomba. XD
    Je toho tam i víc, ještě dobrý je Fetish, kde se Aoi přizná, že má rád minisukně a Ru legíny. XDD

    1. Mě taky no. Když se podíváš třeba na první Documentary a pak čteš, jak to mají teď, že se třeba pohádali nebo spolu ani nikam nechodí, je to takový... jeden má úplně strach, aby si nechtěli dát nějakou pauzu.
      Jojo hlavně za to, jak si honí triko s těma svalama a tak XD
      Héééy ty jsi mi tím tak zvedla náladu. Já jsem je kdysi asi viděla, ale úplně jsem to už zapomněla. Už jenom ten Aoiho smích. Ruki sice koktá, ale taky řkene všechno XD Ty legíny! Tak na meet anf greet už jedině v nich XDDD A tady je prostě úplně důkaz, jaký to bylo před těmi deseti lety a teďka seděj někde zašitý, neudělaj ani stream nebo něco, ach jo TT

    2. Ježiš tak o tom mi radši ani neříkej. Jako výměna názorů, nemusí být jen špatná. Někdy je to jediný způsob jak se posunout dál. Kluci jsou spolu už fakt dlouho a je to vlastně něco jako manželství. Ve své práci jsou na sebe prostě hodně závislí. Ale to, že spolu už ani nikam nechodí mě ehm... asi zklamalo? Nevím přesně, co je to za pocit...:/
      Jsem moc ráda, že se mi ti podařilo zvednout náladu. Ale přiznám se, že tou poslední větou jsi to pěkně zazdila. Jooo, je to rozdíl. A o tý pauze mi ani nemluv. Kluci se tak těší a tak dřeli, aby mohli udělat živí koncert a dnes jsem četla, že japonská vláda zase přemýšlí o nouzovém stavu. Ty jo, kdyby se rozpadli, tak by mi to asi zkazilo celý rok...
      Ale tak, aby to nebylo furt tak pesimistický, musíme si vážit právě takovýchto skvostů v podobě videí, fotek nebo písní a nezapomenout. :3

      PS: toho smazaného komentáře si nevšímej, byl stejný jako tento, ale zvorala jsem publikaci. :'D

    3. No tady prý Uru Aoimu řekl, že když chce jít, ať jde, tak mi to vyznívá jako něco ostřejšího, ale nakonec to ústáli. Obecně mi připadá, že Aoi je takový psychologický ukazatel rozpoložení kapely a teď dost září, tak snad bude už všechno dobré <3
      Mě to taky zarazilo a už to trvá hodně dlouho. Aoi uváděl v rozhovorech, že třeba zve personál na pivo, ale jde z nich jediný, že se vždycky kolik měsíců nevidí ani si moc nevolají... Je to takový Aha?
      Já bych to asi taky nesla pěkně těžko, ale říkám si, že mají solidní základ, aby ještě vydrželi. Podle všeho končit nechtějí, tak snad je nepotopí ta jejich paličatost.
      V pohodě <3 XD

  3. Tento komentář byl odstraněn autorem.
