1. března 2023

Neo genesis #43 the Gazette Live report & Special Interview


Merry Christmas]
They always seemed to be a band that does not suit these words... Yet, it is what Ruki said, standing in front of all the fans, who all responded in loud voices and cheers. While the aggressions and the speed within the Gazette's songs and lives has increased over the years, these words seemed to capture a moment of peace - a moment the fans had been craving for.
This moment had come to happen on December 24th in 2009. The scene portrayed the band members in formal white clothes on Christmas eve, a sacred night no less. Moreover, this live would have a different flavor compared to the previous tour, with it's vivid visuals and the rattling set lists - it had all changed.

The songs decorating the opening of the show -  [Zakurogata no Yuutsu] and [Akai Kodou] - have not been played very often at lives these days and there were more of the older songs, which would make the fans cry out in delight. The guitarist would both make good use of their acoustic guitars, while continuing with those songs with a lot of drive and yet with the most lyrical atmosphere, through out the show...and there in...

Ruki [It's been a long time, since we played this song last...]

In the following interview, the band members have also talked about how it has been quite a while since they last played this song - [Shichigatsu Youka], but that it had felt fresh to them again. All the way from the stage to the very last seat of the wide arena, the sound has echoed like that...

[Sayounara, Genkide,ne. Mata au Hi made... / Farewell. Take care. Until the day we meet again!]

And within the stillness of the moment, these words echoed, accompanied, by the sad melody...
It is one point of the GazettE's shows, that they are playing really aggressive songs, yet mixed with others full of emotions and they would make the hall boil and capture the fans with these songs.

Certainly, this concert has been special in the way, that usually unseen happenings had been occurring...
Following the usual [Ride with the Rockers] was no other song than [Rudolph the red-nose reindeer]! While having arisen from the sessions on Christmas with Uruha and Aoi, the song had of course turned out a lot more punk-ish and up tempo, with a very Gazette-like feel to it.
The live, with all its fun songs as well as aggressive songs, came to an end with the beautiful harmonies of the hymn-like [Cassis]. A Silent Night...

And with his solemn singing-voice Ruki said [This was a very happy time for us. I am honestly, honestly grateful for this. Thank you...]

This was how the GazettE and their fans had spent their time together on Christmas eve.

While they have concluded their year 2009 in this one of a kind way, we were fast to get a grip on them at the beginning of the next. And with the first private talk of 2010, they talked about, what this year should be like for them.


Aoi [(As it is the very first interview of the new year).....our new years money doesn't seem very forthcoming.]

- What kind of a beginning is this? (laughs) Let's start out with recapturing the Christmas live... Since we remember you saying that you [won't be doing anything Christmas-like], we would like to start out with the reason, why you eventually DID do something very, very Christmas-like! (laughs)

Aoi [Well apart from the many things we have said, aren't we a really nice band to do this for our fans?]

Ruki [(laughs) Well, that's certainly a change in the state of mind, isn't it?]

Aoi [Well, when we keep following the original topic... It was actually Uruha who was like [We did say we won't do things like that, but just a little wouldn't be too bad, would it?]]

- So you did not have in mind to perform [Rudolph the Red-nose Reindeer] from the very beginning then?

Uruha [No. The set blist had already been special in itself, therefore we did not think about doing anything more Christmas-like than that.]

Reita [Well, it's hard to decide anything like that from the first song as well. (laughs)]

- The fans must have been really surprised to find [zakurogata no Yuutsu] and [Akai Kodou] as the opening songs as well. That you would be going with these two songs from way back then.

Ruki [Probably. It was probably only the second time, we ever had [zakuro...] as the opening song.]

Uruha [When choosing the songs this time, we decided to start out with all the songs we had from way back until now.]

Kai [And there was somewhat a feeling of [What kind of song was that?] ever so often.]

Ruki [(laughs) No, there wasn't!]

Kai [Well, well. (laughs) But there was certainly something close to that. For [Shichigatsu youka] for example, it did feel like that quite a bit. I had to open it up in iTunes and listen to it again...]

Uruha [It really was a kind of exploration like that for the song.]

Ruki [It was maybe...Even though they are our very own songs, we haven't played them in way too long of a period, which feels kinda strange.(laughs) If there had been people who assumed us playing that song [Shichigatsu Youka], that would be awesome.(laughs) But I came to think, after having performed this song after such a long time, that it is really a good song.]

Aoi [It's been way too long...It felt like we are back being a cover-band again.]

Reita [(laughs) Yeah, like covering songs just by listening to them.]

- To cover your own songs like that, seems like a new experience to me. (laughs).

Ruki [It is. The arrangements of the songs from back then were pretty awesome, though.]

Uruha [They were! Everything has been all over the place and that was pretty difficult.]

