27. prosince 2020

Music Shelf Interview: SHOU


Shou's Keyword 1: Alice Nine

At that time, there were many different bands, so for the sake of making an impact among all these bands, we want to create a band name such that when people first hear the band name, it's a name without much imagination but yet they won't know what kind of band it is and so arouse their curiosity in this way. At that time, I was reading a novel "Tokyo Alice" by Nagano Mayumi-san, from there, the name Alice was in my mind. Unexpectedly, Alice is a word that many people have heard before, but isn't it also a word that gives people a sense of mystique. It has a feel of a global outlook, so I think it was a word [Alice] that i wanted to include.

And then, the number 9 is a number that I personally like so with that formation, i think that's how the name comes about. At first, the writing was 「アリス九」[without the ]. And then, all of a sudden when filling in the entry for the band to a livehouse, when I looked at the band name I wrote, I thought the balance of the name doesn't seem quite right, and because I've often seen the kanji 「號 (gou)from the novels I read, and so at the place, i added it to become 「アリス九號」.

Shou's Keyword 2: My Roots

When I was a child, I listened to Yuming [Yumi Matsutoya - japanese singer, lyricist, composer and pianist] together with my mother. In my 2nd year in middle school, i watched a clip of LUNA SEA's performances where beyond their music, they have a really good form and from there on, I wanted to be in a band. In order to gain the right attitude to face music, I imbibed a lot of things. On that note, in middle school, I loved X JAPAN, LUNA SEA, La'cryma Christi and L'Arc-en-Ciel. Incidentally I also liked SUGIZO-san, so at first I started learning the guitar from a classical-guitar teacher together with a friend my parents brought along, I was shocked at my lack of improvement in the instrument and before i realized it I was doing vocals.

With regards to bands, NIRVANA's Kurt Cobain, BRAHMAN's TOSHI-LOW-san, Korn's Jonathan Davis [all vocalists] are the people I liked; regardless or whether they were skilled or not, I was aspired by how they open themselves to music, so in the same way, my roots are close in meaning to that. [probably meaning that he started out by exposing himself to various aspects of music]

Shou's Keyword 3: Visual Kei

It's not considered a music genre, but under various influences, the bands that formed became known as visual kei, in my current generation, visual kei is not considered out of place at all.

Currently, the various kind of expressions in society are getting more extreme, it's an era where if the performance and power are not exaggerated enough, you can't communicate. In the midst of it all, visual kei is, as i've said earlier on, not a music genre, but conversely, it can incorporate any kinds of music. It's okay to have jazz, punk, rockabilly, and electro components in it, so generally borderless. Anything is fine and furthermore, it's also alright to have TOO MUCH [in english] of the stage decorations. At first glance, we might seem insular but that's the kind of free world [that visual kei is in]. Because I know the good points of visual kei, I think about all the choices we have, and from there perform in a way such that we can convey this attractiveness in visual kei.

Shou's Keyword 4: Tour/ Travel

Acutally, I'm quite the indoor kind of person (laughs). When I went to meet some of the fans, the various scenaries I saw at the destination left impressions in the 5 years [the 5 years he's in Alice Nine] of my memories, so I know the importance of first hand experiences when meeting someone. Recently, there have been requests from fans suchs as "Why do you not come to my hometown?" and "Please come to OO!", in the past I don't have actual feelings for this, but it is exactly in this kind of era that I actually felt the importantance of "being alive" [i don't really know why there are " "...] and go somewhere. If possible, I will like to have a live at every place from every nook and corner.

Shou's Keyword 5: Fashion/ Design

[Urm, okay this part is where i puked blood and headdesked the most cos Shou's too deep in this and i can't understand half the time what he's trying to say + plus his sentences are soooo looonnng, so please read this part with a pinch of salt T________T]

After I graduated from high school, while going to music school, I had a job related to secondhand clothes and apparel, so originally i liked it [fashion and design].

For me, in relation to the genre, I can't really decide on one kind of fashion, so considering the link with music, since it is one category, I aim for the fashion that allows matches that can go well even with the outside world. For example, the merits in the appearance of visual kei can model that of the world, like connecting the theatrical part and the more stylish part together, this way we can be more associated with the outside world and following that line of thought, become more assimilated with everyone else. Of course, the one that decide on the band's fashion from 1 to 9 is myself, so basically i think about our 5 individual ways of expression, and from there make some adjustments and create the final assignment.

My personality matches that of ...[I'm not writing this down because from the dictionary there's this part about chemical reaction and i was like what chemical reaction...T_T if my twitter friends replied me I'll edit this part T_T] Of course, in the beginning i feel it must be of a certain standard, but i think it is also important to match the respective members' natural performance, so it's basically established upon simplicity. For the expressions that i can't convey, i try to produce something that show its radiance many times more in an unrealistic space so as to portray my free will. [this paragraph is generally the most messed up one...]

Of course, i also seriously consider the elegance and high-class feel. Other things i do are the jacket [CD] and flyer, and i'm also in charge of the design for the official website.

In the present era, the complete dissemination of information is still a continuous barrier, so i can't completely convey the information, so i think it is good if i can convey the fact that we're a strong band. In relation to design, it's mostly pop but i think the cool component is also important.

Shou's Keyword 6: Rules you follow in everyday life

- I don't postpone performance-related work
- I don't do things that i myself find distasteful
- As a vocalist, I make sure to take care of my throat, and for the sake of letting out my voice properly, I also do stretches around the waist area.

Shou's Keyword 7: Yourself 5 years from now

If Alice Nine still exist 5 years later, I think we'll be a terrifyingly cool band. If that's not the case.... Certainly we've now come to this phase, we've competed with people who have invested their entire lives in music, worked on the important necessary areas without shame and with sincerity. That's why right now, we're at the stage where we're facing our final destination.

Five years later, I will like to sing with pride as the vocalist of Alice Nine, i'm sure maybe by that time, our band will be shining splendidly.

Shou's Keyword 8: Must-have item

iPhone. I use the iPhone cover, Gareth pugh.

Secret Interview


I think it is important to share the same impression [of the song] as the audience when they listen to it completed with lyrics. There are many types of songs, so i try to write lyrics that mark the individuality of each particular song.

Also i think I'm given the role of coveying to everyone how the members' songs have improved in terms of skills and composition.


I think the most important thing is to relax. Even though I have never done [voice] training as a child, isn't it surprising to be able to have a high voice? Without resistance, it will be able to easy to bring out a loud voice. That's why I relax, create the conditions where the sound is able to resound in my body, and properly bring out my voice from the stomach.

As expected, even if a song doesnt sound difficult, I won't be able to sing it well if I don't relax, so I especially take note of my neck and shoulder, and teach myself what to do and not to do and relax. In that way, i guess i won't be able to hate my own singing.

[Yourself from 5 years back]

At that time, I only think about working hard and have the feelings of not wanting to lose, whatever i do, I will just work hard regardless, completely not seeing what's ahead. After that phase, I soon participated in different kinds of bands, expressed whatever i can think of, including the parts that i can't be satisfied with, became more persevering. So from the viewpoint of the musician i was from 5 years back, I was very self-conscious.

Fan's Question

Q1. What do you do when you're lacking ideas for lyrics?

If i can't form a solid image then i can't begin working, or rather when i come to a stalemate i simply won't write. I will go to a place where i like, or a place where there's an arty feel, and convert myself to creative mode.

Q2. Please tell us your most recent obsession!


Q3. Do you think about the live's MC in advance? Or do you go by the mood of the venue?

Thinking about it too much doesnt really lead to a good result so i guess it's half-half.

Q4. If you were not in a band, what do you think you'll be doing now?

Probably a job of designing apparel

Q5. Among all Alice Nine's compositions, what is the song that you like the most? Please tell us!

FANTASY is the most important song to me.

Q6. I live in the rural area so i've been told i have a strong (dialect) accent. So here i have a question! Probably in in-store or FC events, there are people who use dialects so are there any dialects that left an impression? Please tell us!

With regards to that, recently we've not had direct communication with the fans, so it's hard ne...
I think dialects are charming so if given the chance to communicate, I think i will like to hear it [the dialect/accent] in its totality.

Q7. Are there any thing that you used to dislike but later became your favorite thing? (Within the genres of music, fashion, localities etc)

In the music genre, I disliked progressive rock and metal. I disliked sounds with the sexual feeling in the past ne.
But, now knowing that they [artists playing prog. rock and metal] trained hard like athletes, i think it's wonderful and so I've come to like those.

Q8. What comments were you happy to hear from the members?

Everyone don't really flatter me so much ne~ You guys [members] please praise me more often. [xD]

Q9. Recently where do you feel you've improved?

I think it is important to live each day with the intention of improving.

Shou's Playlist - "My Favorite Songs"

These are songs that i can listen to and relax, i have choosen 10 songs from all the songs i liked that can increase my tension.

[so this is music shelf where playlists of songs are created. Here Shou lists out the songs that he liked and "My Favorite Songs" is his title, in English by the way. I don't think there's any particular order in his songs]

1. On the Run by The Flaming Lips

The floating feeling in the midst of refrain is nice. I wonder if it will be as fantastic if japanese do [the song] with this kind of feel. [I couldn't understand this song at all though = ='']

2. Hung Up by Madonna

It is an up-beat song that brings out the the scene of a live. I have the image of this song being often played in photographing studios. (laughs)

3. every day by Haruka Nakamura

I listen to this when i feel like distancing myself from the various hustle and bustle to relax. It's good because you can sense the subtle scent of the wind.

4. The Swan by Hiroshi Fujiwara

I don't listen to dubbed songs much, but this is one famous cover that i listened to many times. Especially the way the song is approached, it jolted my heart.

5. Kimi no Tonari (Next to you) by hitomi

This is my favorite game ending theme, it was a song that greatly moved me during my puberty stages, but even now i can't detach the song from my heart.


Cheers to Kawamura Kaori-san's way of life. Even though it is punk, it's also tight and sexy. Splendid.

7. note:01 by Leo Sato

For some reason, tears will flow when i hear this song. It's like my inner unknown self met up with the music i like in my remote past.

8. Numb by Linkin Park

I like Chester's primitive but strong clear tone and shout.


Why am i in a band? My answer lies in the intro of this song.

10. (Untitled 1) by Sigur Ros

I love the PV of this song. Even though it made me associate with the scenes of Chernobyl [ghost town in Ukraine due to the nuclear incident], somewhere in the song momentarily made me feel nostalgic.


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