Ruki [There were so many different sounds and parts all coming somehow together. (laughs) To have so many variations within just one song feels a lot like the old days to me.]

- So that's for the old songs...Now how about the earlier mentioned [Rudolph the Red-nose Reindeer]!?

Kai [That was certainly...something. We only did that for the first time at the very last rehearsal, didn't we?]

Reita [Yeah. We did played it at the very last rehearsal before the show.]

Kai [It just suddenly came up during the conversation. It was Uruha-kun, who was like [Let's do it! It's Christmas after all, we have to do something therefore!]. It was supposed to be somewhat of a surprise for the people who would come to the live.]

Uruha [(Humming the melodies) Holy Night...Amongst others, something like that had been on my mind, too. And while that would have been something more quiet and sympathetic, we ended up doing something more exciting and idiotic than that. (laughs) After all, I was told, that we'd sound like old men, if we did that, from the beginning. (laughs)]

Aoi [By Ruki...]

Ruki [At that time I wasn't on stage, so I listened to it on my own. And I just had to think how lame that would have bee. (laughs) At first, I really wanted it to end it with something very exciting.]

- First of all you don't usually play this song, and then it really would have been a little bit like you were all old men already.(laughs) However, then, as you did it with a lot more speed and more punk-ish, the song you chose was really interesting in the end. That the Gazette would eventually be playing such a song, was certainly outstanding and unexpected.

Uruha [It was. I did wonder, if it was ok if we did something this poppish...]

Ruki [And [Wouldn't it be good, if we did it just like we always do?]]

- Because as a band you have come to play a wide variety of songs together, haven't you? Now, after you did this surprising live for Christmas, when was it that you eventually got on your own holidays from work?

Reita [It was the 29th of December. Uruha had gotten all pale in the face already...]

Ruki [Since he had gotten a fever, too.]

Uruha [(laughs) That had been something....Lately I had been going to sleep with the heater still running and ever since then, my physical condition have been on a decline.]

Ruki [(laughs) Usually it's the other way round, isn't it?]

- (laughs) Because usually you turn on the heater  to not catch a cold, right? So you spent the opening of the new year sleeping then?

Uruha [No. I eventually got better on the 1st of January and the next day I went out drinking. (laughs)]

Reita [Ah, speaking of which! On the 30th of December there is usually our annual New Years party with our local friends. Even though Uruha had not been feeling well on the 29th already, he had been reserving a room for about 10 people. So we though, well, even if Uruha can't make it, there would be at least five of us to have a party....However, one more person fell sick, another one had trouble at his company, another one had to attend the party of his own company and wouldn't be able to come there after. At first we really only were 3 people left and then with Uruha not able to come, we'd be left as two. (laughs) And we thought, that was dangerous!!]

Uruha [It was also a very nice VIP room, very wide, too. Eventually, we went over to my place...]

Reita [Which left 4 old men playing Wii at Uruhas's place, but we did have a good laugh! (laughs)]

Uruha [There after, I left to visit my parents home. Well, uhm...and usually the traffic is really bad around that time, so to avoid that, I returned from there really quickly. I already got back here during the night of January 1st.]

Kai [Eh? wasn't that a little too quick?]

Ruki [You didn't even stay a day? I was in Tokyo on the 1st as well, but it was rather the traffic jam for the first shrine visit for new years...]

Uruha [It was ok. I am more of a morning person anyway.]

Ruki [Ah, right. I was taken back to Tokyo by my dad with his car. He was like [Show me your dog!!].]

Reita [Ah, so you left your dog in Tokyo.]

Ruki [I did, But as my dog has no heart it did nothing but bark at my dad...(laughs)]

- (laughs)So you all have been spending the beginning of new years sort of like that, with paying a visit to your families with some nice food, it seems.

Ruki [Good food indeed. Apart from eating there was nothing much done...... But I looked at some old essays I had written during my school time.]

Uruha [Aah! That's always something...to remember the old times like that...(laughs)]

Ruki [Like the pictures of my coming-of-age ceremony, or the old essays from school...it was pretty nasty... Things like [I want to become a manga-ka] just like [I want to become a firefighter], have been written like I couldn't write even Japanese. (laughs)]

Reita [(laughs) I'd like you to become a firefighter, still!!]

Aoi [Wouldn't that be cool? Maybe something like a Transformer! (laughs)]

Uruha [Like a complete make-over. (laughs) I found an old flyer from my previous band.]

Reita [Was that one of the flyers I made?]

Uruha [Yes, it was! Without a question, the photo of Reita on that had been really cool! The other band members had just there pictures taken in a normal fashion, but for some reason, Reita was like this ... (He concentrates really hard and tries to look all dominant from the top.)]

Reita [(laughs) However, on the back of that flyer it has only been my eyes...]

Uruha [Those were scary...Like a Furry Mason mark. (laughs) I actually took it back with me, that flyer.]

- Oh!! So let's put that flyer into the magazine some time!

Reita [(laughs) No, let's stop right here!]

- So how was your beginning of the year, Kai and Aoi?

Aoi [I didn't do anything. I really didn't do anything. I have just spent my time drinking from the end of last year. I have spent the whole time with my mom and sister talking. And we didn't even talk about anything interesting/funny...]

- (laughs) Well, well, well. It's not like we are only interested in things we can laugh about. We'd just like to know a little more private things about you as band members.

Aoi [(laughs)Is that so? Sorry for being boring...]

Reita [(laughs) Didn't you go buy a PSP for your nice?]

Aoi [Ah right, on my way back home, I got my nice a PSP and color contact lenses.]

-Oh! So you did not only demand for your New Years present, but you also gave something yourself, as well! (laughs)

Aoi [Because I'm grown up like that. (laughs) I have been giving out more than New Years presents... The total expense came up to about 10,000yen. (laughs)]

Kai [I have also been spending New Years with a full belly, because isn't spending the day lazy while drinking beer, really something wonderful? (laughs) And I really like just drinking and talking with my parents all the while. Just really relaxed, drinking and talking until it gets late...]

All [Awesome!]

Ruki [Just like an old man, don't you think?]

Reita [And with your parents, isn't that bad?]

Kai [(laughs) But because there not many chances to get drunk with your parents together, isn't something like that really fun? There are lots of fun and interesting stories, which arise from a situation like that.]

- Probably because usually, there are not too many chances to talk and spend time with your parents like that, right? Once you grow up.

Kai [That's true. And also, I gave my nephew a New Years present as wel...Well, I gave it to my neohew, but in the end my brother was getting him something.(laughs) So I left it to my brother as a parent. The     thing was...I wasn't sure about whether to get him 10,000Yen or a toy. However, when I asked, they decided on a toy.]

Reita [Eh? How old is your nephew?]

Kai [Well...3 years old.]

Uruha [10,000Yen for a 3-year old?]

Ruki [10,000Yen for a 3-year old???????]

Reita [Wouldn't have 3,000Yen been enough?]

Kai [Well, well, well...I did give that much, but in the end, his parents decided.]

Uruha [So by the time he will be in High School, is it gonna be 100,000Yen?]

Ruki [Because if it wasn't, he'd get angry! Because shouldn't the amount have only risen like that from elementary school?]

Kai [(laughs) I won't give that much. And shouldn't it be like that from Middle school, instead of Elementary school? I won't give any more than that until that tim!]

All [What?]

- Isn't that a little too strict?

Reita [It is! Don't you usually get New Years money until you are 18?]

Kai [Ah....So more like until the end of Middle school. Because you can ears your own money with part time y\jobs, when you are in High school, right?]

- Well, I hope you get a chance to discuss the New Years present topic more afterwards. (laughs) So when you have been coming back from your parents' places... We have talked a little bit about this before the interview already, there has been the annual bowling event from the company's side. We heard some of you complaining about sore arms and muscels. (laughs)

Uruha&Reita [Yes...]

Uruha [It still hurts...a lot. (laughs)]

- So, who of the five of you was the best?

Uruha [It really differs every year. Previously it had been Kai-kun, who was in the upper positions....]

Ruki [There were not many irragularities with me and Reita, though. (laughs)]

Reita [But this year Uruha was extremely good!When considering the points among us.]

Uruha [I scored about 170 points, didn't I?]

Reita [Which team did eventually win?]

Aoi [Wasn't it SuG?]

Ruki [Those bastards....(laughs)]

- Ah, to be beaten by the Kouhai-team must really be a little bitter...(laughs)

Ruki [Somehow... But do you want to say, that with each year, we are losing more of our power? (laughs) And just somehow, it's slacking of.]

Reita [Just like our mitivation. When we participated for the first time, we were extremely motivated.]

Ruki [Yes, yes! It was us as 5 people in the same shape! Now the circumstances have changed ... (laughs)]

Reita [We had all been wearing the same bandanas as well (laughs) Because we as Gazette, who had joined the label, wanted to introduce ourselves with a victory.]

Uruha [When looking at it now, no one is even happy about a spare anymore...]

Kai [(laughs) No one's wathing either.]

- Well, once people come of age, things start to lose their fresh appeal...(laughs) Let's not go there!

Ruki [(laughs) It is like that, isn't it. If you don't get back from that, it will feel like that.]

- Let's give our best for the next year! And now...So, as it seems, you have been starting to work just with today's interview, but have you  been working on songs in the meantime?

Reita [Yes, we did. There have been some of us, who have spent their time like that, although on my part, I have been taking a break. (laughs) However, I did do something last year.]

Aoi [What a waste!]

Ruki [We have introduced a new system...]

- Oh! like you intrduced something new with the equipment?

Ruki [Something like that. Because if we hadn't changed something, it would have been really nasty.(laughs)]

Reita [However...At the beginning there wouldn't be any sound, was there?]

Kai [(laughs)It does, it does! It actually does produce some sound by now!Until now I had been working with a laptop, so the desktop PC was kinda new. I went to Aoi's place and he showed me a little...]

Aoi [(laughs) Though that, wasn't quite what I had been hoping for!]

Kai [As I remember correctly, next to the setting up, there had been the guitars and you had rather planned on writing something, I guess (laughs)]

- Well, now we are expecting something to come out of this newly set up system...To be more specific, I don't think you have been deciding on a new release just yet, have you? So let's continue with the great emotions from here!Last year, you have been releasing your full album and right after that a new single. However, when it comes to the next thing you are doing, what kind of song are you aiming for, what should it be like, when looking at it from this point in time?

Ruki [Yeah, we did... However, rather than, what we want to do next, I'd rather like to redo some things on the contrary. I'd like to start all over, completely refreshed. Last year, it seems, we have only been rushing . During that time, it seems we have been following a single certain line, I think. After having done [DIM], the way of thinking has changed again a little. Therefore...how to say...In a good way, we'd like to do something rough. It is would be useless, if we did not try to do this.]

- So rather than following the path you have been after until here, you'd like to take in something new again.

Ruki [Yes! If we continued with the releases as we did before, the things we are into, will certainly show. Now, that there is a little free time between the releases, I came to think about a few things...I have been listening to the older songs of ours lately. I really don't intend to just going back to the old days and repeat what we did then. However, based on that, I have been thinking about, what would be right for us to do.]

Kai [For us as a band, this year... Of course, we ourselves won't change as such, buit our surroundings have changed a little. So we would like to go one, first and foremost as a new team with better skills, I think. At first that might cause some perplexion, however, more than with just the agreement, and rather with the strength of every one or us, we hope to be moving Gazette from here. And then, ourselves personally... There is something I had been thinking all along, and I had been really uncertain about it. There is always this fear, that you don't know, where certain steps are taking you. Still, I think the most impoartant part for this year, is really to continue in a healthy way.]

- Certainly, one's own body is something to take care of...Of course this applies to making songs as well, but more over, it comes into effect, when considering long and hard touring. So are you going to continue your team work the way you started it last year?

Kai [Yes, we will. So far it's only been a week though. I have been mainly concentrating on building myself up, however, I think I will be reducing it a little again. So, as for body shape, I'd still like to be strong, yet with the main goal not to fall sick easily. That's certainly something that is very important and does not only apply to me, but to the other members as well, and I am really praying for this. It's the most important thing to stay healthy!]

Reita [Staying healthy that is...I have been talking about building myself every year, too. However, although I am taking it back before the live, I come baqck to over drinking and over eating ever so often there after...(laughs) I guess, I am saying this every year, but this year, I'd really like to stick to it!]

- So maybe you are going to say the same thing then again for the interview next year? (laughs) So this year it better works out!

Reita [(laughs) Yes! I really want to follow through with it, with all my strength. But I think that's the most difficult part about it! And then...well, I'd really like to turn [my pace] into a [high pace]. When looking back on the old Gazette, their pace has been extremely high. However, lately, we are a little more laid back... However, by [high pace] I don't just mean releasing a lot of songs in a row, but looking to the sides and making plans to follow step by step. Like that, I'd really like to continue running ahead.]

Aoi [I feel the same way, as the two of them have already said...This year, I want to get a lot of work done. Last year, there has been quite some free time ever since summer. I think this is a year, where I, we and our staff have to work harder!]

Uruha [Since last year, our environment has been broadening quickly. Be it the live venues or just really anything. Of course this is a chance for us, yet, there were something that (unfortunately) kept continuing through out...Therefore, I think in different ways, the scales will be getting larger this year as well, and while taking the chances therein, we have to not loose sight of the things that shouldn't be part of that process. We will carefully look at the steps we are taking.]

Ruki [I would like to go back to the [passion]. Of course this doesn't mean, we have been all laid back about things until then...However, I think there is a certain [fever] we have forgotten about. Of course we can't look into the future, but we are the ones to take in and create it with the state of our surroundings. Meaning it in a positive way, we would like to lead into these tough conditions, and yet return to the recklessness we had in the old days. This is now the time, that we have to step back from excusing ourselves because of being too busy to change this...I think, if we were able to polish and straighten this out, there will be a lot of emotions to that.]

- From March 3rd you will be starting your live house tour, so please start out with creating theses emotions from there...
We hope you will all work really hard with that much passion in 2010.

All [Yes!]


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